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Credits and Creative Rights

Disclaimer: All of the sources included in this site adhere to established guidelines on
Creative Rights. Some materials used are in the Public Domain or licensed through
Creative Commons. Other items included in this site that fall under copyright protection
follow the guidelines on Fair Use as published in the Documentary Filmmakers
Guidelines for Best Practices in Fair Use, which include:

attributing where the work came from (either on screen or in the credits)

trying to make material from a range of sources, not just one source

making sure that we are only using as much as is absolutely necessary to make
our point

Materials labeled Fair Use appear to be subject to copyright projection but the use here
passes the test for Fair Use, which means giving a positive answer to the two questions
most used by the courts to determine fair use:"

Did the unlicensed use "transform" the material taken from the copyrighted work
by using it for a different purpose than that of the original, or did it just repeat the
work for the same intent and value as the original?

Was the material taken appropriate in kind and amount, considering the nature of
the copyrighted work and of the use?

Our use of the materials is transformative, using it for a different purpose than that of the
original. The material was also taken in appropriate kind and amount, considering the
nature of the copyrighted work and of the use.
Materials labeled Public Domain consist of works that are either ineligible for
copyright protection or have expired copyrights. Materials labeled with Creative
Commons license most often hold Share Alike and Attribution CC licenses, which
means that we are allowed to remix, tweak, and build on the work as long as we give
credit and license our remixed work under identical terms. Unless otherwise indicated,
these are the CC licenses the source materials hold.
Busby, Mark. Cedar Crossing: A Novel. Fort Worth, TX: TCU, 2013. 11. [Fair

"The Dogs of War." Ahmed Ghazwan. [Creative Commons Attribution license]

"A Camera Trip Through Camp Howze." Cooke County Public Library and the
Morton Museum
of Cooke County. Camp Howze Public Relations Office.
Northeast Texas Digital
Collections. ND. [Fair Use]
"A Camera Trip Through Camp Maxey: A Picture Book of the Camp and Its
Activities." Paris
Public Library. The Ullman Company. Northeast Texas
Digital Collections. 1943. [Fair Use]
"AGC-11 Flagship U.S.S. Eldorado Annual." American War Experience - World
War II. Roger
Arnold; East Texas War and Memory Project. United States
Navy, Northeast Texas
Digital Collections. Texas A&M UniversityCommerce. 1945.[Fair Use]
"Alice Mattison & Son, Gordon Mattison." Pittsburg-Camp County PL and NE
Texas Rural Heritage Museum, Northeast Texas Digital Collections. Texas
A&M UniversityCommerce. 1918. [Fair Use]
"America at War." American War Experience - Word War II. Gee Library Special
Collections, Northeast Texas Digital Collections. Texas A&M UniversityCommerce. ND. [Fair Use]
"Are You Buying More War Bonds than Ever?." American War Experience World War II. Gee Library Special Collections, Northeast Texas Digital
Collections. Texas A&M
University-Commerce. 1943. [Fair Use]
"Bonham Aviation School Pamphlet." American War Experience - World War II.
BonhamFannin County History Collection, Northeast Texas Digital
Collections. Texas A&M
University-Commerce. 1944. [Fair Use]
"Give 'em the Stuff to Fight With." American War Experience - World War II.
Gee Library Special Collections, Texas A&M University-Commerce. 1942. [Fair
"Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory." American War Experience - World War II.
Gee Library Special
Collections, Northeast Texas Digital Collections.
Texas A&M UniversityCommerce. 1944. [Fair Use]
"O'er the Ramparts We Watch, United States Army Air Forces." American War
Experience World War II. Gee Library Special Collections, Northeast
Texas Digital Collections. Texas A&M University-Commerce. 1944. [Fair Use]
"Photo of Women Pilots." American War Experience - World War II. Texas
University, Northeast Texas Digital Collections. Texas A&M
ND. [Fair Use]

"Propaganda Leaflets." American War Experience - Korean War. James

Nicholson, M.D..
Northeast Texas Digital Collections. Texas A&M UniversityCommerce Libraries,
Commerce, Texas, USA. 1951. [Fair Use]
"The Casket of a Sailor from the U.S.S. Indianapolis." American War
Experience - World War II.
Estelle Price, Northeast Texas Digital
Collections. Texas A&M University-Commerce.
1945. [Fair Use]

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