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Polycycllc aromatic hydrocarbon

omissions from
fluidlzed bed combustion of coal
Mastrd, A. M. et al., Fuel, Dec. 1995,74, (12), 1762-1766.
The most volatile polycylic aromatic~hydrocarbo~ remaining in the flue
3 Iym
cycIoncs laced at the .a! of a guldlzed bed coal mo;bflye;
aasii cd by Fe e S VA-as pnortty pollutants wcrc tra
sgdi~flsor~~~n~ssoived m dmethylf ormamide and analy P by synchrospwtmwpy. The rcsuIts are discusped.
Polycycllc aromatic hydrocarbon
exposurs In coal
workers: The value of urinary 1-hydroxypyrene
excretion In the development
of occupational
hyglrne control
Quinh, R. et aL, A~IL Occup. Hyg., 1995, 39, (3), 329-346.
Describes how studies were carried out on coal ltquefaction workers to
determine relationships between work activities, exposure to polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons, and excretion of urinary 1-hydroxypyrene.
aromatlc hydrocarbona
In coal tar
pitches - their occurrence and detsrmlnatlon
Kubica, K. et al., Karbo-Energochem.-Ekol., 1995,40, (7). 187-190. @I
The paper discusses the problems of the presence of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in coal tar prtchcs.
growth and global CO, emlsslons. A
%I021 51
secular perspectlvo
KMW. T. and Mmkeriee. R. Enerm Policy, Jan. 1996, 24, (1). 31-37.
Considerable scientific-effort has bee; applied to the question of-whether
worldwide fossil fuel combustion and the resultant emission of CO, (as
well as emissions of other greenhouse ases) will cause a discernible
enhancement of the greenhouse. effect in f c next century. A more precise
understanding of the contribution of human activity to potential global
warming (vis-a-vis natural climatic variability) is of critical policy interest.
Surprisingly little research has been devoted to establishing the underlying
statistical relationship between human activities and CO, emissions.
Explores the nature of the relationship between global population growth
and CO, emissions by employing the test of causality developed by
Granger on annual data for 1980-1989 as well as more comprehensive
error-correction and cointcgration models.

S. et al.,

of underground

CO, sequostratlon


Energy Cowers. Mgmt., Jun.-Sep. 1995, 36, (a),

The pap& discusses the possibility of undergound CO, sequestration in

depleted oil and gas fields and aquifers which is being studied in Japan.
Prrdlctlng tuturr varlablllty of dissolved lnorganlc
carbon In thr ocean
Cole, K. et al., Energy Convers. Mgmt., Jun.-Sep. 1995,36, (6) 457460.
Estimates were made for the future uptake of excess CO, across the air/sea
interface. If CO, emissions continue to rise as predicted in a moderate
growth seena&surface ocean inorganic carbon concentrations could rise
as much as 4CKlumol kg (20%) over the next 300 years. Increases in CO,
uotake of thii maxnitu~e .mavhavc a sianificant -imoact on the surfa&
&an ecosystem. &hermore, these hidatmospher&
and surface ocean
concentrations of CO will significantly reduce the effectiveness of CO,
ocean storage, particu 1arly for shallow depth discharges.
Preparation of activated carbon for adsorptlon of
II. Actlvatlon wlth steam
Kitamwa, H. Shigen Kankyo Taisaku, 1995, 31, (11) 941-946. (In
carbon and carbonized coal were activated with N -H 0
mixed pas at 1173 K for 0.5-5.0 h. The rate of activation reaction C : HtO
CO + $ of the coconut shell carbon was larger than that of the carbon&d
coal. The rate of activation with H,O was larger than that with CO,
The presence of man-made radlonuclldee
In the
marine environment In the South of SDaln
Manjon, G. et al., J. Environ. RadioactiviG, 1995 28, (2), 171-189.
In this paper, levels of uCs, ?c, Pu-isotopes and Am in a wide group
of seaw&d species collected in the southern Spanish marine environment
are given. Atmospheric fallout seems to be responsible for the presence of
such radionuclides in the zone.
Process and apparatus for desulfurlzatlon
of flue
Yoko ama, K. et al., (Assigned to) Babcock Hitachi KK, JAP. Pat.
JP.0 736,454, May 1995.
%I02 157
Process and apparatus for treatment of lnclnerator
fly ashes
Hamaguchi, K. et al., (Assigned to) Nippon Kokan KK, JAP. Pat.
JP.O7,155,722, Jun 1995.

Environment (pollution, health protection, sefelyl

Pulsar - Commercially
viable, environmental
Energy Workf, Jan. 19%. (235). 6-8.
Jncreasing stringent environmental le * ation has meant the stark choice
for users of industrisl heavy fuel oil- t!?ed boilers of scrub
or switching - until now. Phillips Petroleum have developed a low 3s phur heavy
fuel oil, which has the added advantage of improving plant cost efficiency.
Cuestlons and dlscusslon durlng the meeting
%I021 59
AppJied Energy 1996, 53, (1). 211-225.
Questions and dtscussion by dele ates at the Combined Heat and Power in
Energy Strategy and Practice - Jt att Committee Report Number 29.
Radium-226 uptake by vegetation grown In Western Sudan
Sam. A. K. and Erikason A. J. Environ. Radbactivitx_. 1995. 29...,.(lb
A study of the uptake of =Ra by cultivated crop plants was carried out in
tmcontaminated regions of purely natural radioacttvity. Activity concentration of IbRa in soil and plant samples was measured. In farm soils
analysed, the total activity concentration ranged from 14.4-79.1 BqIkg and
the exchangeable fraction constituted 7.1-27.8% of the total radium
Re-actlvatlon characterlstlcs
of preserved anaeroblc granular sludges
Bae, B. U. et aL, Bioresource Technology, 1995, 53, (3). 231-235.
Re-activation characteristics of anaerobic granular sludges starved for 10
months were studied. Specific biomass actwities were monitored and both
scanning and transmission electron microscopies were used to investigate
the microbial and the moroholoeical chsnnes in aramdar sludtte durinn
storage. In order to invesiigate-the
sludges starved for 10 months, the recovery o
obs&ed in a reactor re-feeding test as well as in a serum bottle test.
Specifii biomass activity tests mdicated that the room temperature was
preferred to the r&i crated conditions in maintaining the methanogenic
activity. The specific %*lomass activity after 10 months of storage decreased
by more than 30% of the initial.
The relative role of trace gas emlsrlons In greenhouse abatement pollcles
Kandlikar, M. Energy Policy, Oct. 1995. 23, (10). 879-883.
Comurehensive abatement of preenhouse xases involves reducinrr the
emissions of all greenhouse g&s.. Comprehensive abatement strai$es
require indices to trade off between gases based on their relative contrtbutions to climate change and associated impacts. The paper presents the
results of an integrated approach to determining the relative role of diierent gases in the-greenhouse abatement policy. Scientific and economic
processes represented by realistic reduced form models are combined to
determine greenhouse as for methane, nitrous oxide and HCPC-22 using
CO. as the datum. T%e analvsis sue~ests that amenhouse ruts indices
dep&d critically on the choi& of d&urn rates,~unccrtainti~ in greenhouse gas lifetime, and the degree of non-linearity in climate change. Costs
of carbon abatement and uncertainities in &mate models sre less
Removing radlum from saline mine waters
Lebe.cka. J. and Chalupnik, S. Przegl. Gorn., 1995, 51, (4).
. , 38-43. (In
A review of the methods for the removal of Ra and Ba from coal mine
waters in Poland.
Research and development of ener y saving tech96102 154
nology for flue gas carbon dloxlde recovery an 8 steam system
In power plant
T. et al., Energy Convers. Mgmt., Jun.-Sep. 1995, 36, (a),
The Kansai Electric Power Comuanv and Mitsubishi Heaw Industries are
jointly working on the developmeut of CO, recovery t&hnology from
combustion flue gas by the chemical absorption method. Recently the
authors research and development work has been focused on the energy
saving technology of CO, recovery from flue gas. Among these energy
savinn technolouies. the test results of several new enerav saving solvents
and very low p&.&e loss packing are presented. Also, txe study-results of
an optimum steam system on the power station using the CO, recovery
process is presented.


storage and containment

of greenhouu

J. et al., Energy Convers. Mgmt., Jun.-Sep. 1995, 36, (6),

The pa& considers the injection of CO, into underground reservoirs.

Computer models are used to investigate the disposal of CO generated by
an 800 MW power station. A number of scenarios are cons1*dered, some of
which result in containment of the CO over very long time scales and
others result in the escape of the CO, aher a few hundred years.

Fuel and Energy Abstracts

Merch 1998


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