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Sitting on perhaps the most fertile farmland in the central Empire, the Mootland

comprises portions of Averland and Stirland that were torn from their rule in a fit of
pique by Emperor Ludwig of the early 11th century and made into its own electoral
provinceruled by Halflings. The Moot is a land of gently rolling hills and grasslands
that slopes upward gradually until the land rises in the Greenleaf Hillsof the southeast,
where farmers raise many famous varieties of tobacco, such as Fogmaker Red, Aver
Prime Blend, and the notoriously strong Fumigator. Most of the country is open, with
scattered copses of oak, beech, elm, and willow along the riverbanks. The only two
forests of note are the Sleepy Wood and the mysteriousAlter Forest.
While the province is watered in its southern half by the Aver Reach, Blue Reach,
and Aver rivers, sufficient rainfall waters the land to guarantee regular and good
crops throughout the Moot. Mootland is divided into three major regions, four if you
listen to some Halflings. Southwest of the River Aver is Aver March, once a
prosperous barony of Averland. According to old tales, the Humans of Aver March
were forced to leave the area at the point of spear by the Emperors troops when
Ludwig gave it to the Halflings. To this day, visitors can see the ruined foundations of
old castles, their stones mostly carted off for new construction that the local Halflings
claimed were once Human settlements. While, it is true that some minor families of
Averland claim lordship over areas of the Aver March, few take them seriously. They
occasionally petition the Emperor to have their rights restored, but so far their
requests have been all filed and forgotten.
Three towns dominate Aver March; Sauerapfel on the west, Einsamholz in the
centre, and Dreiflussen at the southeast. Closer in culture to Averland than other
regions, large herds of sheep and goats are common here, while the western march
is famous for its apples. North of the rivers lies Auld Styrlande, an area of Mootland
which was once part of theGrand County of Stirland. It is an area in which farming
districts alternate with copses of wood and small fens, and is Mootlands fertile
breadbasket. Two roads access it, but neither traverses the whole of the region. The
Moot Road leaves Eicheschatten and heads west, where it joins the Old Dwarf
Road in Stirland at the town of Wrdern. The other is a short road that runs from the
settlements of Einsamholz to the town of Pfungzig in Averland. Neither could be
mistaken for a major road, and, indeed, most of the traffic is from farmers, herdsmen,
and traders going to sell their wares in one or another market. Inside the Mootland,
traffic travels on age-worn cart paths or cross-country.
The south-eastern region bounded by the loop of the Aver Reach to the north and
the border with Averland to the south is formally named The Duchy of the Fallow

Hills, a title given to it by an Averlander lord of the 11th century who could never get
anything worthwhile to grow there. Disgusted, he sold the region to the Halflings
soon after Ludwig created the Moot, reportedly muttering and good riddance at the
signing. The Halflings, however, knew good soil when they saw it and more
importantly, knew how to properly use it. Using seedlings from tobacco plants they
loved, but which grew poorly elsewhere, they planted fields of the crop along the river
and in the valleys, so much so that the area is simply known as Greenleafs today,
and provides a major cash crop for the Moot. The Mootland government is so
anxious to increase their share of the market that they sent traders on long trips
around the Empire to give out free samples, in the hope that happy customers will
want and pay for more.

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