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(A Case Study at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 1 Tasikmalaya)
Afifah Rachmatika1
Arini Nurul Hidayati3
(Jl. Siliwangi, No. 24 Tasikmalaya)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana dua guru bahasa Inggris
kelas 7 di SMPN 1 Tasikmalaya mengelola kelas dalam kegiatan belajar
mengajar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif.
Tekhnik yang dilakukan dalam pengumpulan data adalah observasi, studi
dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Observasi dilakukan dengan cara mengamati
proses pengelolaan kelas yang dilaksanakan oleh kedua guru tersebut. Studi
dokumentasi dilakukan dengan cara mempelajari rencana pelaksanaan
pembelajaran. Lalu kedua guru tersebut diwawancara mengenai proses
pengelolaan kelas yang mereka laksanakan. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini
adalah dua guru bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMPN 1 Tasikmalaya dan Rencana
Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran. Data yang telah diperoleh dianalisis melalui proses
analisis data Miles and Huberman (1984) yang terdiri atas reduksi data,
penyajian data, dan penarikan/verifikasi kesimpulan. Data tersebut dianalisis
berdasarkan teori pengelolaan kelas dari Smith, Colin. J and Robert Laslett
(2002) yang didukung oleh teori pengelolaan kelas dari Brown, H. Douglas
(2000) dan Harmer, Jeremy (2001). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei
2014 di SMPN 1 Tasikmalaya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, terdapat empat
aturan yang dilakukan oleh kedua guru bahasa Inggris dalam mengeola kelas.
Aturan pertama adalah Get Them In, yang terdiri dari Greeting, Seating, dan
Starting. Aturan kedua adalah Get Them Out, yang terdiri dari Concluding dan
Dismissing. Aturan ketiga adalah Get On With It, yang terdiri dari Content dan
Manner. Aturan keempat adalah Get On With Them, yang terdiri dari Whos
Who dan Whats Going On. Aturan dalam proses pengelolaan kelas tersebut
memiliki peranan-peranan yang sangat penting dalam mendukung kegiatan
belajar mengajar yang efektif.
Kata Kunci : Pengelolaan kelas, proses pengelolaan kelas

The Writer1
The First Supervisor2
The Second Supervisor 3


(A Case Study at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 1 Tasikmalaya)
Afifah Rachmatika1
Arini Nurul Hidayati3
(Jl. Siliwangi, No. 24 Tasikmalaya)
This research aims at knowing how two English teachers at the seventh grade of
SMPN 1 Tasikmalaya manage the classroom. The method used in this research is
qualitative method. The techniques used to collect the data are observation,
interview, and documentation study. Observation was conducted by observing
classroom management process conducted by two English teachers.
Documentation study was conducted by studying the lesson plan. Then, both of
the English teachers were interviewed about the process of classroom
management they conducted. The sources of the data in this research are two
English teachers of the seventh grade at SMPN 1 Tasikmalaya and the lesson plan.
The data that have been obtained were analysed through the data analysis process
of Miles and Huberman (1984) that consists of reduction, data display, and
drawing conclusion. The data were analysed based on the theory of classroom
management from Smith, Colin. J and Robert Laslett (2002) that is supported by
classroom management theories from Brown, H. Douglas (2000) and Harmer,
Jeremy (2001). This research was conducted in May 2014 at SMPN 1
Tasikmalaya. Based on the result of data analysis, there are four rules conducted
by the teachers to manage the classroom. The first rule is Get Them In that
consists of Greeting, Seating, and Starting. The second rule is Get Them Out that
consists of Concluding and Dismissing. The third rule is Get On With It that
consists of Content and Manner. The fourth rule is Get On With Them that
consists of Whos Who and Whats Gong On. Those rules have important roles
that support to create effective teaching and learning process.
Key words : classroom management, classroom management process

The Writer1
The First Supervisor2
The Second Supervisor 3

Teachers hold various roles in different typical classrooms. It is not simple
as standing in front of classroom, lecturing, or giving homework to the students.
Despite that, they have to be able to act as the instructor, the facilitator, the
consultant, the commentator, the leader, the model, and so on. All of those roles
are not merely have to be mastered by the teachers to conduct teaching and
learning process, but those roles have essential functions to create effective
classroom activity and efficient use of class time. Besides, the central of teachers
role is how to manage classroom because the effectiveness of teaching and
learning process cannot be reached in the environment of poor managed
In addition, classroom management assists the teacher to minimalize the
students disruptive behaviour in the classroom. It is in line with a research
conducted by Oliver, Regina M., et al. (2011). It shows that classroom
management applied by the teacher have positive effect on decreasing problem
behaviour in the classroom. Besides, previous research conducted by Delceva,
Jasmina (2014) showed a serious lack of teachers classroom management in the
Karpos municipality of the city of Skopje. The research result shows that
elementary school teachers understand classroom management more than high
school teachers.
Regarding to the explanation, this research is essential to conduct. This
research provides information to English teachers to create effective teaching and
learning process through classroom management practice. Also, this research
helps the teacher to decrease problem behaviour in the classroom.
A. Classroom Management
Classroom management is viewed as the basic skill of teaching. It is
related to teachers ability to control and inspire a class. It is in accordance
woth Harmer, Jeremy (2001:3), Class management, the ability to control and
inspire a class, is one of the fundamental skills of teaching.
In addition, classroom management includes set of procedures to
arrange physical classroom orderly and establish positive atmosphere in
teaching learning activities. As what Brown, H. Douglas (2000:192) says,
Classroom management encompasses an abundance of factors ranging from
how you phisically arrange the classroom, to teaching style, to one of my
favourite themes: classroom energy. Understanding how to arrange and create
positive environment for students helps the teachers to create well managed
In conclusion, classroom management is the teachers fundamental skill
to create effective learning environment. Equally important, it also includes the
teachers skill how they select and convey the appropriate lesson materials to
the students. The teachers ability in conducting classroom management helps
the teacher to create positive learning environment.

There are several functions of classroom management. These functions

assist the teacher to create and manage positive classroom environment. The
first function of classroom management is planning. To make a plan about
what the teachers are going to do or what the students are going to learn is
necessary. Also, a plan is very useful as a reminder for the teachers in the
classroom. It is stated by Harmer, Jeremy (2001:121), In classroom, a plan
helps to remind teachers what they intended to do-especially if they get
distracted or momentarily forget what they had intended.
The second function is organising. The ability of the teachers to
organise the classroom is also viewed as the fundamental skill in managing the
class. It is as supported by Scrivener, Jim (2005:79) who states,
The skills of creating and managing a successful class may be the
key to the whole success of a course. An important part of this is to
do with your attitude, intentions and personality and your
relationships with the learners. However, you also need certain
organisational skill and techniques. Such items are often grouped
together under the heading of classroom management.
The third function is making decision. Classroom management deals with
actions of the teachers in managing the class. However, there is another aspect
that deals with it. It is the decisions about how to do those actions. It is in
accordance with Scrivener, Jim (2005:80) who says,
Classroom management involves both decisions and actions. The
actions are what is done in the classroom, e.g. rearranging the chairs.
The decisions are about what whether do these actions, when to do
them, how to do them, who will do them, etc.
There are four rules of classroom management. The rules of classroom
management may be applied by the teachers to create managed classroom well.
The frist rule is get them in. This rule tells about how to make a brisk start of the
lesson, it makes the students quickly involved and ready to receive the lesson
materials. According to Smith, Colin J. and Robert Laslett (2002:4), There is also
the vital practical advantage of being able to check that the room is tidy, that
materials are available, displays arranged, and necessary instructions or examples
are written on the board. These phases can be conducted by the teacher to
prepare teaching and learning process.
In addition, the teachers have to be able to organise the students seating
arrangement. It may depend on type of lesson, amount of the students, and
condition of the classroom. There are some kinds of seating arrangements
proposed by Harmer, Jeremy (2001:19). The first kind is orderly rows.This
seating arrangement enables the teacher to get involved with the students of whole
classroom. As it is stated by Harmer, Jeremy (2001:19), Orderly rows imply
teachers working with the whole class.The activities that are appropriate with
this kind of seating arrangement are using the board or LCD projector, watching
video, demonstrating a text, and showing paragraphs.
The second seating arrangement is circle and horsehoe. In a circle, the
students and the teacher sit around in a circle shape where the teachers position is
less dominating. It is as said by Harmer, Jeremy (2001:19), In a circle, the

teachers position, where the board is situated, is less dominating. Besides, in a

horseshoe, the students sit on the seat arranged in a horseshoe shape around the
teacher. Harmer, Jeremy (2001:20) says, There are other advantages too, chief
among is the fact that all the students can see each other.
The third kind is separate table. In this arrangement, the students are asked
to sit in small groups at individual tables. Harmer, Jeremy (2001:20) states, It is
much easier for the teacher to work at one table while the others get on with their
own work. Therefore, it eases the teacher to check the students work.
Besides, the teachers can conduct warming up to start the lesson. It should
include the prior knowledge or skills of the students or the glance description of
the new lesson that will be learned. It is suggested by Colin J. and Robert Laslett
(2002:5), It should reinforce previously acquired skills, recap earlier work or set
the scene for new learning.
The second rule is get them out. This rule deals with how to end the
lesson. According to Smith, Colin J. and Robert Laslett (2002:6), This could take
the form of a brief question and answer session which will enable the teacher to
check on how successfully objectives have been attained or identify points which
require further attention. Therefore, this part helps the teacher to know what has
been obtained by the students.
Besides, the teachers have to know the sequence for dismissing the class.
The sequence can include clearing up and collecting books and material, checking
up on learning and giving feedback, enjoying a game or other relaxing end to the
session, and setting up the group for its next move.
The third rule is get on with it. It includes the content of the lesson and the
manner of how to convey those materials. It is as said by Colin, J. Smith and
Robert Laslett (2002:7), In this context it refers to the main part of the lesson,
the nature of its content and the manner of its presentation. The teachers have to
be able to select the appropriate lesson materials for the students. Smith, Colin J.
and Robert Laslett (2002:7) say, Difficulties in learning and consequent
problems with behaviour often happen because the content of a lesson is not
matched to the ability of the pupils to whom it is delivered. The teachers have to
make sure that what will be delivered to their students are appropriate with their
range and ability.
In addition, the way how the teachers convey the learning materials is
viewed as the fundamental element in classroom management. According to
Brown, H. Douglas (2000:194)
Another fundamental classroom
managementconcern has to do with you and the messages you send through your
voice and body language. In using voice, the teachers should be audible. It means
that their voice can be heard by all students in the classroom. Also, the teachers
should be able to use their variety of voice and the volume and take care of their
Besides, the teachers should consider how close they want to be with to the
students they are working with. The teachers should make movement and
maintain eye contact with all students in the classroom to some extent. Therefore,
the teachers can make sure that all students are engaged in teaching and learning

The fourth rule is get on with them. It includes the relationship between
the teachers and the students. It is very important to be aware of individual
differences. As the good relation between the teachers and the students is very
important, it is also essential to create a positive classroom climate.
In addition, the teachers should be able to see or predict the natural
possibilities that happen in teaching and learning process. There are ways the
teachers can do to sharpen the teachers sensitivity in predicting the early sign of
the disruption. Smith, Colin J. and Robert Laslett (2002:12) say, Moving around
the room, quietly marking work in progress, offering advice and guidance keeps
attention on the task in hand.
B. Role and Teaching Style of the Teachers
Actually, there are many words or even clauses to describe what the
teachers refer to, who they are, what their roles are, and so on. Harmer, Jeremy
(2001:3) proposes, ...good teachers care more about their students learning
than they do about their own teaching. It implies that the primary task of the
teachers is not merely transferring the knowledge or new information. Instead,
the more important task is making sure that the students comprehend the
knowledge and information that have been conveyed well.
Besides, teacher have roles in teaching. It is in accordance with Brown,
H. Douglas argues (2000:166), Teachers can play many roles in the course of
teaching. Those teachers roles are very important for the students depending
on the institution or the country in which the teachers teach. Indeed, it is less
easy to play those roles because it needs skill and confidence. The key to
improve the comfort and confidence is the teachers should know who they are,
knowing themselves, their interest, their strengths, and their lack. It is as has
been proposed by Brown, H. Douglas (2000:201), Know yourself, know your
strengths, your likes and dislikes, and then accept the fact that you are called
upon to be many things to many different people .
Every teacher has their own character and personality reflected through
their teaching style. Teaching style is also considered as the essential influence
in development of the teachers capability. Thus, the teachers should be sure
that teaching style they use make them comfortable as well as the students.
The method used in this research is qualitative method. It is because
this research investigates relation between the teachers and the students,
activities of the teaching and learning process, and situation in which the
English teachers conduct teaching and learning activities. It is in line with
Fraenkel, Jack. R., et al. (2012:426) who argue, Research studies that
investigate the quality of relationships, activities, situations, or materials are
frequently referred to as qualitative research. Focus of this research is the
classroom management conducted by English teachers at the seventh grade of
Junior High School. According to Sugiyono (2012:207), Batasan masalah
dalam penelitian kualitatif disebut dengan fokus, yang berisi pokok masalah
yang bersifat umum. It means that the restriction of the problem in

qualitative research is called as focus, which includes the general main

problem. Besides, it is the researcher who becomes the instrument of the
research because she is the everything of the research. Also, fieldnotes and
guiding questions are used as additional means to collect the data.
Data of the research are information obtained from the subjects of the
research. It is in accordance with Frankel, Jack R. et al. (2012:111), The
term data refers to the kinds of information the researchers obtain on the
subjects of their research. Therefore, the data of this research are the
information related to English teachers classroom management practice.
Besides, the data sources are English teachers of the seventh grade at SMPN 1
Tasikmalaya and documents in the form lesson plan.
The data collected in this research are analysed continually by using
three kinds of techniques. Those techniques are observation, interview, and
documentation study. It is in line with Frankel, Jack R., et al. (2012:445) who
Qualitative researchers use three main techniques to collect and analyze
their data: observing people as they go about their daily activities and
recording what they do; conducting in-depth interviews with people
about their ideas, their opinions, and their experiences; and analyzing
documents or other forms of communication (content analysis).
Miles and Huberman model is used to analyse the data. Miles,
Matthew B. and Michael Huberman (1994:10) state, We define analysis as
consisting of three concurrent flows of activities: data reduction, data display,
and conclusion drawing/verification. Thus, data reduction, data display, and
conclusion drawing/verification are used to analyse the data.
The data are gained through the process of observation, documentation
study, and interview. Those data consist of classroom management process
conducted by two English teachers at the seventh grade of SMPN 1
Tasikmalaya. The classroom management process is categorised based on the
theory of Colin. J Smith and Robert Laslett (2002).
The findings show that the teachers apply four rules of classroom
management to manage the classroom. Regarding to the first rule, the
teachers can make a brisk start. The teachers have prepared what they need in
conducting teaching and learning process. Also, the teachers are able to
organise students seating arrangement based on the condition of the
classroom and lesson activity conducted by the teacher and the students. In
addition, to start the lesson, the teachers can stimulate the students and make
sure that the students are ready to receive the materials.
Regarding to the second rule, the teachers can end the lesson activities
well. The teachers know how to give conclusion to the students so that the
students know clearly what they have learned. Also, the teachers can dismiss
the class without causing disruption.

Regarding to the third rule, the teachers know what materials should
be conveyed to the students and how to convey those materials. The teachers
can use appropriate method to convey the materials. Although the teachers do
not use the media that are not same as the teachers have planned, the teachers
can convey those materials to the students. Also, the teachers have arranged
varied activities to make all students involved in teaching and learning
process. Besides, the teachers can use appropriate voice and body language.
Regarding to the fourth rule, the teachers can build good relationship
with the students. The teachers are close to all students and they can treat all
students fairly. Besides, the teachers can solve the friction that may disrupt
teaching and learning process.
Table 1
Process of Get Them In Conducted by two English Teachers at the
Seventh Grade of SMPN 1 Tasikmalaya
Process of Get Them In
Greeting (Grt)
The teacher has made a lesson plan.

The room is neat, clean, and orderly in

White board is clean.
The classroom is free from external noise.

Heating or cooling system is operating.

The lesson materials are available.

The media are available.
Seating (St)
The chairs are appropriately arranged.
The teacher uses orderly rows.
The teacher uses separate tables.

Starting (Str)
The teacher reminds the students about the
last lesson discussed.
The teacher gives question related to the last

The first teacher has made a lesson plan,
meanwhile the second teacher does not make
lesson plan. The second teacher is the new
teacher in this school so that she uses the
lesson plan made by the first teacher.
The rooms are clean and the equipments in
the classrooms are arranged orderly.
The white boards are clean.
At the second meeting of the first teacher,
other students of other class make noises at
outside of the classroom. At the first and the
third meeting of the second teacher, other
students of other classes make noises.
At the first class of the first teacher, the
cooling system is available, but at the second
classroom of the first teacher, the cooling
system is not available. Besides, at three
classes of the second teacher, the cooling
systems are operating.
The lesson materials are from English book
When English Rings the Bells.
The media used are not same as stated in the
lesson plan.
The students table and chair are arranged
Since the classrooms consist of about 36
students, the teachers use orderly rows.
At the core activity, the first teacher changes
the seating into separate table because the
students have to do the task in group.
The teachers ask the students what they have
learned in the last meeting.
The teachers ask the students about what

lesson discussed.
The teacher tells what the students are going
to discuss.

have been discussed in the last meeting.

The first teacher tells the students what they
are going to discuss, meanwhile the second
teacher does not.

Table 2
Process of Get Them Out Conducted by two English Teachers at the
Seventh Grade of SMPN 1 Tasikmalaya
Process of Get Them Out
Concluding (Cnl)
The teacher provides question and answer
The teacher gives conclusion about the lesson.
The teacher gives glance description about what
will be discussed in the next meeting.
Dismissing (Dsm)
The teacher clears up and collects book and
The teacher asks the students to sit with arm
folded and pray before they leave the

The teachers give the students chance to ask

after the teachers explained the material to the
students or discussed the task.
This process is conveyed by the teachers if
there is enough time.
If the time is enough, the teachers tell the
students what they are going to discuss in the
next meeting.
The teachers clear up their book and materials
before they leave the classroom.
If the lesson is the last lesson of the day, this
process is conducted by the teachers.

Table 3
Process of Get On With It Conducted by two English Teachers at the Seventh
Grade of SMPN 1 Tasikmalaya
Process of Get On With It
Content (Cnt)
The method used is appropriate.
The lesson materials are appropriate.

The task given are attainable.

The activities are varied.

Manner (Mnn)
The voice of the teacher can be heard by all
students of whole classroom.
The teacher can use variety of her voice

The teacher can take care of her voice

The teacher can use facial and hand gesture

The methods used by the teachers are inquiry,
question answer, and penugasan
The lessson materials are on English book
When English Rings the Bells. This book is for
the students of the seventh grade.
The tasks given are appropriate. The tasks are
related to the materials that have been
The first teacher asks the students to do the
activities individually and in group. Besides,
the second teacher conducts reading and writing
The teachers voice are audible. Their voice can
be heard by all students in the classroom.
The teachers use variety of their voice when the
teacher explains the materials to the students
and warn the students to keep quiet.
The teachers voice can be heard until the end
of the lesson.
The teachers use facial and hand gesture
appropriately when conducting teaching and

The teacher dresses appropriately.

The teacher





The teacher moves around the classroom.

The teacher makes frequent eye contact with all
of the students.

learning process.
The teachers dress appropriately based on the
rule in the school.
When the students get the problem in doing the
task, the teachers come closer to the students to
help them solve the problem.
The teachers move around the classroom when
the students are doing the task.
The teachers keep making eye contact with all
of the students.

Table 4
Process of Get On With Them Conducted by two English Teachers at the Seventh
Grade of SMPN 1 Tasikmalaya
Process of Get On With Them
Whos who (Wwh)
The teacher knows the students


The teacher shows interest in each student on a

The teacher gives feedback on each persons
The teacher solicits openly students ideas and
The teacher can balance the praise and
Whats going on (Wtg)
The teacher teaches large class.

The teacher teaches multiple

proficiency levels in the same class.
The teacher can solve the students disruptive
The teacher is asked a question that she do not
know the answer.
The teacher suddenly realizes that she forgets to
bring media.
The media which is being used are suddenly
break down.

The first teacher knows the students name.

Besides, the second teacher does not know all
students name since she is the new teacher in
this school.
The teachers treat all students fairly.
The teachers check the students task and give
advice when the students do mistake on their
The teachers encourage the students to share
their opinion or ask them whether they have
different opinion in a discussion.
The teacher praises them when they answer
correctly. The teachers also corrects them when
they answer incorrectly.
There are about 36 students in the classroom.
The first teacher uses group work to make all
students engaged in teacing and leaning
process. The second teacher gives them extra
class to do at home.
The teachers give extra works that the students
must do at home.
The teachers warn them to keep silent when the
students make noises.
The teachers search the answer on dictionary,
and they ask the students to search it on
dictionary too.
The teachers write lesson materials on white
The first teacher writes the materials on white
board. Besides, the second teacher has prepared
other media.

The aim of this research is to know how English teachers at the seventh
grade of junior high school manage the classroom. In managing the classroom, the
teachers practise four rules of classroom management. Those rules are get them
in, get them out, get on with it, and get on with them. Each rule consists of some
process. Get them in consists of greeting, seating, and starting. Get them out
consists of concluding and dismissing. Get on with it consists of content and
manner. Get on with them consists of whos who and whats going on. In
addition, there are also some elements that support each process.
However, the teachers do not practise all of the elements in those
processes. The teachers adapt the process with the situation and the condition of
the classroom. In addition, although there are some similar processes conducted
by the teachers to manage the classroom, each teacher has their own style to do
the process.
In conclusion, the English teachers at the seventh grade of SMPN 1
Tasikmalaya manage the classroom well. The teachers practise the rules of
classroom management to help them create lesson activities that make all students
engaged in teaching and learning process. Also, the teachers can reduce the
sources of friction that happen in teaching and learning process.
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