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Un adverbio es una palabra que acompaa al verbo para modificar su

significado. Un adverbio tambin puede modificar a los adjetivos, a los
nombres o a otros adverbios.
She speaks quickly. (Ella habla rpido.)
En este ejemplo quickly es un adverbio de modo que modifica al verbo to
speak para expresar como habla ella.
Grammatical Rules (Reglas gramaticales)
1. La regla general para formar adverbios es aadir la terminacin -ly a un
adjetivo, que equivale a la terminacin en castellano de (-mente).
quick quickly (rpido rpidamente)
honest honestly (honrado honradamente)
2. Para los adjetivos que terminan en consonante -y, cambian la
terminacin -y por la de -ily.
easy easily (fcil fcilmente)
happy happily (alegre alegremente)
3. Adjetivos terminados en -ic se cambia la terminacin -ic por -ically.
automatic automatically (automtico automticamente)
tragic tragically (trgico trgicamente)
4. Adjetivos terminados en -le, se cambia la terminacin -le por -ly.
terrible terribly (terrible terriblemente)
incredible incredibly ( increble increblemente)
5. Algunos adverbios no terminan en -ly.
hard (difcil, duro o fuerte)
fast (rpido)
Function of Adverbs (La funcion de los adverbios)
Como hemos visto, los adjetivos nos dicen algo sobre un nombre (una persona,
una cosa, un lugar, etc.). Los adverbios por otro lado, nos dicen algo sobre el
modo de hacer una accin. Pueden modificar a los verbos, a los adjetivos o a
otros adverbios.
Miguel runs fast. (Miguel corre rpido
You speak loudly. (Hablas alto.)

He runs really fast. (l corre muy rpido.)

You speak very loudly. (Hablas muy alto.)

I am very happy. (Estoy muy contenta.)
She is really nice. (Ella es muy simptica.)

I really dont care.

He literally wrecked his car.
I am certain of the facts, for sure.
You simply dont understand.
I so want to go to the concert.
She completely rejected his proposal.
I heartily endorsed the new restaurant.
I so want that new toy.
He completely understands me.
I absolutely refuse to stay here any longer.
I sort of felt betrayed by you.
You can improve on this to some extent.
She kind of likes the movie.
The boss almost quit his job after that.
I somewhat understand what you are saying.
She mildly disapproved of his actions.
He lived in the north of Germany.
We decided to buy a car.
She went to the movie every month.
I laughed every time he cracked a joke.
It is kept where the students can read it.
She looked as if she were guilty.
He acts like he owns the place.
I went to bed after I finished my homework.
Please stay as long as possible.

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