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JAM 2012


When a user logs into Cognos their information can be
captured by the system. That information can be used by
Cognos Authors to provide a myriad of options.

Information Specific to the User

Displaying who is running a report
Providing optional Security

Not all options are available in every situation and the

goal of this document is to provide a variety of options to
choose from.
This document was designed around having Microsoft
Active Directory as the LDAP and Jenzabars CX as the
ERP. If you have other systems, some modifications may
need to be made, and some options may not work/apply.

Graceland University | James M Mueller

This document is freely distributable and reproduceable as long as the authoring information is kept with it.

JAM 2012


OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Contents .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Cognos Session Parameters Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 3
1: Session Parameter Types ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
2: Using Session Parameters ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
3: Special Session Parameters ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Importing the Session Parameters ................................................................................................................................................ 4
1a: User ID Number - Quickest Method (Custom LDAP) ........................................................................................................ 4
1b: User ID Number - Longest Method (Standard CX) .............................................................................................................5
2: Create the Calculations .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Using the Session Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................7
1: Access to Session Parameters ..............................................................................................................................................7
2: Prebuilt Filters .........................................................................................................................................................................7
Notes: .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Appendix .......................................................................................................................................................................................... i
Option 1: Session Parameter Calculations ................................................................................................................................ ii
Option 2: Session Parameter Filters..........................................................................................................................................iv
Option 3: Using aliases of userid_table ..................................................................................................................................... v

Graceland University | James M Mueller



JAM 2012

Cognos Session Parameters Overview

All of the options that are outlined in this document depend on a feature of Cognos: Session Parameters. Session
Parameters (a type of Cognos Macro) is information that Cognos retrieves from the Authentication Provider when a user
initially logs into Cognos Connection. Cognos Macros are the method with which that information can be shared back to
the user and/or to CX.
Why? Having this information can help give users information that is directly pertinent to them without their need to
interact with a report. It also can prevent users from seeing information that isnt pertinent to them, allowing a type of
security. But to do all of this we need to learn how to use Session Parameters, and a bit about Cognos Macros
Macros are discussed in the Framework Manager help file, and are available in the Expression definition editor
in Framework Manager under the Parameters Tab as Macro Functions and Session Parameters.
All Macros that work in Framework Manager are also able to work in Report Studio. However they do not have
syntax help, so an understanding of Macros will be required to use them.

1: Session Parameter Types

These are the built in Session Parameters that are
covered in this document.

2: Using Session Parameters

All Macros begin and end with a # (hash)

Like all Data Expressions, any Expression using a
Macro must have good syntax.
All Session Parameters will add the $ in front of
them when you drag them into the Expression
definition. If you manually type them you will need
to make sure you add this.
All Session Parameters must return in a format
Cognos supports.
1 Integers and Dates need no adjustment
2 Strings need to be wrapped in sq()
3 Example:

3: Special Session Parameters

The biggest help of all would to be able to pull the id from
id_rec for the user who is logged into Cognos straight from
the Authentication source.
a) First you will need to add to your LDAP a method
of storing id for every user. This document does
not cover how to do this.
b) Follow instructions from
035 on how to add the field to your Session
Parameters. Name this field: userCXid
c) After completing these steps the next time you
open Framework Manager and open the Session
Parameters in the Expression definition editor
your Parameter will be listed.
Graceland University | James M Mueller


JAM 2012


Importing the Session Parameters

User ID Number will provide Report Studio authors the ability to filter reports based on who is logged in. To add this for
Query Studio authors, filters using User Logged-In: Id will need to be created in Framework Manager in the packages
wherever they make sense. The other Session Parameters will provide authors the ability to display information about
the person running a report ON the report. This is useful for knowing who ran and printed a report.
Two options are provided for getting Id to authors. The first requires id being loaded into LDAP and the second uses
userid_table in CX. Each of the two options provides pros and cons about their usage. You will only need to do one.
From a reporting / Cognos view, the best is 1a.

1a: User ID Number - Quickest Method (Custom LDAP)

By getting id from id_rec into your LDAP (as outlined in Cognos Session Parameters Overview step 3) you will be able
to quickly set up Cognos to be able to filter reports based on the user logged in.
Advantages: This allows you to not have Cognos go back to CX to figure out who is logged in to create filters. This means
there is a zero impact on the database or on speed of a report using this field.
Drawbacks: You will need to have a process to get ID into your LDAP. This process may take time to set up, and this
document doesnt provide support for how to get id into LDAP, just how to get it back out if its there.
1: Standalone Folder
Why? Having your Session Parameters stored in a separate
Namespace and a separate Folder will allow you to only
include the Session Parameters in Packages that you want
them included in.
a) Open your Project in Framework Manager
b) Create the Namespace Extras
1 Click the [+] by CX Namespace
2 Right-click the Packaged Views Namespace
3 Click Create and then click Namespace
4 Name the new Namespace Extras
c) Create the Folder Session Parameters
1 Right-click the Extras Namespace
2 Click Create and then click New Folder
3 Name the new Folder Session Parameters
4 Click the Finish button on the next window
2: Creating the Calculation
Why? You will need this calculation to give to your authors
to use. Report Studio authors will use this to create filters.
Query Studio authors will require you to set up filters.
a) Right-click the Folder Session Parameters and
click Create and then click Calculation
b) Name the calculation User Logged-In: ID
c) Under Available Components: click on the tab
d) Click the [+] by Session Parameters
e) Drag account.personalInfo.userCXid to the
Expression Definition
f) Click the OK button
g) Change the Usage from Fact to Identifier

Graceland University | James M Mueller



JAM 2012

1b: User ID Number - Longest Method (Standard CX)

If you are unable to use Custom Session Parameters to bring in ID, you can still get a similar end result using the system
as is to be able to filter reports based on the user logged in.
Advantages: This does not require custom changes to your LDAP.
Drawbacks: This requires Cognos to go to CX to get ID, increasing the load on CX and impacting the speed of Cognos
reports. Also it may make you uncomfortable due to its odd join and can makes report SQL more complex.
1: Standalone Folder
Why? Having your Session Parameters stored in a separate
Namespace and a separate Folder will allow you to only
include the Session Parameters in Packages that you want
them included in.
a) Open your Project in Framework Manager
b) Create the Namespace Extras
1 Click the [+] by CX Namespace
2 Right-click the Packaged Views Namespace
3 Click Create and then click Namespace
4 Name the new Namespace Extras
c) Create the Folder Session Parameters
1 Right-click the Extras Namespace
2 Click Create and then click New Folder
3 Name the new Folder Session Parameters
4 Click the Finish button on the next window
2. Create User ID Table: Logged In
a) Copy User ID Table
1 Click the [+] by Common Schema Tables
then click the [+] by Common Schema
2 Right-click the User ID Table Query
Subject and Click Edit and then click
3 Right-click the Common Data Source View
Namespace and click Edit and then click
4 Rename the new User ID Table Query
Subject to User ID Table: Logged In
b) Making the Filter
1 Double click the User ID Table: Logged In
Query Subject
2 Click the Filters tab
3 Click the Add button
4 Name the Filter User Logged-in:
5 Drag Username to the Expression definition
6 Type after it the = symbol
7 Under Available Components: click on the
tab Parameters
8 Click the [+] by Session Parameters
9 Drag account.personalInfo.userName to the
Expression Definition
10 Since this is a String we need to put inside
the ## the String format:sq()
Should now read the same as to the right
11 Click the OK Button
12 Click the OK Button

2.b10 Expression Definition

[Extras].[User ID Table: Logged In].[
Username] =

Graceland University | James M Mueller


JAM 2012


3. Make the Join to id_rec

Why? To be able to use the logged in information with a lot
of fields in Cognos without allowing cross-joins we need to
make a join to id_rec (which joins to most tables in
Cognos). We dont want the join to affect data, so we make
it have a strange join.
a) Click on ID Record and ctrl-click on User ID
Table: Logged in
b) Click on the menu item Actions and then click
Create and then click Relationship
c) Create the Link (if Username is not SSN)
1 Select Social Security Number from ID
2 Select Username from User ID Table:
Logged in
3 Set both Cardinalities to 1..1
4 Set the Operator to <>
d) Create the Link (if Username is SSN)
1 Select Name from ID Record
2 Select Username from User ID Table:
Logged in
3 Set both Cardinalities to 1..1
4 Set the Operator to <>
e) Click the OK Button
4: Creating the Calculation
Why? You will need this calculation to give to your authors
to use. Report Studio authors will use this to create filters.
Query Studio authors will require you to set up filters.
a) Right-click the Folder Session Parameters and
click Create and then click Calculation
b) Name the calculation User Logged-In: ID
c) Click the [+] by Common Schema Tables then
click the [+] by Common Data Source View then
click the [+] by User ID Table: Logged In
d) Drag ID - Database to the Expression Definition
e) Click the OK button
f) Change the Usage from Fact to Identifier
(see 1a:2.g for an image)

2: Create the Calculations

a) Right-click the Folder Session Parameters and
click Create and then click Calculation
b) Name the calculation User Logged-In:
c) Under Available Components: click on the tab
d) Click the [+] by Session Parameters
e) Drag account.personalInfo.userName to the
Expression Definition
f) Since this is a String we need to put inside the ##
the String format:sq()
Should now read

2.g Session Parameters


User Logged-In: Username

User Logged-In: Email
User Logged-In: First Name
User Logged-In: Last Name


g) Repeat steps b-g for each Session Parameter you

want to include as per the chart to the right.

Graceland University | James M Mueller



JAM 2012

Using the Session Parameters

After importing the Session Parameters in, you will need to create ways for authors to be able to use them.

1: Access to Session Parameters

You may want to prevent certain Packages from having
access to the Session Parameters so we set them up in
their own folder. Now you need to choose which Packages
should have access and give it to them.
a) Add the Session Parameters Folder to the
Package Definition of the Packages that you want
to have access to it.
1 Click the [+] by Packages
2 Double-click the Package you want to add the
folder to.
Note: This takes a while to load.
3 The Package Definition window will open.
4 Click the [+] by the Extras Namespace
5 Click the next to the Session Parameters
Folder which changes it to
6 Click the OK button
7 Publish the Package
b) Repeat step 2.h for each Package you want to
include the Folder in.

1.a5 Including Folder

2: Prebuilt Filters
For Query Studio authors to use Session Parameters they
need to be made into prebuilt filters. For these
instructions we are going to use cnslr_id from adm_rec as
the example of how to create these filters.
a) Click the [+] by Packaged Views then click the
[+] by Recruiting and Admissions Information
then click the [+] by Admissions Processing
then click the [+] by Admissions Processing
b) Right-click the Admission Application Filters
Folder and Click Create and then click Filter
c) Name the Filter Admission Counselor Logged-In
d) Click the [+] by Admission Application
e) Drag Counselor ID Number to the Expression
f) Type after it the = symbol
g) Click the [+] by Extras then click the [+] by
Session Parameters
h) Drag User Logged-In: ID Number to the
Expression Definition.

Should now read the same as to the right

i) Click the OK Button

2.h Expression Definition

[Admissions Processing].[Admission
Application].[Counselor ID Number] =
[Extras].[User Logged-In: ID Number]

Graceland University | James M Mueller


JAM 2012



Graceland University | James M Mueller



JAM 2012

The original document is housed at:
e_Documents under the JAM 2011 File Group.
While the main document outlines two options for how to
capture login information from Cognos and use it to drive
reports, they are not the only methods. Outlined on the
following pages are three other options. They are not as
robust and flexible as the ones in the main document, but
if you are unwilling to dive into those, these may provide
you viable options instead
Option 1: Session Parameter Calculations: This outlines
how to bring in just the Session Parameters without the
use of userid_table or the Custom Session Parameter. It is
the simplest way to use Session Parameters and requires
the least amount of setup. However it may not have much
use, and isnt very flexible.
Option 2: Session Parameter Filters: If you want a light
version of using Session Parameters to filter your data,
without the larger impact of the main document, this will
give you that information.
Option 3: Using aliases of userid_table: If the strange join
presented in the main document isnt something that you
find comfortable to use, you can get a similar effect of
filtering for user id numbers using these instructions.
While they require a similar amount of work for Authors to
use, the Framework Manager requires more work.

Graceland University | James M Mueller


JAM 2012


Option 1: Session Parameter Calculations

If you want to make Session Parameters accessible by authors with the ease of drag and drop, you need to create them as
Calculations in Framework Manager first.
Advantages: Having Session Parameters in their Packages allows report authors (both Query and Studio) to use them
without having to know the syntax (something their studios dont provide them help with). They can easily place them on
the report, and in the case of Report Studio, use them for advanced layouts and filters.
Drawbacks: Session Parameter Calculations cannot be used by Query Studio authors to create filters. For Query Studio
authors more work is required and that is outlined in Option 2.
1: General Information Namespace
Why? Having them stored in the General Information
Namespace will allow all authors immediate access to the
Session Parameters since all packages reference it.
h) Open your Project in Framework Manager
i) Create the Folder Session Parameters
1 Click the [+] by CX and then click the [+] by
Packaged Views
2 Right-click the General Information
3 Click Create and then click Folder
4 Name the new Folder Session Parameters
5 Click the Finish button on the next window


Create the Calculations

1 Right-click the Folder Session Parameters
and click Create and then click Calculation
2 Name the calculation User Logged-In:
3 Under Available Components: click on the
tab Parameters
4 Click the [+] by Session Parameters
5 Drag account.personalInfo.userName to the
Expression Definition
6 Since this is a String we need to put inside the
## the String format:sq()
Should now read

k) Repeat step 1.c for each Session Parameter you

want to include as per the chart to the right.


1.d Session Parameters


User Logged-In: Username

User Logged-In: Email
User Logged-In: First Name
User Logged-In: Last Name

Graceland University | James M Mueller



2: Standalone Folder
Why? Having them stored in a separate Namespace and a
separate folder will allow you to only include the Session
Parameters in Packages that you want them included in.
c) Open your Project in Framework Manager
d) Create the Folder Session Parameters
1 Click the [+] by CX
2 Right-click the Packaged Views Namespace
3 Click Create and then click Namespace
4 Name the new Namespace Extras
5 Right-click the Extras Namespace
6 Click Create and then click New Folder
7 Name the new Folder Session Parameters
8 Click the Finish button on the next window
e) Complete instructions 1.c and 1.d using this folder
f) Add the Folder to the Package Definition of the
Packages that you want to have access to it.
1 Click the [+] by Packages
2 Double-click the Package you want to add the
folder to.
Note: This takes a while to load.
3 The Package Definition window will open.
4 Click the [+] by the Extras Namespace
5 Click the next to the Session Parameters
Folder which changes it to
6 Click the OK button
7 Publish the Package
g) Repeat step 2.h for each Package you want to
include the Folder in.

JAM 2012

2.h5 Including Folder

Graceland University | James M Mueller


JAM 2012


Option 2: Session Parameter Filters

If you want to make Session Parameters accessible by all authors to quickly make filters on data items (especially useful
if you are using Special Session Parameters from section 3 of Cognos Session Parameters Overview) you will need to
create filters wherever you feel they are useful.
Advantages: While a Report Studio author can create a filter from a Calculation, Query Studio does not offer that
flexibility. To give them filters, you will need to create them in the Model at every place they are needed. From the Users
viewpoint, this is simple to use, and that is its main benefit. To use the filter, they just have to drag it to their report.
Drawbacks: Unless you are using Cognos Session Parameters Overview section 3 to pull in for the user logged
in, this Option may not be useful. Adding each filter where it is needed can take some time.
1: Example
For this example we are going to use the user name
captured by Active Directory to dynamically filter vch_rec.
Why? This sample works in the standard package because
of the join from vch_rec to userid_table. We are using this
sample not because it may be useful but because you can do
it without having to have special changes to your model.
a) Open your Project in Framework Manager and
click the [+] by the CX Namespace.
b) Click the [+] by Packaged Views then click the
[+] by Finance Information then click the [+] by
General Ledger Accounts then click the [+] by
General Ledger Account Filter then click the [+]
by Transaction Entry Filters
c) Right-click on Journal Filters click Create and
then click Filter
d) Create the Filter
1 Name the Filter Journals Prepared by User
2 Click the [+] by Transaction Entries and
then click the [+] by Journals
3 Drag Journal Preparer Username to the
Expression Definition
4 Type after it the = symbol
5 Under Available Components: click on the
tab Parameters
6 Click the [+] by Session Parameters
7 Drag account.personalInfo.userName to the
Expression Definition
8 Since this is a String we need to put inside the
## the String format:sq()
Should now read the same as to the right
9 Click the OK Button
Note: If you have done Option 1, you could have used the
Calculation field in your filter for steps 1.d7 and 1.d8,
instead of retyping the Macro. There is no difference in
how the filter will function.


1.d8 Expression Definition

[Transaction Entries].[Journals].[Journal
Preparer Username] =

Graceland University | James M Mueller



JAM 2012

Option 3: Using aliases of userid_table

If you are not using Cognos Session Parameters Overview section 3 to pull in for the user logged in, this Option
is very useful. It allows you to get the from the userid_table by filtering it with a Session Parameter.
Advantages: By getting the id number of the person logged in, we can unlock a lot of options for dynamically changing
reports. This is because many tables in CX have fields we can link to. This Options example is adm_rec.cnslr_id.
Drawbacks: Every place that you will want to filter on the id of the user logged in, you will need to create a new alias of
the query subject, and make a join. Then you will have to create a Filter as per Option 2. This can be time consuming.
1: Making the Master Query Subject
First thing we need to do is to create a Query Subject that
we can use again and again wherever it is needed.
Why? Creating a master that we can reuse will help to
minimize the amount of maintenance needed to update the
Project and minimize the time needed to add new filters.
c) Open your Project in Framework Manager
d) Create the Folder User ID for Filtering
1 Right-click the CX Namespace
2 Click Create and then click Namespace
3 Name the new Namespace Extras
4 Right-click the Extras Namespace
5 Click Create and then click New Folder
6 Name the new Folder User ID for Filtering
7 Click the Finish button on the next window.
e) Copy User ID Table
1 Click the [+] by Common Schema Tables
then click the [+] by Common Schema
2 Right-click the User ID Table Query Subject
and Click Edit and then click Copy
3 Right-click the User ID for Filtering Folder
and click Edit and then click Paste
f) Making the Filter
13 Double click the new User ID Table Query
14 Click the Filters tab
15 Click the Add button
16 Name the Filter User Logged-in: Username
17 Drag Username to the Expression definition
18 Type after it the = symbol
19 Under Available Components: click on the
tab Parameters
20 Click the [+] by Session Parameters
21 Drag account.personalInfo.userName to the
Expression Definition
22 Since this is a String we need to put inside the
## the String format:sq()
Should now read the same as to the right
23 Click the OK Button
24 Click the OK Button
Note: If you have done Option 1, you could have used the
Calculation field in your filter for steps 1.d7 through 1.d10,
instead of retyping the Macro. There is no difference in
how the filter will function.

1.d10 Expression Definition

[Extras].[User ID Table].[ Username] =

Graceland University | James M Mueller


JAM 2012


2: Using the Master Query Subject

Now that we have a master, we can create the aliases that
we will use to make our joins wherever we need them.
Why? We dont want to use the same Query Subject for
every join because that could cause loops in our model and
make errors in reports.
a) Right-click the User ID Table Query Subject and
click Create and then click Alias Shortcut
b) Rename the Shortcut User ID Table: adm_rec
c) Make the Relationship
1 Click the [+] by CX then click the [+] by
Admissions Schema Tables then click the [+]
by Admissions Data Source View
2 Click on the Admissions Records Query
Subject and ctrl-click on the User ID Table:
adm_rec Shortcut.
3 Click on the menu item Actions and then
click Create and then click Relationship
4 Link Counselor ID Number and ID
5 Set the cardinality to 1..1 for both Query
Why? Cognos does weird things when you use
the 0..n and 1..n options. It does a stitched
query that can cause reports to work wrong.
Since we are just using this to make a filter, we
dont need it to have a 1..n setting.
Click the OK button
d) Create the Filter
1 Click the [+] by Packaged Views then click
the [+] by Recruiting and Admissions
Information then click the [+] by
Admissions Processing then click the [+] by
Admissions Processing Filters
2 Right-click the Admission Application Filters
Folder and Click Create and then click
3 Name the Filter Admission Counselor LoggedIn
4 Click the [+] by Admission Application
5 Drag Counselor ID Number to the
Expression definition.
6 Type after it the = symbol
7 Click the [+] by Extras then click the [+] by
User ID for Filtering then click the [+] by
User ID Table: adm_rec
8 Drag ID - Database to the Expression
Should now read the same as to the right
9 Click the OK Button


2.d8 Expression Definition

[Admissions Processing].[Admission
Application].[Counselor ID Number] =
[Extras].[User ID Table: adm_rec].[ID Database]

Graceland University | James M Mueller


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