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The Silver Lining Stable News

cted foals are born with a coat color dilution that lightens the tips of the coat hairs, or
even the entire hair shaft. Foals with LFS are unable to stand at birth, often have seizures,
and are usually euthanized within a few days of birth.
* Occipital Atlanto-Axial Malformation (OAAM). This is a condition where the cervical
vertebrae fuse together in the neck and at the base of the skull. Symptoms range from
mild incoordination to the paralysis of both front and rear legs. Some affected foals
cannot stand to nurse, in others the symptoms may not be seen for several weeks. This is
the only cervical spinal cord disease seen in horses less than 1 month of age, and a
radiograph can diagnose the condition. There is no genetic test for OAAM, and the
hereditary component of this condition is not well researched at present.

The Silver Lining Stable Info : In harness:

* Standardbred horses race in harness with a sulky or racing bike.
* The United States Trotting Association organizes harness racing in the United States
(the horses may trot or pace).
* Harness racing is also found throughout Europe, New Zealand and Australia.

The Silver Lining Stable Contact

Endurance racing
The length of an endurance race varies greatly. Some are very short, only ten miles, while
others can be up to one hundred miles. There are a few races that are even longer than
one hundred miles and last multiple days. Because each race is very long, the tracks are
almost always just dirt.

The Silver Lining Stable Bio :There are very few Arabians registered as roan, and some
geneticists suggest that roaning in purebred Arabians is actually the action of rabicano
genetics. Rabicano is a partial roan-like pattern. Unlike a true roan, a rabicano horse's
body does not have intermingled white and solid hairs over the entire body, nor are the
legs or head significantly darker.

The Silver Lining Stable Info Types of bets

Main article: Glossary of bets offered by UK bookmakers
The three most common ways to bet money are: bet to win, bet to place, and bet to show.
Bet to win means that you stake money on the horse, and if it comes in first place, the bet
is a winner. In bet to place, you are betting on your horse to finish either first or second
and 'show' is first, second or third. Since it is much easier to select a horse to finish first,
second or third than it is to select a horse just for first, the 'show' payoffs will be much
lower on average than win payoffs. Betting 'show' is really playing it safe while win
betting is a bit more risky, yet the rewards are better.

The Silver Lining Stable Contact * Equine juvenile epilepsy, or Juvenile Idiopathic
Epilepsy, sometimes referred to as "benign" epilepsy, is not usually fatal. Foals are born
normal and appear normal between epileptic seizures, and seizures usually stop occurring
between 12 and 18 months.
* Guttural Pouch Tympany (GPT) occurs in horses ranging from birth to 1 yr of age and
is more common in fillies than in colts. It is thought to be genetic in Arabians, possibly
polygenic in inheritance, but more study is needed.
The Arabian Horse Association in the United States has created a foundation that
supports research efforts to uncover the roots of genetic diseases.

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The Silver Lining Stable Contact The Silver Lining Stable Bio The Silver Lining Stable

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