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Academic Motivation and the Big Five

Different individuals havedifferent educationalpreferences and learning styles. These
individual differences provide significant suggestions about ultimate design of educational
processes. The degree of motivation students exhibit in the classrooms also differ. Some
students enthusiastically disclose an intrinsic desire to learn more while others appear to be
bored and aloof. Various factors may be considered for explaining these differences (Stipek,
2002). While individual differences in academic achievement and academic success, learning
styles have been investigated widely in literature, few studies have concentrated on individual
differences in academic motivation. It must be remembered that academic motivation is a key
ingredient of academic performance and should be investigated closely (Linnenbrink &
Pintrich, 2002). This study was designed to establish the extent to which individual
differences in academic motivation are influenced by the Big Five personality traits. (Tingkat
siswa motivasi menunjukkan di kelas pun berbeda. Beberapa siswa antusias
mengungkapkan keinginan intrinsik untuk belajar lebih banyak sementara yang
lain tampak bosan dan menyendiri. Berbagai faktor dapat dipertimbangkan
untuk menjelaskan perbedaan ini (Stipek, 2002). Sementara perbedaan individu
dalam prestasi akademik dan keberhasilan akademis, gaya belajar telah diteliti
secara luas dalam literatur, beberapa studi telah berkonsentrasi pada perbedaan
individu dalam motivasi akademik. Harus diingat bahwa motivasi akademik
merupakan bahan utama dari kinerja akademik dan harus diselidiki erat
(Linnenbrink & Pintrich, 2002). Penelitian ini dirancang untuk membangun sejauh
mana perbedaan individu dalam motivasi akademik dipengaruhi oleh sifat-sifat
kepribadian Big Five)

2. The Relationships between the Big Five Personality Traits and Academic Motivation
Levels of Turkish University Students
Individuals differ based on types of personality and of motivation. Detection of these
differences between individuals gives important clues regarding how education environments
must be organized. Personality is an important source of difference that determines how the
individual will respond to new information and new circumstances he/she encounters. For
this reason, numerous perspectives and theories have been developed to explain personality
and a classification (taxonomy) that would comprise personality structure has tried to be
formed. (Individu berbeda berdasarkan jenis kepribadian dan motivasi. Deteksi
perbedaan antara individu memberikan petunjuk penting tentang bagaimana
lingkungan pendidikan harus diorganisir. Kepribadian merupakan sumber penting
dari perbedaan yang menentukan bagaimana individu akan merespon informasi
baru dan keadaan baru ia / dia bertemu. Untuk alasan ini, banyak perspektif dan
teori telah dikembangkan untuk menjelaskan kepribadian dan klasifikasi
(taksonomi) yang akan terdiri struktur kepribadian telah mencoba untuk

Gordon Allport and Henry Odbert created the first dictionary-like comprehensive list of
characteristics related to personality. Thousands of words that define those characteristics had
been obtained with years long studies. Later, in 1940s, Cattell acquired this list of adjectives
created by Allport and Odbert and applied factor analysis, and created a model composed of

16 factors (Taymur and Trkapar, 2012:158). (Gordon Allport dan Henry Odbert
menciptakan daftar lengkap kamus-seperti pertama karakteristik yang
berhubungan dengan kepribadian. Ribuan kata-kata yang mendefinisikan
karakteristik yang telah diperoleh dengan tahun studi panjang. Kemudian, di
tahun 1940-an, Cattell diperoleh daftar ini kata sifat yang diciptakan oleh Allport
dan Odbert dan analisis faktor diterapkan, dan menciptakan model yang terdiri
dari 16 faktor (Taymur dan Trkapar, 2012: 158).)

3. The relationship between the big five personality traits and academic motivation

Individuals dier in their learning styles and educational preferences. These individual dierences provide important clues about how best to design educational oerings. Students also
dier in the level of motivation they display in the classroom. Some approach learning
opportunities with enthusiasm and an intrinsic desire to know more while others seem bored
and uninterested. There are various factors, both personal and contextual, that explain these
dierences ( Stipek, 2002). While a number of studies have examined individual dierences
in learning styles, thinking styles, academic achievement, and academic success, few have
focused on individual dierences in academic motivation. Yet, academic motivation is a key
determinant of academic performance and deserves closer attention ( Linnenbrink & Pintrich,
2002). The current research was designed to examine how the Big Five personality traits may
relate to individual dierences in academic motivation.( Individuals differ in their learning
styles and educational preferences. These individual differences provide important clues
about how best to design educational offerings. Students also dier in the level of motivation
they display in the classroom. Some approach learning opportunities with enthusiasm and an
intrinsic desire to know more while others seem bored and uninterested. There are various
factors, both personal and contextual, that explain these dierences ( Stipek, 2002). While a
number of studies have examined individual dierences in learning styles, thinking styles,
academic achievement, and academic success, few have focused on individual dierences in
academic motivation. Yet, academic motivation is a key determinant of academic
performance and deserves closer attention ( Linnenbrink & Pintrich, 2002). The current
research was designed to examine how the Big Five personality traits may relate to individual
dierences in academic motivation)
4. Examining relationships between academic motivation and personality among college
The transition from high school to college is a major milestone. Most new college students
must learn to navigate a new set of academic and social demands while also living on their
own for the first time. Not only are the academic demands more difficult, but college students
must also learn to be self-starters when it comes to attending classes and completing
assignments on time. In light of their new found freedom, students' academic motivations will
largely dictate the choices they make and whether or not they meet these different standards

and expectations. Understanding students' motivations for attending college can offer a
glimpse into their way of coping with various stressors on campus and how they will fare
academically.( Transisi dari sekolah tinggi ke perguruan tinggi adalah tonggak
utama. Kebanyakan mahasiswa baru harus belajar untuk menavigasi satu set
baru tuntutan akademik dan sosial sementara juga hidup sendiri untuk pertama
kalinya. Tidak hanya tuntutan akademik lebih sulit, tetapi mahasiswa juga harus
belajar untuk menjadi diri starter ketika datang ke menghadiri kelas dan
menyelesaikan tugas tepat waktu. Mengingat kebebasan baru mereka
ditemukan, motivasi akademik mahasiswa akan sangat ditentukan pilihan yang
mereka buat dan apakah atau tidak mereka memenuhi standar dan harapan
yang berbeda. Memahami motivasi siswa untuk menghadiri kuliah dapat
menawarkan sekilas ke cara mereka mengatasi berbagai stres di kampus dan
bagaimana mereka akan tarif akademis)

Several studies have shown that academic motivation is a key determinant of academic
performance and achievement ( Green, Nelson, Martin, & Marsh, 2006; Linnenbrink &
Pintrich, 2002). Thus, a greater understanding of academic motivation and its correlates can
provide instructors and researchers alike with valuable information regarding how students
adjust to the college setting. Much of the research regarding academic motivation focuses on
its relationships with academic performance, approaches to learning, and thinking styles (
Komarraju & Karau, 2005). However, several researchers have suggested that personality
factors are also related to motivation and have great implications for how students learn
scholastic material ( Busato, Prins, Elshout, & Hamaker, 2000; Komarraju & Karau, 2005).
Thus, the relationship between personality traits and academic motivation merits further
examination. (Beberapa studi telah menunjukkan bahwa motivasi akademik adalah
menentukan performance akademik dan prestasi (Green, Nelson, Martin, & Marsh, 2006;
Linnenbrink & Pintrich, 2002). Dengan demikian, pemahaman yang lebih besar motivasi
akademik dan korelasi yang dapat memberikan instruktur dan peneliti sama dengan informasi
berharga mengenai bagaimana siswa menyesuaikan dengan pengaturan perguruan tinggi.
Banyak penelitian mengenai motivasi akademik berfokus pada hubungan dengan prestasi
akademis, pendekatan untuk pembelajaran, dan gaya berpikir (Komarraju & Karau, 2005).
Namun, beberapa peneliti telah menyarankan bahwa faktor kepribadian juga terkait dengan
motivasi dan memiliki implikasi yang besar untuk bagaimana siswa belajar materi skolastik
(Busato, Prins, Elshout, & Hamaker, 2000; Komarraju & Karau, 2005).
Dengan demikian, hubungan antara kepribadian dan akademik manfaat motivasi pemeriksaan
lebih lanjut.)
5.Comparative Analysis on Personality Traits and Motivation on International Studentss
Academic in Universities in Taiwan
THE Big Five Personality dynamics and motivation are two of the most commonly
used instruments in predicting performance. The majority of the studies based on both Big
Five Personality Traits and motivation address the issue of predicting job performance, while
some of the studies are engrossed on more specific situations, such as academic
performance or training performance (Trapmann, Hell, Hirn &

Schuler, 2007; Vansteenkiste et al. 2005). (THE Big Five dinamika kepribadian dan motivasi
adalah dua instrumen yang paling umum digunakan dalam memprediksi kinerja. Sebagian
besar penelitian berdasarkan pada kedua Big Five Personality Traits dan alamat motivasi isu
kinerja pekerjaan memprediksi, sementara beberapa studi asyik pada situasi yang lebih
spesifik, seperti kinerja akademik atau kinerja pelatihan (Trapmann, Hell, Horn &
Schuler, 2007; Vansteenkiste et al. 2005).
Students contrast in their personal values, as not all students are the same. They obtain and
process information differently; their personality trait is different and hence, also their
understanding and/or the way they perceive information. It is often deliberated that a
combination of personality types is necessary for people to be successful in their career.
Educators, researchers, and psychologists have been constantly searching for a set of
variables that predicts outlines of students behaviors and their relationship to academic
achievement. Students enrolled in college tend to prefer learning environments that is
coherent with their own personality type preference. Many scholars have accepted the fivefactor model of personality as a replicable and unifying taxonomy of personality (Digman,
1990; Goldberg, 1992) and have found personality traits to be significantly related to
successful job and school performance, both logically and statistically (Hogan & Hogan,
1989). Many researches about motivation have concluded that it is related to many outcomes
such as curiosity, persistence, learning and performance (Deci & Ryan, 1985). There are
several conceptual perspective have proposed that in order to better understand motivation, it
can be divided into categories: intrinsic, extrinsic and amotivation (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 1991)
(Siswa kontras nilai pribadi mereka, karena tidak semua siswa adalah sama.

Mereka mendapatkan dan memproses informasi secara berbeda; ciri kepribadian

mereka berbeda dan karenanya, juga pemahaman mereka dan / atau cara
mereka melihat informasi. Hal ini sering dibahas bahwa kombinasi dari tipe
kepribadian yang diperlukan bagi orang untuk menjadi sukses dalam karir
mereka. Pendidik, peneliti, dan psikolog telah terus-menerus mencari satu set
variabel yang memprediksi garis besar dari siswa "perilaku dan hubungan
mereka dengan prestasi akademik. Mahasiswa yang terdaftar di perguruan tinggi
cenderung memilih lingkungan belajar yang koheren dengan preferensi jenis
kepribadian mereka sendiri. Banyak sarjana telah menerima model lima faktor
kepribadian sebagai taksonomi ditiru dan pemersatu kepribadian (Digman, 1990;
Goldberg, 1992) dan telah menemukan ciri-ciri kepribadian secara signifikan
berhubungan dengan pekerjaan yang sukses dan kinerja sekolah, baik secara
logis dan secara statistik (Hogan & Hogan, 1989). Banyak penelitian tentang
motivasi telah menyimpulkan bahwa hal itu berkaitan dengan banyak hasil
seperti rasa ingin tahu, ketekunan, belajar dan kinerja (Deci & Ryan, 1985). Ada
beberapa perspektif konseptual telah mengusulkan bahwa dalam rangka untuk
lebih memahami motivasi, dapat dibagi ke dalam kategori: intrinsik, ekstrinsik
dan amotivation (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 1991))

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