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Moldovan Cristina Maria




In the beginning it was the Tower of Babel.

La nceput a fost Turnul Babel.
The usual story says it was man's attempt to compete with the gods.
Legenda ne spune c a reprezentat ncercarea omului de a concura cu zeii.
But what those Babylonians really did was to build the largest silo of translations
in the known world.
ns babilonienii au reuit s creeze astfel cel mai mare depozit de traduceri din
Yes, they were trying to reach the clouds.
Da, ncercau s ating norii.
But the tower was so tall and heavy with the weight of translations taht it collapsed
on top of them.
ns turnul a fost att de nalt nct s-a prbuit sub greutatea traducerilor.
The translators escaped and spread out al over the world in search of more effectve
Traductorii au evadat i s-au mprtiat prin lume cutnd instrumente mai bune.
For example, translators need good memory.

Moldovan Cristina Maria


De exemplu, traductorii avu nevoie de memorie bun.

The more they work, the greater the stock of translations others can learn from.
Cu ct lucreaz mai mult, cu att nvat alii mai mult din munca lor.
The Rossetta Stone dates back to the 2nd century.
Piatra din Rosetta dateaz din secolul al 2-lea.
With its three verssions of the same underlying texts, it's one of the finest
examples of a parallel corpus or translation memory.
Cu cele trei versiuni de text diferite ale sale, este un prim exemplu de memorie de
Give translators parallel data and they can move the world.
D-le traductorilor date n paralel i ei pot schimba lumea.
But they need proper training data.
ns au nevoie de un instructaj al datelor eficient.
In 9th century Bagdad, for example, Arabic was a new target language for a huge
job of translating scientific and medical content from Greek and Syriak.
n Bagdadul secolului 9, limba arab reprezenta limba int pentru texte tiinifice
i medicale n limba greac.
Caliph Al-Mamun built the House of Wisdom to train a translator base, establish
terminology and control translation quality.
Caliph Al-Mamum a construit Casa nelepciunii pentru a forma o baz de
traduceri, o terminologie i un control al calitii traducerilor.

Moldovan Cristina Maria


The right skills flourish best with proper infrastructure and good tools.
Infrastructura i instrumentele bune dezvolt abilitile.
After millenia of laborious copying, moveable print technology was introduced in
the 15th century.
n secolul 15 s-a introdus tehonologia printrii.
It killed off Latin and created the first multilungual publishing industry.
S-a terminat cu latina i s-a creat o industrie a editrii multilingve.
500 years before, block printing had been used in Asia, to print the Chinese version
of the Buddhist Tripitaka.
Printarea n mas s-a folosit cu 500 de ani n urm in Asia, pentru versiunea
chinez a Tripitaka.
In Europe, Luthers German translation of the Bible was one of the first great print
runs in history.
In Europa, traducerea Bibliei de ctre Luther a marcat nceputurile printrii.
But the explosion of knowledge through printed translation started worrying 17th
century Europeans.
ns tocmai aceast explozie a printului i-a ngrijorat pe europeni.
So many languages, but where's the truth?
Att de multe limbi, ns unde este adevrul?
John Wilkins, Leibniz and others tried to develop a single logical language, a
shared interlingua for scientific communication.

Moldovan Cristina Maria


John Wilknis, Leibniz i alii au dorit dezvoltarea unei limbi comune pentru
comunicarea tiinific.
But back in the real world, the translation workload kept growing...
ns n lumea real, traductorii erau tot mai ncrcai cu munca.
Dominant languages like Latin, Chinese or English tend to crush minority tongues.
Latina, chineza sau engleza dominau limbile minoritare.
Samaller language community constantly fight back and language wars are a fact
of life.
Dar comunitile mici opuneau rezisten i i aprau limba.
In the late 19th century Zamenhof invented esperanto, amash up auxiliary language
for peace and progress.
La sfritul secolului 19, Zamenhof a inventat limba esperanto pentru a stabili pace
i progres.
A noble dream, but languages are rooted in locale.
Un vis nobil, zdruncinat ns din rdcini.
Translators are always the sparehead of local responses to globalising ambitions.
Traductorii sunt liderii ambiiilor locale fa de avntul globalizarii.
But they needed better tools.
ns ei aveau nevoie de unelte mai bune.

Moldovan Cristina Maria


The electronic computer arrived in the 1950s, not just a number cruncher but a
symbol processor.
n 1950 apare i computerul, un procesor de simboluri.
It promised software solutions to almost every translation automation problem.
El promitea soluia pentru aproape orice problem de traducere automat.
Translators coould finally use machines to do the heavy lifting.
Traductorii puteau n sfrit s se foloseasca de tehnologie.
We now live in a new world of instant global communications.
Astzi trim intr-o lume nou, a comunicrii globale instante.
Translation is a daily necessity, and we can use innovative information technology
to leverage information data.
Traducerea este o necesitate zilnic i ne putem folosi de tehnologia informa iei
pentru a influena datele.
But first we must share, build and experiment together. TAUS is here to help build
a new Babel in the cloud, to ensure that business and society communicate better
and solve the language problems that confront us all.
Ins ntai trebuie s experimentm i s construim mpreun. TAUS este aici pentru
a crea noul babel i pentru a se asigura c societatea i afacerile comunic mai bine
i i rezolv problemele de limb.

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