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"It is only the wisest and the stupidest that cannot change"

Majority Democratic
Vote Inherently Proficient
Creatures Of Habit Egoist Servitude Inherently Vie Enslaving Self
The people may be made to follow a course of action, but they may not be made to understand IT
Majority rule is often listed as a characteristic of democracy.
However, it is also possible

for a minority to be oppressed by a "tyranny of the majority"

in the absence of governmental or constitutional protections of individual and/or group rights.
An essential part of an "ideal" representative democracy is competitive elections
that are fair both substantively [15] and procedurally.[16]
Furthermore, freedom of political expression, freedom of speech, and

freedom of the press

are considered to be essential,
so that citizens are adequately informed and able to vote according to their own best interests

as they see them.[17][18]

It has also been suggested that a basic feature of democracy is the capacity of individuals to participate freely and
fully in the life of their society.[19]

Political Religious Illusion Charlatan Kayfabe media inciting Fickle Inherent Bias Ignorant Bliss


Andrew N. Rubin argues, "Orwell claimed that we should be attentive to how the use of

critical thought

language has limited our capacity for

just as we should be equally
concerned with the ways in which
dominant modes of thinking have reshaped the very language that we use."[119]
The adjective Orwellian connotes an attitude and a policy of control by propaganda, surveillance,
misinformation, denial of truth, and manipulation of the past. In Nineteen Eighty-Four Orwell described a
totalitarian government that controlled thought by controlling language, making certain ideas literally
unthinkable. Several words and phrases from Nineteen Eighty-Four have entered popular language.
Newspeak is a simplified and obfuscatory language designed to make independent thought impossible.
Doublethink means holding two contradictory beliefs simultaneously. The Thought Police are those who
suppress all dissenting opinion. Prolefeed is homogenised, manufactured superficial literature, film and
music, used to control and indoctrinate the populace through docility. Big Brother is a supreme dictator
who watches everyone.
Orwell may have been the first to use the term cold war, in his essay, "You and the Atom Bomb",
published in Tribune, 19 October 1945. He wrote:
We may be heading not for general breakdown but for an epoch as horribly stable as the slave empires of
antiquity. James Burnham's theory has been much discussed, but few people have yet considered its
ideological implications; this is, the kind of world-view, the kind of beliefs, and the social structure that
would probably prevail in a State which was at once unconquerable and in a permanent state of 'cold war'
with its neighbours.[120]

1. Belief in Empire Building
The policy of extending the rule or influence of a country over other countries or colonies
2. Domination by Empire
The political, military, or economic domination of one country over another
3. Takeover and Domination
The extension of power or authority over others in the interests of domination

1. Member of Roman Catholic religious order
A member of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic religious order engaged in missionary and educational work
worldwide. The order was founded by Saint Ignatius Loyola in 1534 with the objective of defending Catholicism
against the Reformation.
2. Offensive Term
An offensive term for somebody regarded as crafty or scheming, especially somebody who uses deliberately
ambiguous or confusing words to deceive others

Old Money Evolves

Political Religious Implicit Complicit Explicit

Pirate Rogues Illusion Capitalist Enslavers
Like other financial empires in history, Smith claims the contemporary model forms alliances
necessary to develop and control wealth,
as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers of cheap resources for the imperial-centersof-capital.[1]
Belloc estimated that, during the British Enclosures, "perhaps half of the whole population was
while roughly the other "half" owned and controlled the means of production. Now, under
modern Capitalism, J.W. Smith claims
fewer than 500 people possess more wealth than half of the earths population,
as the wealth of 1/2 of 1-percent of the United States population roughly equal that of the lower
Retirement Investment Plot

Rock Of Ages

Truth Longevity Classified

Sol 13 Rocks

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