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Originally published here:

There has been a lot of talk about man made or anthropogenic global warming. It
is a mainstream knowledge these days that humans are responsible for global warm
ing and if we do not scale back our production of CO2, there will be grave conse
It all happened before
Lets put those facts to a test. Before we do that, here is what Robert Watson, a f
ormer IPCC chair had to say about the panel: The mistakes all appear to have gone
in the direction of making it seem like climate change is more serious by overs
tating the impact. That is worrying. And indeed it is.There is no doubt about the
fact that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and its concentration has increased at a rapi
d rate mostly by burning of fossil fuels. CO2 is a greenhouse gas whose concentr
ation has increased and earth has warmed, so CO2 must be the cause of warming, r
Lets look back in time a little(or a lot) to Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (P
ETM). It is considered as one of the warmest periods. CO2 concentration doubled
during that period when temperatures increased by 5-8C. Another period was at the
Neoproterozoic era (800 and 600 million years ago) the temperatures where so lo
w the earth could have been a snowball.At the end of the era the global temperat
ure reached over 32C. CO2 concentration continued to increase after the warming a
nd reached 20 times its present value. Why did concentration increase when the w
arming has stopped? Now look at natural reservoirs of CO2(eg. oceans). They resp
ond to warming in a way that releases CO2 into atmosphere. Could it be then incr
ease in CO2 is the cause and not the effect? If indeed it is a positive feedback
reaction, what stopped earth from a thermal runaway and made it hot like Venus?
Now this is an important question. What are we missing here?
History of Atmospheric CO2(courtesy: University of California, San Diego)
Enter water vapor
Water vapor is a potent greenhouse gas due to its sheer volume alone. Increase o
r decrease in its concentration can significantly affect warming. Water vapor by
itself will increase as the temperature increases. Much research hasn t been carr
ied out in how CO2 concentration effects water vapor in atmosphere. If it increa
ses along with CO2 there will be a thermal runway. Greenhouse is not the only wa
y it affects temperature. There is a much stronger way in the formation of cloud
s. You might already know that supervolcano eruption has caused cooling for exte
nded periods of time even though a large amount of CO2 was released. To neglect
its effect therefore would be a folly. Then there is solar insolation which is i
I would end up saying that adjusting parameters to fit a model is not a good met
hod at looking things, perhaps its time to change the model. Much more is left
to be covered in future articles for such a vast and controversial topic.

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