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Broward County Edition | August/September 2009

VOL. 1, NO. 3

Dealing With
Matters ofCardiology
the HeartAssociates of
Fort Lauderdale Reigns Supreme

Fighting Back Against Chronic Pain

W e just completed
One of the study looking at the effects of sodium
foremost re- oxybate in pain, fatigue and quality of
sea rc hers i n a Phase III, life in patients with fibromyalgia. The
chronic pain 548-patient, international early data looks quite impressive, and
and sleep dis- multisite trial, which some of the data has been released at
orders, Victor recent medical meetings with major
w a s a r a n d o m ize d , publications forthcoming. I have also
M.D., is on the d o u b l e - b lin d e d a n d been publishing some work on how
Victor Rosenfeld,
leading edge of placebo-controlled study patients with fatigue and fibromyalgia
research initia- looking at the effects can be identified during sleep studies
tives in many areas. using qEEG technology and also how
A graduate of the Emory University of sodium oxybate in this same methodology may be able to
School of Medicine, Dr. Rosenfeld’s pain, fatigue and quality demonstrate treatment responses in
medical training also includes an in- of life in patients with objective, reproducible ways.
ternal medicine residency completed
at Alton Oschner Medical Foundation
fibromyalgia. Q: What do you see as the ulti-
— Victor Rosenfield, M.D.
and a neurology residency completed at mate goal of studies such as the
the University of Miami. Board certi- International Phase III trial?
fied in neurology and sleep medicine, Q: What role has technology Dr. Rosenfeld: There are cur-
Dr. Rosenfeld has played a key role played in the advancement of sleep rently two antidepressants and one
in the advancement and study of studies? anticonvulsant that are FDA approved for
chronic pain and its connection to Dr. Rosenfeld: Sleep studies, which the treatment of fibromyalgia, which can
sleep disorders. used to be recorded entirely on paper, help reduce the pain these patients experi-
Now serving in the neurology de- are now fully computerized, which has ence by modulating the way the nervous
partment at the Sansum Clinic in Santa given us amazing new tools to analyze system processes signals. However, based
Barbara, CA, Dr. Rosenfeld offers M.D. vast amounts of data. In our lab we use on some of the original sleep research
News some insight into one of his latest quantitative EEG (qEEG) technology, mentioned previously, we are now look-
clinical trials. which allows us to accurately measure ing at experimental sleep medications in
all the brain waves of patients while these patients that can improve not only
Q: How has interest in the study they are asleep, which previously had pain, but also fatigue and sleep quality.
of fibromyalgia changed in recent not been possible. It is new tools such This could lead to a paradigm shift in
years? as this that allow us not only to identify our treatment approaches in that a new
Dr. Rosenfeld: The amount of different types of sleep pathology, but sleep medication may be a novel therapy
research in fibromyalgia and chronic also possibly even measure responses to for patients with chronic pain that differs
fatigue has literally exploded in an interventions in a way that previously was significantly from standard approaches
exponential way over the past 10 not possible. used today. n
years, with peer-reviewed references
increasing from just a handful to liter- Q: Can you explain some of your
ally thousands per year. We are also current clinical trials, including advertisers’ index
beginning to understand the role the multisite International Phase
of sleep on multiple body systems, III Trial? Boca Raton Community Hospital......3

including cardiovascular, endocri- Dr. Rosenfeld: We just completed Holy Cross Hospital.......... Back Cover

nologic, psychiatric, neurological, a Phase III, 548-patient, international John Stillman

immunologic and even ophthalmologic multisite trial, which was a randomized, Photography....... Inside Back Cover

and renal systems. double-blinded and placebo-controlled Lauth.................... Inside Front Cover

1 6 | broward county m.d. news august/september 2009

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