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Granite samples from Jarak Island near Selat Melaka and from Bukit
Kemuning, Kemaman were studied in details. Jarak Island granites is located in
Western Belt Granite while Bukit Kemuning is located in Eastern Belt Granite.
The range of SiO2 for Jarak Island and Perhentian Island is 69.4 to 81% and
51.3 to 69.2% respectively. In general, the plots shows clear trend of decreasing
Al2O3, Mgo, CaO, Na2O, TiO2 and FeOt while K2O increase with increasing SiO2
for both Jarak Island and Bukit Kemuning. The high Na2O content of the bukit
Kemuning is shown in in Na2O vs SiO2 diagram. (Figure 1). Eastern Belt granite
rarely contain less than 3% Na2O while Western Belt Granite rarely exceed 3%
Na2O. Generally, major element data from rocks of Jarak island clearly show
trends high-K calc-akaline series (Figure 2). However. Bukit Kemuning, shows and
extended range of SiO2and K2O content compared to Jarak Island. Thus, Bukit
Kemuning suites grade from calc alkali to high-K calc-alkali to shoshonite.
P2O5 shows little significant decrease with increasing SiO2 in the two unit.
P2O5 content also overlap in both granites. Bukit Kemuning have higher Al2O3,
Mgo, CaO, Na2O, TiO2 and FeOt contents compared to Jarak Island. K2O5 content
of Jarak island is higher than Bukit Kemuning.
Trace element of are shown in the below Figure 3. Generally, the two units
clearly fall along two separate trend. A clear decreasing trend is shown with
increasing SiO2 by Ba, Sr, and Zr. Rb and Y shows increasing trend with
increasing SiO2. La, Ce and Ni however, do not show any clear trends. Trace
elements of Jarak Island have relatively higher contents of Be, Cs, Nb, Sr, Th, U,
Zr and Pb than Bukit Kemuning.
Rb/Sr ratios (Figure 4) are higher in Jarak Island compared to those from
Bukit Kemuning. The high Rb/Sr ratio of Jarak Island (0 to 3) reflects the highly
evolved nature of the magma compared to Bukit Kemuning (4 to 30). However,
there are some overlap between 69 to 70%.
Bukit Kemuning has wider ACNK ratios ranging 0.8 to 0.94 compared to
Jarak Island which ranges from 1.0 to 1.1 ( Figure 5) . All samples from Bukit
Kemuning and 93% samples from Jarak Island falls in I-type fields of Chapel and
White (1974). Only one samples from Jarak Island that falls into S-type fields.
Both Jarak Island and Bukit Kemuning shows increasing trend of A/CNK values
with increasing SiO2.

Figure 1 Major elements vs SiO2 plots of Jarak Island and Bukit Kemuning.

Figure 2 K2O vs SiO2 of Jarak Island and Bukit Kemuning.

Figure 3 Trace element vs SiO2

Figure 4 Rb/Sr vs SIO2

REE analyses of Jarak Island and Bukit Kemuning are plotted on spider
diagram.Both units shows a typical seagull shape profile with large Eu anomaly.

Following the classification by Middlemost (1994), Jarak plots in the granite fields
while Bukit Kemuning plots in between quartz monzonite and granodiorite. One
samples from Bukit Kemuning plots in gabbroic diorite field. Based on
classification by TAS (Cox et al. 1979), both units are felsic with Jarak island
plotted in granite fields while Bukit Kemuning mostly plotted in granodiorite,
granites and gabbroic diorites fields.

The ACNK value (Al2O3/CaO+Na2O+K2O,Shand,1943) for Jarak island range

from 0.95 (mildly metaluminous) to 1.2 (peraluminous). Bukit Kemuning samples
are all metaluminous ranging from 0.8 to 0.9. The values increase with
increasing SiO2 for both units. The samples from Jarak Island fall in the S-type
field defined by Chapell and White (1974) while the samples from Bukit
Kemuning falls in I-type fields.



Large ion lithophile content of Jarak Island is more irregular compared to Bukit
Kemuning. This is evident from Ba, Sr, and Rb plots vs SiO2. LIL modelling of
Jarak Island shows that the magmatic evolution is controlled by biotite, K-feldspar
and plagioclase while Bukit Kemuning is controlled biotite, K-feldpars,
plagioclase and hornblende.

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