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Two Lobes of Liver & 18 hours surgery by Dr.

Naimish Mehta and his team

of 35 doctors, gave Sameer Mitra a New Life
A patient, Sameer Mitra, suffering from cryptogenic cirrhosis, was saved through unique and
complicated liver transplantation where the two lobes of liver from two donor was used by Dr.
Naimish Mehta and 35 other doctors having vast experience in the field of liver transplantation.
A 46 year man, Sameer Mitra, weighting 93 kilograms was suffering from complicated liver
disease known as cryptogenic cirrhosis, visited many hospitals across India, for effective
treatment. He has recommended by many specialists for liver transplantation. Due to lack of
donor and his overweight, the effective liver transportation was not possible.
Dr. Naimish Mehta and 35 other doctors performed complicated liver transplantation procedures
that lasted for 18 hours for saving his life efficiently. Sameer Mitra was suffering from excessive
weight problem, so normal liver
transplantation was not possible.
The brother-in-law wife has same blood
group as the patient but her weight was
only 45 kilograms as compared to the
weight of the patient that was 93
kilograms. First among the best Liver
Transplant Surgeon in Delhi, Dr.
Naimish Mehta along with his team of
doctors dedicated to use two lobes of
liver donated by the brother-in-law and
his wife, for carrying out the liver
risking their life.
A doctor from the team of liver transplantation experts, said It took about 18 hours and a few
complicated surgical procedures for carrying out the unique liver transplantation procedures
where two lobes of liver was used for created a new liver, for saving the life of patient.
Through complicated surgical procedures, the two lobes of liver was put together and connected
through veins for the purpose of allowing blood circulation through them. The procedures of
reperfusion, which is carried out only once during normal liver transplantation procedures, was
carried out twice by Dr. Naimish Mehta in this complicated and unique liver transplantation
For the purpose of carrying out the unique surgical procedures, the team of doctors had gained
special permission from authorization committee. The surgical procedures authorization
committee was government nominated.

About the Company:Dr. Naimish Mehta works as Consultant Surgeon, at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, which
is first among the Liver Transplant Hospital in Delhi. Based on his experience of this domain,
Dr. Naimish Mehta is known to carry out and supervised more than 725 liver transplantation
procedures in his short span of liver transplantation specialists in Delhi. In order to ensure his
liver transplantation skills, Dr. Naimish Mehta has undergone a number of fellowships at
hospitals in UK on liver transplantation.
Company Details:Dr. Naimish Mehta,
Diploma in Liver Transplantation (European Board of Surgery),
Fellowship in Liver Transplantation (UK),
HPB & Liver Transplant Surgeon,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
Phone number: - +91 9654452222 and +91 9811350626
Website: -
Email: -

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