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Teacher: Dr.

Aileen Alfonso Date: April 15, 2009

Grade: Third Subject: Social Studies
Room No.: SOE 206 Unit Topic: Interdisciplinary- Changes in the Environment

• Students will identify changes in the environment.
• Students will assign environmental changes to pollution, weather, time, or human alteration.

Student Profile Objectives Standards Lesson Delivery Evaluate and Revise
GPSS SOE ACEI Materials: Procedures: Assessment
Students will be able • Lesson Development
General Characteristics: to: * Power Point +Students will be given
3.3.4 EC1 2.4 Presentation *Elementary Mode questions about the
* Grade Level: Third 1. Identify the *Opening-Line up, put bags away, Interdisciplinary
changes in the * Computer find your name on the wall and presentation.
* Age: 7-8 environment. place it on the attendance chart
* Poster boards (pollution chart) then find your
* Ethnic Group: Filipino, Chamoru, names on the desks, which will be
Yapese, Caucasian 2. Design a poster 3.3.5 KS1 3.3 *Markers their group for the day. Introduce
about the changes and explain the behavior chart and
* Gender: Male: 1 Female: 21 in the environment. *Scissors rules for the class.

*Glue *College Mode:

Accommodations: Introduce the students to
Non-Verbal: Will be provided with * Pictures of the interdisciplinary by showing them a
3. Make a brief 3.3.7 EC1 5.2 changes in the power point presentation.
a mini white board and a marker.
Teacher’s Helper: presentation on the environment Power Point will include:
environmental • An overview of what
changes to interdisciplinary means.
pollution, weather, • Explain the importance of
time, and human interdisciplinary teaching.
alteration. • Benefits of Interdisciplinary
• Planning for
Interdisciplinary teaching.

*Elementary Mode:
Introduce the activity by
presenting the vocabulary words:
Pollution, weather, time, and
human alteration in relation to the
changes in the environment.
**Activity: Changes in the
• Each group will be given
a poster board, materials
(i.e. glue, markers), and
various pictures of the
different types of changes
in the environment.
• Students will be able to
identify the changes in the
environment by
categorizing them
according to pollution,
weather, time, or human
• Students will write a brief
summary of how they can
help improve the
• Students will present their
poster board to the class
with a reflection of how
they can improve the
environment and keep
Guam clean.

(This is where we
explain how to
accommodate our non-
verbal student and the
teacher’s helper.)

This is the time to review what we
have learned about the changes in
the environment.

What have we learned?

See if the students learned from
their activities.
Ask students to respond by asking
each group about the different
changes in the environment.

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