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Can I Give My Baby Castor Oil?

There is an old wives tale

that says giving your baby castor oilis a good thing.
Luckily it has fallen out of practice for many people, but
you still hear about it enough to make you wonder if its a
good idea.
This used to be a remedy for constipation as it can
producebowel movements with reliable consistency. But
you dont want to get into the habit of doing anything
harsh to your baby, and theres not really a lot of control
when it comes to using something like this.
Not only that but the taste is awful, and its not something
youre going to enjoy giving to your baby. The overall
experience is likely to be a negative one, and this could
all be avoided with some easy preventative measures.

Can I Give My Baby Castor Oil?

Answer: Not Recommended
Any kind of one-spoon fixes like these should best be
avoided. This is the kind of quick fix thinking that had a
tendency to perpetuate itself from one generation to the

next, before the advent of the Internet where people

could go online to question whether its a good thing to
do or not.
Preventing the Need for It
As long as you are feeding your baby a proper diet, in
proper portion sizes, and at the right time of day, you
shouldnt need to give them anything that brings on a
bowel movement. They should be regular, with healthy
amounts that are not too hard and not too soft. Feed
them fresh fruits and vegetables as much as you can,
pureed of course so they can eat them easily. Introduce
new options to them one at a time until you have a long
list of healthy foods you know they like and digest well.
Did you know that there are certain times of the day that
are better than others as far as digestion goes? In the
morning you should give your baby a lighter meal, with
their most substantial meal coming at midday. Then give
them a lighter meal for dinner. You can prevent a lot of
indigestion and constipation this way, because it follows
their natural cycle for digestive juices.

Castor Oil To Induce Labour Is Castor Oil Safe and Does It

Inducing with castor oil isnt safe. Once swallowed the castor oil is hydrolized by intestinal
lipases to recinoleic acid which stimulates intestinal secretion, decreases glucose absorption
and increases intestinal motility. Castor oil is used in lipsticks, too. Many women who can
tolerate the oil quite well on their lips get a reaction on their mouths if the oil converts to

recinoleic acid. My question to a midwife who says castor oil is not absorbed is, Would you
please provide me with references for that statement?
Its not so long ago that birthing women were given soap suds enemas (high, hot and a
helluva lot) because someone started a rumor that soap was not absorbed through the colon.
We know this is not true and that this black page in obstetric history is best forgotten. Too
many women have turned from saying, My doctor says to saying, My midwife says. Take
responsibility for your and your familys health. It is fine to respect professionals but ask for
references on everything youre not l00% sure of and use your internet to scope things out.
There is so much crap that passes for science without anyone questioning it.
On the subject of all the women in a hurry to get their babies born: I was 3 weeks overdue
with my oldest daughter. What really helped me was that I had lunch with a friend at about 8
months pregnancy. Her son had been born 6 months before. When she saw me walk in the
restaurant all hugely pregnant she said Oh, Gloria, when I see you I miss my pregnancy so
much. I knew that one day Id be saying that, too, so I made up my mind to enjoy it as long
as possible and Im so glad I did. Six months from now youll be wondering what the rush was.

Experiences Using Castor Oil

Below is a letter sent to the publication, Midwifery Today, who published the above
information in their magazine. Heres what the writer said:
Thank you for including Gloria Lemays comments about castor oil [Issue 4:26]. We all want
to see women empowered to make truly informed choices about their care. Unfortunately,
most birthing women tend to simply trust that their birth attendant will know what is best for
them. The danger of this occurring in a homebirth environment is no less than in a hospital
setting and may in fact be more insidious, because while so many of us distrust the
obstetricians medicalized approach, the homebirth midwife is regarded as especially wise in
the ways of birth, as well as unintrusive and non-interventive. The definitions of these last two
terms are of course relative, and midwifery, just like obstetrics, is based in traditions that are
not always safe or beneficial.
I came to understand this first from experience. My labor was not difficult, but it was longer
than average. My midwife encouraged me to drink castor oil to speed up the process. Eager to
escape the tedium of labor and to see my baby, I agreed. It was a huge mistake. The stomach
cramping was severe and compounded the pain from my contractions, which were now coming
fast and furious. Back labor was very painful [in subsequent births], yes, but do-able; my
castor oil labor was a tortured hell. Now I know that I was putting my baby at risk as well. I
would have much preferred the tedium of a long labor." Linda Hessel, Peoria, OR

BellyBelly Member Comments on Castor Oil Use To Induce

While a small number of our members say they went into labour soon after taking castor oil,
there is certainly no evidence of this and midwives tend to tell them that it was unlikely that
the castor oil did it. Even if they did go into labour, they often dont have a pleasant
experience of it as you will see below. The question I would ask myself (and the reason I
didnt want to touch it) would be: If I do go into labour, do I want to risk having the runs

and/or feeling nauseous at the same time? Many women (but not all) report nausea, vomiting
and / or diarrhoea.
Dont do it!!! My sister took it and had bad diarrhoea and vomited. she ended up being
induced after going 8 days overdue. Rae
I did it with 2 of my 4 earth babies. I just got really really sick! I vomited and pooed all day
and into the night. Oh, and no baby! Deb
I tried it and it is bloody awful. Made me poo and gag and feel like spewing but nothing
else. Trish
Im due today and i tried it last Friday, didnt work at all. Kerensa
I have known women to try it and wind up in hospital with dehydration due to diarrhoea, not
labour. Christy
The grossest taste. diarrhoea all night not one single contraction came from it!

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