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12 - "The One that has No Name"

"Emotional Housekeeping, The Limitation of Fear, Accessing

the Akashic Records"

Beloved Brothers and Sisters of the Light, we are no longer in need of names. It
is all too easy to look at aspects of energy, to try and identify it as 'this' or 'that'.
Ultimately it is just energy; so I AM That I AM... I am the one that has no name.
What you are finding at this time is that much is happening for you. In the
modern-day jargon it is called 'exponential curve' - things are really starting to
take off. And it is for us in Spirit to observe this as well. For I can truly say to you
that it has been two thousand years since things happened this quickly - since so
much change happened in such a short period of time. And even though we in
Spirit exist with the outcome, we marvel, again, at how free will plays its hand on
this Earth plane.
And we delight to see the realisation that is happening, for you all, in its different
ways. And you are finding at this time, are you not, that unusual aspects of who
you are, are showing themselves to you. This is a time of completion and a time
of beginning, and it is reflected in your lives and in what is happening for you.
Know, also, that those of you that have not yet heard what you are waiting to
hear, will hear it very shortly. You are observing that those of you who live with
life-partners who are on the same course have, perhaps, a greater sense of
knowingness of what the future holds for them. Well, it is fair to say that any two
beings that live together and resonate at the same frequency are likely to 'slingshot' each other, if you like, a little down the road to self mastery.
But for those of you that are living with partners that are not resonating at the
same frequency, do not be dissappointed for you are but a thousandth of a
second behind in the reality of what is to happen. And ultimately it all happens at
the same time, anyway. For you, at this time, the journey is within. For the
journey within and the journey outside are one and the same. It is the same
journey of "God realisation", of self-mastery; it is a journey to the understanding
that you are God. Know also that, at night, as you are taken to the stars for your
learning, so, too, are you taken inside to understand the cosmos that is your I
Am; that is your four body system; that is the arrangement of energy that has
manifested here at this time as the 'you'... as the entity that you are.
You will find, as time goes on, that it will be more difficult for you to identify
where you end and where the environment in which you live begins. For as time
goes on and as things progress, you will find that you are having more of an
effect upon your environment and those aspects of the environment which are
not to your resonance, will become more to your resonance... more to your liking.
And it will be difficult, in a short period of time, to extrapolate the bliss that you
identify as yourself, from that which you identify as everything else around you;
for it will be one and the same. Ultimately we are all energy, and we are all
unconditional Love. It is just that you have yet to realise this. And so you are still
seeing reflected around you little pockets of 'conditional love', but as each day
goes on they will be harder to find. And if you want a guage of how quickly things
are moving, notice how much more around you that you resonate with, than

At this time, also, you are at the brink of throwing away the concept of linear time
as a useful tool. And as you free yourselves from that constraint, you will notice
how much more easily that which you perceive to be past-life experiences are
arising for you. Well, whether they be past-life experiences or future-life
experiences, is of no matter. They are different aspects of your energy that are
choosing to appear in the NOW, as they are of Service to you... to allow you to be
of Service to the Source.
What they are attempting to show you, are aspects of denied Will. That, in the
energy that is you, there are fragments of that energy that have gone out as
denied feelings from other times; and that those fragments need now to be
recalled, for it is time to collect all of yourself in readiness to ascend. And in
reclaiming those bits of yourself that have been lost for so long... for so, so long,
you will also be assisting the planet Earth in her ascension that is to happen
simultaneously. It's a bit like a 'litter drive'; going out and collecting lots and lots
of litter. But you will only identify those aspects of lost Will that have originated
from you.
You may experience these in dreams, as some of you are doing at this time; and
you will be finding that your dreams continue when you awake. And because you
have let go of your logical mind, you no longer need to say "This is my
imagination" and you can accept the continuation of the dream. You can allow
that little bit of litter to return to you, by identifying what the energy was that you
denied at that time. Such denied energy is usually felt as fear, or pain, and so you
chose not to experience it at that time. But now you can love that feeling and you
can allow it to return by removing the judgement that you had to the outcome of
holding that fear at that time. And as it returns, a little piece of the jigsaw that is
you is added, and the jigsaw becomes more whole.
And as you collect your little bits of litter from around the planet, there is a
knowingness amongst other spirits that have not yet awakened that, somehow,
the emotional soup, in which they are asleep, is a little less dense... a little
clearer; and offers them a little more chance of seeing the Light, for the veils are
slightly thinner. And as you pick up your little fragments from around you, you
also directly relieve the weight from other beings on this planet, as you know. So
this is a time of emotional and mental housekeeping for you.
Some of you are finding a physical conduit with which to accentuate the efficiency
of this work, and that is great indeed... that is wonderful. But it is not the only
way for it to occur; it is just a quickened way. If you happen not to be aligned
with a partner who resonates at the same frequency, then it is good to do this
litter collection by yourself, at an emotional and at a mental level. If you can find
a trusted confidante, or friend, with which to assist... to allow physical experience
to happen, or for it to be voiced, or for that energy to be recalled in a more third
dimensional way, then do so. I implore you to do so. But if you cannot, it matters
Undertake the work anyway. For the work is too valuable to be left undone
because the conditions are not as you would see as perfect. The conditions are as
they are, for the reasons they are, and you will know why soon enough if you do
not know already. Most of you will have an awareness that there are those around
you who will soon resonate at your frequency; it's just that part of you is still in a
linear time frame, where you are waiting for the catch-up effect.
You will all be feeling a sense of exhileration, at this time, as the energies lift; for
even the 3D soup is becoming faster and lighter... ha... more of a consom than a

thick broth. Soon it will be like water... and then like nothing at all... and at that
time all the veils will be gone. It is nearing a time when there will be no barrier
between the Earth plane and Spirit, for there will be no reason for any. That is the
time of ascension; that is the time when travel between Spirit and the Earth plane
will not only be possible, and encouraged, but easy. For there will be no baggage
anchoring you to the third dimension... creating the veils. And there will be no
chance of "sleep" for those that you perceive now to be unconscious.
They will not be able to avoid looking up, or out, or in or wherever; for there will
be nothing left to hide behind; there will be no metaphoric covers to pull up over
one's head and say, "But it's warm and safe under here and I do not wish to
move." For it will no longer seem a cold climate in which those covers are
required in order to feel comfortable. It will be like a warm summer's day,
everywhere. One's emotions will be clear and free; and it will be difficult to
resonate at such a low frequency; in fact, it will be impossible. The time of which
I speak is the time of ascension of all humanity; and know that it is not far off.
You know much of the rest. You know of the planet that is being prepared for
those who wish to continue a third dimensional existence. You have an increasing
knowingness of what will be for those who do not. For each night, as your guides
take you to the stars, or within - it matters not which - you are experiencing
more of what you know of as Home, of that place, of that experience, of that
energy. And know that it is as much within you, as it is without.
My beloved brothers and sisters, we in Spirit have waited long, and our wait is
almost over from the perspective of which I speak to you now. I invite you to feel
the energy that you are all creating here, that has drawn to this place at this
time, some of the highest vibrational energies in the cosmos; and know that you
do it more quickly than you used to, and with greater clarity. And take some little
time to bathe in the wonderful creation that you bring about each time you gather
in this group. And know, also, that when you leave this group, you take this
creation with you, for it is with you all the time.
You need only surrender and trust, as you are doing daily, to feel the shivers of
bliss ripple through you. For what used to take you hours in meditation to
achieve, you now bring instantly to your consciousness and it is there. This is the
nature of instant manifestation, and know that by surrendering a little more...
and trusting a little more, manifestation extends to all aspects of your life. Even
the most difficult things that you would find to manifest at this time, will manifest
instantly as you give over the last bits of your surrender, and your last blockages
to trust. For when you have done that, the passage of unconditional Love to, and
from you.
Brothers and Sisters of the Light... we in Spirit are honoured to be with you.
Is there any particular knowingness that any of you wish to have at this time?
I would like to know a little bit more about materialising.
Do you understand the relationship between energy and commitment?
That is at the heart of how things materialise. If things materialise for you then it
is highest wisdom. If they do not, then it is also highest wisdom. If you wish to
materialise yourself in a different place at this time, then you can do so, as you
are aware. It is not necessarily that you will materialise there in the third

dimension, but your consciousness will bi-locate there. You will be able to
materialise in different places physically once the soup, in which you live,
becomes thinner; becomes so thin that it is not there. For that is the block that
causes your molecular structure to manifest in only one place at one time.
It does not prevent you from bi-location at this time, it just prevents you from
being seen by others. If, for example, you wish to appear before someone at
another part of the planet at this time, on a physical level, then that person would
have to vibrate so strongly to your resonant frequency as to be part of yourself, in
order to actually see you. But the time is not so far away when you will be able to
travel in this manner on a physical basis; but there needs to be removed from
around you, at this time, a lot of the fear. Not fear from yourself, but fear from
others. For it is the fear that creates the densifying soup in which you live that
prevents you from physical flight at this time.
It is also what prevents you from seeing energies in Spirit. For just as there are
many energies here with you at the moment, you could see them if you wish to...
see them as certain individuals, if the soup was not there. If you wish to see them
as the One, then you could see that too. For the nature of energy and
commitment is such that when the veils are totally lifted for all mankind, then it is
up to the free will of the individual to see the energy as that individual wishes;
because that will be the time when the free will of the individual is always
resonating with the Will of the Source. Therefore materialisation can be totally
flexible; totally changeable and total truth, as things will no longer need to
appear in a predetermined way to prevent fear running riot. Perhaps a little
confusing, but take it into your heart and you will know more of this.
Beloved One, I have a question. How can I access the Akashic Records?
By holding the Light strongly in your heart and by taking truth to your heart. The
unconditional Love that allows you access to Travel is the unconditional Love that
allows you access to the All That Is, for that is all that is. The Akashic Records are
offered to you in unconditional Love. All you need do is find unconditional Love to
receive them. Know that you are experiencing more of the Akashic Records than
you could possibly have experienced in the past... as you understand it. And
know, also, that you are getting that which is highest wisdom.
The Akashic Records are coming to you in many ways. More and more of this
information is presenting itself to you as truth, as you let go of your blockage as
to how that information might best arrive. For energy is energy, and the Akashic
Records are just recorded energy; and it is only that you have held the perception
for so long that this information could only arrive via certain messengers, or at a
certain frequency, or in a certain way - special delivery mail, if you like. It is only
that thought that has prevented you from actually understanding that it is being
offered to you all the time.
As your vibrational frequency increases, you are seeing more of the Oneness
around you, more of the One thing. And you are understanding that what you
once perceived as 'this' and 'that' is now just 'it'. And that 'it' is an entry in the
Akashic Records. As you understand more about the nature of truth and that
different realities are still truth, so you are accessing more of the Akashic
When you reach the time when all your blocks have passed, and you are totally
trusting, and you have surrendering everything - yes, everything - then the
Akashic Records are complete for you. Then you need only ask of yourself what it
is that you need to know and that knowledge will be complete for you,

For whilst there is the slightest block that remains; whilst there is the smallest
thing that you have not handed over... that you are still attached to... much of
the Akashic Records can not be made available to you. For it would not be of
highest wisdom for one to receive all the information of the cosmos whilst one
had the slightest speck of fear left. You well understand what might happen. In
the third dimensional plane of Mother Earth where free will exists, fear is a
choice, and those energies still exist that have Served to test your resolve by
offering you the darkness in such abundance. Until that place is impecably
cleaned of the last remnants of fear, much of the Akashic Records can not be
made available.
I will leave you soon, but first I have a little gift for you. A gift that some of you
have already received. This faithful little group, that has met regularly, is very
special to us in Spirit as are all beings; and as each of you travel in separate ways
on this third dimensional plane, know that you will have contact with each other
without the need of modern communication means. Trust your intuition to know
when one needs contact. Know that you resonate at such a close frequency that
you can Communicate with each other.
If you feel the need to confirm this with the device that you call the telephone,
then do so. Once you have understood that it is happening, you will probably not
need to do that anymore. For the love that you have allowed, and the faith with
which you have held the Light in your hearts, has not gone unnoticed to us in
Spirit; and whilst we have been with you these weeks, as the various fragments
of the energy that you wished to be here, we have been doing much work with
you in attuning your intuitive receptors and transmitters, if you like. Some of you
will have been noticing this already in your dream states, and your knowingness
of what the others have been wanting to say, or going to say.
Give over the last aspects that you are holding onto, and fly. We long to embrace
you in Spirit, as we have already done. For the bliss that awaits you is beyond
description. You are starting to feel it now.
Remember, you are Love. You are Life. You are Light. You are God.

Copyright 1995 Jaraya

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