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February 195'^
Box 19, Half Way Tree,P.O.
Jariaica^ B.^el*

. I*#**.

s"EB27 1556

Dear Christian Friends:

ReloicelHt'h ns in the victories for ChristU


\"rfxCHRX3T and added to His church in Jamaica.

Many more-confessed their faith in the
Risen Lord^^t have not a^'yet fully

yielded their lives in obedience to Him.


Have you ever pondered the destination of the

birds when they made their Pall exodus? Vfell,
some of them, at least, are wintering here in our
-treetops, merrily basking in the warm Jamaican
sunshine, and hoarly bursting thoir tiny throats

in song. Thoy remind us of the American tourists

who flock here aniiually, defrost on our vrhito

sand beaches, and exclaim in amazement, "Is it

like this hore ALL the time?"

"Yes," we manage

to grin, "like this and more sol"

V- 1

; SFEAiaHG, OP T0HRISTS...La3t Sunday morning an

6lde?:'ly Presbyterian visitor from Wichita was

vll &/ so pleased'wibh the service at the Constant

)'/l'V Soring chu'^ch, that olio pooled off four

and handed, thorn to the fo\ir men in charge

the service. Particularly impressed vras

Seminary stedont So^bourne Dixon, who had'

Lord's Table, "it ^^^as so refrosh-

hear your beantidul pra'-'or," she said as she

"They r^ad ours at home now."

handed him.

COPTVERT moil BRITISH CtUIAYA...Ann^. pr-.-^tty yovmg half-Chines sten

ographer frvxi the noy

Bank of Canada is the most recent convert hern

A~'residont of J.amaTc:. f only a year, she is a native of British

Guian.?, Grovm Colony or; the South American coast. She is exuberantly
happy in her now-'ovna salvation, and if. spreading the Good Wows to
all her friends.

VTo expect to see many brought to-Ciirist through her

Lot's pray for Anno,


the one that is more than we can

boar, but always ovontually brings us through the hard places

and often has a special treat for us at the endl When Marjorie went
to the hospital for a minor operation three weeks ago, vro all rx-

pected a rapid recovery. But trouble piled up on every side until

she is just nov; getting on her foot. Please romombcir all of us in
prayer, that vjo mi-oht carry on for Christ with good courage. It is
said that "the world's work is done by sick people." But wo would
much prefer to bo wclll
THANKS FOR YOim GIFTS that have made these converts, this work, this

ministry possible. Will you continuo to remember us in your prayers,

in your love and in -.your givinp;. Christ must bo proachod to Jamaica,




-^C3 19, Ealf-\V

tier ch 13



Dear Friends in Christ Jesus our Lord:

Hots very kind and merciful Jesus Christ has been tc us all * V/e are wonder
fully blessed in every way, and enjoyirit^ health once more. All the family sends

their love and best v;isha3 to you- Thank you for your kind thoughts, prayers, and



V/hen the Tom Adam family was transferred to Grand Cayman, tiny dependency
of Jamaica to the V.'esi; of us, they carried their Ghi'istianity with them. The
handful of Christians who met in their home that first Lord's Cay in Georgetown

has now grown to a thriving little church, and has helped to establish another
work in the nearby village of Savannah, where som& of the Christians are livingWoodrow and Donald Fream and Grayson Ensi^^n (Our co-evangelists here) at various
times visited then and strengthened the work, KC.Vthat for which,we have

prayed is about to come to pass i Brother Paul Smith, minister from Ohio, with

his wife and family of five children, plan to move there as soon as possible.
A minister of long experience, Paul Smith has just returned home from a visi
to Grand Cayman, and has brought with him a love in his heart for those people,

and a great desire to work with them. V/ill you remember the Smiths in prayer?

, Sit a 'Tkou^kt 'Tkdij k-jcA

-Aliim TQlqhi

When 18 year old Derek Spence announced his decision to be baptized to his

parents, IVir. Spence agreed, but said, "Just wait awhile," His mother though.,
who had had him christened in the Anglican parish church in St. Catherine,

shocked and grieved. "Son." she seid, "I thought we had raised you rignt. ./hy
do you feel yoU must do this?" Blonds and good-looking, with a serious bent,
and plenty of backbone, Derek comes from one of Jamaicas old plantation own

ing families. He was willing to wait awhile, but finally last .uesday could
wait no longer, and was i:ia;^rsed into Christ. He is a fine young Christian.

srnnll try

Odds and Ends DepartmentPatty has grown so lately that she's needed

a new.wardrobe. Lucky girll (She's 12)

V/oody is keen on sports now.

especially Cricket. He came in 2nd in the sack race at school the otoer day.
while Olympic champion Herb McKinley watched. (He's oports CooEdinator for all
Jair:8ica now.)
Steve is anxious to see his little fnena Isslie \ee rresm
be baptized tonight, has been considering it himself

Carol was watching Koxmde fill the communion cups last week. Tnere was a little
grape juice left over, so mother offered it to her (better than her sneaking

it out of the cups later). She answered, "But I sh'nt driinc^it cause I not
battized yet." After she had been persuaded that it was perfectly all ri^t

to have it out of her own cup, she drank some, chokea on it, and righteously
set the cup down, saying, "See, kiommie, the 'mooayun choked me

WOODROW PHILLIPS 1559 San Andreas San Jose, California

The Young People's Group at the Cons tja nt Spring church is busy practicing
a play^ "The Temple ordth"number of inderances have to be overcome
before it can be reedy; Pavid Gauntlet, t
lead is in bed for several weeks
Mizh possible T.B., and Kent Elderaire, the villisnj has gone to sea with his

Dad on the salvage ship, "fiescue".


everyone is so BUoY

The Men's Institute, March 27-3^
Woodrow is in charge of c asses and evening services,
Graduation Exercises

of- the Jamaica

iible Se'iriinary, March ~23th""

Daily Vacation Bible School, April 2-'6

Marjorie is teaching rrirksries

Junior Camp, August 3"H* 8^"^ 26-Sept

This is the first attempt of the churches of Christ to

hold a Young People's Oaiii,I)

in the Summer.

Only J^.i ^3 i)9ep

Since the last report, we have been able to pay $500.00 more on the

second mortgage of the house. So, instead of being up to our evebrov/s in

debt, we are now only knee deep 1 Ve owe I debt of thanks to many of our
kind friends, who have made it possible to pay this much on the mortgage.
There is still $2100,00 owed, so ws contin.Ue to esk that. ypH remember this

need in your prayers and giving where posS Lble-

Tho house, as we have told

you before, is a strong,, iifetimj inve.'-r-tmi::it, which v/as built by us for the
use of missionaries of the churches of Chi'ist, and is held in the Jamaica
~Christian-Trust-i - Do you wisht- -invest-ir* tliis- r thwhiie prjcje ct.?
Your Co-V/orkers for Christ,

MarjDrie and IVoodrow Phillips





>^P/? 16

Woodrow Phillips

Half Way Tree P. 0.

Jajnaica, British West Indies

Please complete both sides of this form and mail to reach

Mission Services, Box 968, Joiiet, Illinois by May 21, 1956.

ilaraaica Christian Mission

This report covers work of (make any correction needed)r

Report any addition to family in 1955: Name^


I Day, ^ i

Name of Mission with which associated (if any^,Jamaica^^^^Ch^lstlarj., , Mias^lorL

HI I >1111111

Names and Addresses of endorsing churches (or church). . .

Church of Christ

P.0> Box S67

Corona, California

501 Canal Drive

Eastside Church of Christ

Turlock, Calif,

What is your PRIMARY job on the field? (Write name of each adult, and ONE of these termsor an
other of your own choosing which seems more accurate: evangelist, training preachers, homemaker,
teacher (general education), doctor, nurse, secretarial, Christian journalism, benevolence
Woodrow Phillips


Preacher Trainir.

Mar.lorie Phillips



rTii'~i'ninii nil,


ko Nationals preaching

'Q - Other churches meeting in homes, etc.

^ Nationals teaching (general education)

Nationals training preachers

u 9., Nationals preparing to preach


Number of churches started in 1955

Church buildings in use

Other ?!^KfS?^preaching points.



Additional Bible Schools

living members

Total number of Christians in your field

500 reported "in Jamaica Christian



over 1000 . Number of known unbaptised believers

Write below any ideas you have for a 1957 Survey which might be more meaningful?
In reference tc baptisms etc,.Since there are other mission groups
working in Jamaica we also receive into fellowship some previously
scriptually baptized. In 1955 these additions amounted to 257 or perhaps
more. No local church here sends in a yearly report. Our figures are

based on monthly news sent to the locally published ^please fill out other side also)

Jamaica Christian and on personal work done by the misfjionaries, Naturally

since each cong;regation is organized independently not all send in news each month


Ho^ much livlnglink support did you receive la 1955 (total)


(include pledged support and personal offerings)

was for>i adults and ^ ohildren. as workers.
3 .other native adults in our home
How much did you receive for the work itself in 1955 (total)? ^^>l/0ihi7
(include pledged support for operating costs, transportation
on field, equipment, supplies, promotion, printing, etc.)

How much did you receive in funds designated for the

the support of native;
Laborers itnd skilled workmen


Preachers and teachers


Preacher students

Orphans and aged

How much did you receive in funds designated foi' assisting

in building NATIVE churches, etc.

How much did you receive in funds designated: for MISSION

building projects (housing, workspace, etc)




Most of our income is not pledged for any definite project. Our supporters
allow us free discretion as to the best use. Quarterly reports of all
income and expenditures are made to all supporters.and our work is

For those traveling in the States (new missionaries andtliose on furtouglijr:

under the direction of the elders of the Corona, Calif. Church of Christ.

How much did you receive in total offerings wMle visiting

churches in 1955?

How many churches did j^ou visit?

" '

How many miles did you travel in this deputation work?

How much did such travel cost you (mileage, food, lodging)?

' '

Write below any Ideas which would make this sur vey more meaningful for another year, . .
In a field such as Jamaica where all workers are associated in a

mission (Jamaica Christian Mission) , on a voluntary basis these

reports tend to overlap except on iibome reports. Evangelism

in such a cooperative work as ours cannot be individually credited

to any one worker. Besides the areas of labor suggested through
your questions this work also has a weekly radio program-a corres
pondence school-children*s home-monthly paper printed for dis
tribution among the native churches-lbracts-Begular Teaching InstitifBS
besides our full time Seminary
from some fields where
individual# families are entirely for such work reports are therefore
more complete than from Jamaica. We, as missionary families, do
assume financial responsibility for,Indidlvual projects but they
are regarded as a joint work for such re'sporisibility frees other
funds for evangelism, building etc.
(Please fill out other side also)

ninth and main

(2kutek of) (2kliit

corcne^ calif

Living Link Hlssiom,ry

j^\ ^BBEZB-J^I
Dear Christian Frienc


/i-ixr r Tb'*' Ti'i TCA I-.E..'SLSTi'LR

announced ti^e deslri^^^^? ^

oftiiie endobtedness

upon the house tiiat .;ao

famlly. The response to
fyinr. You responded n



effort we

real is almost r-eacned. . i^n juob ji c

be able to secure f
thrmlfsLna?^ v,orlc
Christ and its perpetual use for the
^e home
d^bts%r?h:rotLr mLsionary uor. might

"be carried"^ on in Jamaica.

There is at the present time

keen interest in the cawe of^^x-t^^

remaining to be paid

;theYur|se of retirinc^^

perhaps a

a special

jamLca may

may help thru thier

a project, or uie
missionary civin, -.osicnace a

this worthy


f^r>H qn envelop addressed to

pSriS't SrSS.

goal 01

.;e do ..'ant -o la-i.

fB cau^e of Christ in Jamaica,

call and be able to hear
Christ ve

the victory bell lun^. ..yh y


vm'll be able to accomplish tnio loi i-im.

Your Co-v.'orkor in Christ,










^9* Half Way Tree P.O.
JsEiaicaf Bu'*I.


liiAUuURATINC A ii2\i SYSTEIvi this term .ioodrow is teaching two 2 hour classea
for six v.'eeks in the S-rinary* afuer which Creyson Ensign will complete the

term with 6 weeks i.r;ensivo study on otler subjects.

It is hoped tnat this

new system will provide an opportunity for mure men to be taugii": than for
merly. Eleven ere now enrolled for the Summer tern. '.Voodrow is teaching
Homiletics and Acts.

BESIDES THE IVuiD'Y COi^'EnTS among the other churches, there have been many in
recent months hare at the Constant Sprirg Ohurch-, Victor Inverdalo, young
Negro chau.ffe'ii-5 heurd tne radio pro-;rara, and found his way to the church.
Already awler ocuviotion, he soon was bnpciuecl. Last right his bride-to-bet
Hyacrnth iCrng, was inw^rsed. .(ednesday evening, a forciT-an st the great

IWoneyrnusk Estate, F.h". Emellie, was baptised.

His wife is seriously con

sidering Onrisi-ianity and we are prayii% for her early conversion,

WOODHOW SPEliT ETOiRAL D^YS IN THE HOSPITAL in April, part of the time
receiving supplenc-ntary oxygen. He apparently developed a coronery de


He v.a.s up and about his work within a few daya, however, and

is recovered now.

V/e are thankful.

AS FOR THE liEST OF US, we ere all well.

Today is Steve's sixth birthday.

Tomorrow we are planning a party for him and Shawn Freem, one of the
"little missionaries", who is 4
A DYING KAN here some months ago said just before he expired, "Some

are going and some are comilrg." V/e have found it so this week. O.ue
gcir^g was our bel.cved Brother Robjnsor. elder of tie church in Hinuston
Gardens (Calvary Churon c.t Christ) f-r- L.any years- HI;^ fdth was ['irm
to the end in spite of great Cue
was the ..'.ev/ b.^rn
daughter of Albert and Lirs. Thcmp-^on- Kother and baby are fine at
Jubilee Fublic Hoapitcl. Brctrar Thompson is a Seminary graduaoa, and
assistant minister of the church hero.

A NEW ROAD is to be tegun this week :Eto the Jamaica Bible Seminary
building. V/e have desired for a long ti!i:e to see f^bis project done
but finances always in tbe way, A road contrac'or has agreea to take
one third of an acre of land as part payment for building the road.
V/e thank God for this blessing.
YOU DEAR ONES who have stood behind this work are needed and appreciated.
Without you we could do nothing. Thank you for your wonderful help.

Woodrow and Ka.rjorie Fhillips

15.59 San Andreas
San Jose, Galifornia



JUL 20 m


ijO.j IW !IHE UNITED STi^TES on o year *3 leave of absence from jEuaelca. It

does not appear that we will be able to return to the tropics for further mis

sionary nork# .te trust God to ^uid us in all ways and leave the future entirely
in His providencef Keep praying for us* .Already we can see scnne real improvement
in cur health problem*

TO ErtCH ONE OF YOU for your support, prayers, letters, encourcfiement and
partnership with us in the gospel of Jamaica, It was very hard to leave. Five
more were won to Christ in our last Meek there and neny of the native Christians

came out to the airport and stood in the rain to say Good-by, I couldn't keep
beck the tears,

iiVE BEGIN OUR NE. .^ORK IN ^JiiERIC^. IN SEPTSfclBER, I have been called to teach in

02^JiK BIBLE COLLEGE ia Jd^LE^ I.HSSOURI, Be feel that this is an outstanding

opportunity for intensive Christian service and realize the grave responsibility
of teaching young people to be true servants of Christ. 1 will be a full-tin
professor and count the priviledge of working with this school's consecrated

faculty an honor and challenge. The years of teachijig and preaching in Jamaica,
as well as our located ministry in the U.S.A. befcre entering the mlssica field,
will help us in training ministers of the gospel in this fine school. Prey for
our success,

OUR ADDRESS EJ JOPLIH iilLL HEi ".yoodrow Phillips, Ozark Bible College, 5l6 Worth
Wall, Joplin, J'iissouri, Use this address if you desire to write directly to us.
If you are considering fulltiriE Christian service or want to have a part in the
training of Christian workers please write to us in Joplin,


obliptions in Jamaica will come to an end with this fall quarter, .;e still

owe $200.00 on the house mortgatie and just over $800.00 on transportation and
shipping. There are several native ministers depending on us for this Q^usrters

support and we have our own living expenses. ;.ill you help us? '.^e will not

tour among the churches but ask those who have aided our Si yeor ministry in
Jamaica to help us through this third liuarter of I956. -e have had no vacation
in these years and need a little time to get adjusted end started in our new
place of service.

FHOLj OUR HSijns all of us want you to knosv omr deep appreciation,f^ the many
blessings you have bestowed on our ministry because of your love of Christ and
His church. Pray that He might grant us many more years in His vinyard. GOD
EE wuh you all.

'JoodrcK? and Uarjorie Phillips

Petty, woody, Steve, end Mergle Card

C^zark Itfalj?


P. O. BOX 454







OCTi '966
September 28, 195^

^Tission Services

Harrold "'TcParland

pox 96b

joliet, Illinois

Dear prother 'Tac:

Thanks for yonr letter of September 2h, I annreciated it.

Thanks tno for renovinp our name from the nissionar?/ list.
Somehow in all -our moving about we had missed the August

'i-th issue you mentioned but have noh^seen it. '-^e also

anpreciate the article,

in s. sking "^iss Diadas to rem.ove

our name^ it was suaplv a desire on -^ur part t*^ make clear
in the minds of any cmcerned t^. it we are not touring,
soliciting funds, or seeking sup'-'Ort until we find i an
definitely able to return to the field. Only our Pod and
time can reveal when that will be.

are better phys5..cally

but still have a Ion-;- war to go t-^ be back to normal.

7Tac, apparently we are both in the dark about t'-^o "questions

from lonaica."' Ve received a letter stating that some of
the missionaries there thought you might hove some questions
about that work and the relationship of the missionaries In

their working arrangement and if so would I answer then for

you. as best I could if I saw you at the "'Missionary Convention.

Since I aia not su-'-'e Just what was meant and since you don't
have any questions that is about it. i would be glad to
answer anything I could but was a little in the dark as to
what was the confusion.

Aprarently there was none.

We a re certainly praying often for you and your work for

Christ. "^M^u have chosen a field of service that has little
or no emotional appeal and therefore will always have

difficulty raising needed aupport.

Christians are often

a little difficult to undemstan'^ in their giving since so

many only resi-.ond when thei^ hea^^t is stirred.

lay this burden on their conscience.

Only Pod can

Ve are enjoying our work here in the Pible college and have

just organised a Missionary Volunteer Proup with kO at the

fiTSb meeting.

These young people are making definite plans

to prepare themselves fom misslonar-M service by training nnd

nractical experience wbile still in college.
pod be with you.


"Pray Ye Therefore The Lord of the Harvest, That ^Smd Forth Laborers




(Ohojto ^

Woodrow Fhlllipg, who has been for the past five years a
missionary to JanBioay

will be added to the fboulty of

Oaark Bible CoUegei JopUn^ I^sous^ with the beginning of the

fall semester.

Brother Phillips| who served as dean of the Chi'letian Bible

^mloarr in Jasaioai

eontraoted a tropical parasite while serving in

the Islands^ and was forced to ratttm to the ^ates for reasons of
health* His idiysicians assure him that his dffiouXty will disappear
in a teiapezete oHoate.

The mm neuiber of the

fhculty will move to Jopi^in

tTtily 22 with Itrs. Phillips and their four children. He will teach
Missions^ Church Hlstory-y HcmileticSy and an exegetioal study of the
Corinthian Epistles. The 'iisslons course will be taught in the
evening, and will be open to church workers in the vicinity of Joplin.

Brother Phillips was bom Kovember 11, 19^3^ the son of Th*. and
te. Clifton Phillips. His father was for forty-five years a preacher
of the restoration movement, and was suocessfif. In establishing many new

eongregationa In the Ibolfic Horttanst. Woodrcni was baptl^bd in the

church at Marshfield, Oregon. He began preaching at the age of

ei^een. His education was gained at Motosto^^Cayorni^^

College and San Jose ^bl^Cbllege. from which latter institution he
rsoeived the degrees of Bachelor of Theology and Bacteftcr of Divinity.
During his ministry with ths Eastslde church, Turlook, Callfd>^tii
1945*1950, the church built a ziew house of worship, and tweidyEidiao

young people entered full^^me specialised Christisn leadership.

flid BtiUipsJi tMt to Jazoatot ia 1^ &mim these derlag a

pertod of siotelde sdssiiO]]^ gsoehtu Thsy ancl their eoeidGese 3ed in

iviimi&g aad hapti&xg ^3000 eomrerte and a gmth of the tiatire

oengregetiffizs am thiel^r>t90 to irfytyhfoug la lOB^Ibsrp with a oesibership

iama^ am ^500 to ^900* Stirieg Brother PhSlHpa* teaere as deaa of

the jhBBiga Bible Semtogy an em^LXeat ass buiXdlng was oiwtxmted for
it aotirltlsS'

B&ro* PhlUlpB is the fowBsr^^Bj^OBrite

Bapelag tha jmrs

ofXmgBeaohi Oipifefhca

ehe Xlwed la the Philipi^Usir XelaBds aad la

Gldba where }m ihsdiy wasJaoated lamim of aotiwe emrto with^^

V* S*

Ba<& la this ooaafegy she atteadad loag


Sea Die^ State Oeaiey fei^a^ior ia SdacaitiiBi* aad Saa jose Bihle
OdOefls* $hB-$lriBaaprorlroe two daadliters
aad %ro^oas ^Woodm^


Betrioia and f^joris Oisfoa.'

Anda mungkin juga menyukai