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Use of technology in U.S.

K-12 schools necessary for Nanoscale STEM education

Judith Light Feather, President of The NanoTechnology Group Inc.

Nanoscale Science and Engineering Education (NSEE) The Next Steps Workshop
and Materials Exhibition A Review
TASK for K-12 Working Group:
How to institutionalize (a systematic approach to scaling) nanoscale science and the resulting
technology as principles and applications enhancing student understanding that all science and
resulting research is developed through the investigation of nature to help implement and integrate
STEM education curriculum for all U.S. K-12 learners.
The session participants developed a list of the main challenges and opportunities in K-12 NSE:
There are scale-up and sustainability issues. There are many local NSEE efforts, primarily associated with NSF
funded centers, but there are curricular and financial impediments to larger scale implementation.
There is a need for assessment of the changing technologies to assist the learning process. This is not unique to
The challenge of aligning NSE with current curriculum since it is unlikely to be explicitly added to the NGSS.
The interdisciplinary nature of NSEE and the relevance of NSE, especially to future career paths, is a strength
that may help with its integration into curricula.
Additionally, NSE fosters creativity, innovation, and 21st century skills.

Some of the options discussed include:

NSE resources available to assist in the education process
There are many examples of NSE education modules that have been developed but none have achieved wide
scale use. Their relevance to the NGSS or to State Standards must be clear. The resources need to have (1) a
coherent vertical path across the various grades, (2) be affordable, and (3) be readily available to teacher
communities across the nation. Otherwise it will be difficult to convince teachers to utilize them.
The best way to facilitate NSE education resource scale-up
Communication and awareness of NSEE is key to scaling up resources. For instance, it is important for teachers
to learn about the most current science (including NSE) so that they are aware of and comfortable with the
topics. Teachers also need ways to integrate new materials into their existing courses/curriculum in a manner that
promotes deep student understanding. There was also discussion of convening a group of K-12 educators, or
organizing events at one of their national meetings, in order to impress upon them the importance of nanoenabled (nano inside) technology.
Within the K-12 context the realities for NSEE include: a need for coherence with the National Research Council
Framework for K-12 Science Education, the NGSS, and the current individual state standards; understanding and
navigating the many K-12 systems; awareness of the policy considerations associated with the introduction of
any new material into a crowded curricula; communicating NSE to stakeholders; the need for NSE content
appropriately developed for each level of learner and linked to prior/next grade levels; bridging to postsecondary learning; and a lack of teacher NSE content knowledge.


The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) call for educators to focus on developing understanding of big
ideas while engaging learners in doing science, not just learning facts about science.
During their webinars, which I attended throughout 2015, I submitted questions concerning the exclusion of
nanoscience in the NGSS, for K-12. Specifically questioning why they were delaying inclusion of the nanoscale
of science in their standards, since it is being taught in many other countries since 2004.
The response was they are not responsible for content, and gave this as a summary of the intent shown below:
non-specific, does not discuss content, just core ideas.

The framework focuses on a limited number of core ideas in science and engineering both
within and across the disciplines Reduction of the sheer sum of details to be mastered is
intended to give time for students to engage in scientific investigations and argumentation and
to achieve depth of understanding of the core ideas presented.i

Due to this intent, teachers CAN introduce nanoscale science-based interactive resources to
engage students in scientific investigations and argumentation, to achieve the depth of
understanding that this small size of science is the foundation of nature, and combining it with
the art of geometry in nature, a deeper understanding of how these patterns of geometry in
nature are atoms and energy at the nanoscale size in nature.
How to teach:
Scientists and engineers are really trying to figure out how; a)nature works, b)to copy it, c) how to
change DNA and protein structure by manipulating and moving atoms, d) understanding how nature
self-replicates to scale-up for stronger and lighter materials, and medical advances for commercial
Nanoscale science-based inquiry unites all the subjects related to science-based topics , removing the
labels and invalidating former rules and laws as the behavior of atoms, particles and forces cannot be
separated at the quantum level. The structural patterns and relationships of energy in motion are
united in the self-replication in nature. Therefore, visual and interactive elements, virtual nano-labs,
and educational games are the primary tools that replace standardized textbooks and testing for students
to understand all the sizes (including the nanoscale- a billionth of a meter) that scale up automatically
in nature.
It has taken 20 years for the technology and the tools necessary to accomplish this goal, and they are
now available in our classrooms. Student-centered learning based on a variety of technological
advances opens the door to complex understanding based on the size of nature, from the planck scale to
the cosmic scale of energy and the natural structure of nature.
As a participant in the K-12 Working Group for the Nanoscale Science and Engineering Education
(NSEE) - The Next Steps Workshop and Materials Exhibition, held in Arlington, Virginia the 1112, December 2014, I had already worked through the development of designing a STEM education
Blended Learning Interactive textbook to publish as a 'Nano in Nature K-5' series.
As President of The NanoTechnology Group Incii., I had been collecting and promoting nanoscale
science resources since 2002, accepting speaking engagements around the world, and promoting

technology updates for schools to connect with the Internet since 1996. The most efficient access
would be through wi-fi -- so that students could learn anytime, anywhere with access to hands-on
virtual nanolabs and interactive resources.
Researchiii has proven that students learn difficult material with visual elements, rather than text and
static graphics in textbooks. The array of resources included videos, interactive visuals to understand
size from the cosmos down to the planck scale of science, and a series of free online games by PlayGen
Inc., titled: NanoMissioniv, under the creative direction of Kam Memarzia, in the UK, that combines
biology with nanoscience, along with the University of Virgina (UVA) Virtual Nanolabv, providing
teachers guides and hands-on experiences. The first book in the series: The Magic of the Nano World
is in your pencil, vihas been published on Amazon with a separate teachers guide providing live links to
the resources.
The revised edition suggests opportunities for teachers to include the geometry of nature as Art projects
for the young students and is being reviewed at this time on LinkedIn. A 3rd revision is under
discussion to promote the commercialization of new flexible models for geometry at the nanoscale,
whereby students can build and test the motion of geometry showing the energy patterns that are
discussed in the resources from the textbook. The second book in the series will be titled: Geometry of
Water and Hydro-mimicry in Engineering.
Most of the teachers who have contacted our group regarding the resources on our website,
stated they did not know how to choose the resources for curricula, as this scale of science is not
mentioned in their core programs, nor are they informed sufficiently to make those decisions. They
were also having issues about technology in the classrooms, therefore including interactive online
resources was a huge obstacle to their progress. Some of these technology hurdles have been solved
with white boards in the lower grades and notebooks or iPads in the higher grades. This chapter will
provide a current update on these important steps.
There are many reasons I chose to focus on development of this series for K-5, which were confirmed
during the workshop presentations. Most of the stakeholders of our K-12 group were focused on high
school curricular for nanoscience, since only grades 11-12 had specific standards to meet in the Next
Generation Science Standards. The stakeholders for informal science felt that the once-a-year 'Nano
Days' events, along with programs developed for museum exhibits were sufficient for K-5 grades, and
encouraged everyone to use the website for their resources.
The presentation by Eric M. Rhoades, Director of the Office of Science and Health for the state of
Virginia, also revealed that their nano science education begins at grade 5. The Nano-Linkvii program
from Dakota County College applies to grades 6-8, with wonderful resources and complimentary
teachers training, and the Omni Nano program was designed for high school students in grades 11-12
and has been developed on the Blackboard website as a teacher resource. The totality of these programs
combined are a beginning, but it will take another 5-10 years for full acceptance by the schools, and
another decade of assessment affecting two generations of students.
Focus on STEM-BASED education as a partial solution
Therefore, a focus on the larger picture of how we introduce STEM-BASED education to include
nanoscale science is imperative. Young students are fascinated by nature and only learn geometry as a
math subject, requiring them to make the shapes of the 5 platonic solidsviii, but not 'why this geometry
is so important'. Combining the geometry shapes that students must learn in K-5, with videos that

show how they form the patterns in nature provides them a more cohesive picture of their world. The
study of natures patterns and relationships is a form of bio-mimicry, introducing them to the the
foundation of energy movement in all scales of science, from the quantum behavior of sub-atomic
particles in space to the billions of atoms within their bodies.
There is also a division of science titled: Naturalist, and the American Museum of Natural History in
New York, challenges students every year with a Naturalist competition. In 2011, Aiden, a 13 year old,
7th grade student in New York, won that competition with his essay titled: The Secret of the Fibonacci
Sequence in Trees.ix This essay describes how Aiden noticed that trees have patterns in their growth
while on a winter hike in the mountains. He was so curious that he took photos of all the trees and
asked a question:
My investigation asked the question of whether there is a secret formula in tree design and
whether the purpose of the spiral pattern is to collect sunlight better. After doing research, I put
together test tools, experiments and design models to investigate how trees collect sunlight. At
the end of my research project, I put the pieces of this natural puzzle together, and I discovered
the answer. But the best part was that I discovered a new way to increase the efficiency of solar
panels at collecting sunlight!
This essay and the successful project that Aiden research and developed on his own, prompted the
inclusion of two videos showing the patterns in nature from the fibonacci spiral for the 1st book in the
Nano in Nature K-5 series. I would suggest that teachers read the award winning-essay to
understand how a student created his own excellent STEM-BASED experiment by discovering the
patterns in nature, and then designed his research, testing, and engineering efforts that resulted in a
patent for a 'solar tree' that he built, which collects more energy than a solar panel. The entire process
is described with photos and charts in the essay. This was also his own project-based learning effort,
not an assigned project from school. Students naturally learn from nature, and should be encouraged at
young ages to ask questions when they are on a nature walk, or other activity that allows them to see
these patterns in the clouds, in the water as it ripples, in the plants, shells, rocks, etc.
The stakeholders also do not realize that the largest group of new users of the Internet are 2-5 years
old.x Since the expansion of smart phones, they are now able to use their parents phones for all the
websites that are teaching them how to read, write, count, and just play games. Scholastic Inc.xi, and
PBS Kids Playxii are two of the largest websites that parents trust for their toddlers. One of my greatgrandsons, who was not even a year old, was able to handle the cell phone to watch these learning
programs for babies.
None of these important facts concerning how nanotechnology in smartphones and our computers
has already changed the reality of 'how children learn' were discussed in the workshops or on the
webinars from the National Academy of Science that I attended, who are responsible for developing the
guidelines of 'How Children Learn'.
These advances in technology are already teaching toddlers, and we need to recognize these young
students in K-5 may have been learning the basics for years, before they even enter kindergarten.
These early years are also the most curious time in their lives, and they have a huge thirst for learning
about their world. As noted, many have also been spending a large part of their day digitally expanding
their knowledge and adeptness during their formative years, and incorporating the digital world as a
natural part of their real-world reality. This has created a problem for teachers in K-12, who are not as
adept at using technology as their students. Now that the some of the technology companies are

offering tablets to the schools that have pre-loaded curriculum, it creates another obstacle for
stakeholders who are not already included, and for teachers who would like to have more input over the
curricula they use.
Nanoscale science: What is it and why do students need to understand the basic concepts?
At its core, science is the study of nature and how the world works. The advances in microscopy over
the past three decades have allowed our scientific communities to peer into the atomic level at the
nanoscale, to move and manipulate atoms, and to expand our knowledge base in all branches of
science, from the microscopic to the cosmos.
Size Matters in Science:
Nanoscale science is a size where we can observe the underlying behavior of atoms and particles before
they assume their macroscale material properties including their purpose and movement within the
cells of our bodies. If we were to teach our young students this scale of science, by allowing them to
compare the simulations and videos of the nanoscale behaviors versus everything they see in the
macro scale it would be taught as the foundation of nature. It is not a separate subject to be added:
It is a visual perspective of size, which is of extreme importance in understanding the patterns and
relationships of nature, and our physical bodies. Therefore, it is our obligationxiii to introduce this
science-based perspective of size to all students with visual elements that exhibit atoms in movement as
they transition from the unique properties at the nanoscale, and become components of material
solutions to societal needs. This basic foundation underlies all of physics, chemistry, biology,
cosmology, material science, and engineering. With this early knowledge, students can continue to
study these unified systems in depth, as they proceed through the higher grade levels. The exposure as
the study of nature at the very early grades with animated visuals that show students the nanoscale
size within a skin cell, a leaf, the bark of a tree, stones, the Earth, and even the buckyballs that are
abundant in spacexiv will prepare children to understand the scales of size in science, and to explore
the nano aspect of the physical world as they get older. Introduced properly with visual elements in a
blended STEM classroom, teachers can stimulate the wonder of discovery and the awesome feeling
that nature provides, developing the desire for lifelong learning that is essential to advancing human
progress. Providing these approaches for teachers/students to expand their knowledge of science as the
study of nature, will stimulate curiosity in our youngest students, and develop a better understanding of
how they can relate to the world around them.
New technology that promotes science-based learning that includes nanoscale science.
PNNL Smartphone Microscopexv
Combine your iPhone or tablet with a 3D-printed clip and glass sphere to create an inexpensive,
yet powerful, microscope.
The microscope slips over the camera lens of the cell phone and is no thicker than a phone case.
Its designed to fit most cell phone brands, including iPhone 4 and 5, Galaxy S3 and S4 phones
and iPads. The material cost, not including the 3D printer, is under $1.
Using inexpensive glass beads traditionally used for reflective pavement markings at airports,
the PNNL team has demonstrated 1000x magnification, which is necessary to see tiny anthrax
spores and plague cells. They have also made a 350x version, which is adequate to identify
parasites in blood samples or protozoa in drinking water. A 100x version enables children to

investigate common items like salt grains and flower petals in much greater detail.
Using glass spheres as a microscope lens is not a new idea, optically, but the small size of the
housing combined with very high magnification and extremely low cost is what makes this
device practical.
Low cost was a driver in the research and development project targeting a specific Department
of Homeland Security need for rapid bio detection technologies. The microscope needed to be
so cheap it could literally be thrown away in case it gets contaminated.
"We feel there are many uses out there including human and veterinary medicine in developing
countries," said Janine Hutchison a microbiologist at PNNL. "We are also really excited about
engaging kids in science. School districts have a hard time providing enough microscopes for
students. Our science education staff is getting it into the hands of local school children this fall
through the auspices of the Mid-Columbia STEM Education Collaboratory."
Schools that already have 3D printers can download the project on their website.
7 innovative 3D printers for the classroomxvi
by Rebecca Lundberg, an editorial intern for eSchool Media.
A snapshot of classroom-ready 3D printers available for educators
3D printing is becoming a staple of the modern classroom, from K-12 to college and university
campuses as well.
Even as prices dip for some models, educational institutions and districts are also gaining
financial support from outside sources for ventures into 3D printing. In fact, government
business intelligence company Onvia reports that from 2011 to 2015, more than $1.8 million in
3D printer and supply contracts was awarded to 44 primary, secondary and higher education
institutions, and school districts across the United States.
David D. Thornburg, co-author of The Invent to Learn Guide to 3D Printing in the
Classroom, said he would not recommend one specific 3D printer for classroom use because
the constant advancement in the 3D printing industry can make choosing the best models a
moving target.
Thornburg stated that 3D printing is headed in the direction of being another piece of
technology thats just going to be there, both in the classroom and even in mediums such as
students smartphones (where they might access modeling software, for instance, or queue up
printing projects from mobile browsers).
Also, that playing a game like Tic-Tac-Toe, which can become mundane after a few minutes, is
transformed to a problem-solving tool in 3D form.
Suddenly, the strategy for winning changes, as students can play with stackable pieces instead
of a simple flat surface with pencil and paper, stated Thornburg in the book.

Matt Widaman, a career and technology education instructor for the Kenai Peninsula Borough
School District in Kenai, Alaska, uses a Dimension Stratasys 1200 ES to help create C02 cars in
his drafting courses. Widaman said 3D printing the cars, which run 60-65 miles per hour, has
been a great addition for the students in teaching them STEM lessons.
We recently rounded up seven 3D printers on the market, including Widamans Stratasys,
targeted toward educators and students, from big to small, pricey to affordable, to help
educators make these important decisions on technology access in school districts.
1. Dimension 1200es (Retail: $34,900)
Footprint: 326 pounds, 33 x 29 x 45 inches
This Stratasys printers durability and quick removal make it well suited for a classroom
environment. The products large size allows it to print larger models.
2. NVPro (Education: $4,999 annually; Retail: $9,999 annually)
Footprint: 70 pounds, 20.8 x 22 x 31 inches
The NVPro is a pioneer of the completely-automated printer. This cloud-based printer from
company NVBots can connect to devices via browserssuch as tablets and smartphones. In
lieu of the software that typically comes with 3D printers, users can long into a website and
print from there. A curriculum library is also available.
3. MarkerBot Replicator Z18 (Retail: $6,499)
Footprint: 90 pounds, 19.4 x 22.2 x 33.9 inches
The companys fifth generation printer, the Replicator Z18, is cloud-enabled and can connect to
devices via Wi-Fi, USB, and Ethernet. This product is designed for creating prototypes for class
4. Leapfrog Creatr (Education: 1,899.00, approximately $2,053.55; Retail starter: 1,999,
approximately $2,161.69)
Footprint: 70.55 pounds, 23.6 x 19.7 x 23.6 inches
The company claims quick set-up and printing speeds. The desktop printer features laser-cut, all
aluminum parts built to withstand temperature changes.
5. Afinia H480 (Retail: $1,299)
Footprint: About 11 pounds, 9.64 x 10.23 x 13.78 inches
Known for its simple, just hit print capabilities, the Afinia H480 is a lightweight desktop
printer that supports classroom visualizations and prototypes. Complimentary lifetime tech
support is available.
6. AirWolf A3D HDL (Retail: $2,295)
Footprint: 40 pounds, 24 x 18 x 18 inches
As a users needs and budget grow, this printers modular design allows for upgraded
capabilities, such as filaments.

7. Project 260C (Retail: $39,520)

Footprint: 437 pounds, 29 x 31 x 55 inches
This full-color printer from Aniwaa creates high temperature resistance models suited for a
constantly changing classroom environment. Users can print multiple models at the same time
in just hours.
The current state of technology in the classrooms is still problematic
Apple Inc., was the first company to provide computers, then laptops, and now iPads to the schools.
Their programs have some issues that are now being addressed, as Google is offering Chromebooks to
the schools with the Google cloud, along with a host of others that see the advantage of a new market.
The ultimate goal of technology deployment is for device use to become invisible, where students
create and communicate with their devices as easily as they might pick up a pen. Most students have
smart phones already and prefer them to any other device.
Apple recommends one-to-one deployment as the model most likely to yield maximum learning
benefits. Its no surprise to hear that schools have limited budgets and many cant afford an iPad for
every student. As a result, most schools either share iPads or a use a hybrid model where some grades
have one-to-one while others share devices.
In contrast to iPads, other devices such as laptops and ChromeBooks are designed to accommodate
multiple users. Once a user is logged in, the device is personalized with their preferences and content.
However, with an iPad there are major problematic issues for multiple users, so personalization, access
to private content, and data backup all become major headaches. Apples management policies need to
accommodate the vast number of schools that share iPads between students.
Users need to have an Apple ID in order to gain access to the App Store, iTunes, the iBooks Store, and
iCloud. If devices are being shared, they are usually assigned multiple school-owned Apple ID
accounts, making setup a very long and labor intensive process. In one-to-one environments each
student needs an Apple ID. Its a problematic situation in elementary schools given that Apples
interpretation of the Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) requires parental consent for
any accounts that belong to students under the age of 13. Apple responded with the Apple ID for
Students program. In short, schools upload a list of students and parent contact email addresses. Apple
then automatically sends out an email request to each parent and issues the Apple ID when approval is
received. However, what many schools have discovered is that email isnt as ubiquitous, and reliable as
we may have thought. Many parents dont have access to computers, dont check email, or speak a
different language.
The Apple ID requirement derives from the design of iOS devices for personal use. Given school
realities of shared iPads and students under age 13, the need for an Apple ID becomes a significant
obstacle. Instead of applying patches, Apple could allow administrators the option of distributing
content directly to devices without an Apple ID. This would not only make it easier to distribute apps
and eBooks, but it would also simplify the entire setup process.
Apples iCloud service is the recommended storage solution for users of iOS devices. It backs up and

synchronizes designated content automatically from Apple devices. iCloud works very effectively as a
personal backup solution, but it wasnt designed to meet the needs of enterprises. Accounts are linked
to personal Apple IDs. There isnt any enterprise administrative control over individual iCloud
accounts. Apple needs to draw a lesson from the success of Google Apps for Education and provide
schools with an enterprise-wide version of iCloud with centralized administration and simple backup,
transfer, and sharing of content, within domain accounts.
Google apps for iPads may have solved some of these problems
A new website: 'Shake up Learning' xvii with resources for mobile learning, has a complete list of these
Google apps for iPads, and programs that teachers can use in their classrooms while waiting for Apple's
solutions. They also have resources for the Chromebook programs that some of the schools have opted
to choose as their solution, and continues to offer schools and teachers options that may be suitable for
their classrooms for technology conversion.
Cloud-based storage for schools lowers their IT costs and are being adopted rapidly
Clouds, especially those supported by dedicated data centers, can be public, private, or a hybrid of
these. Many institutions use software as a service (SaaS) in the cloud to reduce IT overhead costs.
Google Apps, for example, has become a popular choice for schools, and many have moved their email
infrastructure to Gmail and adopted Google Drive for document sharing and collaboration. Whether
learning takes place at home, work, school, on the road, or in social spaces, nearly every student who
uses the network relies in some fashion on cloud computing to access, or share their information and
applications. Some are concerned, however, that many low-cost public cloud services may not meet
national privacy and data protection standards and requirements for schools and students. Private cloud
computing solves these issues by providing common cloud solutions in secure environments, and
hybrid clouds provide the benefits of both types.
There is a consensus that cloud-based services provide a range of solutions related to infrastructure,
software, and security. By means of virtualization, cloud computing providers can deliver fully-enabled
virtual computing environments of almost any scale that can be accessed from any connected device,
seamlessly, and on demand. Cloud services have also proven to cut the cost and time required for
server maintenance, and offer support for new tools that foster best computing practices for easy
sharing and mobility. They can negate the need for specialized IT staff that can be expensive and
difficult to retain. Additionally, as the mobile Internet has expanded, an increasing number of tablets
and other devices that are designed expressly to operate in the cloud have entered the market, and at
price points that make them competitive for 1:1 computing, and BYOD (bring your own device)
Relevance for Teaching, Learning, or Creative Inquiry
A recent study has revealed that the use of cloud services has grown rapidly over the past
five years, making digital strategies such as BYOD, the flipped classroom, and personalized and
collaborative learning environments fairly straightforward technologically. The Fairfax County Public
Schools in Virginia, for example, are using Google Apps for Education to promote communication,
creativity, collaboration, and productivity among teachers and students.
Ideas for schools that do not have a budget to adopt technology

This year, BYOD (bring your own device) and makerspaces have their stars on the risethey could be
in 20 percent of classrooms by years end. And over the next few years, 3D printing, adaptive software,
and even wearable technologies in schools could do the same, according to the 2014 K-12 Horizon
Reportxviii, a trendsetting look at the current state of technology and learning produced by the New
Media Consortium. Each year, the report confers with a panel of education experts and takes a close
look at the trends, challenges, and underlying developments driving todays education technology
adoption and implementation.
A recent survey conducted by the Center for Digital Education and the National School Board
Association, found that uptake of BYOD in American schools has increased over 30% since last years
survey; currently, 56% of school districts are implementing BYOD programs.
The BYOD programs are effective for schools that do not have a budget for new technology, which
allow students to bring their own technology to use in the classrooms. This works well in many areas
of the country, as school districts must make individual choices of how to introduce technology.
However, those same districts have many low-income families without access to the internet, nor the
devices. A disproportionate amount of students will be left out of the technology arena as these issues
continue to surface.
Relevance for Teaching, Learning, or Creative Inquiry
For schools, BYOD is less about the devices and more about the personalized content that users have
loaded onto them. Rarely do two devices share the same content or settings, and BYOD enables
students and educators to leverage the tools that make them most efficient and productive. Devices
have become the gateways to personal working and learning environments, that facilitate the
exploration of new subjects at a pace that is unique to each learner. This model ultimately gives
learners ownership of their learning, as they are entrusted to demonstrate their mastery of required
competencies in methods of their choosing, and select the technological tools they need to do this.
Education researchers highlight BYOD as the technology practice that will best accommodate this
vision of personalized learning.
Solution for Formative Assessment in real-time
BYOD has profound implications for primary and secondary education because it creates the
conditions for student-centered learning to take place. In 2013, Desert Sands Unified School District
(DSUSD) in California adopted a BYOD approach and has taken advantage of the wireless, 1:1
learning environment to conduct formative assessment. Using an online grading system and an LCD
projector, teachers can send questions to students devices and monitor answers as they come in. This
method of real-time assessment gives teachers the opportunity to adapt their instruction and review
challenging concepts, and has been proven to drastically improve the performance of typically low
performing students. Every student in DSUSD does their daily classroom activities on their personal
Google Chromebook, which are purchased by their parents or donated to them through local, state, or
federal grants.
The use of personal computing devices (whether it be a laptop, tablet, or smartphone) in the classroom
has been proven to foster a seamless learning experience in 1:1 situations. Researchers from the Hong
Kong Institute of Education studied the effects of a BYOD model on sixth graders that were studying
the anatomy of a fish using an inquiry-based approach. Using mobile apps including Edmodo,
Evernote, and Skitch, students were able to take notes, snap photos, share their observations with

classmates, and acquire knowledge that was beyond what was within the textbook. The researchers
noted that the BYOD model gave students a sense of ownership and control over their learning,
qualities that are absent from mobile learning studies where students use devices provided by the
school. At the end of the study, it was concluded that BYOD in conjunction with an inquiry-based
pedagogical practice, had a positive impact on primary students knowledge of the subject matter at
For Further Reading
The following articles and resources are recommended for those who wish to learn more about BYOD:
6 BYOD Discussions Every School Should Have
(Vicki Davis, Edutopia, 4 February 2014.) These IT considerations can help schools plan to implement
a BYOD infrastructure, covering topics that range from wireless printing to file syncing. > Practice
Mobile Devices in Education: Part One
(Mark Pearce, Business Review Europe, 1 June 2013.) The author analyzes the BYOD trend, citing
specific lessons that education institutions can learn from businesses. He believes allowing students to
use their own devices in class could give them a competitive edge. > Leadership
When Kids Craft BYOD Policies
(John Spencer, Education Rethink, 5 March 2013.) A teacher discusses how his sixth grade students
created their own BYOD policy. He found that his students had very mature perspectives about mobile
devices, equity, and responsibility. > Policy
Librarians offer another option for schools with low budgets
Set up your own digital media lab for next to nothing. A green screen and a Mac turn a storage
space into a hi-tech playground.xix This solution is from a library medial specialist.
With the advent of lightning-quick computers and gorgeous digital media tools, students are
now dreaming up PowerPoint presentations, websites, wikis, Photo Stories, and morethings
limited only by their imaginations. Creating these types of digital projects has become second
nature to them, and they have no concept of a time when these technologies were not available.
In fact, creating digital media has become a very personal matter. Just look on Facebook,
YouTube, Vine, Vimeo, Instagram, Twitter and you will see that our students are creating and
sharing digital content on a daily basis.
As educators, it behooves us to find ways to provide opportunities that allow our students to
engage in learning activities relevant to their lives. As a library media specialist, I know theres
no better place to provide them with these opportunities than a schools own library media
With all of this in mind, I recently decided to renovate an old storage room in our school library
into a cutting-edge digital media lab. My plan was to provide a space where students and staff
could explore their creativity using digital media, and my hope was that they would use these
tools to create authentic, curriculum-related projects.

Im happy to say, thats exactly what happened. Our students are now creating weekly
newscasts, commercials, book trailers, weather reports, and much more. They have become
roving reporters, interviewers, editors, directors, commentators, producers, and musicians. They
have become creators of content, and not just consumers. And, amazingly, I was able to do it all
without breaking the bank.
4 suggestions to help you create your own media lab
Find a space: You dont need a large space, especially if you are using a green screen. Our
newscasts appear to be set inside a spacious studio, but they are actually recorded in our 12-foot
by 12-foot storage room. Even if you dont have a separate room, you can easily set something
up in a corner of your classroom or library.
Purchase equipment: Believe it or not, you dont need a suite of pricey computers and
peripherals to get started. Right now, the extent of our equipment is a Mac. We used the built-in
camera for recording and began with iMovie for editing the video, and for green screen keying
(recently, we upgraded to Final Cut Pro for more advanced video editing). If a Mac is out of
your budget, dont fret: there are some great iPad apps that will do the trick.
You will need a green screen, which I was able to purchase for less than $20.00. You can also
paint a wall green. We actually painted our entire digital media lab green and threw in some
green foam flooring for the total package. Some photography lighting is helpful, but not
necessary if you have sufficient lighting in your space.
Recruit some students: Once you have everything in place, find a couple of tech savvy
students who are willing to experiment. The first few months, I had some students come in
during their free periods to play with the equipment and software. We learned a lot and I can
honestly say, I learned more from them than they did from me.
Create some sample projects: In order to pique teachers interest in assigning projects using
the digital media lab, the students and I created some samples, including a cloud project for a
science class and a book talk video for English. We also began creating newscasts incorporating
the schools daily announcements. Our newscasts have since become a weekly production that
our students really look forward to and these days our lab is regularly used for student projects.
So what are you waiting for? Keep in mind, you dont have to be a technology expert to start a
digital media lab. While not all of us are tech savvy, we need to keep in mind that many of
our students are. All we need to do is provide them with the tools and the opportunity, and I
believe they will do the rest.
The next time you assign a project, think about allowing the students to create a piece of music,
a newscast, a movie, a podcast, or some other digital project. Let them express themselves in a
way that is most comfortable for them. I think youll be as pleasantly surprised as I was.
What are IT leaders worried about during this technology transition?
1. Online assessment readiness and money to adapt to these changes.
2. Changing the culture within the schools and privacy of student information.
3. Budgets that don't cover the costs of the transition.

For the past three years, CoSNthe Consortium for School Networkinghas conducted the K-12 IT
Leadership Survey seeking to identify major trends and challenges, and provide a picture of these
What are the key technology trends in education according to leadership in our school systems?
What does the data define?
Assessment readiness is again the No. 1 priority for IT Leaders. The growing imperative about
being assessment ready isnt likely a surprise for those living in states adopting the Common
Core. However, regardless of where you live, all states are increasingly moving their highstakes assessments online. And, they are doing it quickly.
Yet less than 30 percent report they are fully prepared for online assessments, while 62 percent
of respondents say they are either fully prepared or almost ready. But that still leaves nearly
40 percent of districts unprepared to implement online assessments.
Another growing concern is privacy. Last year, for the first time, privacy was added to the list
of potential top concerns. It ranked dead last by our IT Leaders. Perhaps that didnt fully explain
the situation since privacy might be a concern, but not yet a top tier concern.
This year the question was asked in a different way; Is privacy and security of student data
more important, less important, or the same as last year?
An overwhelming 57 percent agreed it was a more important issue. That is a dramatic increase,
yet not surprising given high-publicity security breaches, and the increasing concerns expressed
by parents and policymakers.
One concern that hasnt changed is the lack of money, as 70 percent report a flat or declining
budget for technology. Another 54 percent of IT leaders indicate they dont have enough money
to meet overall expectations of the school board/district leaders. Budget hardships were also
highlighted by the response to the question about the top three challenges IT Leaders face. For
each of three years the survey has been conducted, budget constraints and lack of resources
ranked as either the No. 1 or the No. 2 challenge.
However, when we ask IT leaders to identify their greatest challenges, the answers are not really
about technology. That is not to say there are not technical or technological problems, but
people, culture, and funding trump them. Beyond lack of money, the other top concerns were
providing relevant professional development and breaking down silos, within our school
systems. These cultural and human aspects of digital learning are the hardest to solve.
What do these trends mean for superintendents and school boards?

The move away from paper tests is undeniable. However, the pace is too slow. Time to
put pencils down.
Privacy concerns are here to stay.
Budgets need to align if digital learning is your priority and in an era when budgets are
flat you need to reallocate your budget for sustainability.

Focus on building the human infrastructure around technology.

Finding the technology leadership that understands the education environment is key.
Changing education culture is the hardest part about technology.

The full results of the 2015 CoSN IT Leadership Survey can be viewed online.xx
4 key digital learning developmentsxxi
In fall 2014, Project Tomorrow surveyed 431,231 K-12 students, 35,337 parents, 41,805 teachers,
2,485 librarians, 680 district administrators, 3,207 school administrators, 442 technology leaders and
6,653 members of the community representing 8,216 public and private schools from 2,676 districts.
Schools from urban (30 percent), suburban (30 percent), and rural (40 percent) communities were
represented. Just over one-half of the schools (56 percent) that participated in Speak Up 2014 were
Title I eligible schools (an indicator of student population poverty). The Speak Up 2014 surveys were
available online for input between October 6th and December 19th, 2014.
Annual survey finds that students say digital learning supports self-directed learning and
Fifty-eight percent of high school students in a national survey said they use their own mobile
devices for learning in school, and 47 percent of teachers in the survey reported that their
students have regular access to mobile devices in their classrooms.
The information comes from Project Tomorrows annual Speak Up survey, which polls students,
parents, administrators, and educators about their technology use in and out of school.
We definitely have seen an increased sense of urgency around how to effectively use digital
tools and content to be able to impact student learning, said Julie Evans, CEO of Project
Tomorrow, during a Congressional briefing to discuss the data.
There isnt one recipe for implementing digital learning, particularly personalized learning.
As part of that, were seeing more and more use of digital content, she said.
The importance of digital access and equity
The issue of digital equity and access, particularly in terms of out of school access to the
internet, is top of mind for many education leaders today, according to the report.
Forty-seven percent of surveyed school and district technology leaders said digital equity and
students out-of-school internet access are among their most challenging issues this year.
Regular access to technology continues to be a main focus, too. Thirteen percent of surveyed
high school students and 21 percent of surveyed middle school students said they have no
regular access to technology in schools.
Today, as many as 7 in 10 teachers assign homework that requires access to the internet and
broadband, said Jessica Rosenworcel, FCC Commissioner, at the Congressional briefing. As
many as 1 in 3 households in this country do not subscribe to broadband. Where they overlap is

what I call the homework gap. Nearly half of all educational technology leaders are concerned
about student access to the internet outside of school. Their concern is spot-on.
According to Pew Research Center statistics released in April 2015, Rosenworcel said, the
homework gap is real. There are 5 million households of the 29 million households in this
country with school-aged children, that are falling into this gap and do not have access to
broadband at home.
Though many reports cite data indicating that low-income students report access to
smartphones, more must be done, she said, especially because of the growing number of jobs
that require digital skill.
A phone is just now how you want to further your education. We can do better than this. After
all, we need to, she said. School-aged kids without broadband at home are not only unable to
complete their homeworkthey enter the workforce with a serious skills gap.
Blended learning
Forty-five percent of surveyed district administrators said district blended learning programs are
showing positive results.
While only 25 percent of surveyed students said they are currently involved in a blended
learning environment (25 percent of surveyed students in grades 6-8 and 23 percent of surveyed
students in grades 9-12), those students indicated that blended learning:
Helps them learn at their own pace (64 percent)
Helps them develop creativity skills (63 percent)
Increases their collaboration with peers (61 percent)
Twenty-one percent of surveyed students in grades 3-5 said they regularly watch teacherdeveloped videos outside of their classroom.
Online learning
Online learning remains in the majority, with survey results indicating that only 27 percent of
participating high school principals do not offer any online courses for students.
Surveyed principals said they offer online learning options to their students in order to:
Keep students engaged (69 percent)
Offer academic remediation (62 percent)
Provide advanced coursework (47 percent)
Find a solution for hard-to-staff subjects (44 percent)
While only 8 percent of 2013 surveyed high school students said they were interested in fully
online learning, 24 percent of this years participating students said they would like to take all
of their classes online.
This growing interest is reflected at the middle school level, with 44 percent of surveyed

students reporting a desire to take math classes online.

The survey also shows that 28 percent of surveyed students in fully online learning
environments create and post digital content, compared with 18 percent of traditional students
in the survey.
STEM learning experiences
This years survey compared student data from three different STEM environments (afterschool computer programming/coding clubs, STEM academies, and school-sponsored tech
support teams) against students who did not participate in those environments.
Data showed that early STEM engagement is key to sustaining girls interest in STEM subjects.
Middle school girls in the survey are 38 percent less likely than male peers to express interest in
a STEM career, and 32 percent of surveyed high school girls reported the same.
Sixty-four percent of surveyed elementary school girls in grades 3-5 said they were interested in
programming and coding.
In addition to defined classroom technology-supported learning, self-directed learning is
growing in leaps and bounds, and surveyed students provided anecdotal evidence that they
pursue learning outside of structured classroom time.
One possible reason for this growth could be students increased access to digital tools,
resources, and the internet at home.
Two big questions emerge from this years report: Are we ready to support a new kind of
educational ecosystem that acknowledges learning as a 24/7 enterprise, and what do we need to
do today to enable and empower these kinds of student-centric digital learning experiences for
all students? asked Evans.
How can we engage all learners? Immersive educational games in the classroom
When students are put in an environment in which they can learn their own way without
fear, they become lifelong independent learners
Teachers have always known that games add depth to lessons by engaging students
imaginations and allowing them to find answers on their own and in their own way. Until
recently, however, even the best teachers have been limited by the kinds of games available to
them, making it difficult to find games that engage specific types of learners. Whether in the
classroom or on the back porch, we play games that appeal to the way we process information.
All learning styles, all the time
Its in this individual engagement where electronic games win out over traditional games in a
classroom setting. The prevalence of computers, interactive whiteboards, and tablets in the
classroom has led to the development of education-specific games for all types of learners.

No longer does the auditory learner have to struggle to process the written rules of the board
game, the visual learner have to feel anxious when his classmates get excited about the oral testreview game, or the kinesthetic learner have to battle fidgeting while she waits her turn. With
electronic games, kinesthetic learners can tap, swipe, and rotate their way to understanding
while auditory learners listen to the information that visual learners internalize through eyecatching graphics.
Im sure some of you are thinking there are non-electronic games that are suitable for different
types of learners, so why make the switch to electronic gaming? The answer is: Learning is not
as clear-cut as these learning categories make it seem. People do not learn in only one way. We
all share aspects of each of these kinds of learning, and that is where electronic gaming
demonstrates its real strengths: electronic games combine the three main types of learning at all
Games on mobile devices, computers, and interactive whiteboards combine graphics, audio, and
movement into a coherent whole. These games are interactive and immersive, forcing the
player to be truly invested in the outcome. Players are encouraged to strengthen weaker skills
while simultaneously taking advantage of their proficiencies. Electronic games level the playing
field, allowing all learners to engage deeply and internalize ideas in the way that suits them best.
So regardless of how a student best processes information, he or she will be able to learn the
same thing as someone who operates differently.
Creating individualized engagement
In addition, the increasingly large spectrum of electronic educational games allows teachers to
tailor learning to their students individual needs. Howard Gardner talks about the need to
individualize and pluralize learning to maximize a lessons reach, while taking full advantage
of each students inherent abilities (Frames Of Mind, 2011). Thats a tall order, especially
considering the strains our teachers are under: crowded classrooms, limited resources, emphasis
on testing, time constraints, and more.
Our educational system is, unfortunately, not designed for individualized teaching. The cycle of
lectures, mass-produced textbooks, and standardized tests emphasizes consistency and
conformity. Teachers know that one size does not fit all in teaching, and yet thats the
environment most prevalent in our schools. Digital gaming can change that.
Just as we all learn and process information differently, students have different behaviors in the
classroom that can be addressed through games. In a digital gaming environment, shy kids are
free to experiment without fear of judgment or ridicule. Its much easier to admit strengths and
weaknesses when no one is watching. Games are especially powerful in this way for math
topics. Many students find math intimidating but are too embarrassed to stand up in class and
admit they dont understand something. What they often dont realize, however, is that each
math topic builds on the previous one, so not understanding something now means they
wont understand even more things later.
Students take control
The inherent features of digital games provide a solution to this common issue: Games track
progress and give instant feedback, allowing the student to take control of the learning process

privately. Many education-specific games also allow teachers to see the students progress so
they can tailor lessons or extra work to specific needs. A recent report from the Games and
Learning Publishing Councilxxii shows that teachers are doing just that, and students are
benefiting. Another study from NYUxxiii indicates that the built-in competitive aspect of digital
gaming has measurable benefits for student performance.
For students who struggle in a standard learning environment, teachers reportxxiv that digital
games help low-performing students catch up, and motivate them to learn more. Digital games
not only improve student performance, but positively impact student behavior and attendancexxv.
Digital games provide an environment where kids can learn at their own pace and in their own
way. Games encourage players to explore and personalize their learning environment, whether it
is controlling sound, selecting an avatar, or choosing the method in which to approach a
problem. Games are inherently flexible; they encourage experimentation, trial and error, and
In no other learning environment are kids encouraged to fail and learn from their mistakes, even
though every teacher knows the best way to learn something is by doing it (and failing a few
times). The immediate feedback in games lets players determine for themselves what they need
to do differently, allowing them to internalize the lesson. Students can practice skills they feel
uncertain about, or move ahead to new things while the teacher focuses on students who are
struggling with a topic. When students are put in an environment in which they can learn their
way without fear of judgment or penalty, they become what every teacher strives for:
independent learners.

How do teachers feel about STEM?

This is an important component to understand, if you want teachers to embrace the STEM program.
The following overview describes how teachers are approaching the idea, which has a lot of built-in
roadblocks that I have identified in italics.
Leading in a STEM Worldxxvi
The need for students to be well versed in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics) content is critical today. This means that district, campus, and team leaders must
work together to ensure that teachers are extremely familiar, not just with the subjects
themselves, but also with the tools students can use to master them.
How can leaders help to turn their campuses and classrooms into STEM learning sites? The first
step is to become familiar with the reasons behind the need for STEM instruction.
Students already live in a world of technological advancement based on nanotechnology, that allows
them a greater freedom to expand their knowledge base to join an innovative society, which will
require new solutions for a sustainable future. If they learn to connect-the-dots in nature as sciencebased integrated learning, they will generate new ideas for discussion and implementation in their
designs for engineering a solution. Nanoscience can also stimulate the awesome wonder of nature,
and generate new opportunities in the classroom for exploration. The research will increase their

reading levels, the collaboration will give them more confidence to work as a team, and the writing will
give their literature teacher a better understanding of their current knowledge of composition. The
exercises will generate a much deeper understanding of their learning process, and help them succeed
on any path in life.
Next, learn what constitutes a true STEM lesson. While many activities claim to be STEMbased, true STEM learning encompasses the following:
Addresses a real-world problem that has multiple possible solutions
Engages students in the engineering design process
Has students work in teams to solve a problem
Encourages students to explore and come up with ideas on their own
Now share what you've learned about the importance of STEM education with your faculty.
Start a conversation with them about where STEM fits into each of their curricular areas, and
set a goal of having at least one STEM lesson* taught by each teacher that year.
(* one lesson, once-a-year is problematic -- not enough to integrate the subjects where it will make a
difference nor will the students be able to expand their knowledge base, or understand the
connections in nature that underlies all of science and math)
Once everyone is on board and excited about the possibilities, create cross-disciplinary groups
of teachers to brainstorm where STEM concepts can be integrated into each course's content.
These same groups can then develop and implement integrated STEM lessons. Resources to
help them can be found at the PBS Teachers STEM Education Resource Center.xxvii
Make sure you let students, parents, and the community know about your STEM initiative. You
may find parents who are willing to volunteer in an after-school STEM club. And some
community members may also wish to participate, speaking to students on how STEM concepts
are used in their jobs.
Commit to provide ongoing professional development for your staff to further develop their
STEM skills. Continue to have your cross-disciplinary teams plan new integrated lessons. If you
follow all of these steps, you will provide a STEM education that will ensure success for all of
your students.
Description is very limiting and needs to be expanded for creative solutions. More resources are
available, and they can encourage their students to find them. The unification of subjects gives
teachers the opportunity to creatively address new ideas with their students, challenge them to find the
underlying patterns and relationships between the separate sciences, as everything is connected and
interwoven, leading to system thinking. This will expand their knowledge base to understand how
system thinking and collaboration of ideas will lead them to solutions of clean water and renewable
energy for their future, that they can design as an engineering component. They can learn to find the
research on the Internet and share it with the group in the cloud-based storage for collaboration.
Using a cloud for sharing will also allow all the teachers to assess their progress, and make
suggestions that can expand their knowledge base into more complex areas of design and solutions.
Most elementary teachers when they are placed in the classroom often just dont feel
comfortable teaching STEM subjects, said Born-Selly, who is the executive director of the

National Center for STEM Elementary Educationxxviii, an organization embedded within

Minnesotas St. Catherines University (colloquially known as St. Kates).
They might avoid it or they might teach the bare minimum or they might go on a field trip and
think that was their science lesson, she continued. But what weve found across the board is
that teachers really want to be more comfortable with this material, and the subject matter, so
they feel as comfortable with it as with, say, reading.
Why the disconnect? Limited exposure to teaching STEM during college and pre-service
training leads many elementary teachers to soft peddle those subjects in their classrooms, she
said. Students, in turn, feel detached from science and math, which may dissuade them from
pursuing STEM subjects at higher levels later on.
The National Center for STEM Elementary Education (NCSEE)xxix was launched in 2010 with
the vision to transform the way STEM education is delivered at the elementary level. We want
children to be inspired and encouraged to pursue an interest in STEM studies, graduate with
STEM degrees, and work in STEM fields. NCSEEs primary method of accomplishing that goal
is teacher professional development offered through graduate-level course work or professional
development to cohorts of practicing educators.
Drawing on the Universitys faculty experts, courses are co-taught by an education and STEM
faculty member so that teachers learn rigorous STEM content as well as techniques and
methods for translating that material to their own classrooms and grade level. In each course
teachers are exposed to research and resources, to help them better understand and implement
best practices in STEM education.
The NCSEE began as a way to strengthen the hard science training among students of the
schools college of education. Later, St. Kates added support staff for an on-site STEM
professional development program, which offers everything from daylong workshops to
intensive week-long courses with periodic follow-ups for K-12 schools and districts across the
The goal of this targeted STEM-focused PD is to plug a gap that currently exists in elementary
educationto help better integrate STEM into the school day, rather than allocating a chunk of
time for science and another for math. Given that you have one teacher in one classroom in
elementary schools, it makes sense to be thinking about things in a holistic, integrated way,
Born-Selly said.
None of the programs have included nanoscale science in their STEM resources, so it will need to be
introduced by the students through questioning and following their curiosity. Teachers will not find
this size of science, which is 1 billionth of a meter, in any of the standards. Students need to know:
nanotechnology is already in their favorite tools: such as their Smartphones, iPads etcs. This opens the
door for introduction of nanoscale science in the classroom that includes engineering. They can
explore how that technology was discovered and developed, uniting all current subjects in science, and
methods of research, resulting in the development of nanotechnology.
During the year since the meetings the following resource is one of the solutions of the NSEE meetings
that was funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) for teachers.

Nanotechnology: Science of the Super small: 6 videos have been funded by National Science
Foundation through NBC Learn. Each video is only 5-6 minutes.
Teachers Respected as Stakeholdersxxx
The final story involves a project for an entire country based on collaboration between
professors and seed teachers to design exciting innovative nanoscience curriculum for K-12
students. I was honored to escort the group of six professors and two teachers from Taiwan in
2005, to share their story with Arizona State University and University of Wisconsin-Madison,
MRSEC. The results of their project from 2002-2007 are presented as a model for any country
that wishes to succeed in developing nanoscience education for K-12.
Seed Teachers are the Key to Developing Nanoscience Curriculum
The Taiwan Nanotechnology Initiative government officials realized that not all students would
become scientists, but everyone needed to be educated to understand the basic concepts of
nanotechnology. Realizing that teachers are not scientists either, they planned focused lectures
on basic concepts from the integrated subjects. Teachers took notes and developed lessons for
three textbooks that students could relate to, along with videotaped experiments. The
animations, comic books, and games they consulted on were designed for the younger students
that were already 'digital natives'. The seed teachers then taught the teachers, who then
recruited the students as nano ambassadors to align with fellow students in the quest to learn
more about nanoscience and the emerging technologies. Within a few years, the entire country
was on board.
Obstacles Still Prevail in the United States
The United States has taken a different approach, developing many resources without the
inclusion of the teachers. The universities that created the outreach materials are convinced that
teacher-development is necessary to use these materials. We do not have the trust in our
teachers, who were left out of the equation when the projects were started, leaving our nation
behind globally. Based on all the positive activity globally, it is apparent that we do not have
another decade to wait for textbooks and new standards to be approved from the 'top down'.
Our teachers need the respect that teachers around the world experience. They have been
trained to teach, allow them to expand their knowledge with their students as a collaborative
venture, one STEM-BASED lesson at a time. They will be amazed when they discover that
nanoscale science-based education has global resources that their students can discover and
bring to the conversation. Collaboration develops when new information is the foundation for
the exploration and research. Teachers need to be respected as stakeholders from the 'bottom
up' for these STEM-BASED lessons to succeed, as every person is as unique in their learning
styles as they are in the fingerprints. There is no 'one size fits all' in education.
The book, How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School Experiencexxxi , provides a
comprehensive and readable synthesis of research findings regarding learning and cognition. It
offers new conceptions of the learning process and explains how skill and understanding in

subject areas are most effectively acquired.

1.Views on effective learning have shifted from a focus on the benefits of diligent drill and
practice to a focus on students understanding and application of knowledge.
2.Learning must be guided by generalized principles in order to be widely applicable.
Knowledge learned at the level of rote memory rarely transfers; transfer 'most likely'* occurs
when the learner knows and understands underlying concepts and principles that can be applied
to problems in new contexts.
*I high-lighted 'most likely', as this research has not been proven, and they would not have used
that term if they had proof in their experiments, which they did not.
The advent of new technological resources for classrooms are able to allow students to visually
learn difficult concepts as we start to integrate subject matter from the science of nature, with
mathematics, giving them a better understanding of why geometry and algebra form the base of
all science and engineering research and design. The videos and interactive resources allow
them to experience hands-on immersive learning that builds toward an expanded knowledge
base that textbooks and lectures do not offer.
3.Experts first seek to develop an understanding of problems, and this often involves thinking in
terms of core concepts or big ideas.
The immense opportunities for student-centered learning is enhanced by their use of the
technological input they can gather in an instant, share it, discuss the relevance of their
findings and create their own designs as engineering project-based learning.
5. Feedback is fundamental to learning, but feedback opportunities are limited in many
classrooms. Students may receive grades on tests and essays, but these are summative
assessments that occur at the end of learning segments. Grades, by themselves, do not provide
the specific and timely information needed for improvement. What is needed are formative
assessments, which provide students with opportunities to revise and improve the quality of
their thinking and understanding.
The technological advancement is also providing teachers with formative assessment, and the
ability to observe what their students are exploring in the 'cloud-based' assessment programs.
The misdirection of the behavioral and cognitive science-based research will keep our students
and our teachers on a continued path of failure as they are now mandated. Now we need to look
at the actual work-related issues that students are experiencing in the U.S.

Characteristics of the College-Educated Population and the Science and

Engineering Workforce in the United Statesxxxii
The number of college graduates in the United States nearly doubled between 1993 and 2013, from
29 million to 55 million, according to the National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG).
The number of college graduates with degrees in science and engineering (S&E) fields grew faster

than the number of college graduates with degrees in non-S&E fields.

Additionally, in 2013, about 1 in 10 college graduates were employed in an S&E occupation, and
this proportion has remained largely unchanged since 1993.
Women accounted for more than one-half of the college graduate population in the United States in
2013. However, women constituted only 29% of those employed in S&E occupations.
Educational Background and Labor Market Conditions
Overall, slightly more than one-fourth (27%) of the college-educated population in 2013 held degrees
only in S&E fields of study.
An additional 14% held degrees in at least two of the following: S&E, S&E-related, and non-S&E.
Nearly half (49%) of the employed college graduates with degrees only in S&E fields worked in an
S&E or S&E-related occupation in 2013.
Among individuals with degrees only in S&E fields who were employed outside of S&E, the majority
(62%) reported that their job was related to their S&E degree.
This suggests that the application of S&E knowledge and skills is widespread across the U.S. economy
and not just limited to occupations classified as S&E.
The extensive use of S&E expertise in the workplace is also evident from the 18 million college
graduates reporting in 2013 that their jobs required at least a bachelors degree level of technical
expertise in one or more S&E fields.
This number is about three times as large as the number of college graduates employed in an S&E
occupation in 2013 (6 million).
(The problem isn't a lack of graduates in S&E fields, the issues are the stagnant salaries and a lack of
job demand since 1993.)
Salaries for college-educated has remained stagnant since 1993
In 2013, the median annual salary for college graduates in the United States was $58,000. Within the
college graduate population, education and employment in an S&E or S&E-related field has a
significant impact on salary.
Individuals earned more if they were employed in an S&E or S&E-related occupation ($80,000 and
$65,000, respectively) than in a non-S&E occupation ($51,000). Similarly, salaries were higher for
those who completed their highest level of degree in an S&E or S&E-related field of study ($65,000 for
both fields) than for those who completed their highest degree in a non-S&E field of study ($52,000).
Individuals with advanced degrees generally earn higher salaries. Among individuals employed in an
S&E occupation, median salaries tend to be highest among those with a doctorate. Among those
employed in an S&E-related or non-S&E occupation, median salaries are highest among individuals
whose highest degree is at the level of a professional degree.

The relatively high salaries among professional degree holders employed in S&E-related or non-S&E
occupations are driven primarily by medical practitioners and lawyers, respectively. Nearly threefourths of college graduates employed in S&E-related occupations whose highest degree is a
professional degree work as a diagnosing or treating practitioner (74%). A similar proportion of college
graduates employed in non-S&E occupations whose highest degree is a professional degree work as a
lawyer or judge (74%).
In 2013, about 28 million college graduates in the labor force reported participating in work-related
training within the past 12 months. Among those who attended training, most did so to improve skills
or knowledge in their current occupational field. Others did so for licensure or certification in their
current occupational field or because training was required or expected by their employer.
Community College Attendance
About 46% of college graduates reported having taken courses at a community college. The most
frequently cited primary reason for taking community college courses was to earn credits for a
bachelors degree.
College-Related Debt
Of the 55 million college graduates, 46% reported having borrowed money
White House announcements: March 2015
President Obama announced over $240M in new multi-sector commitments dedicated to STEM
education and outreach, with an emphasis on underserved groups, at the 2015 White House Science
Fair on Monday. With the new investments, the presidents Education to Innovate campaign,
launched in November 2009, has now resulted in more than $1 billion in financial and in-kind support
for STEM initiatives.
This years science fair focused specifically on diversity, especially the engagement of women and girls
in science. In addition to the presidents remarks to students, science educators, and business leaders in
attendance, notable commitments announced at the fifth White House Science Fair, according to a
White House fact sheet, include:
$150 million for a philanthropic effort led by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Simons Foundation for a new Faculty Scholars Program
that provides grants and resources to early-career scientists;
$90 million for the Let Everyone Dream campaign, to expand STEM opportunities to
under-represented youth through focused media campaigns and support for internship and
career-readiness programs;
$25 million for a Department of Education competition, providing five-year grants to support
the development of educational television, interactive learning games, websites, and mobile app
programming for young children and parents, with a specific emphasis on science;
An announcement from 120 universities and colleges for their plans to expand or launch
Grand Challenge Scholars Programs on their campuses, committing to train 20,000 engineers
whose undergraduate experience will be structured around a diverse set of challenges;
A CEO coalition, Change the Equation, expanding effective STEM programs to an

additional 1.5 million students this year, with the goal of identifying the most effective and
inclusive STEM programs and driving corporate philanthropy to them.
Also announced at the event were new opportunities to engage students in citizen science with federal
agencies, labs, and parks, as well as a diverse array of initiatives to support the maker-movement, such
as access to 3D printers, peer networks, and online courses.
To support STEM teachers, the 100K in 10 initiative, a network created in response to president
Obamas 2011 State of the Union call to action to prepare 100,000 STEM teachers over 10 years,
announced that it is adding more than 30 new contributors to its campaigns. Several other
organizations, ranging from the Discovery Channel to the National Student Clearinghouse, announced
their intentions to provide educators with new resources and training.
The College Transition Collaborative, a partnership of researchers and 13 universities and with support
from the Raikes Foundation, announced that they plan to deliver interventions that help low-income
students make the transition into college, while 10 universities are partnering through the University
Innovation Fellows program to expose incoming freshmen to design thinking, entrepreneurship, and
innovation to retain students in STEM disciplines.
Meanwhile they are also funding robotics that replace workers!
New Round of Funding to develop Robotics as co-Workers
Nearly $50 Million in Research Funding Awarded by NSF-Led National Robotics Initiative to
Develop Next-Generation Robotics
The National Science Foundation (NSF), in partnership with NASA, the National Institutes of Health
(NIH) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), awarded just under $50 million to grantees
around the country for the development and use of robots that cooperatively work with people and
enhance individual human capabilities, performance and safety.
Funded projects target the creation of next-generation collaborative robots, or co-robots, with
applications in areas such as advanced manufacturing; civil and environmental infrastructure; health
care and rehabilitation; military and homeland security; space and undersea exploration; food
production, processing and distribution; assistive devices for improving independence and quality of
life; and safer driving. Examples of co-robots envisioned include the co-worker in manufacturing, the
co-protector in civilian and military venues, and the co-inhabitant assistant in the home of an elder
living independently.
Co-robots are the next step in Artificial Intelligence that will be smarter than humans. It is your future,
so stay informed. Read articlexxxiii and specific detail of grants awarded.
Skilled work without the worker.xxxiv
...The falling costs and growing sophistication of robots have touched off a renewed debate
among economists and technologists over how quickly jobs will be lost. This year, Erik
Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, economists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
made the case for a rapid transformation. The pace and scale of this encroachment into human
skills is relatively recent and has profound economic implications, they wrote in their book,
Race Against the Machine.
In their minds, the advent of low-cost automation foretells changes on the scale of the
revolution in agricultural technology over the last century, when farming employment in the

United States fell from 40 percent of the work force to about 2 percent today. The analogy is not
only to the industrialization of agriculture but also to the electrification of manufacturing in the
past century, Mr. McAfee argues.
At what point does the chain saw replace Paul Bunyan? asked Mike Dennison, an executive at
Flextronics, a manufacturer of consumer electronics products that is based in Silicon Valley and
is increasingly automating assembly work. Theres always a price point, and were very close
to that point.
But Bran Ferren, a veteran roboticist and industrial product designer at Applied Minds in
Glendale, Calif., argues that there are still steep obstacles that have made the dream of the
universal assembly robot elusive. I had an early navet about universal robots that could just
do anything, he said. You have to have people around anyway. And people are pretty good at
figuring out, how do I wiggle the radiator in or slip the hose on? And these things are still hard
for robots to do.
Beyond the technical challenges lies resistance from unionized workers and communities
worried about jobs. The ascension of robots may mean fewer jobs are created in this country,
even though rising labor and transportation costs in Asia and fears of intellectual property theft
are now bringing some work back to the West.
Take the cavernous solar-panel factory run by Flextronics in Milpitas, south of San Francisco. A
large banner proudly proclaims Bringing Jobs & Manufacturing Back to California! (Right
now China makes a large share of the solar panels used in this country and is automating its
own industry.)
Yet in the state-of-the-art plant, where the assembly line runs 24 hours a day, seven days a
week, there are robots everywhere and few human workers. All of the heavy lifting and almost
all of the precise work is done by robots that string together solar cells and seal them under
glass. The human workers do things like trimming excess material, threading wires and
screwing a handful of fasteners into a simple frame for each panel.
Such advances in manufacturing are also beginning to transform other sectors that employ
millions of workers around the world. One is distribution, where robots that zoom at the speed
of the worlds fastest sprinters can store, retrieve and pack goods for shipment far more
efficiently than people. Robots could soon replace workers at companies like C & S Wholesale
Grocers, the nations largest grocery distributor, which has already deployed robot technology.
Rapid improvement in vision and touch technologies is putting a wide array of manual jobs
within the abilities of robots. For example, Boeings wide-body commercial jets are now riveted
automatically by giant machines that move rapidly and precisely over the skin of the planes.
Even with these machines, the company said it struggles to find enough workers to make its
new 787 aircraft. Rather, the machines offer significant increases in precision and are safer for
And at Earthbound Farms in California, four newly installed robot arms with customized
suction cups swiftly place clamshell containers of organic lettuce into shipping boxes. The
robots move far faster than the people they replaced. Each robot replaces two to five workers at
Earthbound, according to John Dulchinos, an engineer who is the chief executive at Adept
Technology, a robot maker based in Pleasanton, Calif., that developed Earthbounds system.
Robot manufacturers in the United States say that in many applications, robots are already more
cost-effective than humans.

At an automation trade show last year in Chicago, Ron Potter, the director of robotics
technology at an Atlanta consulting firm called Factory Automation Systems, offered attendees
a spreadsheet to calculate how quickly robots would pay for themselves.
In one example, a robotic manufacturing system initially cost $250,000 and replaced two
machine operators, each earning $50,000 a year. Over the 15-year life of the system, the
machines yielded $3.5 million in labor and productivity savings.
The Obama administration says this technological shift presents a historic opportunity for the
nation to stay competitive. The only way we are going to maintain manufacturing in the U.S. is
if we have higher productivity, said Tom Kalil, deputy director of the White House Office of
Science and Technology Policy.
Government officials and industry executives argue that even if factories are automated, they
still are a valuable source of jobs. If the United States does not compete for advanced
manufacturing in industries like consumer electronics, it could lose product engineering and
design as well. Moreover, robotics executives argue that even though blue-collar jobs will be
lost, more efficient manufacturing will create skilled jobs in designing, operating and servicing
the assembly lines, as well as significant numbers of other kinds of jobs in the communities
where factories are located.
And robot makers point out that their industry creates jobs. A report commissioned by the
International Federation of Robotics last year found that 150,000 people are already employed
by robotics manufacturers worldwide in engineering and assembly jobs.
But American and European dominance in the next generation of manufacturing is far from
What I see is that the Chinese are going to apply robots too, said Frans van Houten, Philipss
chief executive. The window of opportunity to bring manufacturing back is before that
A Faster Assembly Line
Royal Philips Electronics began making the first electric shavers in 1939 and set up the factory
here in Drachten in 1950. But Mr. Visser, the engineer who manages the assembly, takes pride
in the sophistication of the latest shavers. They sell for as much as $350 and, he says, are more
complex to make than smartphones.
The assembly line here is made up of dozens of glass cages housing robots made by Adept
Technology that snake around the factory floor for more than 100 yards. Video cameras atop the
cages guide the robot arms almost unerringly to pick up the parts they assemble. The arms bend
wires with millimetric accuracy, set toothpick-thin spindles in tiny holes, grab miniature plastic
gears and set them in housings, and snap pieces of plastic into place.
The next generation of robots for manufacturing will be more flexible and easier to train.
Witness the factory of Tesla Motors, which recently began manufacturing the Tesla S, a luxury
sedan, in Fremont, Calif., on the edge of Silicon Valley.
More than half of the building is shuttered, called the dark side. It still houses a dingy, unused
Toyota Corolla assembly line on which an army of workers once turned out half a million cars
The Tesla assembly line is a stark contrast, brilliantly lighted. Its fast-moving robots, bright
Tesla red, each has a single arm with multiple joints. Most of them are imposing, 8 to 10 feet

tall, giving them a slightly menacing Terminator quality.

But the arms seem eerily human when they reach over to a stand and change their hand to
perform a different task. While the many robots in auto factories typically perform only one
function, in the new Tesla factory a robot might do up to four: welding, riveting, bonding and
installing a component.
As many as eight robots perform a ballet around each vehicle as it stops at each station along
the line for just five minutes. Ultimately as many as 83 cars a day roughly 20,000 are
planned for the first year will be produced at the factory. When the company adds a sport
utility vehicle next year, it will be built on the same assembly line, once the robots are
Teslas factory is tiny but represents a significant bet on flexible robots, one that could be a
model for the industry. And others are already thinking bigger.
Hyundai and Beijing Motors recently completed a mammoth factory outside Beijing that can
produce a million vehicles a year using more robots and fewer people than the big factories of
their competitors and with the same flexibility as Teslas, said Paul Chau, an American venture
capitalist at WI Harper who toured the plant in June.
The New Warehouse
Traditional and futuristic systems working side by side in a distribution center north of New
York City show how robotics is transforming the way products are distributed, threatening jobs.
From this warehouse in Newburgh, C & S, the nations largest grocery wholesaler, supplies a
major supermarket chain.
The old system sprawls across almost half a million square feet. The shelves are loaded and
unloaded around the clock by hundreds of people driving pallet jacks and forklifts. At peak
times in the evening, the warehouse is a cacophony of beeping and darting electric vehicles as
workers with headsets are directed to cases of food by a computer that speaks to them in four
The new system is much smaller, squeezed into only 30,000 square feet at the far end of the
warehouse and controlled by just a handful of technicians. They watch over a four-story cage
with different levels holding 168 rover robots the size of go-carts. Each can move at 25 miles
an hour, nearly as fast as an Olympic sprinter.
Each rover is connected wirelessly to a central computer and on command will race along an
aisle until it reaches its destination a case of food to retrieve or the spot to drop one off for
storage. The robot gathers a box by extending two-foot-long metal fingers from its side and
sliding them underneath. It lifts the box and pulls it to its belly. Then it accelerates to the front
of the steel cage, where it turns into a wide lane where it must contend with traffic eight
robots are active on each level of the structure, which is 20 aisles wide and 21 levels high.
From the aisle, the robots wait their turn to pull into a special open lane where they deposit each
load into an elevator that sends a stream of food cases down to a conveyor belt that leads to a
large robot arm.
About 10 feet tall, the arm has the grace and dexterity of a skilled supermarket bagger, twisting
and turning each case so the final stack forms an eight-foot cube. The software is sophisticated
enough to determine which robot should pick up which case first, so when the order arrives at
the supermarket, workers can take the cases out in the precise order in which they are to go on
the shelves.

When the arm is finished, the cube of goods is conveyed to a machine that wraps it in clear
plastic to hold it in place. Then a forklift operator summoned by the computer moves the cube
to a truck for shipment.
Built by Symbotic, a start-up company based in the Boston area, this robotic warehouse is
inspired by computer designers who created software algorithms to efficiently organize data to
be stored on a computers hard drive.
Jim Baum, Symbotics chief executive, compares the new system to a huge parallel computer.
The design is efficient because there is no single choke point; the cases of food moving through
the robotic warehouse are like the digital bits being processed by the computer.
Humans Changing Role
In the decade since he began working as a warehouseman in Tolleson, Ariz., a suburb of
Phoenix, Josh Graves has seen how automation systems can make work easier but also create
new stress and insecurity. The giant facility where he works distributes dry goods for Kroger
Mr. Graves, 29, went to work in the warehouse, where his father worked for three decades, right
out of high school. The demanding job required lifting heavy boxes and the hours were long.
They would bring in 15 guys, and only one would last, he said.
Today Mr. Graves drives a small forklift-like machine that stores and retrieves cases of all sizes.
Because such workers are doing less physical labor, there are fewer injuries, said Rome Aloise,
a Teamsters vice president in Northern California. Because a computer sets the pace, the stress
is now more psychological.
Mr. Graves wears headsets and is instructed by a computerized voice on where to go in the
warehouse to gather or store products. A centralized computer the workers call The Brain
dictates their speed. Managers know exactly what the workers do, to the precise minute.
Several years ago, Mr. Gravess warehouse installed a German system that automatically stores
and retrieves cases of food. That led to the elimination of 106 jobs, roughly 20 percent of the
work force. The new system was initially maintained by union workers with high seniority.
Then that job went to the German company, which hired nonunion workers.
Now Kroger plans to build a highly automated warehouse in Tolleson. Sixty union workers
went before the City Council last year to oppose the plan, on which the city has not yet ruled.
We dont have a problem with the machines coming, Mr. Graves told city officials. But tell
Kroger we dont want to lose these jobs in our city.
Some jobs are still beyond the reach of automation: construction jobs that require workers to
move in unpredictable settings and perform different tasks that are not repetitive; assembly
work that requires tactile feedback like placing fiberglass panels inside airplanes, boats or cars;
and assembly jobs where only a limited quantity of products are made or where there are many
versions of each product, requiring expensive reprogramming of robots.
But that list is growing shorter.
Upgrading Distribution
Inside a spartan garage in an industrial neighborhood in Palo Alto, Calif., a robot armed with
electronic eyes and a small scoop and suction cups repeatedly picks up boxes and drops them
onto a conveyor belt.

It is doing what low-wage workers do every day around the world.

Older robots cannot do such work because computer vision systems were costly and limited to
carefully controlled environments where the lighting was just right. But thanks to an
inexpensive stereo camera and software that lets the system see shapes with the same ease as
humans, this robot can quickly discern the irregular dimensions of randomly placed objects.
The robot uses a technology pioneered in Microsofts Kinect motion sensing system for its
Xbox video game system.
Such robots will put automation within range of companies like Federal Express and United
Parcel Service that now employ tens of thousands of workers doing such tasks.
The start-up behind the robot, Industrial Perception Inc., is the first spinoff of Willow Garage,
an ambitious robotics research firm based in Menlo Park, Calif. The first customer is likely to
be a company that now employs thousands of workers to load and unload its trucks. The
workers can move one box every six seconds on average. But each box can weigh more than
130 pounds, so the workers tire easily and sometimes hurt their backs.
Industrial Perception will win its contract if its machine can reliably move one box every four
seconds. The engineers are confident that the robot will soon do much better than that, picking
up and setting down one box per second.
Were on the cusp of completely changing manufacturing and distribution, said Gary Bradski,
a machine-vision scientist who is a founder of Industrial Perception. I think its not as singular
an event, but it will ultimately have as big an impact as the Internet.
White House Rolls Out Plans to Connect Young Americans With High-Skill Jobs
The White House recently released a preview of its plans to build a stronger pipeline between K-12
education and high-skill employment. The Presidents Computer Science for All Initiative would boost
investment in states, districts and teacher training to improve computer science (CS) education for K12 students and every student must learn computer coding. The three-year, $4 billion plan would also
call on multiple federal agencies to focus investments on improving CS skills. The president also
proposed nearly $6 billion in new funding to help young people acquire skills and access to highquality job opportunities. Much of this support would come through the Workforce Innovation and
Opportunity Act youth formula program, with $2 billion in additional support though programs for atrisk students, $200 million for apprenticeship programs and $20 million for the Summer Jobs and
Beyond program. Funding for both initiatives will be included in the presidents fiscal year 2017
budget request next week. (this is the final blow to students who now must take coding)
Conclusions: No Evidence of shortage of STEM skilled-workers
Another place to look for evidence of a skills shortage is in wage trends. If skills are in short supply, the
simple logic of supply and demand implies wages should be increasing substantially in occupations
where there is a shortage of skilled labor. In other words, employers who face shortages of suitable,
interested workers should be responding by bidding up wages to attract the workers they need.
In no occupation is there any hint of wages being bid up in a way that would indicate tight labor
markets or labor shortages. In fact, in no occupation have average wages even kept pace with overall
productivity growth over this period. This pattern of productivity growth outstripping wage growth
across the board is a signature of weak demand for workers caused by shortage of demand for goods
and services, not skills mismatch.

In sum, no matter how you cut the data, there is no evidence of skills shortages as a major cause of
todays elevated unemployment. The evidence on wages, hours, job openings, and unemployment
across demographic groups, industries, and occupations, all confirm broad-based weakened demand for
Misdirection in education-specific goals from the 'top down'
In lieu of these facts, why are policymakers advising STEM-BASED education for work-related
careers. Students should be learning STEM integrated subjects to expand their knowledge of nature,
how nature is important to research in any subject, while expanding their knowledge of history,
literature, cultures, art, financial and political structure in a global world. Focusing on workforce
training for jobs that won't even be relevant in their future, robs them of an education that is wellrounded and allows them to pursue a career that suits their passion as they mature. Expanded and
inclusive learning also stimulates a love of life-long learning in all subjects, rather than a short-term
focus on industry needs that are not relevant. In 10 - 15 years, robotics will have expanded into all
areas, while student debt rises and even current menial low-income jobs are obsolete. Well versed
expanded liberal arts education should not be eliminated in our course structure, as they stimulate a
creativity and passion for learning that will be important in the future for all students as the jobs
I keep asking all the experts and futurists the same question: What will humanity do when robotics
takes over all work on the planet? What will humans do when Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes
more intelligent than humans? They have no answers: Shouldn't that concern us as an ethical issue

National Research Council. (2011). A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts,
and Core Ideas. Committee on a Conceptual Framework for New K-12 Science Education Standards. Board on
Science Education, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: The National
Academies Press.
iiThe NanoTechnology Group Inc.,
iv NanoMission,
v UVA Virtual Lab,
vi The Magic of the Nano World is in your pencil,
vii Nano-Link modules and workshop,
viiiNational Standards for geometry K-5 :
ix The Secret of the Fibonacci Sequence in Trees:
x Nanoscience Education, Workforce Training and K-12 Resources, CRC Press, ISBN: 978-1-4200-5394-4, More
Nursery School Children Going online, Page 40.
xi Scolastic Inc.,
xii PBS Kids Play,
xiiiNanotechnology Ethical and Social Implications, edited by Ahmed S. Khan, CRC Press, ISBN:978-1-4398-5953-7,
Chapter 13, What are the Social Implications of our Delay in Teaching Nanoscience Education to K-12 Students in the
United States? Author: Judith Light Feather Page 261-302.
xiv Space buckyballs thrive, finds the NASA Spitzer Telescope, 28 October 2010.
xv PPNL,
xvi 7 innovative 3D printers for classrooms:
xix Set up your own digital media lab for next to nothing, By Donna DeLuca, A library media specialist at Accompsett
Middle School in Smithtown, N.Y. She is a professional development trainer and a Google Certified Educator. To see
some of the projects created by students in the digital media lab, visit:
xx Consortium for School Networking,
xxi 4 key digital learning developments: Laura Devaney, Director of News,
xxiii NYU study:
xxivTeachers report:
xxvGames affect student behavior:
xxviLeading in a STEM World by Lori Gracey
xxviiiNational Center for STEM Elementary Education :
xxixNational Center for STEM Elementary Education :
xxxNanoscience Education, Workforce Training, and K-12 Resources, Judith Light Feather, Miguel F. Aznar, CRC Press,
ISBN: 978-1-4200-5394-4, 'Teachers respected as Stakeholders, Page 286
xxxiNational Research Council (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school: Expanded Edition.
Washington,DC: National Academy Press.
xxxiiNational Science Foundation g Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences g

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