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A. Pengantar
Kuliah Studi pembangunan akan memperkenalkan mahasiswa terhadap
gagasan-gagasan tentang pembangunan. Mata Kuliah Studi Pembangunan juga
akan memaparkan proses perkembangan teori-teori pembangunan berikut
kritik-kritik terhadap implementasi dari konsep pembangunan tertentu.
Kajian utama dari Kuliah Studi pembangunan akan lebih difocuskan
bagaimana gagasan-gagasan pembangunan membentuk pola hubungan antara
negara-negara maju dengan negara-negara berkembang/terbelakang.
Kuliah Studi Pembangunan akan diakhiri dengan penugasan terhadap
mahasiswa untuk melakukan analisa kritis terhadap proses pembangunan yang
berlangsung dinegara-negara berkembang dengan menggunakan konsep-konsep
yang telah diperkenalkan pada kuliah-kuliah sebelumnya.
B. Pokok Bahasan
Minggu I
Kontrak belajar dan Pembahasan Silabus
Minggu II
Development Studies: an Introduction
Schuurman, F 2000, Paradigms Lost, Paradigms Regained? Development Studies
in the twenty first century, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 7-20
Minggu III
Rostow, W.W., "The Stages of Economic Growth: a Non-Communist Manifesto A Summary", Kanth, R. (ed.), Paradigms in Economic Development: Classic
Perspectives, Critiques and Reflections, Armonk, NY and London: M.E. Sharpe,
1994, pp. 99-106
Minggu IV
Dependensia/Ketergantungan 1
Frank, A.G., "The Development of Underdevelopment", in Kanth, (ed.),
Paradigms in Economic Development: Classic Perspectives, Critiques and
Reflections, Armonk, NY and London: M.E. Sharpe, 1994, pp. 149-159.

Minggu V
Dependensia/ Ketergantungan 2
Glalp, H. "Debate on Capitalism and Development: The Theories of Samir Amin
and Bill Warren", Capital and Class, Vol. 28 (1986), pp. 135-59.
Prebisch, R., "The Latin American Periphery in the Global System of
Capitalism", in Kanth, R. (ed.), Paradigms in Economic Development: Classic
Perspectives, Critiques and Reflections, Armonk, NY and London: M.E. Sharpe,
1994, pp. 165-175.
Minggu VI
Kebuntuan Studi Pembangunan
Emmanuel, A 1974, Myths of Development versus Myths of Underdevelopment,
Minggu VII
Martinez, E and Garcia, A, What is Neoliberalism?
Joko Purnomo, Chapter One: Structural Adjustment Programs and the
Comprehensive Development Framework, Thesis, Flinders University, Adelaide
Nef, J and Robles, W 2000, Globalization, Neoliberalism, and the State of
Under Development in New Periphery, JDS, V.1,
Minggu IX
Perspektif Feminisme
Moser, C 1989, Gender Planning in The Third World: Meeting Practical and
Strategic Gender Needs, World Development, Vol. 17, No. 11, pp.1799- 1825
Kerr, J Responding to Globalization: Can Feminist Transform Development?
Minggu X
Perspektif Post Kolonialisme

Dirlik, A., The postcolonial Aura: Third World Criticism in the Age of Global
Capitalism, Critical Inquiry, 20 (Winter 1994), pp. 328-56.
Hoogvelt, Ankie, Part III: The Postcolonial World: Introduction, Globalisation
and the Postcolonial World: The New Political Economy of Development,
London: Macmillan, 1997, pp.153-161
Minggu XI
Perspektif Post Modernism
Manzo, K. Modernist Discourse and the Crisis of Development Theory, Studies
in Comparative International Development, 26 2-3 (Summer 1991), pp. 3-36.
Escobar, A., Discourse and Power in Development: Michel Foucault and the
Relevance of His Work to the Third Word, Alternatives, 10 (Winter 1984-85),
pp. 658-82.
Minggu XII
Perspektif Sustainable Development
World Commission on Environment and Development 1990, Our Common
Future, Oxford University Press, Oxford
Lele, S 1991, Sustainable Development: a critical review, World Development,
Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 607-621
Minggu XIII
Students presentation
Minggu XIV
Students presentation
Minggu XV
Review dan Evaluasi

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