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The aim of the study was to study the relationship between the leadership style and emotional
intelligence of the leader with the job satisfaction and subjective well-being of the subordinates. It
was hypothesized that the leadership style and emotional intelligence of the leader would have some
effect the job satisfaction and subjective well-being of the subordinates. The data was individually
collected by each student on one manager by giving two questionnaires on leadership style and
emotional intelligence and on four of his/her subordinates by giving them 2 questionnaires on job
satisfaction and subjective well-being. In order to get an in-depth understanding, the leader and one
subordinate were also interviewed.
After the data was collected by each student, it was pooled in together for statistical and qualitative
analysis. The data of 44 leaders and 176 subordinates was subjected to statistical analysis.
Looking at the three components of leadership styles, transformational leadership is more prevalent
form of leadership followed by transactional and laissez faire styles. This is going with the current
trend in Organizational behaviour, where transformational leaders are preffered to leaders who try to
imitate the qualities of a transactional leader to be more accepted as a source of authority.
Transactional leadership focuses on the role of supervision, organization, and group performance in
which the leader promotes compliance of his/her followers through both rewards and punishments.
In todays globalizing world, transactional leadrrship is not favoured a lot. Transformational
leadership, on the other hand, causes change in individuals and social systems. In its ideal form, it
creates valuable and positive change in the followers with the end goal of developing followers
into leaders. A study on role of collective efficacy in the relations between transformational
leadership and work outcomes in the banking sector in india and china showed that transformational
leadership is positively related to organizational commitment and job satisfaction, and negatively
related to job and work withdrawal (Walumbwa, Wang, Lawler, & Shi, 2004)
The five scales measuring transformational leadership are idealized influence (attricution), idealized
influence (behaviour), inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized
consideration. The mean score for the idealized influence (attribution), and idealized influence
(behaviour) are 3.1 and 3.04 are slightly higher compared to the normative sample mean scores of
2.95 and 2.99. The average for IM- 3.2 is also slightly higher than the normative mean of 3.04. the
scale of IS gives a average of 2.93 compared to the normative score of 2.96. However, the present
sample is lower on the scale of individualized consideration (IC), which a mean of 2.8 compared to
the normative sample of 3.16.
The three sub-scales measuring transactional leadership are contingent reward, management-byexception and Management-by-Exception passive. The mean of CR- 3.14, is slightly higher than that
of the normative sample- 2.99. there is quite a difference in the mean scores of the present sample
and normative mean in the scale of management-by-exception (active), with the former being 2.93
and latter being 1.58. the final sub-scale of transactional leadership, management-by-exception
(passive) shows a slightly higher mean score of 1.17 compared to the normative mean of 1.07. The
variable measuring laissez faire leadership style had a mean of 0.65 compared to the normative mean
of 0.61, and was low.
The mean of Emotional Intelligence came out to be 362.84, which falls in the extremely high
category. Emotional Intelligence, sometimes referred to as EQ or EI, is a strong indicator of the level
of success one can attain in life, both in the personal and business realms. The high EI individual,

most centrally, can better perceive emotions, use them in thought, understand their meanings, and
manage emotions, than others. The individual tends to be more open and agreeable than others.
Emotional information is crucial. It is one of the primary forms of information that human beings
process. High EQ workplaces experience high employee engagement.
Job satisfaction, which is the level of contentment employees feel about their work, which can affect
performance came out to be 71.8 which is lower than the normative sample mean of 77.88. However,
the normative mean is based on an American sample, which may be able to account for the
difference. Subjective well-being, which refers to how people experience the quality of their lives,
came out to be 88.83, compared to the normative Indian sample of 90.8.
Since the aim of the study was to see the relationship between leadership style and EI of the leader
with the job satisfaction and subjective well being of the employees, correlational analysis was
carried out on SPSS.
TF & TC= positive and significant
TF &EI = positive and significant
TF &JS= positive and not significant
TF & SWB = negative and not significant
TF & LF = negative and significant
TC & EI: negative and not significant
TC & JS: positive and not significant
TC & SWB: positive and not significant
TC & LF: positive and significant
EI & JS: positive and not significant
EI & SWB: negative and not significant
EI & LF: negative and significant
JS & SWB: positive and significant
JS & LF: negative and not significant
SWB & LF: negative and not significant

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