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Rachel Maddow Show Wednesday, March 30, 2016

How an Artful Smear Begins Order of Events (Timeline of the day)

1. Hillary Clinton appears at a campaign event at the Apollo theater in Harlem at 11:30am.
2. Transcript: Meanwhile when that was all happening, [Maddow and her] crew were inside the Apollo backstage in the
offices there prepping last-minute questions and research for Secretary Clinton, fact checking everything we were going to
ask her and put to her.
3. Transcript: As soon as the event ended and they cleared out that auditorium that had been so full to see her, [Maddow
and crew] rushed in as fast as possible to set up the lighting and the cameras and the microphones and the chairs and the
tables and the water glasses and everything on that stage.
[Maddow] got seated on the stage then [Hillary Clinton] got seated right after me then it's like rush, right, everybody got
your phones turned off? OK. Good.
NOTE: The rally likely ended at approximately 12:30PM. And after clearing out the massive crowd and setting up
the cameras, mics, chairs, tables, water glasses, etc....the actual interview likely commenced at roughly 1:30PM and
likely ended NLT 2:15PM.
4. Per a live tweeter's time-line, Donald Trump made his inflammatory and ludicrous remarks (re: criminally punishing any
woman who obtains an abortion) at approximately 1:45PM EDT (12:45 CDT Local to Event).
5. Transcript: So, whew, you know, turn on the lights, exhale. And then we all get off that stage, grab our stuff, we all turn
our phones back on and, and, oh, my God, what just happened? While that was happening, we had our phones turned off.
Did you guys see this?
NOTE: For some reason, MSNBC producers and staff must turn off their phone to silence them. Most productive
smart phone users, reasonably off stage I suppose, would simply silence the ringer/tones and continue using the
phone for texts, emails, facebook, twitter, etc.
(Begin Video Clip)
[At this point in the show, Maddow airs the full context of Trump's abortion comments]
(End Video Clip)
6. Transcript: Now, because this all happened while I was talking to Hillary Clinton at the Apollo Theater today and we did
not know about it until after that conversation was over, I ended up I kid you not left the Apollo Theater, came back
to my office then turned right back around, rushed back out again to find her again. After our interview was done
because I felt like I really need to get her response to this development. I'm not in the habit of following people back to
their offices after my interview with them is over, but in this case, that's exactly what I did and I'm glad I did it because
watch this.
(Begin Video Clip)
[Maddow airs the 'follow-up' interview with Hillary Clinton, focused on Trump's outrageous comments on
punishing women who seek abortion. The final question to Secretary Clinton, regarding Bernie Sanders, is what
follows here in this timeline.]
NOTE: This follow-up interview was conducted, in Rachel's own words, after she came back to my office then
turned right back around, rushed back out again to find her again.
Transcript: Let me just ask you one last thing about this. I spoke with your Democratic opponent, Bernie Sanders, after this
happened, and he was he was critical of Mr. Trump's remark, but then he also said that this is basically another Donald
Trump stupid remark, that the media will cover ad nauseam as opposed to something like his position on minimum wage, or
taxes, or climate change that might be more deserving of extended attention. Do you think this was just another Donald
Trump stupid comment and that the media might be making too much of this?
[Hillary's response to Maddow's question]
(End Video Clip) [End Timeline]
Now, in this order of events (a timeline of sorts of that day) when exactly did Rachel Maddow tape the interview with
Bernie Sanders?
Bernie Sanders was questioned by Maddow about Trump's comments in a pre-taped interview that aired later in that night's
broadcast (After Hillary Clinton's interview was fully aired).
(Cont. next page)

A later part of Sanders' response regarding Trump (taken fully out of context) was offered by Maddow to Clinton as a pretext for questioning the validity of covering Trump's campaign ad nauseam.
It's readily apparent that Maddow, whose interview of a remote Sanders was conducted from her studio, had NOT left the
Apollo Theater, came back to my office then turned right back around, rushed back out again to find her again.
In fact, it's clear that Maddow did not rush back to Mrs Clinton at all, but prepared for her interview with Sanders (adding
questions re: Trump), conducted the interview with Sanders, reviewed that Sanders interview, and then prepared additional
questions one in particular regarding an out-of-context paraphrasing of Bernie Sanders which implied he did not believe
abortion rights are worthy of TV coverage, before she finally rushed back out again to find her.
Now one might wonder why Maddow simplified the telling of her hectic day. Why not relate in her telling that she had
interviewed Sanders prior to rushing back out and that perhaps as much as 3 to 4 hours had elapsed?
But one should first wonder why, in the midst of that hectic day, did Maddow take the time to selectively pull Sanders'
comments, regarding his anger with media for their months-long fawning and aggrandizing of Trump with 24/7 coverage,
and twist those comments into a clever, contextless question for Clinton that would set-up a false narrative that Bernie
Sanders is a single-issue candidate and dismissive of women's rights.
Considering that Hillary Clinton immediately began using the false narrative of Maddow's question as an attack on Sanders,
even adding the keyword 'dismissive', on the campaign trail, it unseemly appears that the majority reason for Maddow
rushing back out to find Mrs. Clinton was to produce an artful smear of Bernie Sanders. And in that regard, she did a fine
job as a pseudo-journalist and headliner of MSNBC.
And that's the fact Jack.

More Information
Here's Where Hillary Clinton Got Her 'Out of Context' Attack on Bernie Over Trump's Abortion Comments

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