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AIAA 96-4038

Landing Gear Integration in

Aircraft Conceptual Design

Sonny Chai and W.H. Mason

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University, Blacksburg, VA

Symposium on Multidisciplinary
Analysis and Optimization
September 4-6, 1996 / Bellevue, WA
For permission to copy or republish, contact the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA 22091 20024
Landing Gear Integration in Aircraft Conceptual Design

Sonny Chai* and William H. Mason†

Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering
Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design (MAD) Center for Advanced Vehicles
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Mail Stop 0203, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

Abstract *† phase, the need for a more systematic procedure

has become apparent.
Landing gear integration is one of the more funda-
Accordingly, this paper describes a study to
mental aspects of aircraft design. The design and
develop landing gear design and integration proce-
integration process encompasses numerous engi-
dures for use within an MDO environment, with a
neering disciplines, e.g., structures, weights, run-
special emphasis on advanced large subsonic
way design, and economics. Although the design
transports. One example of an application would be
process is well-documented, it appears not to have
incorporation into the ACSYNT program.3 The
been automated for uses in multidisciplinary de-
complete details are contained in a recent MAD
sign optimization (MDO) procedures. The process
Center Report.4
remains a key responsibility of the configuration
designer. This paper describes the development of Summary of issues to be considered
an MDO-capable design methodology focused on
providing the conceptual designer with tools to Several design considerations that must be ad-
help automate the disciplinary analyses, e.g., ge- dressed are briefly discussed to illustrate the com-
ometry, kinematics, flotation, and weight. The pro- plexity involved in the development of such a
cedures are described and illustrated by applica- methodology. The list is made up of an ever-
tion to a notional large subsonic transport aircraft, increasing, and sometimes conflicting, number of
illustrating the methods and design issues. requirements, e.g., component maximum strength,
minimum weight, high reliability, low cost, overall
Introduction aircraft integration, airfield compatibility, etc.
The location of the aircraft center of gravity
The design of the landing gear, which is consid-
(cg) is critical in the design and location of the
ered “the essential intermediary between the aero-
landing gear. The nose and main assemblies must
plane and catastrophe”, 1 is one of the more fun-
be located at a specific distance from the aircraft
damental aspects of aircraft design. The design and
cg, in both the longitudinal and lateral directions,
integration process encompasses numerous engi-
such that the aircraft is in no danger of tipping
neering disciplines, e.g., structures, weights, run-
back or turning over on its side over the full range
way design, and economics, and has become ex-
of cg locations. Another issue to be considered is
tremely sophisticated in the last few decades.
the distribution of the aircraft weight, which is de-
The landing gear design process is well-
pendent on the distances between the aircraft cg
documented by Conway 1 and more recently by
and the nose gear and main gear assembly. Be-
Currey2 and is experience-based and graphically-
tween 85 and 92 percent of the MTOW must be
oriented in nature. As such, it is a key responsibil-
maintained on the main assemblies such that the
ity of the configuration designer during initial con-
brakes can provide sufficient energy to slow down
cept studies. However, as industry and government
the aircraft within a given runway length.5
work to incorporate multidisciplinary design opti-
Airfield compatibility has become one of the
mization (MDO) methods in the conceptual design
primary considerations in the design of landing
gears for new large aircraft due to the high cost
associated with infrastructure modification, e.g.,
* pavement reinforcement and runway and taxiway
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Aerospace and
Ocean Engineering, Student Member AIAA expansion. 6 Pavement bearing strength, which var-
† ies from one airport to another due to variations in
Professor of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering, Asso-
ciate Fellow AIAA subgrade materials, dictates the number and ar-
Copyright © 1996 by Sonny Chai and William Mason. rangement of tires needed to produce the required
Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and flotation characteristics, where flotation is defined
Astronautics, Inc., with permission.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

as the capability of the runway pavement and other velop the methods becomes very small as the
surfaces, e.g., the taxiway and apron, to support the weight increases towards one million pounds and
aircraft. In addition, the disposition of the landing above. Note that the predictions of the methods are
gear is constrained by runway and taxiway geome- similar just below a TOGW of one million, but the
try as found at the airports to be served. Since the trends are in opposite directions.
ground track is dependent on the dimensions of the
wheelbase and track, an increase in these dimen-
sions could bring the aircraft over the edge of the ACSYNT DC-10-10 B 707-320

pavement during certain maneuvers, e.g., 180- Torenbeek DC-10-30 A-300-132

degree turn and centerline-guidance taxiing, and Douglas B 737-200 DC-8
cause the aircraft to bog down in soft soil.7 DC-9-30 B 727-100 C-5A
The soundness of a landing gear concept de- MD-80 B 747-100
pends on the success of overall system integration.
Ground clearance, particularly between the engine
nacelle and the static groundline, plays a key role
in determining the minimum length of the landing
gear and the permissible takeoff rotation angle.
Insufficient allowance can result in costly modifi-
Torenbeek Eqn.
cations, e.g., lengthening of the strut or reposition- Gear Wt/
ing of the under-wing engines, that effectively rule TOGW

out future growth options. The landing gear stow- 0.0450

age issue must also be addressed as the number of

main assembly struts increases with the increase in
aircraft weight.8 Trade-off studies concerning 0.0400
space availability, structural integrity, and weight
penalties resulting from local structural reinforce-
ments are needed to arrive at an optimum design. ACSYNT
The weight of the landing gear, which typi-
cally ranges from three to six percent of the maxi- Douglas Eqn.
mum aircraft takeoff weight, is also a design con- 0.0300
sideration. With advances in flight science tech- 100 10 3 TOGW 1.0 106
nologies, which result in reduced structural and
mission fuel weights, the landing gear may be- Figure 1. Comparison of classical conceptual air-
come an increasingly large weight fraction in fu- craft sizing landing gear weight estimates with
ture large aircraft. Since the landing gear has vir- actual data.
tually no contribution toward, and in some cases
even has a degrading effect on, the profitability of With the financial challenges arising from the
the aircraft, it is not surprising that the design ob- deregulation of the air-travel industry, the airlines
jective is to minimize the weight of the landing have demanded that the aircraft manufacturers
gear such that additional revenue-generating pay- produce new designs with high reliability and low
load can be carried onboard. However, a major maintenance requirements. Recent technologies,
reduction in the landing gear weight may be hard e.g., carbon-carbon heat sinks, radial tires, and
to realize due to the fail-safe requirements associ- high-strength steel, are being introduced. In addi-
ated with single load path structures.9 tion, simplified design and improved manufactur-
As an example of the problems facing a de- ing techniques, e.g., die-forging and three-
signer, consider the comparison of typical current dimensional machining,11 are being used to reduce
landing gear weight predictions with actual data the part-count associated with the landing gear
shown in Fig. 1. The figure shows trends from two system.
methods suggesting an increase of weight fraction Center of Gravity and Gear Location
with increasing size (Torenbeek5 and Douglas 10),
while one estimate (ACSYNT 3) suggests a de- Perhaps the first consideration in including the
creasing trend with increasing size. The ACSYNT landing gear is locating it appropriately. Many
approach reflects an increase in weight with addi- considerations constrain the location of the gear.
tional struts. The existing aircraft base used to de-

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Virtually all the design constraints require the cen-
ter of gravity, cg, range be known. required
cg range
Center of Gravity Location tip back
The location of the aircraft cg is essential in the
positioning of the landing gear, as well as for other
MDO applications, e.g., flight mechanics, stability Tail
and control,12,13 and performance. In the landing Size
nose down
nose up
gear problem the aircraft cg location is needed to limit
position the landing gear such that ground stability,
maneuverability, and clearance requirements are allowable
met. An automated landing gear design procedure region after Ref. 14
must address this problem. Current conceptual-
level aircraft design codes do not estimate the cg fwd aft
cg location
range accurately. This job has been the domain of
the configuration designer.
Figure 2. Typical tail sizing for modern designs
The connection between the landing gear and
with stability limit relaxed (Ref. 14)
the cg has become even more critical with the
adoption of advanced control systems. As pointed
out by Holloway14 in 1971, and illustrated here in B737
Fig. 2, once the aft cg limit is no longer based on B767
stability, the wing tends to move forward relative DC10
to the cg and the landing gear may “fall off” the B747
wing. Thus, the tip-back angle may become an
important consideration in determining the aft cg 0.0 50.0
limit. Sliwa identified this issue in his aircraft de- Aircraft cg range, % mac
sign studies.15
The cg estimation problem has been discussed Operational cg range Permissible cg range
in an earlier paper by Chai and Mason. 16 The ap-
proach adopted there was to assign ranges for the Figure 3. Actual and estimated aircraft cg range
locations of the components of the aircraft based comparison
on examination of typical locations on existing Finally, the precise control of the center of
aircraft. 17-19 This produced a table of compo- gravity is a difficult problem that has been studied
nents,4,16 which could then be used to estimate the extensively in a larger context. It apparently dates
range of cg locations attainable of shifting compo- back to the 1960s, when the loading problem was
nents. This range of cg’s can then be compared formulated. 21 Within our context, a current exam-
with the required cg range obtained from the over- ple of methods to obtain a prescribed cg location
all system MDO analysis. If the estimate of allow- has been given by Amiouny, et al.22 A related ex-
able cg range based on shifting components in- ample involving the loading of cargo on a large
cludes the required cg range, then we can con- military transport has been discussed by Martin-
clude that the configuration concept is viable. If Vega. 23
the required range is outside of the allowable
range, then the design concept has to be reconsid- Gear disposition
ered. Figure 3 illustrates the concept by presenting The design and positioning of the landing gear are
the analysis for several existing aircraft. Based on determined by the unique characteristics associ-
the results we consider this analysis the minimum ated with each aircraft, i.e., geometry, weight, and
treatment that must be applied to an MDO analysis mission requirements. Given the weight and cg
of a new concept. range of the aircraft, suitable configurations are
In considering the issues facing designers of identified and reviewed to determine how well
large aircraft, the most useful paper is the descrip- they match the airframe structure, flotation, and
tion of the B-747F loading envelope.20 That paper operational requirements. The essential features,
describes in detail each limit that arises is the e.g., the number and size of tires and wheels,
weight distribution. brakes, and shock absorption mechanism, must be

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

decided before an aircraft design progresses past meet the performance requirements must be se-
the concept formulation phase, after which it is lected.
often very difficult or impossible to change the Selection algorithms were developed based
design. 24 The positioning of the landing gear is on various selection criterion. Minimum size,
based primarily on stability considerations during weight, or pressure, are used to select suitable tires
taxi, liftoff and touchdown, i.e., the aircraft should and wheels from manufacturer’s catalogs27 and
be in no danger of turning over on its side once it standards28, while a statistical database was used
is on the ground. Compliance with this requirement to size the brakes to meet the braking require-
can be determined by examining the take- ments. 2
off/landing performance characteristics and the The basic function of the shock absorber is to
relationships between the locations of the landing absorb and dissipate the impact kinetic energy to
gear and the aircraft cg. Roskam 25 has correctly the extent that accelerations imposed upon the
noted that the landing gear location issues can airframe are reduced to a tolerable level. To ac-
determine a configuration’s viability. complish the above tasks, the shock absorber must
In our method we consider the key items re- provide adequate damping to both low and high
quired during aircraft layout. These include the frequency excitation forces encountered during
angle of pitch and roll during takeoff and landing, landing and taxiing, respectively. We considered
stability at touchdown and during taxi, sideways oleo-pneumatic shock absorbers. The size of the
turnover angle, braking and steering qualities, gear shock absorbers is critical in determining the size
length, landing gear attachment, aircraft turning and weight of the gear strut. The methods devel-
radius, and centerline-guidance taxiing. Taken to- oped essentially automated the methodology de-
gether, these considerations can be used to locate scribed by Currey.2 Here again, Ref. 4 should be
the gear. We have checked many of our analysis consulted for complete details.
by comparison with typical manufacturer’s mate-
rial provided to airport planners. 26 The complete Kinematics
document, Ref. 4, contains the details.
Besides the initial clearance considerations, Kinematics is the term applied to the design and
allowance must also be considered for future analysis of those parts used to retract and extend
stretching of the aircraft, which generally involves the gear. Particular attention is given to the deter-
adding plugs forward and aft of the wing spars. mination of the geometry of the deployed and re-
Provided that the attitude of the aircraft will re- tracted positions of the landing gear, as well as the
main the same, the increase in the aft fuselage swept volume taken up during deploy-
length would thus reduce the maximum permissi- ment/retraction. The objective is to develop a sim-
ble takeoff rotation angle, which can result in ple deployment/retraction scheme that takes up the
costly modifications and thus effectively rule out least amount of stowage volume, while at the
future growth options. Boeing abandoned further same time avoiding interference between the land-
stretches of the Model 727 partially because of the ing gear and surrounding structure. The simplicity
difficulties encountered while attempting to main- requirement arises primarily from economic con-
tain an adequate tail scrape angle, whereas Doug- siderations. As shown from operational experience,
las was able to reduce the required tail scrape an- complexity, in the forms of increased part-count
gle on the MD-11 by increasing the wing incidence and maintenance down-time, drives up the overall
by three degrees over that of its 22-foot shorter DC- cost faster than weight. However, interference
10-30 forebear. problems may lead to a more complex system to
retract and store the gear within the allocated
stowage volume.
Tires, Wheels Brakes,
The kinematic analysis developed in this study
and Shock Absorbers
is used to establish the alignment of the pivot axis
The number of tires required for a given aircraft which permits the deployment/retraction of the
design gross weight is largely determined by the landing gear to be accomplished in the most effec-
flotation characteristics, which will be discussed tive manner, and to determine the retracted posi-
later. Assuming that the number and distribution tion of the assemblies such that stowage boundary
pattern of the tires is already known, specific tires, violations and structure interference can be identi-
weights and sizes of wheels, and brakes that will fied. The stowage interference is also evaluated.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Landing Gear Weight Estimation is made up of the torsion links, fittings, miscella-
neous hardware, and the internal oleo mechanism,
Statistical weight equations, although capable of e.g., the metering tube, seals, oil, pins, and bear-
producing quick and fairly accurate group weights, ings. The results are presented in Tables 1 and 2.
do not always respond to variations in landing gear
design parameters. Thus, it is desirable that an
analytical weight estimation method, which is Table 1. Main assembly structural weight com-
more sensitive than statistical methods to varia- parison
tions in the design of landing gear, should be
adopted. The objectives are to allow for parametric Aircraft Estimated, Actual, Est./Act
lb. lb. .
studies involving key design considerations that
B737 380.8 384.0 0.99
drive landing gear weight, and to establish crucial B727 667.4 828.4 0.81
weight gradients to be used in the optimization B707 1126.2 1269.0 0.89
process. In this work we developed an analytical B747 4688.5 5661.5 0.83
weight estimation procedure to allow us to esti-
mate landing gear weight for aircraft sizes well Table 2. Nose assembly structural weight com-
beyond those currently available. The method was parison
then calibrated against existing landing gear Aircraft Estimated, Actual, Est./Act.
weights. lb. lb.
Analytical weight estimation methods are ca- B737 111.6 145.0 0.77
pable of handling varying configurations and ge- B727 175.0 327.3 0.53
B707 158.8 222.0 0.72
ometry, in addition to design parameters already B747 937.2 1439.0 0.65
included in the statistical methods. Using the
methods of Kraus29 and Wille, 30 the procedure Differences between the actual and estimated
consists of five basic steps: definition of gear ge- structural weights in Tables 1 and 2 can be attrib-
ometry, calculation of applied loads, resolution of uted to several factors. First, the models analyzed
the loads into each structural member, sizing of are extremely simple, i.e., structural members were
required member cross-sectional area, and calcula- represented with simple geometric shapes and no
tion of component and total structural weight. Al- considerations have been given to fillet radii, local
though they provided an excellent guideline toward structural reinforcement, bearing surfaces, etc. As
the development of an MDO-compatible analysis for the analysis itself, simplistic equations were
algorithm, detailed discussions in the area of load used to calculate the applied static and dynamic
calculations and structure design criteria were not loads, and idealized structural arrangements were
included. used to determine the member internal reactions.
Our generic landing gear model, consisting of However, it should be noted that the results are
axles, truck beam, piston, cylinder, drag and side consistent with Kraus’ original analysis, where an
struts, and trunnion, is developed based on existing average of 13 percent deviation was cited. Refer-
transport-type landing gears. Since most, if not all, ence 4 should be consulted for more details and
of the above items can be found in both the nose comparisons.
and main gear, the model can easily be modified
to accommodate both types of assembly without Pavement Thickness Requirements
much difficulty. Although the torsion links are pre-
sented for completeness, they are ignored in the The configuration of the landing gear has a di-
analysis since their contributions toward the final rect impact on ground flotation requirements. Flo-
weight estimate do not justify the amount of work tation is the term used to describe the capability of
involved. pavement and other surfaces to support an air-
For analysis validation purposes, the landing craft.31 The number and arrangement of the wheels,
gear for the Boeing Models 707, 727, 737 and 747 along with the aircraft weight and its distribution
were modeled and analyzed. The estimated struc- between the nose and main assemblies, dictates
tural weight, which includes the axle/truck, piston, the required pavement thickness for a particular
cylinder, drag and side struts, and trunnion, ac- aircraft. In addition, the type of the pavement
counts for roughly 75 percent of the total structural found at the airports to be served by the aircraft
weight that can be represented in the model. The also needs to be considered. Existing runway and
remaining 25 percent of the gear structural weight apron pavements can be grouped into two catego-

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

ries: flexible and rigid.7 A flexible pavement may imported either from existing aircraft sizing codes
consist of one or more layers of bituminous materi- or disciplinary analyses, while landing gear-related
als and aggregate, i.e., surface, base, and subbase parameters must be specified by the user or set up
courses, resting on a prepared subgrade layer. Peo- as defaults. Within an optimization framework,
ple generally think of these runways as being as- these parameters would be treated as design vari-
phalt. On the other hand, rigid pavement may con- ables whose optimum values would be computed
sist of a slab of Portland Cement concrete placed by the optimizer to achieve a desired objective.
on a layer of prepared soil. The thickness of each However, the goal here is to demonstrate the algo-
of the layers must be adequate to ensure that the rithms, which can be used to automate the landing
applied loads will not damage the surface or the gear design process.
underlying layers.
Various flotation analyses have been de- Description of Programs
veloped over time in different countries and by The primary task for program CONFIG is to
different government agencies and organizations, develop a landing gear model that can be used as
and each method has a different acronym,7 e.g., the baseline configuration. Given the aircraft
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the weight, configuration characteristics and the num-
Portland Cement Association (PCA), the Water- ber of struts and tires, the program determines the
ways Experiment Station (S-77-1), and the British loads on the tires and total braking energy to be
Air Ministry (LCN). However, the majority of absorbed by the brakes. Suitable tires, wheels, and
these methods are based on the California Bearing brakes are either selected from manufacturers’
Ratio (CBR) method of design 7 and Westergaard catalogs or sized statistically. The length of the
stress analysis32; the former is applicable for flexi- structural components, e.g., axles, truck beam,
ble pavements while the latter is for the rigid piston, cylinder, and trunnion, are determined
pavements. based on the attachment scheme and clearance
One key concept in the establishment of the requirements. As for the linkages, a generic at-
pavement thickness is the concept of the equiva- tachment scheme derived from existing commer-
lent single wheel load (ESWL). In performing the cial transports is used to determine the arrange-
standard analysis, the bogie pattern is converted to ment and required length of the drag and side
an equivalent single tire force on the surface. This struts. Combining the initial input data with the
concept is not necessarily precise, and in fact the intermediate results, the program establishes a
FAA and Boeing are currently developing test fa- mathematical model of the notional landing gear
cilities at the FAA’s Atlantic City facility to estab- in three-dimensional space, which is used by the
lish precisely the ESWL values and verify the re- remaining programs for detailed analysis.
quirements for landing gears with the triple dual Program LIMIT is used to examine the design
tandem configuration used in the Boeing 777. and kinematic characteristics of the landing gear.
We developed routines to compute the pave- Given the configuration characteristics of the air-
ment thickness required for both flexible and rigid craft and the model of the notional landing gear,
pavement. The routines were calibrated against the turnover angle, pitch and roll angles during
published requirements, and some calibration fac- takeoff/landing, ground clearance, and turning radii
tors were required to obtain accurate results. Ref- are calculated. The calculated values are then
erence 4 contains complete details. compared with a list of specified requirements to
identify possible constraint violations. From the
The Analysis Package
dimension and arrangement of the landing gear and
Four FORTRAN programs and a spreadsheet based the allocated stowage space, pivot axis and retrac-
on the considerations outlined above were devel- tion angle are determined using mathematical ki-
oped to provide a package for incorporation into nematic analysis. In addition, the retraction path,
existing MDO codes. Programs CONFIG, LIMIT, swept volume, and stowed position are established
PAVE, and GEARWEI can be used together to and compared with stowage boundaries for possible
study the global effects of variations in the landing structural interference.
gear design parameters on integration, airfield The flotation characteristics of the aircraft are
compatibility, weight, etc. In addition, the pro- determined by program PAVE. Flexible and rigid
grams can be used individually to analyze a par- pavement bearing stresses associated with speci-
ticular aspect of a given concept. In both cases, fied loading conditions are calculated using pave-
aircraft configuration characteristics have to be ment design procedures. The required pavement

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

thickness is converted to the standard pavement consists of landing-gear related parameters, and as
bearing strength reporting system and tabulated for mentioned in the previous section, must be pro-
comparison purposes. vided by the user or selected from defaults.
The component and group weights of the land- A description of the results generated by indi-
ing gear are calculated by program GEARWEI. As vidual analysis are listed in Table 4. It should be
detailed previously, the structural weight of the pointed out that these data only represent part of
landing gear is determined analytically from the the information that is produced by the analyses.
notional landing gear structural model, while the Intermediate results, e.g., constraint boundaries,
weight of the non-structural components is deter- landing gear loads and induced stresses, that might
mined from a statistical database. These weights be of interest or importance to a particular disci-
are combined to arrive at the landing gear group pline are currently internal to the analyses.
The programs are organized as shown in Fig. 4. Aircraft configuration characteristics
Aircraft weight and configuration characteristics,
as well as a limited number of landing gear-related
design parameters, enter the package through pro- Analysis Package
gram CONFIG. The former set of data is obtained
Program CONFIG
either from existing aircraft sizing codes or disci- landing gear
plinary analyses, e.g., ACSYNT3 and FLOPS,33, configuration selection
whereas the latter is user-specified or is set up as
defaults. Using this information as a starting point,
program CONFIG not only generates a notional
landing gear model, but also data sets to be used User-specified
Program PAVE Program LIMIT
as input to programs PAVE, LIMIT and, flotation analysis constraint violations modification(s)
GEARWEI. These programs then assess flotation, determination
operational stability, maneuverability, and stowage
aspects of the aircraft/landing gear concept. If all
the design constraints are satisfied, the weight can
be estimated in program GEARWEI. The user then Program GEARWEI
specifies modifications to the design to resolve the weight estimation
violations of constraints and the programs are re-
run. The execution of all the programs is essen-
tially instantaneous. Landing gear design characteristics
The current state of the analysis package is a
compilation of a number of separate analyses. The
package does not have the capability to generate
Figure 4. Information flow in analysis package
the required landing gear-related parameters, e.g.,
the number of tires and struts, attachment location,
and stowage space, based on imported aircraft con- Table 3. Required input data
figuration characteristics. However, these are eas-
ily changed by the user. The proper use of the Parameter Type Description
Wing Imported Geometric charac-
package is to make parametric studies to select teristics; location
the best combination of the total system and land- Fuselage Imported Geometric charac-
ing gear layout. teristics
Data required by the analysis package are Engine/ Imported Geometric charac-
listed in Table 3. The majority of this information Nacelle teristics; location
Weight Imported Takeoff/landing
consists of geometric and weight characteristics weights; weight dis-
associated with the aircraft: wing area and span, tribution;
quarter chord sweep, fuselage length and width, aircraft cg location
maximum takeoff/landing weight, aircraft cg loca- Landing User- Design/selection
tion, etc. These design parameters are readily gear specified criteria; number of
or default tires/struts; location;
available from existing aircraft sizing codes and clearance; stowage
can easily be rearranged into the card-style inputs space
used by the analyses. The remaining information

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Table 4 Analysis-generated output data 300M high-strength steel is used. The attachment
scheme calls for two main gear units mounted on
Program Description the wing and two units on the fuselage. The wing-
CONFIG Selected tires/wheels; strokes; mounted units retract inboard, while the fuselage-
load-stroke curve; mathematical mounted units retract forward into the fuselage.
landing gear model The ensuing wheelbase and track dimensions are
LIMIT Trunnion alignment; retracted approximately 102 and 39 feet, respectively. As
landing gear position; stabil- illustrated in Table 6, all design constraints are
ity/operational characteristics; satisfied by this particular aircraft-landing gear
constraint violations combination. The landing gear weights about
PAVE ESWLs; concrete bearing 56,900 pounds and accounts for roughly 4.6 percent
stresses; pavement thickness;
of the MTOW.
GEARWEI Structural member dimensions;
landing gear component/group Table 5 Configuration characteristics of a concep-
weight tual ultra-high-capacity transport

Design Studies Baseline

Passenger capacity 800
The emergence of the next-generation high- Range, nmi 7,500
capacity commercial transports 34,35 provides an Fuselage length, ft 250.0
excellent opportunity to demonstrate the capability Fuselage width, ft 24.0
of the landing gear analysis package. Thus, we Wingspan, ft 264.0
study a large aircraft. Landing gear design vari- Wing area, ft 8,324
ables were varied parametrically to show their ef- Aspect ratio 8.4
fects on the weight, flotation, and stability charac- MTOW, lb 1,230,000
Fuel, lb 550,000
teristics. Dependencies between the variables and
characteristics, as well as the magnitude of the
effect, established from the parametric analysis Flotation characteristics are listed in Table 7
can be used as a guideline in selecting the most along with actual data for McDonnell Douglas DC-
effective means to alter a particular aircraft- 10, 40 which are the highest among existing aircraft.
landing gear configuration such that the desired The ACN, or aircraft classification number, is one
characteristics can be obtained. of the standard measures of runway requirements.2
As indicated by the data, major runway reinforce-
The Ultra-High-Capacity Transports ments will be needed at airports with flexible
A conceptual ultra-high-capacity transport pavement and a low subgrade bearing strength to
(UHCT) is conceived based on a study by Arcara support the new aircraft. However, costs associated
et al.36 and industry forecasts. 37-39 Configuration with such an upgrade could be in the $100 million
characteristics of the aircraft are presented Table range,41 an investment that airport authorities are
5. Note that the aircraft is classified as a Design not happy about. Some major international airports
Group VI aircraft due to its wingspan, which is with flexible pavements have a problem. However,
slightly over the 262-foot limit. 7 To match the data presented here indicate that airports with rigid
geometric model of the aircraft as found in pavements may not have a serious problem.
ACSYNT, the wing is modeled as a simple trape-
zoid without an inboard trailing-edge extension, Parametric Studies
i.e., the Yehudi. As a result, the location of the Given the baseline aircraft-landing gear com-
mean aerodynamic chord and hence the aircraft cg bination as characterized in the previous section,
location and the attachment position of the main landing gear design variables were varied paramet-
assembly are slightly forward than they would be rically to show their effects on the weight, flota-
in the actual design. tion, and stability characteristics. Dependencies
A triple-dual-tandem, i.e., six tires per strut, between the variables and performance, estab-
configuration consisting of 24 main assembly tires lished from the parametric analysis as well as the
is provided as a starting “guesstimate”. Tire selec- magnitude of the effect, can be used as a guideline
tion is based on the minimum weight criterion. in selecting the most effective means to alter a
Forged aluminum and carbon are selected as the particular aircraft-landing gear configuration such
construction materials for the wheels and brakes, that the desired characteristics can be obtained.
respectively. As for the landing gear structures,

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Weight fraction, %MTOW
Note that there are instances where flotation and
stability characteristics remain unchanged despite
variations in the design parameters. Thus, only the 4.7
ones that are being affected will be mentioned in 4.6
the discussion. 4.5
Table 6 Baseline aircraft design characteristics 4.4
Calculated Constraint 4.3
Sideways turnover 40.7 < 63.0 4.2
angle, deg
Roll angle, deg 7.2 < 8.0 4 struts 5 struts 6 struts
Touchdown angle, 16.7 ~ 15.0 Number of struts
Takeoff rotation 15.4 ~ 15.0 b) Number of struts, 24-tire configuration
angle, deg

Weight fraction, %MTOW

Nacelle-to-ground 10.0 > 7.0 4.8
clearance, in
Castor angle, deg 37.0 < 60.0 4.7
Turning radius, ft 78.4 < 100.0 4.6
Gear weight, lb 56,885 N/A
Weight fraction, 4.63 N/A 4.5
%MTOW 4.4
Table 7 Baseline aircraft flotation characteristics 4.2
Subgrade Thickness, in ACN Pressure Weight Size
strength (UHCT/DC10) (UHCT/DC10) Tire selection criterion
Ultra-low 73.5/63.9 134/97 c) Tire selection criterion
Low 39.1/37.8 80/70
Weight fraction, %MTOW

Medium 25.5/26.9 60/59 4.8

High 16.0/20.2 47/53
Ultra-low 18.6/17.0 96/75 4.6
Low 16.4/15.2 79/64
Medium 13.3/13.0 62/53
High 11.5/11.8 50/44 4.4
Weight fraction, %MTOW

4.8 -10,000 lb Baseline+10,000 lb

4.7 MTOW
4.6 d) MTOW
Weight fraction, %MTOW

20 tires 24 tires 30 tires
Number of tires
a) Number of tires, four-strut configuration
Figure 5. Changes in landing gear weight fraction -20.0 in Baseline +20.0 in
due to design parameter variations Aircraft cg location
e) Aircraft cg location
Figure 5. continued

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Weight fraction, %MTOW

Weight fraction, %MTOW

4.8 4.8
4.7 4.7
4.6 4.6
4.5 4.5
4.4 4.4
4.3 4.3
4.2 4.2
-20.0 in Baseline +20.0 in -3.0 in Baseline +3.0 in
Main assembly location, longitudinal Axle length
f) Main assembly location, longitudinal j) Axle length
Weight fraction, %MTOW

4.8 Figure 5. Concluded

For the next-generation high-capacity trans-
4.6 ports to operate from current airports without ex-
4.5 tensive runway reinforcement, additional tires are
4.4 required to redistribute the weight of aircraft over a
4.3 larger area. Provided that the number of main as-
sembly struts remains unchanged at four, the num-
4.2 ber of tires were varied both below and above the
-20.0 in Baseline +20.0 in baseline figure of 24. As shown in Fig. 5a, landing
Main assembly location, lateral gear weight fraction increases with the increase in
g) Main assembly location, lateral the number of the tires. Evidently, weight penalties
associated with increased part-count, as well as
Weight fraction, %MTOW

4.8 the dimension of the truck assembly, easily out-

weigh weight savings obtained from lighter tire and
4.7 wheel designs that come with reduced load-
4.6 carrying requirements. On the other hand, an in-
4.5 crease in the number of tires, and hence greater
4.4 tire contact area to distribute the weight of the
aircraft, leads to a reduction in the required pave-
4.3 ment thickness and the corresponding ACN. How-
4.2 ever, as shown in Table 8, the required pavement
-3.0 in Baseline +3.0 in thickness is still above the DC-10 values, which
Strut length implies that additional work must be done to sat-
isfy the pavement requirements.
h) Strut length
Table 8 Number of main assembly tires, four-strut
Weight fraction, %MTOW

4.8 configuration
4.7 Subgrade Thickness, in ACN
4.6 20 30 20 30
4.5 tires tires tires tires
4.4 Flexible
Ultra-low 71.1 68.5 127 118
4.3 Low 39.0 35.7 80 68
4.2 Medium 24.6 22.6 56 48
High 15.6 13.6 45 37
-3.0 in Baseline +3.0 in Rigid
Truck beam length Ultra-low 19.6 17.6 106 86
Low 17.3 15.5 88 70
i) Truck beam length Medium 14.1 12.6 69 55
Figure 5. continued. High 12.2 10.9 56 45


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Table 10 Tire selection criteria, 24-tire
Varying the number of main assembly struts is configuration
another option to be considered in producing the
desired flotation characteristics. As shown in Fig. Subgrade Thickness, in ACN
5b, provided that the number of tires remains un- strength
changed at 24, a reduction in the landing gear Min. Min. Min. Min.
weight fraction is realized with an increase in the press size press size
number of main assembly struts. The reduction can Flexible
be attributed to the decrease in the number of tires Ultra-low 73.1 73.5 133 135
Low 39.4 39.1 81 80
found on each strut, which effectively lowered the
Medium 24.3 25.5 55 60
combined load on the structural members and re- High 15.3 16.0 44 47
sulted in a lighter structure. As shown in Table 9, a Rigid
similar effect is evident for flotation consideration. Ultra-low 18.3 18.6 92 96
Recall that in multiple-wheel assemblies, the Low 16.1 16.4 75 78
flexible pavement bearing stresses are directly Medium 12.9 13.3 58 62
proportional to the number of tires involved. As a High 10.9 11.5 45 50
result, the required pavement thickness varies in-
versely with the number of struts found in a given Variations in MTOW have an obvious impact
configuration. on the configuration of the landing gear. As a
minimum, the structural dimensions of the landing
Table 9 Tire selection criteria, 24-tire gear, hence the structural weight, would vary as
configuration the design weight of the aircraft fluctuates between
different configurations. As shown in Figure 5d, the
Subgrade Thickness, in ACN landing gear weight fraction decreases even though
the actual weight of the landing gear increases
five six five six
struts struts struts struts with the increase in MTOW. This can be attributed
Flexible to the fact that the increase in the landing gear
Ultra-low 73.5 67.4 135 115 weight lags behind the increase in the MTOW and
Low 39.1 36.1 80 69 hence a decreasing weight fraction is observed.
Medium 25.5 22.2 60 46 Similarly, the decrease in the landing gear weight
High 16.0 13.6 47 37
Rigid is slower than the decrease in the MTOW and
Ultra-low 18.6 18.6 96 96 hence a higher weight fraction is encountered. The
Low 16.4 16.4 78 78 trend shown here is reinforced by survey results
Medium 13.3 13.3 62 62 obtained from industry, which indicated that a 40-
High 11.5 11.5 50 50 pound increase in the landing gear weight can be
expected for every 1,000 pounds increase in the
Besides increasing the number of main assem- MTOW. As expected Table 11, shows that an in-
bly tires and struts to bring about the desired reduc- crease in the MTOW would require a thicker
tion in the required pavement thickness, the most pavement to support the aircraft, and vise versa.
natural choice is to select a tire with lower infla-
tion pressure. As shown in Figure 5c, the minimum Table 11 MTOW variations
inflation pressure candidate offers the lowest land- Subgrade Thickness, in ACN
ing gear weight fraction of the three selection cri- strength
teria. A reduced inflation pressure also means an -10,000 + 10,000 -10,000 + 10,000
increased tire-ground contact area, hence reduced lb lb lb lb
pavement loads and less demanding pavement Ultra-low 73.2 73.8 134 136
thickness requirements as shown in Table 8. It Low 39.0 39.3 80 81
should be noted that all but a handful of tires are Medium 25.4 25.6 59 60
capable of meeting the unique requirements im- High 16.0 16.0 47 47
posed on this class of aircraft, i.e., the inflation Rigid
Ultra-low 18.5 18.7 95 96
pressure, size and weight of the above candidates Low 16.3 16.5 78 79
are nearly identical. As a result, the effects due to Medium 13.3 13.3 61 62
such variations might not be as apparent as they High 11.5 11.5 50 50
would be for the other types of aircraft.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Although the location of the aircraft cg has higher sideways turnover angle, a smaller turning
always played an decisive role in the positioning radius, and a decreasing landing gear weight frac-
of the landing gear, there could be instances where tion.
other design considerations become conclusive in
deciding the mounting location, i.e., the landing Table 12 Wing-mounted assemblies location
gear has to be located at a specific location such variations, lateral
that desired stability and maneuverability charac-
teristics can be obtained. In such cases, the loca- Design 20.0 in 20.0 in
characteristics outboard inboard
tion of the aircraft cg must be maintained at a par-
Sideways turnover 38.4 43.2
ticular position during takeoff/landing conditions angle, deg
through controlled loading scheme. Once airborne, Touchdown angle, deg 16.9 16.5
the constraints can be lifted by redistributing the Takeoff rotation 15.3 15.5
fuel among various fuel tanks. As shown in Fig. 5e, angle, deg
provided that the location of the main assembly Turning radius, ft 80.1 76.7
group is fixed, an optimum aircraft cg location
exists at a short distance aft of current position Changes in the stability characteristics due to
where the weight fraction of the landing gear is at variations in landing gear strut length are of pri-
its minimum. mary interest when a growth version of the aircraft
As shown in Figure 5f, the repositioning of the is considered. Features typically associated with
main assembly group in the aft direction results in the growth options are a stretched fuselage ob-
a landing gear weight fraction that is lower than tained from the addition of plugs forward and aft of
the one corresponding to a shift in the forward di- the wing, and upgraded power plants that come
rection. The trend can be attributed to the reduced with a larger fan diameter. As shown in Table 13,
load that follows directly from an increased offset provided that the length of the strut remains un-
between the main assembly group and the location changed, the growth-related modifications can re-
of the aircraft cg, i.e., a longer moment arm to sult in an increased sideways turnover angle and a
counteract the applied ground loads. Note that reduced permissible pitch angle during take-
when a highly-swept, high-aspect ratio wing is off/landing operations and a reduced nacelle-to-
considered, a rearward movement of the main as- ground clearance. The lagging effect similar to the
sembly group might not be feasible due the wing one encountered in MTOW variations is again evi-
planform constraints; the size of the inboard trail- dent as shown in Fig. 5h. The trend shown here is
ing-edge extension, i.e., the Yehudi, required to reinforced by survey results obtained from industry,
provide suitable attachment location, as well as which indicated that a per-strut, 60-pound increase
sufficient space to house the trailing-edge control in weight can be expected for every inch increase
surfaces and the associated actuation systems, in strut length.
could incur drag and weight penalties that out-
weigh the weight savings brought on by such Table 13 Strut length variations
The repositioning of the wing-mounted assem- Design characteristics -3.0 in +3.0 in
Sideways turnover angle, deg 40.2 41.1
blies in the lateral direction primarily affects the Touchdown angle, deg 16.9 16.5
stability and maneuverability characteristics of the Takeoff rotation angle, deg 15.3 15.5
aircraft. As shown in Table 12, an outboard move-
ment of the wing-mounted assemblies produces a Fluctuations in the size of the tires, wheels,
desired reduction in the sideways turnover angle; and brakes due to varying design parameters, e.g.,
however, such movement shifts the minimum 180- loading conditions and braking energy require-
degree turn radius closer to the 100-foot upper limit ments can alter the dimensions of the truck beam
imposed by the FAA. As shown in Fig. 5g, the in- and axles. As can expected and reaffirmed in Fig-
creasing landing gear weight fraction associated ure 5i and 5j, an increase in the component length
with the outboard movement of the assemblies can leads to a higher landing gear weight fraction, and
be attributed to the increase in the length of the vise versa. Data presented in Tables 14 and 15
side strut, as well as the increase in the drag and show that an increase in either truck beam or axle
shock struts due to wing dihedral, and hence the length will result in a more demanding pavement
structural weight of the landing gear. Conversely, thickness requirement, which is similar to the ob-
an inboard movement of the assemblies exhibits a

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

servation made earlier when the number of the it is assumed that the configuration of the landing
tires per strut was increased. Evidently, effects on gear on all three aircraft are identical, i.e., 24 main
the flotation characteristics due to variations in the assembly tires on four struts. Note that this assump-
number of tires per strut and the length of truck tion does not imply that the weights of all three
beam and axles cannot be separated in a clean landing gear are identical.
Table 14. Truck beam length variations Table 16. Derivative configuration characteristics
Subgrade Thickness, in ACN Extended Advanced
strength range wing
-3.0 in +3.0 in -3.0 in +3.0 in Passenger capacity 800 800
Flexible Range, nmi 8,000 7,500
Ultra-low 73.1 73.7 133 135 Fuselage length, ft 250.0 250.0
Low 39.1 39.2 80 80 Fuselage width, ft 24.0 24.0
Medium 25.5 25.5 60 60 Wing span, ft 264.0 261.0
High 16.0 16.0 47 47 2 8,324 7,423
Rigid Wing area, ft
Ultra-low 18.6 18.6 96 96 Aspect ratio 8.4 9.2
Low 16.4 16.4 78 78 MTOW, lb 1,350,000 1,140,000
Medium 13.3 13.3 62 62 Fuel, lb 640,000 460,000
High 11.5 11.5 50 50
As shown in Fig. 6, the advanced wing deriva-
tive has the highest landing gear weight fraction
Table 15. Axle length variations out of the three configurations, whereas the ex-
Subgrade Thickness, in ACN tended range derivative has the lowest of the three.
strength For identical mission requirements, i.e., between
-3.0 in +3.0 in -3.0 in +3.0 in the baseline and the advanced wing derivative, the
Flexible baseline aircraft will come out on top if the decid-
Ultra-low 73.4 73.6 134 135
Low 38.7 39.5 79 82 ing factor is based on landing gear weight fraction,
Medium 25.1 25.8 58 61 which implies that a greater fraction of the total
High 15.7 16.3 46 48 aircraft weight is made up of revenue-generating
Rigid payloads. As for the extended range derivative,
Ultra-low 18.6 18.6 96 96 although the landing gear weight fraction is lower
Low 16.4 16.4 78 78
Medium 13.3 13.3 62 62 than the other two aircraft, the required pavement
High 11.5 11.5 50 50 thickness as shown in Table 17 can result in a pro-
hibitive runway upgrade cost. However, the desired
Derivatives flotation characteristics can be obtained by replac-
In today’s highly competitive environment, ing the conventional wing design with the one
flexibility in terms of being able to meet the vastly found on the advanced wing derivative, the reduc-
different requirements from various airline custom- tion in mission fuel weight associated with higher
ers, e.g., a longer range and an extended payload performance due to the advanced wing design
capacity, has become one of the primary consid- would then lower the MTOW of the extended
eration in the design and marketing of a new air- range derivative and hence the required pavement
craft. To ensure that a customer will have a list of thickness.
options to select from when it comes to time to The baseline aircraft along with its derivatives
place an order, derivatives are considered early on are used to provide some analytically-based land-
in the conceptual design phase, and more than ing gear weight estimates that can be used to help
likely, being pursued in a parallel track with the calibrating existing statistical weight equations.
baseline aircraft. Although statistical weight equations are capable
Two derivatives were envisioned for the base- of producing quick and fairly accurate group
line aircraft: advanced wing and extended range. weights within the range where significant previous
Corresponding configuration characteristics are experience is available, their reliability is ques-
shown in Table 16. Although the wing planform of tionable at best for aircraft with takeoff weights
the advanced wing derivative is slightly different beyond one million pounds, i.e., they are con-
from the baseline and the extended range version, strained by what has been designed in the past.
This uncertainty is made evident by the two possi-

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

ble weight trends available: a decreasing trend as
ACSYNT Adv, 4 struts
predicted by ACSYNT and an increasing trend as
Douglas ER, 4 struts
predicted by Douglas and Torenbeek. As shown in
Torenbeek Base, 6 struts
Fig. 7, landing gear weight fractions corresponding
DC10 (data) Adv, 6 struts
to the baseline aircraft and its derivatives indi-
B747 (data) ER, 6 struts
cated that the weight equation used by ACSYNT is
Base, 4 struts
better suited than the ones used by Douglas and
Torenbeek. 4.80
Weight fraction, %MTOW

4.70 Present
4.8 Predictions

Weight fraction, %MTOW

4.5 4.50
4.2 4.30
Advanced Baseline Ext range
Aircraft configuration 4.20

Figure 6. Changes in landing gear weight fraction 4.10

due to aircraft configuration variations
Table 17. Aircraft configuration variations 0.5 x106 0.7x106 1.0x106 1.5x106
Subgrade Thickness, in ACN MTOW, lb
Ext. Adv. Ext. Adv. Figure 7. Landing gear weight fraction beyond
range wing range wing one million pounds MTOW
Ultra-low 77.1 70.0 148 90 • Airfield compatibility issues associated with
Low 40.8 37.9 88 75 pavement thickness and runway and taxiway
Medium 25.5 24.6 61 60 dimensions were automated.
High 15.6 15.6 48 50 • An analytical structural weight estimation pro-
cedure was developed to compliment existing
Ultra-low 19.3 18.2 104 122
Low 16.9 16.1 84 75 experience-based statistical landing gear
Medium 13.6 13.2 65 55 weight estimation methods.
High 11.6 11.6 52 43 • Results obtained from the procedures were
presented, illustrating the trade studies and
Conclusions parametric results available for incorporation
into a complete MDO design procedure.
The design of the landing gear is one of the
more fundamental aspects of aircraft design. The Acknowledgments
design and integration process encompasses nu-
This work was funded by NASA Grant NAG-
merous engineering disciplines, e.g., structures,
2-919, with Paul Gelhausen and Shahab Hassan of
weights, runway design, and economics. We have
NASA Ames serving as grant monitors. Their sup-
incorporated most of the considerations required for
port is gratefully acknowledged. At Virginia Tech,
the integration of the landing gear in an MDO pro-
Prof. Eric R. Johnson provided help with the struc-
cedure for use in the conceptual design of large
tural analysis used to obtain the landing gear
transport aircraft. Accomplishments include:
weight estimates, and Prof. Antonio A. Trani
• Aircraft cg estimation methods were studied helped us with the flotation estimation methods
and a new approach to cg estimation in con- and airport compatability requirements. Nathan
ceptual design was demonstrated Kirschbaum provided insight into landing gear de-
• An automated landing gear model concept for sign considerations at the aircraft conceptual de-
large transport aircraft configurations was de- sign stage.
veloped, and conformance with typical FAR
requirements was assessed automatically.


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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