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USG waves - piezoelectric

2)Beau's lines - nails

3)Spielberg criteria - ovarian ectopic
4)MC site ectopic preg - tubes
5)Strawberry cervix - trichomonas
6)Amsel criteria - Bacterial vaginitis
7)Variable deceleration - umbilical cord
8)Sodium level - 135-145
9)Potassium level - 3.5-5
10)Nasopharyngeal ca - fossa of rosenmuller
11)Ostman pad of fat - eustachian
12)Stadiometer - height
13)McArdle ds - muscle phosphorylase
14)Palmers sign
15)Stapedius - facial nerve
16)Round window - secondary tympanic membrane
17)Lyme's ds - Borrelia burgdorferi
18)Plague bacilli - Yersin
19)Zoonotic - Brucellosis
20)Yellow fever - symptomatic Tt
21)Fried egg colonies - mycoplasma
22)Cervical ripening - High hyaluronic, Decrease
23)Thick ascending loop of henle is impermeable to
24)Index case
25)Serial interval
26)Lead time
27)Indradanush Dec 25th 2014
28)Advantage of IPV - No VAPP
29)Amitriptyline - antidepressant
30)Decibel - loudness
31)Thumb sign - Epiglottitis
32)Kimmelstiel wilson wire loop lesion - DM nephropathy
33)Microalbuminuria - 30 to 300mg
34)Carpal tunnel - median n.
35)Ochronosis - alkaptonuria

36)Gustafson - root transparency

37)Mixed dentition - 6 to 11
38)Magnan symptom - cocaine
39)Black in triage - death
40)Mouse nibbled larynx - TB
41)Blood stained nipple discharge - ductal carcinoma
42)Most cardiotoxic local anaesthetic - bupivacine
43)Contraindication for nasal intubation - CSF rhinorrhea
44)Volkmans ischemic contracture - FDP
45)Blount's ds - Genu varum
46)Physiological dead space - CO2
47)Carpal bone ischemic necrosis - Scaphoid
48)Thoracic duct cross over - T5
49)Magistrates inquest - 176
50)IPC 92 - consent is not needed in emergency
51)Laparoscopic vessel injury - inferior epigastric artery
52)Ovarian secondaries - GIT
53)Ballenger's swivel knife - SMR
54)Neonatal meningitis - Strep. Agalactiae
55)Dresslers syndrome - MI
56)Xerophthalmia 3B - More than 1/3rd of cornea
57)DOC for TB prophylaxis - INH
58)Mycoplasma, antibiotic of not use - cephalosporin
59)Bacterial cell wall made of - Peptidiglycan
60)Stain for calcium - Von kossa
61)Nerve supply of lower eye lid - Ophthalmic nerve
62)Very low glucose in pleural fluid - Rheumatoid
63)Rhinitis medicamentosa - nasal decongestants
64)Postpartum peak 4th day - Postpartum blue
65)B. Cereus in - Rice
66)Abdominal USG e/o fetal cardiac activity - 6th week
67) PEP duration - 4 weeks
68)AD disorder - Marfan
69)Bechet's ds - DR5
70)Fetal period - 9th week to delivery
71)Water in sewage - 99.5

72)Graft between 2 individuals of same species Allograft

73)Immune ring - fungal corneal ulcer
74)Longest part of optic nerve - intra orbital
75)Pulmonary hypertension - >25mmHg
76)Rickets - widening of growth plate
77)Scurvy all are except - white line of frankel, pelkan
spur, pencil thin cortex are +
78)Drug used for raised ICP - Mannitol
79)GABA derived from - Glutamate
80)2nd best indicator of Ca breast in female - Lymphnode
81)Primary polycythemia - polycythemia vera
82)In thrombocytopenic purpura - Low platelets
83)Berkensonian bias - Hospital studies
84)Best investigation for endometrial cavity Transvaginal USG
85)Primordial prevention - Awareness
86)Best method of health education - Group discussion
87)Breech at outlet - piper's forceps
88)Axillary sheath - prevertebral fascia
89)Byssinosis - cotton dust
90)MC germ cell tumor in prepuberty Teratoma
1)Lucio phenomenon
2)Factor 5 & 10 - H.influenza
3)Davidson body - neutrophil
4)Pin index nitrous oxide - 3,5
5)Trendelenburg gait - pelvic drops opposite side
6)Dilwyn Evans operation in club foot - 4 to 7 years
7)Posterior wall of femoral canal - pectineus fascia
8)Iodine 131 half life - 8 days
9)Istanbul declaration - organ donation
10)Focal length of ENT head mirror - 25cm
11)Uncouplers - heat production
12)Gleason score - Prostate
13)Normal QT interval 35ms
14)Complication of interscalene block - ipsi. Phrenic

nerve block
15)Reactionary hemorrhage - more than 24 hrs.
16)Least common lung cancer - Large cell
17)Stain for hemosiderin - Perls
18)Day care anaesthetic - Isoflurane
19)Widal test - Agglutination
20) Von hubner gland - Tongue
21)Transketolase Co enzyme - TPP
22)Propranolol overdose antidote - Glucogan
23)Anseikonia - different sizes of perceived images
24)Jack in the box - aphakia
25)Genome imprinting - Prader willi syndrome
26)Male breast cancer - Lymphnode involvement
27)Breast Ca with bilaterality - Lobular Ca
28)Porin 1 - PCT
29)Impaired glucose tolerance - Chromium
30)Capacitance vessels - veins
31)Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis - Hypokalemic,
hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis
32)Endothelial count - 3000
33)Bleeding PR in 4 year old with anaemia - meckel's
34)Hoffman elimination - atracurium
35)Moh's micrographic surgery - skin
36)Acute intermittent porphyria - pophobilinogen
deaminase deficiency
corps ronds - darriers disease
bragg peak effect - proton therapy
second best indicator for breast carcinoma - size of
ideal fixative - prevents autolysis
hamartoma - benign tumor that is indigeneous to the site
of location
bipolar disorder associated with chromosome 18
lester jones tube - used in epiphora
hamartoma - excess of normal tissue in indigeneous site
isoproternol - decreases diastolic pressure , increases

pulse pressure
merkel cell carcinoma is not a type of thyroid cancer
all anaplastic thyroid cancers are considered as stage 4
Fetus : 9 weeks till birth
Shamming is malingering
Calciphylaxis seen in end stage kidney failure.
Nucleosome = histone +dna
Falciparum - malignant tertian malaria
Scarring alopaecia is seen in lichen planus
Sickle cell autosomal recessive
HIV virus radius - 0.0001mm
Electron microscope resolution - 0.1
Istanbul protocol is for torture

The Istanbul Protocol is intended to serve as a set of international

guidelines for the assessment of persons who allege torture and ill
treatment, for investigating cases of alleged torture, and for
reporting such findings to the judiciary and any other investigative

plague baciili discovery Yersin

adverse effect of thiazides- hyperglycemia
Ping-pong skull fracture or pond skull fracture refers to a
depressed skull fracture
Longest part of optic nerve-Intraorbital
duration of PEP- 4 weeks
widal test is type of- agglutination test
Hot tub folliculitis - Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Mixed dentition- 6 to 12 years
MC Organism causing dental caries- Streptococcus
causative organism of Neonatal meningitis contracted in
during birth / birth canal- Streptococcus agalactiae
Sperm count >15million per ml
Carpal tunnel syndrome- median nerve is compressed
MC site of ectopic pregnancy- tube
birth weight regained at 14 days
DOC for TB prophylaxis- INH
Longest part of optic nerve is intracanalicular part

The optic nerve component lengths are 1 mm in the

globe, 24 mm in the orbit, 9 mm in the optic canal,
and 16 mm in the cranial space before joining the
optic chiasm
Mouse nibbled appearance of Larynx- TB
antidote for propranolol toxicity- GLUCAGON
Stadiometer measures height
byssinosis- cotton/ textile mill worker
therapeutic window phenomenon- nortriptyline
jack in box scotoma.....aphakia
spiedelperg pregnancy.......ovarian
decibel for............for loudness of sound
lyme disease..........burgdorferi
usg...........piezoelectric crystal
I 131 ...........8 days
prophylaxis for HIV...............4 WEEKS
Chorionic.v.samp...........10-12 weeks
cocaine poison............magnan symptom
foetus............from 9wks to birth
Anatomical dead space- nitrogen
Rhinitis medicamentosa- extended use of topical
Brachial artery- medial aspect of biceps tendon
Strawberry cervix- trichomonas vaginalis
Amsel's criteria- Bacterial vaginosis
Gleasons score- prostate ca
Ligasure tisuse fusion technology seal time 2-4secs
Round window closed by sec typamnic membrane
Juvenile nasapharygeal angiofibroma comon site fosa of
Ostman pad of fat- peritubal fat eustachian tube
Endometrial thicknes-transvaginal usg
Normal qt interval 0.40sec
Corneal cel count
Yellow fever
Contraceptive efficacy
Hot tub lung

Fried egg colonies

Omohyoid nerve supply
Vermis gait
25 kg ... Needed fluid
N2o pin index
Halfmaan elimination
Antiviral ci in HIV pregnancy
Anti tb ci in pregnancy
Fried egg colonies.. mycoplasma
Mycoplasma naturally resistant.. fluroquinolones
Ceramide.. sphingosine plus fatty acid
ENT surgical instrument shown in figure is used in
a) Tonsillectomy
b) Mastoidectomy
c) Septoplasy
d) Submucosal resection of nose
Ans D
Ballenger swivel knife used in SMR

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