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Psalm 127:3-5
Kamo tanan nahibalo, I have 3 children. And all of them are a blessing. They are a
joy! They have taught me more about God and His love and His joy. In fact, they are
spoken of as a "heritage," a legacy and a "reward," a prize, a gift!
Yes, God sees that children are so important, no doubt about that. Yet this past
years, we heard of so many real life stories about children treated as toys, and
throwaway things... being abuse, neglected, or not given care that they need from
someone. Parents who are here today witnessing this child dedication,... please
listen to me. The Bible is very clear saying that our children are a gift of the Lord.
Yes, a precious GIFT from God. So the question we must ask ourselves is ..."what
must I do to preserve this precious gift?" Let me share the three necessities that our
children need to live with.
Illustration: 99 percent of parents will say that they love their children, but love is
MORE THAN A FEELING; love is an ACTION. Do you think that our children see loving
actions in our homes?
My fellow parents who are here today, I want us to learn to see the positive in our
children and always praise their strengths rather than continually criticizing their
weaknesses. Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 8:1, "Love builds up." Now let us ask
ourselves... "Do our children see that we love them by our actions?"
II. OUR TIME Ephesians 5:15-16
I dont need to tell you that "the days are evil." Yes, these are dangerous times for
children. And today, more than ever, parents need to spend time with their children.
Why do you think there are so many children who are in so much trouble? Let me
share with one reason: "Because they spend much more time in front of the TV or
computer or with friends of poor character than they do with their parents. Our
children need our presence more than our presents."
Let me ask you a multiple choice question: What do you think the only thing we can
take to heaven with us?
A. Your house; B. Your money, C. Your job, D. Your child.
The answer? Your child (if he or she commits his or her life to Christ). I cannot think
of a greater responsibility for a parent than to do all he or she can to lead a child to
Christ and train him or her to serve Him.Parents, we only have a limited amount of
time to be a positive influence in the lives of our children. Are we making the most
of every opportunity?
III. OUR DISCIPLINE Proverbs 3:11-12
Children need discipline. In Proverbs 19:18 CONCLUSION: Parents, our children are precious and blessings from God. Yes, we
can give our children all sorts of nice things, but what they need most is our love,
time, and discipline.
This afternoon, we are dedicating this CHILD and at the same time we are
dedicating the PARENT.

By coming here you, as parents, are publicly saying that you want to raise your
child in a Christ-honoring home and asking Gods blessing on your ministry as
Christian parents.


LISTEN, as I ask you some questions. Answering these questions, you are making a
promises to GOD. NOT to me NOT to your children BUT to GOD.

If you are willing to commit your child to God, and to dedicate yourselves to raising
him in Gods strength, and for His honor and glory

THEN PLEASE... reply by saying "I do" to the following promises:

@Do you recognize your child as a precious gift from God, and give God thanks for
this blessing?
@Do you then dedicate your child to the Lord, Who gave you your child?

@Do you pledge, as Christian parents, that you will bring up your child in a Christian
home, looking to God for wisdom, strength, and guidance?

@Do you promise to give your child every possible benefit of home, school and

@Do you promise to pray for your child on a regular basis, realizing that it is only
with Gods hand upon their life that they can be truly blessed?

@Do you ask Gods blessings upon the life of your child, to guide, guard, and direct
them through all their years?

Answer: We do..

If your heart was in these promises, then you have dedicated yourself to raise a
child that God can use mightily in His Kingdom.

The responsibility for the Christian training of this child does not lie with these
parents alone.

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