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DeMello, M. “The convict body: Tattooing among male American prisoners.”

Anthropology Today 9 (1993): 10–13. Print.

This work argues that the cultural identity that tattoos provide for those who are in the

prison system is an important aspect of morale and social acceptance when one is in

prison. The evidence used includes observation and interviews from inmates, and given

its archived in JSTOR, the scholarly fortitude of the article is clearly visible. This is

relevant to my work because it outlines tattooing as it pertains to the same age group I am

interested in, but ones who are in a different social situation, which offers a very

alternative view into the culture.

Kosut, M. “Mad artists and tattooed perverts: Deviant discourse and the social

construction of cultural categories.” Deviant Behavior 27 (2006): 73–95. Print.

This piece describes how what America believes to be deviant behavior is always

changing, and how tattooing has become more socially acceptable in recent years due to

its implementation in the mainstream media. The evidence used includes other sources

concerning the acceptance of cultural objects as characterized by a ‘notion of

authenticity’. I will use parts of this article as it pertains to the social climate and the

absorption of countercultures into the mainstream.

M. Tiggemann and F. Golden. “Tattooing: An expression of uniqueness in the

appearance domain.” Body Image 3 (2006): 309–315. Print.

This article discusses the striving for individuals to obtain uniqueness through the avenue

of body modification. Their arguments are similar to the main ones I have used in the

past, including the mainstream media and celebrities impact on the tattooing scene of

young adults as a whole. The context includes the use of many kinds of different sources

and mechanisms for research including surveys of the studied demographic. I will

certainly be using quite a bit from this source as it provides strong reasoning and


Koch, Jerome. “Body art, deviance, and American college students.” The Social Science

Journal 47.1 (2010): 151-161. Print.

This is a fantastic article that is directly in line with my discussion about the perceived

delinquency of college students who sport tattoos. The article uses sources including past

articles written concerning the stigma of tattooing in every aspect of life from prisons to

college campuses. I will definitely be using this source as one of my main points of my

essay, given its current and relevant survey information.

Hudson, Karen. “Interview with Tattoo Artist, ‘Inkslinger’”. The Interview Gallery. 3

November 2009. Web.

This is an interview with a very popular tattoo artist and shop owner in Ozark, Missouri

about how he got started into tattooing and how he runs his tattoo studio. The main

source for this article is the interviewed artist, and his past experiences with other

mentoring artists. I will mostly use the information discussed in this article about the

business of a tattoo shop and how it pertains to the area around it.

Kosut, Mary. “Mad Artists and Tattooed Perverts: Deviant Discourse and the Social

Construction of Cultural Categories”. Deviant Behavior 27.1(2006). Print.

This is an article in which the “emphasis is placed on how cultural boundaries shift over

time, illustrating the relativity of deviance, changing conceptions of art, and the recently

elevated status of tattoo within some milieus in society”. The sources for the article are

both interviews from those who are close to the industry, and those who study the cultural

implications of tattooing. I will probably use some of this research, but most of it is at a

much higher level of analysis and is irrelevant to my paper.

Pseudo, Ruby. “Teens and Tribe Tattoos: An Interview with a Tattoo Artist about youth

culture”. Ruby Pseudo Wants a Word. 27 February 2008. Web.

This is an interview with a tattoo artist specifically about the effect tattooing is having on
the youth culture of today. The main sources for the article are just the one artist who is

interviewed, and their opinions. I most likely will use quite a bit of this because it is such

a direct reference to what my topic is trying to discover.

Lopez, Eric. “The History of tattoos and body art”. Frequency Magazine. The Real Story.

7 March 2007. Web.

This article is a breakdown of the history of tattooing as it pertains to cultural

significance and placement since the early times. The main points of sources for the

article are from public source documents about the historical discoveries of tattooed

mummies, and other relevant tattooing information. I will certainly reference a few of the

things mentioned in this article, but as a whole it will just be a welcomed addition to my

main research.

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