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Volume III Number 1 Anno IVxi Sol in Capricorn

The Official Publication of Heru Behutet Oasis

A Duly Chartered Body Of
Ordo Templi Orientis
Volume III; Number 1
Winter Solstice 2003ev
Published Annually Copyright © 2003
Heru Behutet Oasis, Ordo Templi Orientis,
and the original authors.

Sands of Edfu excerpt (the official theme music of Heru Behutet Oasis) by Fr∴
Invoking Square of Jupiter by Fr∴
18, ht1&2, nos, priapus, SB, tmosg, wnox, wnf, wllm v by Fr∴
ssi anon.
All other images (Lamen, FTM & gregori) are public domain.

Edditorial Policy
The opinions of the authors expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies of
Heru Behutet Oasis, or Ordo Templi Orientis. Items published in Talons are NOT eddited for content.

Submissions and inquiries may be sent to Talons c/o the Oasis address above or e-mailed to Please do not send original art or printed materials. The preferred method of
submission is by e-mail or 3.5 floppy disk. Materials will not be returned unless accompanied by a S.A.S.E.
and a specific request for such. Questions about our policies may be directed to the Oasis contact
addresses below.

Heru Behutet Oasis
P.O. Box 47057
Kansas City, MO 64118-7057

From the Desk of the Body Master From the Master

Frater Samlah CH XV
Energized Enthusiasm
From The Edditor
Frater WLLM Knoetes
Frater Johannes
Various Stars
The Godspiel
Rapt in plastic Frater Johannes
Astra Knot
Lost Tale
HomeWork one
Frater WLLM Polymous

I came into 4TI8

love's house 635
Frater WLLM
Writers' Block
Frater WLLM
Frater WLLM
Ask Mr. Lizard
Frater WLLM
Square Rituals
Frater Samlah
Various Stars
From the Desk of the Body Master
2003 has been quite a year for Heru Behutet Oasis. Starting with the previous
issue, we began putting out Talons in a digital format. This allows us to link in
pictures, music and even videos. It totally changes the nature of our little zine. We
also made all back issues available in this format. Looking at the old issues made
me realize that something was missing from the more recent issues, a word on the
past year from the Body Master. So, I hope to correct it with this missive.
In January, Soror Astra Corvis was Deaconised. This gave us a total of five
Ordained Deacons for our monthly performances of the Gnostic Mass. In the
Summer, she also began acting as a novitiate priestess for some of our Gnostic
Masses. This was of great relief to our other novitiate priestess, Soror Emeraldstar,
who has priestessed almost all Gnostic Masses for the past four years and has not
had an opportunity to deacon or even attend as a local congregant.
I taught numerous Qabalah classes throughout the year, and a Thelemic
women’s group was started by Soror Emeraldstar.
In April, we had our annual three-day feast for the writing of the Book of the
As we have for years, we initiated people in the Man of Earth degrees. But for
the first time, we performed IV° and Perfect Initiate initiations locally. These two
degrees are so difficult to put together that the past, our members had to travel far
away in order to be initiated into these degrees. But from now on, we can do them
As I write this, we have high hopes that 2004 will be a stellar year for Heru
Behutet Oasis as we achieve even more.
Frater Samlah
Heyl AL and ON!!!

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Welcome to another issue of Talons ! Hopefully the last year has treated you and yours well.
2003 has been a wonderful year of continual change and growth here in the Heartland. This has
taken many forms, some not as pleasant as others, but ever joyful none the less. Prior to giving you a
rundown of the year's notable events I would like to briefly discuss how Our newsletter, Talons, has
Before my tenure as edditor began (with a big bang btw) Frater MSNV was at the helm doing
amazing Work. Knowing that I could never fill (or even want to know about) his cod piece (or rip off
his ideas) I have relied on the amount and type of submissions to dictate how issues manifest, with a
little tweaking, nudging & khoenseedinx as needed. The physical format of Talons has ranged
from 8/10 magazines to booklets to now multimedia CDs as personal@home publishing knowledge,
submission complexity and demand expand. Even with new fangled tools the quality of Our Work
is a' parent (I Hope!?) and will continue to be so. Both The Talons Anthology and Volume II,
Numbers 2&3 are available to shew you where We've been. None of this would be possible without
the contributor, the artist in whatever guise, who wills to release their Work; I just eddit the stuff.
Without submittals I have nothing to eddit, except my Own Work ov corpse.
2003 marks the 10th year of Our local Thelemic body, rechartered Heru Behutet Oasis in
2000 e.v. It is also two years (Fall of 2001 e.v. ) since Frater MSNV passed the torch to Our
current Oasis Master, Frater Samlah - my turban off to you both btw. This year We have several
new Initiates into and within the Man of Earth degrees, or Μ∴Μ∴Μ∴(the names have been
unreleased to protect the innocent, I mean Initiate). For the first time We hosted and performed
IV° and P.I. Initiations, with the help of Brothers and Sisters from Sekhet-Bast-Ra Lodge and
Sol Invictus Camp. A very big 93 and thanks for all the hard Work to everyone involved in this and
all Our endeavors. Although none in the Oasis could make it to NOTOCON this year four of
Our members did attend the Thelemic Leadership Workshop in March, hosted by Onnophris
Encampment of Indianapolis, Indiana. Again, 93s and thanks, a wonderful and informative time was
had by all.
This year Our ecclesiastical branch, Rose of Babalon Sanctuary, has mirrored the growth of
Our Oasis. Now We are able to perform Our Mass monthly at the lovely and sizable Ivanhoe
Masonic Lodge in KCMO. With two nuly Ordained Deacons (making a total of seven in Our
Sanctuary) and more Sorores becoming Novitiate Priestess' whose turn it is hopefully won't
become an issue - to be so lucky some might say. With the assistance of Soror Astraea I have
come out of my Priest closet (go ahead, I know you're thinking rectory) to give Frater Samlah and
Soror Emeraldstar a break from their sacerdotal duties as Priest and Priestess. To prepare for
Mass We have Knosis RaHoorsals roughly the week before each Mass, graciously hosted by
Oasis and Sanctuary members - u know who u r. Another Sanctuary event ov gnoete was Our
annual three days of Feasts and readings for the writing of the Book of the Law in April, again
graciously hosted by Oasis members (even MREs can be transmuted into spiritual substance).
Besides Initiations and Mass individual members of Heru Behutet Oasis have, plan and will
continue to offer extrafraternal events such as classes, plays and discussion/study groups. Our
Oasis Master Samlah has taught several Qabalah classes throughout the year, not to mention his
Astrology classes in the past. For the ladies a Thelemic Women’s group was started by Our
Oasis Treasurer Soror Emeraldstar, sorry no men allowed. Upcoming projects on the
hooreyezone include filming the Mass, degree specific rehearsal/study groups and monthly
Business Meetings. I know Our continual labor and enjoyment will be well rewarded.
Now that I have taken Us down mammary lane, let Our eyes look on to the future. 2004 will be
the Thelemic Centennial, 100 years and many more to come! If you can't make the Black Pilgrimage
(i.e. go to Cairo) plan something especial with your local community. With that sayd, have a safe and
joyous year!

Love is the law, love under will.

If there are similarities in From the Desk of the Body Master
& this piece can only mean great minds think alike.
Both were written independently, on different dates,
without knowledge ov the other.
This is where We try to hoc Our wares to support the local Thelemic Community. All proceeds
(except the AstroLife Readings and Troy's amazing prints) help fund future issues of Talons , the
rental of Ivanhoe Masonic Lodge for Gnostic Masses and classes, plays, plus any other endeavor
to promote Thelema in the Heartland.

Ancient portal
Blue Fire Orbs

Prints available
Troy Hewitt

AstroLife Readings
The Talons Anthology
On one CD you will get:

Volume I,
Inaugural Issue
Number 1
Volume I,
Number 2
Volume I, The Rights of
Number 3 Man
Volume II, Dispelling
Number I Myths

Recent Issues
On one CD together and/or available in print individually.

Volume II, Number 2

Volume II, Number 3

Special offer for O.T.O. members

Order all 6 issues on one CD for only $11!!!

To order write
Heru Behutet Oasis
P.O. Box 47057,
KC MO 64118-7057
or e-mail
Please make your check or money order payable to
Ordo Templi Orientis USA
and mail it to:

Grand Treasurer General

Ordo Templi Orientis USA
P.O. Box 45139
Los Angeles, CA 90045

or contact

Order Choices and Prices

Over the years the format of Talons has ranged from 8/10 magazines to booklets to multimedia
CDs, the amount and type of submissions dictating how issues manifest. Both The Talons
Anthology and Recent Issues are available as individual paper copies for $5.00 (plus P&H),
minus multimedia material such as music, video, etc upon request.

Submissions and inquiries may be sent to Talons c/o the Oasis address above or e-mailed to Please do not send original art or printed materials. The preferred
method of submission is by e-mail or 3.5 floppy disk. Materials will not be returned unless
accompanied by a S.A.S.E. and a specific request for such. Questions about our policies may be
directed to the Oasis contact addresses above.
Rapt In Plastic
Do you know the sponge on a stick?
Have you visited realms many do not know?
The sponge on a stick has been there and survived.
Have you seen the depths that few shall know?
Have you held the sponge on a stick and cried?
Have you stood on the outskirts of society with the shadows?
Jewelry and status shed,
No string was on Ishtar’s body,
No life line tying her to freedom.
Have you stood in the shadows where there is constant light?
Have you been where the sun’s light is not revealed?
Have you shivered through the night upon a metal plate,
Where the sponge on a stick is your only source of bright?
Where the ocean’s water is restricted from flow?
Where dirty women cry out for an open door,
Have you felt utter loneliness while under constant watch?
There is only metal and stone.
What comfort do you have?
You have no way to remove your dirt,
Or to remove yourself.
You do not try for better, because you know nothing better is to be had.
There is no warmth but the hug of your blanket.
There is no ear to listen to your complaint.
All you have is your sponge on a stick.
Sponge on a stick: your only source of purity.
Sponge on a stick: your only way to clean.
Sponge on a stick can make you laugh when everyone is mean.
Sponge on a stick: the only gift you are given in the shadows.
Sponge on a stick: your guiding light.
Sponge on a stick is your only source of sweetness,
To content your sleep through the night.
Mint green, worthless tool, you do very little,
And look like a lollipop, or a mini toilet brush, but you are neither.
Sponge on a stick you are my hero!
Sponge on a stick has been to the depths.
Sponge on a stick has lived in the shadow and light.
Sponge on a stick will make my breath come out right.
Sponge on a stick, what little work you do.
Sponge on a stick, I love you.

Astra Knot
What do you automatically think ov when I say SS?
Take a moment.
Do you think the Schutzstaffel or the Silver Star?
What do you think your answer says about you?
Wake a moment.
How do you see the world through your ganglionic glasses?
What connections do you make while asleep or awake?
What meaning do you describe them, if any?
Do you share your vision with another or the many
or keep it tucked next 2 hope within your heart?
Are you an Arrivist or recidivist,
Revolutionary or terrorist?
Worse even - cynic, poet or critic!?
Oh why do I bother, Oh why do I ask?
It was on the list so I had tu accomplish the task.
I came into love’s house and found it a barren landscape,
the mistress seemed away.
I invoked her name but alas all was the same.
Then from above a blue egg gently came down
whilst within was what seemed the Lady,
long, childish locks veiled the form.
A light envelops me as my surroundings fall away,
or do I rise? There is no change of pressure
or distortion of space.
There is nothing.
Adrift among rippling nebulous eddies
the blue has become the absence of black.
I come onto a velvet red shore, not conscious of a self,
the mind swirling as if weary from a journey.
Something is different, aside from this vision,
I and the light are not two, there is no division.
Again, there is nothing,
a vast, boundless no thing.
A shimmering column of limitless light suddenly blinds me,
the solar flared.
I stretch forth my hands to test the lustral abyss.
The light envelops me again, moving slowly up my arms.
Exhilaration enlivens me.
Memories of defiantly leaping into the void well up
as when diving into a pool.
I am overcome with pure joy, fearless.
Violently I roar as if flushed out an endless shaft,
joy and exhilaration still remaining.
A new life begins as again I come into love’s house,
A different form yet ever the same.
Will love’s house remain barren?
Will the eternal probability field lie fallow?
Will the swallows return to Capistrano?
I do not know,

Semina nunc molli dat mentula saeva cinaedo.

Aspectu gaudens ipse Priapus adest.
Gaudens exaudi; nobis sit mentula semper
Et rigida et roseo semen ab ore jacens.
The impossible has occurred:
The Eld of the All-Father has awakened.
Alone on Lonely places,
dreaming of lovely faces,
The Spirit encircles the Mountain.
Nascent rumbles arise from beyond noise,
Natura answers Her readiness.
From the corners come the winds ,
whirling and yearning an insatiable end.
The barriers of sound break,
Lightening strikes,
two poles unite.
Sulpher scent lingers in the air,
The smell created by one pair.
As fast as It be came,
So much so It be cum.
Creation aborted,
love unwilled.
Square Rituals
The Square or Butagram is the Polygram associated with Jupiter. Jupiter rules wealth and generosity,
expansion and growth. Tin is the metal of which Jovian jewelry should be made. Jupiter is a good
influence to call upon for money Magick. Care must be made not to confuse the planet, Jupiter with the
roman God of the same name. While there are many similarities between the two, Astrology and Magick
have changed since the days of Caesar. Many of the qualities we associate with Jupiter, the Romans
associated with the God, Saturn. To them Saturn was gentler than the Greek Chronos, who was a very
severe figure. Many of the Greek images of Chronos fit very well with our modern Saturnian
associations. But the Roman Saturn was more like Santa Claus, as is our modern Jupiter. Amongst my
Pagan friends, Jupiter has been adopted as the Pagan Santa Claus. He wears blue. For blue is the color of
Jupiter. The secondary colors of Jupiter are Gold and Violet.

Jupiter is associated with the sephira of Chesed and with the 21st path on the Tree of Life. The Power of
acquiring political and other ascendance is derived from Jupiter.

Each corner of the square represents one of the 4 Elements. The upper left corner is Air. The upper right
corner is Water. The lower right corner is Fire. And the lower left corner is Earth.

When Drawing Squares you should draw the Invoking Square of Jupiter starting in the upper left corner,
move clockwise (deosil) to the upper right, then lower right, then lower left, and finally come back to
the upper left corner. In addition to being the invoking Square of Jupiter, this is also the Invoking Square
of Water. To draw the banishing square of Jupiter: start in the upper right corner and move
counterclockwise (widdershins) to the upper left, then lower left, then lower right and end by returning
to the upper right corner. In addition to being the banishing Square of Jupiter this is also the Banishing
Square of Water. There are also Banishing and Invoking Squares for the other 4 Elements. Invoking
Squares always Start somewhere else (on a different Elemental corner) and move clockwise (deosil)
towards the Element being invoked. So the Invoking Fire Square starts on the upper right corner and
goes towards the lower right corner, the Invoking Earth Square starts on the lower Right Corner, and the
Invoking Air Square starts on the lower left corner. Banishing Squares always start on the Element being
banished and move counterclockwise (widdershins).

The ritual Tools associated with Jupiter are the Wand, Sceptre, and Crook. Any of these can be used in
Jupiter workings. I like to use a blue sceptre with the sigils for Jupiter (Tzedek), Iophiel, and Hismael on
it in orange.

The Invoking ritual of the Square

Part one

Begin with a fourfold breath. Breath in for 4 counts, hold it for 4 counts, exhale for 4 counts, hold it for
4 counts, then inhale for 4 counts. Repeat until you feel calm and serene.

Picture energy flowing to you from the planet, Jupiter. Draw the energy into your hand and use your
hand to pull it down to your forehead vibrating: "Sachiel" l)yxs
Draw the energy down to your Base Chakra while vibrating: "Tzedek" qdc

Draw the energy up to your right shoulder while vibrating: "Iophiel" l)yphy

Draw the energy over to and touch your left shoulder while vibrating: "Hismael" l)msh

Pull the energy in Saying: "INRI"

Part two

In the center of the room, draw an Invoking Square while vibrating: "IO Pater"

Walk to the South East corner of the Room. Draw an Invoking Square while vibrating: "El" l)

Walk to the South West corner of the Room. Draw an Invoking Square while vibrating: "Tzadqiel"

Walk to the North West corner of the Room. Draw an Invoking Square while vibrating: "Chashmalim"

Walk to the North East corner of the Room. Draw an Invoking Square while vibrating: "Tzedek" qdc

Walk back to the South East corner of the Room. Retrace the Invoking Square while vibrating: "El" l)

Walk diagonally across the room to the center, looking up, draw an Invoking Square while vibrating:
"IO Pater"

Walk diagonally across the room to the North West. Retrace the Invoking Square while vibrating:
"Chashmalim" Mylm#x

Walk diagonally across the room to the center, looking down, draw an Invoking Square while vibrating:
"IO Pater"

Walk diagonally across the room to the South East corner of the Room. Retrace the Invoking Square
while vibrating: "El" l)

Walk to the South West corner of the Room. Retrace the Invoking Square while vibrating: "Tzadqiel"

Walk diagonally across the room to the center, look up, draw an Invoking Square with the symbol of
Jupiter in the center V while vibrating: "IO Pater"

Walk diagonally across the room to the North East corner of the Room. Retrace the IInvoking Square
while vibrating: "Tzedek" qdc
Walk diagonally across the room to the center, looking down, retrace the Invoking Square with the
symbol of Jupiter in the center V while vibrating: "IO Pater"

Walk diagonally across the room to the South West corner of the Room. Retrace the Invoking Square
with the symbol of Jupiter in the center V while vibrating: "Tzadqiel" l)yqdc

Walk to the North West corner of the Room. Retrace the Invoking Square with the symbol of Jupiter in
the center V while vibrating: "Chashmalim" Mylm#x

Walk to the North East corner of the Room. Retrace the Invoking Square with the symbol of Jupiter in
the center V while vibrating: "Tzedek" qdc

Walk back to the South East corner of the Room. Retrace the Invoking Square with the symbol of
Jupiter in the center V while vibrating: "El" l)

Return to the center of the room. Visualize the Squares around you.
Drawing the Letters Vibrate: "Yod, Nun, Resh, Yod" yrny

Repeat part one

Analysis of the Invoking ritual of the Square

Part One

Four is the number associated with Jupiter. So we start with a 4 fold breath, then go into a 4 part
Qabalistic cross using the angel (Sachiel), Spirit (Iophiel), Intelligence (Hismael), and Hebrew name
associated with Jupiter. (Tzedek)

Part Two

This section of the ritual is based heavily on the Rose Cross ritual. El, is the Divine name associated
with Chesed. Tzadqiel is Chesed’s Briah correspondence and Chashmalim is its’ Yezirah
corespondence. And of course, Tzedek, or Jupiter is the planet associated with Chesed.
yrny is the Hebrew spelling for INRI, the Rosicrucian name of Deity.

Frater SMLH
From the Master
Energized Enthusiasm

Thus far had I written when the distinguished poet, whose conversation with me
upon the Mysteries had incited me to jot down these few rough notes, knocked at
my door. I told him that I was at work on the ideas suggested by him, and that ---
well, I was rather stuck. He asked permission to glance at the MS. (for he reads
English fluently, though speaking but a few words), and having done so, kindled
and said: "If you come with me now, we will finish your essay." Glad enough of
any excuse to stop working, the more plausible the better, I hastened to take down
my coat and hat.

"By the way," he remarked in the automobile, "I take it that you do not mind giving
me the Word of Rose Croix." Surprised, I exchanged the secrets of I.N.R.I. with him.
"And now, very excellent and perfect Prince," he said, "what follows is under this
seal." And he gave me the most solemn of all Masonic tokens. "You are about,"
said he, "to compare your ideal with our real."

He touched a bell. The automobile stopped, and we got out. He dismissed the
chauffeur. "Come," he said, "we have a brisk half-mile." We walked through thick
woods to an old house, where we were greeted in silence by a gentleman who,
though in court dress, wore a very "practicable" sword. On satisfying him, we were
passed through a corridor to an anteroom, where another armed guardian awaited
us. He, after a further examination, proceeded to offer me a court dress, the
insignia of a Sovereign Prince of Rose Croix, and a garter and mantle, the former of
green silk, the latter of green velvet, and lined with cerise silk. "It is a low mass,"
whispered the guardian. In this anteroom were three or four others, both ladies and
gentlemen, busily robing.

In a third room we found a procession formed, and joined it. There were twenty-
six of us in all. Passing a final guardian we reached the chapel itself, at whose
entrance stood a young man and a young woman, both dressed in simple robes of
white silk embroidered with gold, red and blue. The former bore a torch of resinous
wood, the latter sprayed us as we passed with attar of roses from a cup.

The room in which we now were had at one time been a chapel; so much its
shape declared. But the high altar was covered with a cloth that displayed the Rose
and Cross, while above it were ranged seven candelabra, each of seven branches.

The stalls had been retained; and at each knight's hand burned a taper of rose-
coloured wax, and a bouquet of roses was before him.

In the centre of the nave was a great cross --- a "calvary cross of ten squares,"
measuring, say, six feet by five --- painted in red upon a white board, at whose edge
were rings through which passed gilt staves. At each corner was a banner, bearing
lion, bull, eagle and man, and from the top of their staves sprang a canopy of blue,
wherein were figured in gold the twelve emblems of the Zodiac.

Knights and Dames being installed, suddenly a bell tinkled in the architrave.
Instantly all rose. The doors opened at a trumpet peal from without, and a herald
advanced, followed by the High Priest and Priestess.

The High Priest was a man of nearly sixty years, if I may judge by the white
beard; but he walked with the springy yet assured step of the thirties. The High
Priestess, a proud, tall sombre woman of perhaps thirty summers, walked by his
side, their hands raised and touching as in the minuet. Their trains were borne by
the two youths who had admitted us.

All this while an unseen organ played an Introit.

This ceased as they took their places at the altar. They faced West, waiting.

On the closing of the doors the armed guard, who was clothed in a scarlet robe
instead of green, drew his sword, and went up and down the aisle, chanting
exorcisms and swinging the great sword. All present drew their swords and faced
outward, holding the points in front of them. This part of the ceremony appeared
interminable. When it was over the girl and boy reappeared; bearing, the one a
bowl, the other a censer. Singing some litany or other, apparently in Greek, though
I could not catch the words, they purified and consecrated the chapel.

Now the High Priest and High Priestess began a litany in rhythmic lines of equal
length. At each third response they touched hands in a peculiar manner; at each
seventh they kissed. The twenty-first was a complete embrace. The bell tinkled in
the architrave; and they parted. The High Priest then took from the altar a flask
curiously shaped to imitate a phallus. The High Priestess knelt and presented a
boat-shaped cup of gold. He knelt opposite her, and did not pour from the flask.

Now the Knights and Dames began a long litany; first a Dame in treble, then a
Knight in bass, then a response in chorus of all present with the organ. This Chorus
and fell. Towards its close, whether by "stage effect" or no I could not swear, the
light over the altar grew rosy, then purple. The High Priest sharply and suddenly
threw up his hand; instant silence.

He now poured out the wine from the flask. The High Priestess gave it to the girl
attendant, who bore it to all present.

This was no ordinary wine. It has been said of vodki that it looks like water and
tastes like fire. With this wine the reverse is the case. It was of a rich fiery gold in
which flames of light danced and shook, but its taste was limpid and pure like fresh
spring water. No sooner had I drunk of it, however, that I began to tremble. It was
a most astonishing sensation; I can imagine a man feel thus as he awaits his
executioner, when he has passed through fear, and is all excitement.

I looked down my stall, and saw that each was similarly affected. During the
libation the High Priestess sang a hymn, again in Greek. This time I recognized the
words; they were those of an ancient Ode to Aphrodite.

The boy attendant now descended to the red cross, stooped and kissed it; then
he danced upon it in such a way that he seemed to be tracing the patterns of a
marvellous rose of gold, for the percussion caused a shower of bright dust to fall
from the canopy. Meanwhile the litany (different words, but the same chorus)
began again. This time it was a duet between the High Priest and Priestess. At
each chorus Knights and Dames bowed low. The girl moved round continuously,
and the bowl passed.

This ended in the exhaustion of the boy, who fell fainting on the cross. The girl
immediately took the bowl and put it to his lips. Then she raised him, and, with the
assistance of the Guardian of the Sanctuary, led him out of the chapel.

The bell again tinkled in the architrave.

The herald blew a fanfare.

The High Priest and High Priestess moved stately to each other and embraced, in
the act unloosing the heavy golden robes which they wore. These fell, twin lakes
of gold. I now saw her dressed in a garment of white watered silk, lined throughout
(as it appeared later) with ermine.

The High Priest's vestment was an elaborate embroidery of every colour,

harmonized by exquisite yet robust art. He wore also a breastplate corresponding
to the canopy; a sculptured "beast" at each corner in gold, while the twelve signs of
the Zodiac were symbolized by the stones of the breastplace.

The bell tinkled yet again, and the herald again sounded his trumpet. The
celebrants moved hand in hand down the nave while the organ thundered forth its
solemn harmonies.
All the knights and Dames rose and gave the secret sign of the Rose Croix.

It was at this part of the ceremony that things began to happen to me. I became
suddenly aware that my body had lost both weight and tactile sensibility. My
consciousness seemed to be situated no longer in my body. I "mistook myself," if I
may use the phrase, for one of the stars in the canopy.

In this way I missed seeing the celebrants actually approach the cross. The bell
tinkled again; I came back to myself, and then I saw that the High Priestess,
standing at the foot of the cross, had thrown her robe over it, so that the cross was
no longer visible. There was only a board covered with ermine. She was now
naked but for her coloured and jewelled head-dress and the heavy torque of gold
about her neck, and the armlets and anklets that matched it. She began to sing in a
soft strange tongue, so low and smoothly that in my partial bewilderment I could
not hear all; but I caught a few words, Io Paian! Io Pan! and a phrase in which the
words Iao Sabao ended emphatically a sentence in which I caught the words Eros,
Thelema and Sebazo.

While she did this she unloosed the breastplate and gave it to the girl attendant.
The robe followed; I saw that they were naked and unashamed. For the first time
there was absolute silence.

Now, from an hundred jets surrounding the board poured forth a perfumed purple
smoke. The world was wrapt in a fond gauze of mist, sacred as the clouds upon
the mountains.

Then at a signal given by the High Priest, the bell tinkled once more. The
celebrants stretched out their arms in the form of a cross, interlacing their fingers.
Slowly they revolved through three circles and a half. She then laid him down upon
the cross, and took her own appointed place.

The organ now again rolled forth its solemn music.

I was lost to everything. Only this I saw, that the celebrants made no expected
motion. The movements were extremely small and yet extremely strong.

This must have continued for a great length of time. To me it seemed as if

eternity itself could not contain the variety and depth of my experiences. Tongue
nor pen could record them; and yet I am fain to attempt the impossible.

1. I was, certainly and undoubtedly, the star in the canopy. This star was an
incomprehensibly enormous world of pure flame.
2. I suddenly realized that the star was of no size whatever. It was not that the
star shrank, but that it (= I) became suddenly conscious of infinite space.
3. An explosion took place. I was in consequence a point of light, infinitely
small, yet infinitely bright, and this point was "without position."
4. Consequently this point was ubiquitous, and there was a feeling of infinite
bewilderment, blinded after a very long time by a gush of infinite rapture (I use the
word "blinded" as if under constraint; I should have preferred to use the words
"blotted out" or "overwhelmed" or "illuminated").
5. This infinite fullness --- I have not described it as such, but it was that --- was
suddenly changed into a feeling of infinite emptiness, which became conscious as
a yearning.
6. These two feelings began to alternate, always with suddenness, and without
in any way overlapping, with great rapidity.
7. This alternation must have occurred fifty times --- I had rather have said an
8. The two feelings suddenly became one. Again the word explosion is the only
one that gives any idea of it.
9. I now seemed to be conscious of everything at once, that it was at the same
time "one" and "many." I say "at once," that is, I was not successively all things, but
10. This being, if I may call it being, seemed to drop into an infinite abyss of
11. While this "falling" lasted, the bell suddenly tinkled three times. I instantly
became my normal self, yet with a constant awareness, which has never left me to
this hour, that the truth of the matter is not this normal "I" but "That" which is still
dropping into Nothing. I am assured by those who know that I may be able to take
up the thread if I attend another ceremony.

The tinkle died away. The girl attendant ran quickly forward and folded the
ermine over the celebrants. The herald blew a fanfare, and the Knights and Dames
left their stalls. Advancing to the board, we took hold of the gilded carrying poles,
and followed the herald in procession out of the chapel, bearing the litter to a small
side-chapel leading out of the middle anteroom, where we left it, the guard closing
the doors.

In silence we disrobed, and left the house. About a mile through the woods we
found my friend's automobile waiting.

I asked him, if that was a low mass, might I not be permitted to witness a High

"Perhaps," he answered with a curious smile, "if all they tell of you is true."

In the meanwhile he permitted me to describe the ceremony and its results as

faithfully as I was able, charging me only to give no indication of the city near which
it took place.

I am willing to indicate to initiates of the Rose Croix degree of Masonry under

proper charter from the genuine authorities (for there are spurious Masons working
under a forged charter) the address of a person willing to consider their fitness to
affiliate to a Chapter practising similar rites.

Sir Aleister Crowley

Knosis RaHoorsals13

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

What We have here is a selection taken from my knoetes written for Our local Knosis
RaHoorsals, “To better understand and imprint the Mass through performance.” All were individually
available as We went along online in Our M.M.M. egroups file folder and are now together in one piece
minus misc. excretia for those interested. Some deal with technical aspects of Liber XV while others
contain more symbolic references. The KRH Liber XV used at said RaHoorsals was developed through a
few of these threads. Their order or content had no intentional rhyme or reason when written other than
wanting to provide information and let the reader draw their own conclusions on what works, every once
in a while throwing my 93 sense in the ring.
The present piece is another Eucharistic Rite; The Ritual Ordained For Public Service. I’ve kept
the commentary and minutia at a minimum for those who would just file it away. I do hope others
might be prompted to privately perform this very interesting rite. A warning first though, the key word
here is privately. Recently I was reminded by a S.G.I.G. that “public performance of the Mass of the
Phoenix” was technically considered a no-no*. While the current ritual was not specifically named it does
contain L44 and would therefore (I assume) be prohibited. Part of me understands the common sense
and reasoning behind this while the revolutionary in me still wants to perform it, unofficially of course.
Masked as a play would be one way, witch itself could be filmed and sold to fund/promote the local body.
If done tastefully I do not think it would “adversely affect the Order’s reputation or legal standing”.
With that said I give You the Rite.

Love is the law, love under will.

Frater Johannes

Knoates On The Ritual Ordained For Public Service

The Ritual

The Priest is seated before the Altar in meditation. The Priestess is in the throne of the N.E. The
Acolyte is in the throne of the S.E.
The Acolyte rises, and knocks 1–3–7, bearing Bell, Book, and Candle to Priest.
The Priestess rises, and plays Abide with Me or Abendlied.
The Priest rises, and performs the Mass of the Phoenix.
The Priestess plays what she will, while the Acolyte binds the Priest to the cross, which he unveils.
The Priest preaches.
The Priestess plays, while the Acolyte draws the veil.
The Acolyte comes forward to the Altar, and knocks 7–3–1 saying "Go: it is finished."
The Priest is robed in white and gold, his breast bare.
The Priestess wears a green robe.
The Acolyte wears a red robe, and is girt with a sword. He may be masked.
The text above was published as a footnote to Liber CDXV in Equinox IV 2. This ritual was
composed circa 1913 by Crowley and publicly performed in London, later abandoned with the
introduction of Liber XV. One can see why AC replaced it, with no disrespect to the ritual itself, by
understanding the public impact of cutting oneself versus the bloodless eucharist and wine of Mass.
From someone who performs the Mass of the Phoenix regularly it seems more like a group extrapolation
of L44 and could be treated as such. To that end I’ve numbered each step for easy reference and
included in () the materials mentioned to complete the ritual. Before that though let Us tie up any loose
ends and look at some miscellaneous minutia.

The Ritual Area

As the ritual would not be performed publicly the space required for spectators is a null point.
With the help of points 1/4/5 We can roughly deduce the ritual area and placement of the Officers.

1) The Priest is seated before the Altar in meditation. The Priestess is in the throne of the N.E. The
Acolyte is in the throne of the S.E.
This correlates quite nicely with L44 where the Pt stands in the E facing W across the Altar.
Add the Ps and Ae sitting beside Pt We get roughly:

4) The Priest rises, and performs the Mass of the Phoenix.

Having risen in the E “He goeth forth”. Where does Pt go to, or should this ending be ignored?

5) The Priestess plays what she will, while the Acolyte binds the Priest to the cross, which he unveils.
Now We have to add a cross behind a veil!? Two questions arise: are the veil and cross to the W
of the Altar (one possibility of where the Pt went) and what direction would the cross face? By taking
the ritual area as representative of the a'aTz ChYYM We get this answer:

On The Altar

2) “Bell, Book, and Candle”

A phrase from the Roman Catholic excommunication ritual.

4) “an altar on which are his Burin, Bell, Thurible, and two of the Cakes of Light”
In all We have Bell, Book, Burin, Cakes, Candle, and Thurible. What Book should We use?
Why not Liber Legis!?

The Complete Ritual

1) The Priest is seated before the Altar in meditation. The Priestess is in the throne of the N.E. The
Acolyte is in the throne of the S.E.
2) The Acolyte rises, and knocks 1–3–7, bearing Bell, Book, and Candle to Priest.
3) The Priestess rises, and plays Abide with Me

(Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;

The darkness deepens; Lord, with me, abide;
When other helpers fail, and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, O abide with me.

Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day;

Earth’s joys grow dim, its glories pass away;
Change and decay in all around I see;
O Thou, who changes not, abide with me.

I need Thy presence every passing hour;

What but Thy grace can fdi the tempter’s power?
Who like Thyself my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.

I fear no foe with Thee at hand to bless;

Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness;
Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, thy victory?
I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.

Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;

Shine through the gloom, and point me to the skies;
Heaven’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee;
In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.)

or Abendlied.

(Great and flaming red,

the sun still floats at the edge of the sky,
and on blue waves
its reflection still trembles up to the beach;
from the beech wood rises
the moon, inviting rest
for its sister Earth.
In the swollen clouds
a red, dark glow collects,
and mellow, changing colours
play upon the rye blooming by the waters;
among the swaying stems
the brisk quail call brightly
and the shepherd pipes an answer.

Ring-doves and pigeons

coo softly in their sleep,
and dusky bats whirr about
above the smooth pools;
Troops of beetles wander about
and the owl, now awakening,
hoots as he draws up to his watch.

When the nightingales begin to pipe,

lift yourself up, my spirit!
In the first flush of youthful Day,
lend me your ear, o Father!
From the earth and all its sorrows,
climb, o spirit! Just as you send us the scent of meadow,
send us, Father, your dew!)

4) The Priest rises, and performs the Mass of the Phoenix.

(The Magician, his breast bare, stands before an altar on which are his Burin, Bell, Thurible, and two of
the Cakes of Light. In the Sign of the Enterer he reaches West across the Altar, and cries:

Hail Ra, that goest in thy bark

Into the caverns of the Dark!

He gives the sign of Silence, and takes the Bell, and Fire, in his hands.

East of the Altar see me stand

With light and musick in my hand!

He strikes Eleven times upon the Bell 333 - 55555 - 333 and places the Fire in the Thurible.

I strike the Bell: I light the Flame;

I utter the mysterious Name.

He strikes eleven times upon the Bell.

Now I begin to pray: Thou Child,
Holy Thy name and undefiled!
Thy reign is come; Thy will is done.
Here is the Bread; here is the Blood.
Bring me through midnight to the Sun!
Save me from Evil and from Good!
That Thy one crown of all the Ten
Even now and here be mine. AMEN.

He puts the first Cake on the Fire of the Thurible.

I burn the Incense-cake, proclaim

These adorations of Thy name.

He makes them as in Liber Legis,

(Unity uttermost showed !

I adore the might of Thy breath,
Supreme and terrible God,
Who makest the gods and death
To tremble before Thee :--
I, I adore thee !

Appear on the throne of Ra!

Open the ways of the Khu!
Lighten the ways of the Ka!
The ways of theKhabs run through
To stir me or still me!
Aum ! let it fill me!

The light is mine; its rays consume

Me : I have made a secret door
Into the House of Ra and Tum,
Of Khephra and of Ahathoor,
I am thy Theban, O Mentu,
The prophet Ankh-af-na-khonsu!

By Bes-na-Maut my breast I beat;

By wise Ta-Nech I weave my spell.
Show thy star-splendor, O Nuit!
Bid me within that House to dwell,
O winged snake of light, Hadit!
Abide with me, Ra-Hoot-Khuit!)
and strikes again Eleven times upon the Bell. With the Burin he then makes upon his breast the proper

Behold this bleeding breast of mine

Gashed with the sacramental sign!

He puts the second Cake to the wound.

I stanch the Blood; the wafer soaks

It up, and the high priest invokes!

He eats the second Cake.

This Bread I eat. This Oath I swear

As I enflame myself with prayer:
"There is no grace: there is no guilt:
This is the Law: DO WHAT THOU WILT!"

He strikes Eleven times upon the Bell, and cries

I entered in with woe; with mirth
I now go forth, and with thanksgiving,
To do my pleasure on the earth
Among the legions of the living.

He goeth forth.)

5) The Priestess plays what she will, while the Acolyte binds the Priest to the cross, which he unveils.
6) The Priest preaches.
7) The Priestess plays, while the Acolyte draws the veil.
8) The Acolyte comes forward to the Altar, and knocks 7–3–1 saying "Go: it is finished."
9) The Priest is robed in white and gold, his breast bare.
10) The Priestess wears a green robe.
11) The Acolyte wears a red robe, and is girt with a sword. He may be masked.


From the O.T.O. Camp, Oasis and Lodge Master’s Handbook point 10 section VIII G. General

Don’t sacrifice animals or perform other actions or practices which might adversely affect the
Order’s reputation or legal standing, including public performance of the Mass of the Phoenix,
Liber Jurgorum, or explicit sexual acts at official or public-access events.
The Godspiel
I have news 4 yew
Both bad & good
There is pain & there is joy
There is love & there is hate
There is a heaven & there is a hell
There is a Valhalla & there r Elysian Fields
There is life after life & there is life be4 life
All these exist even as they do not
The kingdom ov god is within & without
We r a Kingdom ov Gods
Frater Johannes
Lost Tale

Let me tell you a tale ov murdered actors, magicians, and troglodytes;

a mad moment almost lost in time,
were it not recently discovered,
- while almost killing the old mother -
a deed truly not divine.

Then the Franks called them Troubadours

though they are presumed to be more,
rumored by the Church lecherous men and scarlet whores.
It was only love that they did adore,
called courtly when the husband came crashing through the door.

Now this specific troupe was not too controversial,

they tended to study amongst themselves.
When they came together heaven made peace with hell.
They performed the Passion Plays,
the story ov their Lord's nuptual.

Even back then it was the same old story:

Fast fame and glamor unglued the group,
no individual player alone 2 blame.
What placed them in peril was this dude named Herald
with a new version ov the Play 4 them 2 put on.

This man appeared one day as a monk ov St. John

and with papers signed by the Pope!
If they'd just looked at his ear there would've been nothing to fear,
but death came at the end ov a rope.
A simple way to die I hope.

Being none the wiser, they were even aided by the local clergy
who got more than their coffer filled.
Their annals were ratified and their cloisters cleaned,
all acting as ants in a hurry
not knowing some would soon be reamed.

Easter Day, time 4 a new play with all the ducks lined up in a row,
oddly enough even an Inquisitor decided to come.
Herald and the herd huddled before taking the stage,
the last they were seen alive after the joke he did sew.
The piece was Perfect and its climax provoked more than its intended rage.
Yehoshuah went to Hell and descended with the key below as Orpheus & many other,
He opened the Gates and out walked Lucifer, dressed as His Bride - not His Brother!
The Inquisitor choked! Dead!? His entourage rallied, killing all in their wake.
Blasphemous cries rang out and the night became violent in response.
Such a grand stage & cast a joke & accident can make!

When dawn broke the dead did not rise from either side,
but the birds did sing & the Sun did rise, tracing its course in the sky.
More soldiers came with blood on their crosses,
purging and destroying the land, a biblical red earth policy.
No record or remnant remained; men. women, children, animals - dead.

Genocide before judenhass was cool, theocide predating the modern jihad.
Innocent though dense, Our Troubadours prayed for the noose,
their Antagonist forever on the loose, the Sun still shines.
Pawns and the dead do rise, as a phoenix out ov the ashes,
all thanks to an old mother looking through Her cupboard.

Luciferian Laughter
T his will re-
re- discover the
the eternal Church ov Man,
It will be filled eternally with Our joyous rapture.
T his temple is forever erect,
Its spire will ascend the height ov Our desire.
T his corner-
corner- stone will be that of bone,
Its strength will be Our strength.
T his tomb will
will be the womb ov Our love,
Its religion will join Us in orgiastic dissolution.

circa 1985
Writers’ Block
The other day in my free time I was wanting to write something but really could
not decide what. Yes there are several unfinished papers on my to do list, yet I
needed a break from these Works. Taking a queue from my debate days I decided
to flip a coin for my stance and randomly pick a subject from several.
The coin toss would be easy; Take a certain coin from my wallet and call it in the
air – pentagram/heads pro, unicursal/tails con. Now, what subjects should I choose
from and how many? I decided not to let my choices be too broad or what I usually
babble on about. Research time was the key factor during actual debates, the time
was usually 30 minutes, but different categories varied. An above average base
knowledge helps. Since this would be a paper though speed research is
unnecessary. I also want something to sink my teeth into. I decided to use three
sources - Sunday KC paper, television, and my computer files - doing two
bibliomancies (1) from each, numbering them, and casting a die.
6. The coin toss comes up tails; I will take the adversarial position. One problem:
I see subject number six is the O.T.O. How, or should, I take an adversarial position
towards Our Most Beloved Holy Order? Another circumstance, again from debating
memories, comes to mind. I was once given the adversarial position on abortion,
confronted by wanting to win and go against something I held/hold sacrosanct or
take the ideological victory. I chose the latter and placed second, here I will let you
decide. Should I roll the die again, leave the Work unfinished, or…?
Yes I started with writers’ block and cannot finish what I started, for now. Please,
e-mail the above link or me your thoughts so I might have some closure. The above
method can be used to choose other subjects for many future papers, but will
others be rejected because I do not want to address negative (or positive) random
ideas? "Save me from Evil and from Good!" (L44). One problem could be seeing the
adversarial position as a dissenting perspective, as opposed to chafing the wheat
and being very constructive vs. destructive. As with magick it is the intent witch
makes it black, white, green, or yellow. Words of note from Our Constitution and
Liber Librae to end:

L194 25&26
"The Electoral College possesses one most singular power. Every eleven years, or
in the case of a vacancy occurring, they choose two persons from the Ninth
Degree, who are charged with the duty of Revolution.

It is the business of these persons constantly to criticise and oppose the acts of the
Supreme and Most Holy King, whether or no they personally approve of them.
Should he exhibit weakness, bodily, mental, or moral, they are empowered to
appeal to the O.H.O. to depose him; but they, alone of all the members of the Order,
are not eligible to the Succession."

L30 15
"Nevertheless have the greatest self-respect, and to that end sin not against thyself.
The sin which is unpardonable is knowingly and wilfully to reject truth, to fear
knowledge lest that knowledge pander not to thy prejudices. "
Bibliomancy as used here: to randomly choose words, phrases, symbols etc. and
divine import. All accomplished within ~12 hours.

Sunday KC paper: had a stranger choose.

1 Eugenics, i.e. genetic manipulation
2 Iraqi occupation

Television: Turned on and made first choice, pressed random select button for
Both are based on true events.
3 Invincible
About a Jewish strongman from Poland, whose stage name was Samson after
being a Viking-like Germanic hero, Sigfried the Iron King. Amazing story, esp. Tim
Roth’s character as a would be Minister of the Occult. The story of the 36 Lost Souls
is interesting. Sadly he died from infection after performing the proscribed feat of
strength. At least he did not have to see the war.
4 Max
It is about Max Rothman, a one-armed Jewish German war hero (WWI) turned art
dealer in 1918 who wanted AH to focus his rage into his paintings. Ironically (or not)
he was beaten and killed by sailors who AH had just roused up, thus pissing AH off
and him pulling a Castro (Fidel wanted to be a pitcher, but the Major Leagues
rejected him and went into polyticks). Part of this would make a good anti-war
piece, but who wants that? Funniest quote, "Yes Hitler, GIRLS!!!" Best war slogan
spoof, "Would you die for the Mother-in-law-land?" Scariest question to AH, "Do you
want to change the way people see or if they pay their taxes?"

My computer files: Opened files folder (1.61GB - 17,947 files, 411 folders), used
program to select one file and one folder.
See Anarchy in Kansas.
6 C:\My Documents\FILES\OTO
Ask Mr. Lizard
Why does 'The Book of the Law' say "my left hand is empty" when the Stele has
the right hand empty?

Jah got me Sister!? I've asked this before with no definitive answer. AC's
commentary is based on the dictation versus Stele and is left at that. Frater Achad
mentions this "mystery of the empty left-hand" yet gives no further explanation to
my knowledge. The quote in question contains several enigmas, none of witch r
solved here. Hopefully by the next installment the-Powers-that-be will furnish Us
with a plausible answer.

Is 'The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage' a dangerous book?

It depends if you believe the mythpoeia and blinds or common sense. All the
scary stories aside, it is dangerous to dogma. After its completion you need no
priest, president or king. You have Knowledge and Conversation ov your Holy
Guardian Angel! This will never leave you. The illusion ov its absence is your
misbinah. Anyway, know. See William Heidrick's "An Abramelin Ramble" and
William Gray's "Between Good & Evil" before attempting the Work. Both give great
background information and down to earth advice. The latter is what I based my
'Urban AbraMerlin' on btw.

Can We do something beside banish and invoke Earth?

This is one ov those questions I'd like an actual nickel for. Sure yew can, &
should! One might even say this is an obvious conclusion drawn from habitual
ritual Work. Most systems usually advise a year to internalize the rite into the
psyche/aura/etc. before Working with the other elements. By that time one should
understand the reasoning and proceed as inspired or directed. The sequence most
commonly used is earth, water, air, then fire.

I always forget which is what. Do you have any mnemonics to help me

remember Ida and Pingala correctly?

I sure do Sister! Eda woman left blue! Say it fast and you'll get my gist. Pingala
is not so simple @ First, being it is alternately pronounced pingali by some. It has
an odd rhyme with falle, but is best remembered by right & red both beginning with

Answers and opinions put forth in this section are not to be seen as official and/or written in stone. I
have tried to keep my responses limited to one paragraph so as not to ramble profusely and cloud
the explanation. Please also keep in mind the tongue-in-cheek nature of some of my responses,
nothing is sacred to me. Questions, comments, and curses for future installments can be forwarded
to WLLM___@excite,com

The Secret Teachings of All Ages

Manly P. Hall

An oldie but a goody, especially at the price ($24.95). The new Reader's Edition is
amazing! Those unfamiliar with this classic might be put off by some of the Atlantis rhetoric,
but hidden within this Work are quite a few gems. Truly An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic,
Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy, from Abba to zoology. The
sixteen pages of color reproductions alone constitute a course in comparative religion. I loved
this work in my younger years and was very glad to see it newly reset and released, I'm sure
you will cherish it too. For more information on Hall's teachings see his Philosophical
Research Society founded in 1934,

The Book of Sufi Healing

Shaykh Hakim Moinuddin Chishti
Inner Traditions International

While randomly ransacking the greater KC area bookstalls one day I ran across this
unassuming Work. A friend had suggested it earlier and I was very pleased it was suddenly
easy to find. Don't let the name fool you, it's not new age fluff from a pretentious guru and is
more practical than Shah's 'The Sufis' in expounding the Arabic Abjad. It easily describes
yogic and theurgist techniques most do not realize exist, yet will be familiar to any practicing
Magickian worth their salt. Those unfamiliar with Islam will appreciate the general and
background info not heard on the news. It even contains an herbal formulary ranging from
anemia to vaginal itching! In all this is a wonderful, informative Work that can actually be
used. Many thanks to Shaykh Moinuddin for expounding the teachings of the Chishtiyyah
ANF Designs
POB 1078
Carrollton, GA 30112-1078
Ph: 770.328.0815

In my quest for a uraeus crown this wonderful site was sent my way. If you need custom
ceremonial and ritual equipment remarkably made then look no more. Some of the prices may
seem a little high, to that I say 'Do it yourself then'. Sure tin foil will work, but cast brass is
better - with an opal to boot! To those ov a practical mind, local bodies could pool their extra
resources to purchase personalized group implements. For a less expensive but still beautiful
crown go to the Ancient Egyptian Collection, I did.

Ordo Templi Orientis


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Thank you for your recent inquiry about the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.). The enclosed information
package will provide you with some introductory material about our Order in general.
Ordo Templi Orientis is a religious and magical initiatory fraternity open to both men and women,
with local bodies in 26 countries, including over 60 local bodies in 28 states of the United States. It was
founded in the early part of the 20th century, and was incorporated as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization
in California in 1979.
Ordo Templi Orientis is the first of the traditional esoteric fraternities to accept the Law of Thelema,
the religious revelation obtained by Aleister Crowley in 1904. Crowley served as the second worldwide
head of O.T.O., from 1922 through his death in 1947. One of the principal functions of O.T.O. is to
advance the magico-religious system of Thelema.
Each local O.T.O. body is designated as either a Camp, Oasis, or Lodge depending on its size and
level of activities. Although there is often much interrelating between local bodies, each operates
independently yet answers directly to the national or international government of the Order.
Specific local bodies (Oases and Lodges) can also provide ceremonial initiation into the first three
degrees of our Order. The O.T.O. degrees can only be conferred by ceremonial initiation and performed
by an initiator who has been properly trained and issued a charter by the Grand Master of the Order.
Most local bodies also regularly perform an O.T.O. ritual called the Gnostic Mass. This ritual is
described in our system as "the central ritual of the O.T.O. both public and private", and is presented
under the auspices of the Ecclessia Gnostica Catholica, the Gnostic Catholic Church, which is the
ecclesiastical aspect of O.T.O.
Most local bodies also offer public classes, workshops and book studies that usually cover a wide
range of esoteric/occult subject matter. Some of these may include Qaballah, Yoga, Ceremonial Magick,
Hermetic Science, Tarot, Astrology, Alchemy as well as various Thelemic celebrations, rituals, rites and
holidays that assist and support the development of Thelemic community.
The material contained in this introductory package should provide you with any information that you
may need concerning our Order. Should you find that you require more detailed information please refer
to the reference and contact page provided, see our website at: or feel free to contact
our Public Information Officer directly at: Thank you once again for your interest.

Love is the law. Love under will.


Ordo Templi Orientis


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

The following provides some general explanations of terminology:

Magick is the ancient art and science of causing physical and psychic changes to occur in conformity
with the will of the magician. Our form of Magick is spelled with a "k" to distinguish it from stage
magic or prestidigitation. We are students, practitioners and teachers of Alchemy, Divination, Qabalah,
Ritual, Hermetic Science, Yoga, and related disciplines, all aimed at furthering the spiritual evolution of
humankind and achieving the Great Work.

Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley was a prominent British author, poet, philosopher, mountain climber, and magician
who lived from 1875-1947. In 1897 he was initiated into the British section of the magical Order known
as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an occult society under the direction of S. L. Mathers. It was
here that Crowley began his lifelong dedication to the study and practice of Magick. Crowley was a
prolific writer on the subject of Magick and likely contributed more to the serious study of the subject
than any person in the 20th century.

Ordo Templi Orientis

The Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) or Order of the Temple of the East, was founded in the early 20th
century as a secret society of high-ranking Freemasons in Germany. In 1922 Aleister Crowley assumed
leadership of the O.T.O. after revising its rites to conform to the Law of Thelema. Today the OTO is
active in over 25 countries, with a growing membership of over 3000 people.
We are a serious, secret order , pledged to the high purpose of securing the liberty of the individual and
his or her advancement in light, wisdom, understanding, knowledge and power through beauty, courage,
truth and wit, on the foundation of universal brotherhood. Every free man and woman of full age and
good report has the indefeasible right to initiation in the first three degrees of our Order.

The Book of the Law

On April 8th, 9th, and 10th of 1904, a spiritual entity known as Aiwass dictated Liber AL vel Legis (The
Book of the Law) to Aleister Crowley in Cairo, Egypt. This book contains 220 verses in 3 chapters, and
heralds the dawning of a New Aeon in human development. It brings a message of spiritual freedom and
personal emancipation to all of humanity, communicated in a spiritual philosophy known as the Law of

The Law of Thelema

Thelema is the Greek word meaning "Will". The Law of Thelema may be simply stated as: "Do what
thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." This assertion recognizes the absolute right of every human
being to follow his or her true course of existence without interference. It is further elaborated by the
phrase: "Love is the law, love under will" indicating the manner by which this right is to be ensured and
the method whereby it is to be fulfilled. The Law of Thelema is not to be interpreted as a license to
indulge every whim, but as an injunction to discover one's True Will, and to do it. We believe that every
person possesses a True Will, or life-purpose, which he or she may discover and follow to achieve
complete harmony and absolute fulfillment throughout life. Our Order exists to support and encourage
men and women in the discovery of their own True Will.
The practice of Thelema is founded on the principle of Scientific Illuminism, which is expressed by the
motto, "The Method of Science, the Aim of Religion." Scientific Illuminism is the systematic and
scientific study of religious, magical, and mystical practices and techniques and the objective and
subjective evaluation of their results.

True Will
Most Thelemites (adherents of Thelema) hold that every person possesses a True Will, a single overall
motivation for their existence. The Law of Thelema mandates that each person discover and follow their
True Will to attain fulfillment in life, as a star follows its true course through the universe. Just as the
stars in their orbits do not haphazardly collide with each other, we hold that those who are genuinely
following their True Wills will not interfere with the True Will of any other person.
The notion of absolute freedom for an individual to follow his or her True Will is a cherished one among
Thelemites. This philosophy also recognizes that the main task of an individual setting out on the path of
Thelema is to first discover his or her True Will, giving methods of self-exploration such as Yoga,
Qaballah and Magick great importance. Furthermore, every True Will is unique, and because each
person has a unique position in the universe, no one can determine or dictate another person's True Will.
Each individual must ultimately arrive at this discovery for themselves.

The Great Work

The Great Work (Magnum Opus) of each individual is defined by this process of discovery and ultimate
fulfillment of the individuals True Will. The Great Work is a term utilized by the alchemists to describe
the self-transformative process of the individual, using the metaphor of the transmutation of lead into
gold. Within the context of Thelema this generally means reaching and establishing a state of being
traditionally known as "the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel (or Augoeides)".
The preliminary processes of the aspirant in the Great Work usually involves self analysis, study and
practice of Raja Yoga, Qaballah and Ceremonial Magick, which progressively leads the aspirant into
deeper and deeper states of consciousness and Self-awareness.

Ordo Templi Orientis


O. T.O.



Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

The letters O.T.O. stand for Ordo Templi Orientis, the Order of Oriental Templars, or Order of the
Temple of the East. The O.T.O. is an Outer Thelemic Order which is dedicated to the high purpose of
securing the Liberty of the Individual and his or her advancement in Light, Wisdom, Understanding,
Knowledge, and Power through Beauty, Courage, and Wit, on the Foundation of Universal Brotherhood.
Founded near the turn of the 20th century, the O.T.O. is the first of the great "Old Aeon" Orders to
accept The Book of the Law (Liber AL vel Legis), received by Aleister Crowley in 1904, with its
message of a New Aeon in human thought, culture and religion based upon a single supreme injunction:
the Law of Thelema, which is "Do what thou wilt". This Law is not to be interpreted as a license to
indulge in every passing whim, but rather as the mandate to discover one's True Will and accomplish it;
leaving others to do the same in their own unique ways. "Every man and every woman is a star."
The Law of Thelema can ultimately be fulfilled only through the efforts of each individual.
Nevertheless, many worthy aspirants to the Great Work have a genuine need for information, guidance,
fellowship, or the opportunity to assist their fellow aspirants and serve humanity. Such aspirants will
find welcome in O.T.O.
The structure of O.T.O., similar to that of Freemasonry and the ancient mystery schools, is based on a
series of initiations or degrees, which are conferred ceremonially. In the rituals of these degrees, O.T.O.
seeks to instruct the individual by allegory and symbol in the profound mysteries of Nature, and thereby
to assist each to discover his or her own true identity and purpose.
Every free man and woman of full age and good report, has an indefeasible right to the first three
degrees of O.T.O. These degrees follow a pattern based on the symbolism of the Chakras of the subtle
body and the rising of the Kundalini energy. They also represent, in dramatic form, the Individual's Path
in Eternity. In the higher degrees, there is instruction in Hermetic Philosophy, Qabalah, Magick and
Yoga, all aimed at preparing the Initiate for the revelation and application of one Supreme Secret.
In addition to the official O.T.O. instructions, many of the local O.T.O. Lodges, Oases, and Camps
offer supplementary instruction to their members and the general public. The particular form of this
instruction depends on the character and capabilities of each particular local body; it may be provided in
the form of classes, seminars, study programs, working groups or publications.
At this writing, O.T.O. has over 3000 members worldwide, and is active in over 25 countries.
Membership in O.T.O. is private in the sense that names and addresses of it's members are not released
to anyone, including O.T.O. officers lacking a need to know, without prior express or implied consent of
the individual members concerned.
Membership is divided into two primary categories: associate and initiate. Associate membership
requires no physical attendance. For a $10.00 annual fee, associate members receive The Magical Link
(O.T.O.'s official International newsletter), have access to other membership publications, and may
attend certain O.T.O. activities if a local body is nearby. Otherwise, associate members have the
opportunity to correspond with other O.T.O. members in the U.S.A. and other countries, by mail, e-mail
or by several computer-based networks.
Initiate membership can be conferred only in a physical ceremony by a properly chartered initiator.
The Minerval Degree (0o) is an introductory Initiate Degree, designed to allow the aspirant to determine
whether or not to become a full member.
The First Degree (Io) initiation bestows full membership upon the initiate. A First Degree initiate may
retire from active participation in O.T.O., but the spiritual link forged between the initiate and the Order
during the ceremony of the First Degree will remain throughout the initiate’s physical life.
O.T.O. also encompasses Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (E.G.C.), the Gnostic Catholic Church, which was
originally brought to the O.T.O. by Dr. Gerard Encausse (Papus). The E.G.C. is a Thelemic religious
environment, dedicated to the advancement of Light, Life, Love, and Liberty through alignment with the
Law of Thelema. The central activity of the E.G.C. is the celebration of the Gnostic Mass, as set forth in
Liber XV. Membership in E.G.C. is available through baptism, confirmation, and (after a period of
training) orders. Many O.T.O. local bodies celebrate the Gnostic Mass on a regular basis, and in most
locations, no formal affiliation is required to attend the Mass.
O.T.O. represents a surfacing and confluence of the divergent streams of esoteric wisdom and
knowledge which were originally divided and driven underground by political and religious intolerance
during the dark ages. It draws from the traditions of the Freemasonic, Rosicrucian and Illuminist
movements of the 18th and 19th centuries, the chivalric principles of the crusading Knights Templar of
the middle ages as well as early forms of Gnosticism and the Western Mystery Schools traditions. Its
symbolism contains a reunification of the hidden traditions of both the East and the West, and its
resolution of these traditions has enabled it to recognize the true value of Aleister Crowley's revelation
of The Book of the Law.

Love is the law, love under will.


Ordo Templi Orientis


The New Aeon is Upon Us

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

The history of human spiritual evolution may be divided into distinct stages known as aeons. Study of
recent history allows us to distinguish three such aeons within the last several thousand years. The Aeon
of Isis, prevailing before the time of Moses, was characterized by matriarchal consciousness in society
and the predominance of nature-oriented religion. Next followed the Aeon of Osiris which emphasized
the Father principle and was marked by the establishment of patriarchal religions such as Judaism,
Christianity & Islam. At the present time, humanity is entering a third evolutionary stage known as the
Aeon of Horus, which focuses on the product of the Mother and the Father: the Child. The advent of the
Crowned & Conquering Child, Horus, is everywhere evident today as society moves away from the
restrictions of conventional religion and people begin to explore their innermost selves for the first time,
like a child exploring its newly found world.
Since the beginning of this century there has existed a group of men and women who recognized the
dawning of this Aeon of the Child, and who have sought to attune themselves with its powerfully
flowing current of Life, Love, Liberty, and Light. From early on we were persecuted by those who still
clung to the past, but amidst this opposition we gained strength and eventually attained worldwide
standing. Modeled on the same principles of chivalry and piety espoused by the famous Knights
Templar of the middle ages, near the turn of the 20th century our organization was officially established
as the Ordo Templi Orientis, or Order of the Temple of the East.
The O.T.O. operates according to the central philosophy of the Aeon of Horus called the Law of
Thelema. Thelema is the Greek word meaning "Will". We usually express the Law of Thelema as "Do
what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." This phrase simply means that every person has the
absolute right to follow his or her inner Will. Therefore, the O.T.O. does not seek to "convert" anyone to
its precepts; instead, we offer support to any individual who desires to benefit from contact with the
energies of the New Aeon. Some of these benefits may include: increased self-knowledge, reduction of
inner and outer conflicts, greater understanding of the laws of the universe, gaining sense of purpose,
and genuine affinity with the growing number of people who are aligning themselves with the Thelemic
Exploring these inner realms is best accomplished by ritual and meditation rather than solely by
intellectual means. To this end the O.T.O. offers a series of gradual initiations into the mysteries of
human spirituality. These ceremonies, nearly a century old, have proven to be quite effective in
empowering each candidate with the means to determine his or her destined path in the universe, and to
follow this True Will with confidence and assurance.
The O.T.O. is not a cult, because no demands of belief whatsoever are made of any candidate for
membership other than agreement to respect the Law of Thelema. Nor is any investment required, other
than nominal fees to cover costs if one desires to take initiation. The O.T.O. is officially recognized by
the United States government as a non-profit (501-C3) religious organization. But because there are still
some segments of the Old Aeon fundamentalist religious establishment which dispute our right to
peacefully exist, we protect our membership by secrecy.
Nonetheless, some of these groups persist in their efforts to defame us by spreading false and
misleading propaganda. Anyone interested in our activities is encouraged to spend time with us and see
the truth for themselves; that we are a close-knit association of independent, free-thinking, loving human
beings who share a special bond of initiation in the Law of Thelema and revel with the Child in the
coming of the New Aeon.


The O.T.O. Degree System

Membership in the O.T.O. is delineated by a series of degrees numbered from 0o through IXo (with Xo
reserved for the office of National Grand Master General). These degrees are conferred only by
ceremonial initiation. The initiation rituals themselves are secret, but the nature of the degrees and the
O.T.O. system in general may be described here.
The following excerpt from "Magick Without Tears" by Aleister Crowley (Barstow: Thelema, 1953)
outlines the degree system of the O.T.O.:


Let us begin at the beginning. What is a Dramatic Ritual? It is a celebration of the Adventures of the
God whom it is intended to invoke. (The Bacchae of Euripides is a perfect example of this.)
Now, in the O.T.O., the object of the ceremonies being the Initiation of the Candidate, it is he whose
Path in Eternity is displayed in dramatic form.

What is the Path?

1. The Ego is attracted to the Solar System.
2. The Child experiences Birth.
3. The Man experiences Life.
4. He experiences Death.
5. He experiences the World beyond Death.
6. This entire cycle of Point-Events is withdrawn into

In the O.T.O. these successive stages are represented as follows:

1. 0o (Minerval)
2. Io (Initiation)
3. IIo (Consecration)
4. IIIo (Devotion)
5. IVo (Perfection, or Exaltation)
6. P.I. (Perfect Initiate)

Of these Events or Stations upon the Path all but [number] three (the IIo) are single critical
experiences. We, however, are concerned mostly with the very varied experiences of Life.
All subsequent Degrees of the O.T.O. are accordingly elaborations of the IIo, since in a single ceremony
it is hardly possible to sketch, even in the briefest outline, the Teaching of Initiates with regard to Life.
The Rituals Vo- IXo are then instructions to the Candidate how he or she should conduct themselves;
and they confer upon them, gradually, the Magical Secrets which make them Masters of Life.

These degrees are further divided into three triads, according to The Book of the Law: "For there are
therein Three Grades, the Hermit, and the Lover, and the man of Earth." (AL: I.40).
The first triad is that of "Man of Earth" and includes the degrees from 0o (Minerval) through that of P.I.
(Perfect Initiate). Next, the Lovers' triad contains the degrees from Vo through VII o, and finally, the
Hermit triad encompasses the VIIIo through Xo. International and national government of the Order is
undertaken from within the latter two triads.
Initiation into the degrees of the Man of Earth triad is open to every free man and woman of full age
and good report. Membership in the order begins with the Minerval degree (0o), which serves as a kind
of trial period during which the initiate may determine if the Order is suited to his or her Will. One may
remain a Minerval for as long as one desires.
If the Minerval initiate decides to advance to the Io, he or she forms a spiritual bond with the Order
which cannot be severed in this lifetime, although he or she may resign from active membership at any
time. Initiation is therefore a commitment which is not to be taken lightly.
A minimum amount of time must be spent in each degree before advancement. Attainment of the P.I.
degree may be reached in as little as three years, depending on the individual’s rate of progress.
Advancement beyond the Man of Earth triad is offered by invitation only.

Love is the law, love under will.


For more information, please contact us at:

Ordo Templi Orientis

Correspondence Secretary
T Allen Greenfield
3267 Buford Hwy Suite 720-309
Atlanta GA 30329-1707

Or the Public information Officer at:

Ordo Templi Orientis
Public Information Officer
P.O. Box 3008
Ashland, OR. 97520

Ordo Templi Orientis


Published and On-line Resource Reference

The Equinox III: 10 Aleister Crowley, et al. Samuel Weiser Publications
The Law is for All Aleister Crowley New Falcon Publications
The Holy Books To Mega Therion Samuel Weiser Publications
of Thelema (Aleister Crowley)
The Confessions of Aleister Crowley Arkana Publications
Aleister Crowley
The Revival of Magick Aleister Crowley New Falcon Publications
The Eye in the Triangle Israel Regardie New Falcon Publications
New Aeon Magick Gerald Del Campo Luxor Press
The Magick of Thelema Lon Milo Duquette Samuel Weiser Publications

On-line Resources:
O.T.O. U.S. Grand Lodge Homepage

The Invisible Basilica of Sabazius (U.S. Grand Master)

Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica

The Thelema Homepage

Heru Behutet Oasis

Seket Bast Ra Lodge

Starry Arch Camp

Sol Invictus Camp

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