Anda di halaman 1dari 4

Im tall and thin.

Ive got long brown hair, black eyes, a small nose and a big
I m wearing a yellow blouse, an orange skirt, pink socks and blue trainers. Today
Ive got two nice bunches with two yellow ribbons in my hair.
Im good-temperate , polite and happy. My favorite food is pizza and my favorite
drink is coke.
I like cats very much. I can play tennis, but I cant play basketball.
Text descriptive bahasa Inggris ini diambil dari

Hi, I am Vivian. Today I want to tell about my best friend, Claudia.

Claudia is special. I like her spontaneous nature.
She is young, exuberant, and lively; she is slim and active.
She often wears colorful clothes. Do you see her picture? She wears a green shirt
and her favorite jeans.
She has a creative mind: students love her passionate outlook on life.
Hes tall and slim, with olive skin and curly dark hair. Like many French people,
he has a great sense of style, so he always looks well-dressed even in casual
Jacques is very outgoing. He is always friendly and loves to have fun. Hes got a
fantastic sense of humour and he always makes me laugh. However, he can be a
bit immature at times. For example, when he doesnt get what he wants, he acts
childishly and stamps his feet.
Jacques is very keen on water sports. He likes sailing and he spends a lot of time

on his boat. He enjoys scuba diving, too, and loves exploring life under sea.
All in all, Im glad to have Jacques as my friend. Its a pleasure to be with him and
I really enjoy his company. Im sure well always be close friends.
haracteristics (Sifat)
- clever : pintar
- diligent : rajin
- kind : baik hati
- nice : menyenangkan
- intelligent : cerdas
- lazy : malas
- patient : sabar
- smart : cerdas
- talented : bertalenta
- attracted : menarik
- cheerful : ceria
- happy : senang
- helpful : penolong
- hard worker : pekerja keras
- easy going : tenang, segala sesuatu dibuat mudah
- honest : jujur
- handsome : tampan
- beautiful : cantik
- cute : manis
- pretty : cantik
Contoh kalimat :
Pertanyaan : What is your opinion about Rania? (Apa pendapatmu tentang
: Rania is beautiful. She is very smart. (Rania cantik. Dia sangat
Pertanyaan : What is your opinion about Raka? (Apa pendapatmu tentang Raka?)
: Raka is handsome. He is very cheerful. (Raka tampan. Dia sangat
Untuk menanyakan pendapat orang lain tentang sesuatu, digunakan kalimat :
- What do you think about ....?
- What is your opinion about ...?
2. Physical Appearance (Penampilan Pisik)
There are many words can be categorized into words that describe a person's
general appearance, eyes, ears, face, nose, arms, hair, height and build.
Ada banyak kata yang dapat digunakan untuk menggambarkan orang dari
penampilan pisik yaitu mata, telinga, wajah, hidung, lengan, rambut,tinggi dan
- sharp eyes : mata tajam

round eyes : mata bulat

mata sipit : slanting eye
pointed nose : hidung mancung
flat nose: hidung pesek
oval face : wajah lonjong
round face : wajah bulat
black hair : rambut hitam
blonde hair : rambut pirang
curly hair : rambut keriting
straight hair : rambut lurus
wavy hair : rambut bergelombang
long hair : rambut panjang
short hair : rambut pendek
dark skin : kulit gelap
white skin : kulit putih
brown skin : kulit coklat
thick lips : bibir tebal
smooth skin : kulit lembut
tall : tinggi
short : pendek
fat : gemuk
thin : kurus
slim : langsing
strong : kuat

Contoh Kalimat :
She is Julie.
She has straight hair.
Her hair is fairly black.
She is very tall.
Dia adalah Julie.
Dia memiliki rambut lurus.
Rambutnya hitam bersinar.
Dia sangat tinggi
Berikut adalah contoh paragrap yang menggabungkan antara characteristics dan
physical appearance seseorang :
Mr. Bara
Mr. Bara is my uncle. He is a farmer in the country.
He is 55 years old. He is handsome and tall. He is
185 cm. He has sharp eyes and a pointed nose .He
has curly hair. He is very strong. His arms and legs
are strong. He has dark skin. He is very dilligent.
He also smart and patient. He is a nice person and
we love him very much.

Tuan Bara
Tuan Bara adalah paman saya. Dia adalah seorang
petani di desa. Umur dia adalah 55 tahun. Dia tampan
dan tinggi. Dia memiliki mata yang tajam dan hidung'
mancung. Dia memiliki rambut keriting. Dia sangat
kuat. Lengan dan kakinya sangat kuat. Dia memiliki
kulit yang gelap. Dia sangat rajin. Dia juga cerdas
dan penyabar. Dia adalah orang yang menyenangkan
dan kami sangat menyukainya.

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