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Struktur geologi bawah permukaan sangat mempengaruhi bagi terjadinya

gerakan tanah yang kuat dari aktivitas seismik. Daerah penelitian terletak di pusat
depresi Yogyakarta. Daerah ini dihuni oleh populasi yang tumbuh dengan cepat
serta memiliki risiko gempa yang signifikan pada litologi penyusun
permukaannya yang berupa endapan vulkanik Merapi muda. Pada tanggal 27 Mei
2006, gempa Yogyakarta dengan kekuatan 6,3 Mw menyebabkan lebih dari 6,500
korban jiwa dan lebih dari 36,000 korban luka-luka, serta kerugian ekonomi yang
diperkirakan lebih dari tiga miliar dolar.
Penelitian ini difokuskan pada penentuan struktur bawah permukaan dan
karakteristik pergerakan tanah di bagian timur kota Yogyakarta, Indonesia melalui
pengamatan mikrotremor tunggal pada 274 situs dan data dari dua belas lubang
bor yang telah ada sebelumnya. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini ialah
metode Nakamura. Metode ini merupakan metode yang paling banyak digunakan
untuk mengevaluasi pengamatan di titik-titik pengambilan data mikrotremor
tunggal. Metode tersebut menghitung rasio H/V dari faktor amplifikasi spektral
serta menghitung periode dominan menggunakan nilai maksimum rata-rata rasio
H/V dan periode yang terukur pada nilai tersebut. Struktur kecepatan gelombang
geser (shear wave) yang digunakan dalam klasifikasi tanah bawah permukaan
geologi ditentukan dari SNI-1726-2012. Selain itu, gerakan tanah (ground motion)
juga dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode fungsi Green empiris (Empirical
Green F nction / EGF) untuk memahami gempa berskala menengah di daerah
depresi Yogyakarta. Metode ini berfungsi untuk mensimulasikan gerakan tanah
dengan menambahkan rekaman subevent untuk mengikuti source scaling dengan
penurunan tekanan yang berbeda dan model -2.
Program BIDO versi 2,0 yang digagas oleh I. Chopada tahun 2010
digunakan untuk mengetahui perbandingan H/V dari Transformasi Fourier Cepat
(Fast Fourier Transform / FFT). Selain itu, juga digunakan program EQSIM
untuk teknik EGF dalam simulasi gerakan tanah kuat berdasarkan struktur sesar
Opak dan data seismik yang terukur. Struktur kecepatan gelombang geser dan
informasi mengenai ketebalan sedimen dievaluasi berdasarkan data periode
dominan panjang dari pengamatan mikrotremor tunggal, data sumur bor, serta
hasil SPT. Analisis respon seismik dilakukan berdasarkan struktur kecepatan
gelombang-S, sifat endapan, data kedalaman, serta gerakan gempa pada batuan
Khusus bagi rasio spektral H/V (HVSR); peta dari periode dominan
pendek dan panjang, ketebalan sedimen, faktor amplifikasi, frekuensi dasar,
percepatan tanah maksimum (Peak Ground Acceleration / PGA), kecepatan tanah
maksimum (Peak Ground Velocity / PGV), intensitas seismik, indeks kerentanan


seismik, regangan geser efektif, serta bentuk 3-dimensi dari perkiraan struktur
bawah permukaan merupakan hasil utama dari penelitian ini. Pada akhirnya,
dilakukan perhitungan percepatan sintetik, kecepatan dan perpindahan dari urutan
waktu dengan frekuensi dari spektrum Fourier untuk memperkirakan gempa kuat
dalam jangkauan frekuensi yang luas berdasarkan model source scaling seismik
dan teknik EGF tersebut.
Faktor amplifikasi umumnya berkisar antara 0,70 hingga 5,56 menurut
hasil yang diperoleh dari analisis respon seismik. Hal ini menunjukkan dengan
jelas bahwa ketebalan sedimen lokal memiliki pengaruh besar pada karakteristik
amplifikasi. Periode dominan pendek umumnya berkisar antara 0,20 detik hingga
1,00 detik, sedangkan periode dominan panjang berkisar antara 0,20 detik hingga
4,00 detik. Zona amplifikasi tinggi ditentukan melalui distribusi periode dominan
panjang dari rasio H/V. Hasil yang diperoleh mengindikasikan bahwa nilai-nilai
PGA di lokasi penelitian bervariasi dari 140 gals hingga 380 gals. Nilai tersebut
lebih rendah dibandingkan nilai PGA maksimum yang tercantum pada SNI-17262012. Validasi atau pencocokan antara peta PGA yang dihasilkan dengan peta
bahaya seismik lainnya dan peta mikrozonasi seismik menunjukkan kesesuaian
satu sama lain. Nilai PGV dihitung berdasarkan kecepatan gelombang-S dan
berkisar antara 15 cm/s dan 24 cm/s, sedangkan MMI dari intensitas seismik
diperoleh dari diperoleh dari PGA yang terhitung dan memiliki nilai bervariasi
antara 6,0 - 8,0. Indeks kerentanan seismik yang dihasilkan bernilai antara 0,6
hingga 51,3; sedangkan nilai regangan geser efektif berkisar antara 3,0 x 10-4
sampai 2,5 x 10-2. Kedua nilai tersebut berkaitan erat dengan faktor amplifikasi
dan frekuensi alami.
Kata kunci: Gerakan tanah, Pengamatan mikrotremor tunggal, Rasio H/V,
Lubang bor, Kecepatan gelombang-S, Bagian timur kota


1.1 Background
Indonesia is composed of about 17,583 islands and home to 237 million
people (The Central Bureau of Statistics Republic Indonesia, 2010) with 58% of
the population living on the island of Java. It is the worlds most populous island
and the fourth largest population in the world. The islands lie on the edges of the
Pacific, Eurasian and Australian tectonic plates as well as the smaller Philippine
plate, making the site of recurrent seismic activity including earthquakes causing
displacement and destruction to the population of Indonesia. It has been well
known as one of the most seismically active countries in the world (Hall, 2009).
Java Trench, deeps submarine depression, in the eastern Indian Ocean that
extends some 2,000 miles (3,200 km) in a NW-SE arc along the southwestern and
southern Indonesian archipelago. It is located about 190 miles (305 km) off the
southwestern coasts of the islands of Sumatra and Java. Its slopes exceed 10 and
descend to a maximum depth of 6.75 km, the deepest point in the Indian Ocean. It
constitutes an extensive subduction zone, where the seafloor of the tectonic plate
to the west is being forced under the stable plate to the east. It is an active
volcanic and seismic zone (Hall, 2009) as shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 Geography of Indonesia and surrounding regions showing present-day

tectonic boundaries and volcanic activity (Hall, 2009)
Recent earthquake disasters in Indonesia, such as the 2006 Yogyakarta
(6.3 Mw, 5749 deaths) and the 2009 Padang (7.5 Mw, over 1100 deaths)
earthquakes, highlight the urgent need for measures to reduce earthquake
fatalities. Yogyakarta city has been seriously damaged by Yogyakarta earthquake
on 27th May 2006. The severity of past earthquake damage is considered to be
closely related to ground structure the vibration characteristics of the ground to
enable appropriate seismic design of structures and to devise effective earthquake
disaster prevention systems in the region (USGS, 2006).
Indonesia had been heavily affected by many major destructive
earthquakes: Aceh Earthquake, December 26th, 2004 (Mw 9.1) with large series of
aftershocks and lots of damages due to tsunami effects; Nias island Earthquake,
March 28th, 2005 (Mw 8.7); Yogyakarta Earthquake, May 27th, 2006 (Mw 6.3) and
Padang earthquake, September 30th, 2009 (Mw 7.5) which toppled buildings and
started many landslides, smashing homes and swallowing up entire villages
(USGS, 2013b) as shown in Figure 1.2 and Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 The destructive earthquakes and earthquake-tsunami from 1976 to 2012
in the Indonesian region (USGS, 2013b)
25-06-1976 4.6 S; 140.0 E

Affected Area
Jayapura, Papua



8.1 S;114.8 E







Nalca, Papua




4.5 S;139.9 E
11.1 S;118.4 E






8.2 S;116.1 E






7.7 S;108.3 E





4.6 S;139.3 E





4.5 S;139.0 E


West Java
Wamena, Papua




8.4 S;122.0 E







Liwa, Lampung




5.4 S;104.8 E
10.5 S;113.2 E






2.1 S;101.3 E


Kerinci, Jambi




0.9 S;137.2 E






4.7 S;102.1 E






3.3 N;95.85 E






2.1 N;97.1 E


Nias Island




8.1 S;110.5 E






4.4 S; 101.3 E


Southern Sumatra




0.7 S; 99.8 E






7.8 S; 107.2 E


Bandung, Java




3.5 S, 100.1 E






2.3 S; 93.0 E




0.7 S; 92.4 E


Off the west coast

of northern
Off the west coast
of northern


Figure 1.2 The destructive earthquakes and earthquake-tsunami from 1976 to 2012 in the Indonesian region (USGS, 2013b)

Earthquake-tsunami epicenter

Earthquake epicenter

1.2 Location of the Study Area

The Yogyakarta city, the capital of Yogyakarta Special Province, is
located at the southern part of the volcanic arc of Java Island. It is only about 30
km from the Merapi volcano to the north which reaches the elevation of 2911 m
above sea level and the most active volcano in Indonesia. It is about 40 km from
the coast of the Indian Ocean to the south. It is situated at the center of the
Yogyakarta Special Province and in the middle part of Yogyakarta depression.
This depression was actually a graben which was filled by Merapi laharic flows. It
can be defined as NE-SW elongated depression zone and spans for 20 km wide
and 40 km length from the Yogyakarta city to the Indian Ocean. It is initiated by
extrusions of two major volcanic centers; Kulon Progo Mountains and Southern
Mountains, during Cenozoic and was formed as a volcano-tectonic depression
since Oligo-Miocene or earlier (Karnawati et al., 2006).
The Yogyakarta Special Province has four major regencies and
Yogyakarta city which is located between Latitude 7 45 S - 7 50 S and
Longitude 110 20 E - 110 29 E as shown in Figure 1.3. The area of the city of
Yogyakarta is 32.5 square kilometres (12.5 square miles). The study area, eastern
of the Yogyakarta city, northern part of Bantul regency and southern part of
Sleman regency, is about 72 square kilometers.


Figure 1.3 Location map of the research area of Yogyakarta

1.3 Problem Statements
Yogyakarta region is a rapidly growing population center, subject to
significant seismic risk that occupies the Yogyakarta depression with young
volcanic deposits of Merapi volcano (Quaternary succession). Based on the
population census conducted in the year 2010, the population of the city has
reached the numbers of 388,088 with the growth rate of -0.39 % at the city.
Population density at the same year was 12,206.5/km2 at the city (Government of
Yogyakarta Special Region, 2010). Apparently, the geological characteristics
and the high population of the city cause quite serious problems of geo-hazards
and environmental degradations. Yogyakarta Special Province is one of the
second smallest provinces in Indonesia where has about 3,200 square-kilometers.
At 5:54 am local time on May 27th 2006 the province of Yogyakarta was
hit by an earthquake of a 6.3 magnitude on the Richter scale. The epicenter was
located at 8.007S and 110.286E, with focal depth of 10 km and epicentral
distance 28 km from Yogyakarta city (USGS, 2006). The area experienced two

aftershocks between four and six hours later, of a 4.8 and 4.6 magnitude,
respectively. Subsequently, about 750 aftershocks have been reported, with the
largest intensity recorded at 5.2. The earthquake had devastating consequences on
the population: close to 5800 deaths and 36,000 injured were reported, while 1.5
million people were left homeless following the destruction of 135,000 houses
(Gatignon et al., 2010).
Four districts in the Yogyakarta province (Sleman, Bantul, Gunung and
Kulon Progo) and the central Java province (Magelang, Boyolali, Klaten and
Purworejo) were affected. The earthquake reduced hundreds of buildings to
rubble, disrupted essential services and damaged roads and airport runways. The
high population density living in close proximity to the epicenter explains these
high numbers. In addition, the volcano Merapi, close to the epicenter, increased
activity following the earthquake.
The Yogyakarta region is also mainly built on the unconsolidated deposits
which tend to amplify the earthquake motion in a wide range of periods that
envelopes the response periods of a wide range of structures and infrastructure
systems. Both traditional and modern designed structures had been destroyed
hard. The traditional houses are normally built of brick or stone masonry, with
few in concrete block masonry walls, supporting a timber roof with tiles. The
foundations are commonly stone rubble. Either severe damage or partial to total
collapse although many engineered structures and modern reinforced concrete
structures were suffered (Elnashai, 2006).

1.4 Purpose of the Study

The main objective of the present study is to evaluate the ground motion in
the research area in the following three categories:
1. To estimate the seismic microzonation based on the short and long
predominant periods, amplification factors and resonant frequency of Fast
Fourier Transform (FFT) of the H/V spectral ratio at all single microtremor
2. To evaluate the sediment thickness of the soft soil layers overlying on the
bedrock based on the estimated shear wave velocity structures from
existing bore holes and microtremors and to determine the site effects for
prediction of earthquakes during future earthquakes,
3. To analyze the seismic motion by utilizing peak ground acceleration (PGA),
peak ground velocity (PGV), MMI seismic intensities, the seismic
vulnerability index (Kg) and effective shear strain () and calibrated with
their sustain and distributions.
1.5 Authenticity and Originality of the Research
The 2006, Yogyakarta earthquake was the most destructive earthquake in
central Java, Indonesia, with the widest zone of influence and the most serious
disaster-induced losses since 1840. Many researchers contributed various
investigations from different point of view in Yogyakarta area, especially in
Yogyakarta City after damage earthquake.
Karnawati et al. (2008) investigated earthquake microzonation and hazard
maps in Bantul area based on ground amplification, groundwater table position,

epicentral distance, suspected active fault distribution and peak ground

Fathani et al. (2008) determined the peak ground acceleration, PGA, based
on scenarios (BMKG and USGS), code of SNI-1726-2002, empirical attenuation
relationships, the results from standard penetration test, laboratory tests and
microtremor survey. They estimated maximum PGA of 300 gals to 400 gals for in
Bantul area.
Kawase et al. (2008) also evaluated the strong motion levels of this
earthquake based on microtremor survey, the structural damage survey, and
attenuation relationship in Bantul area. They estimated strong motion levels 300400 gals and the peak ground acceleration for some locations in the hard soil areas
are approximately 200 gals, and 300-350 gals at the sites in soft sediment areas.
The Department of Geological Engineering (Faculty of Engineering,
Universitas Gadjah Mada) and the Badan Geologi (Department of Energy and
Mineral Resources) (2008) conducted the seismic microzonation in the western
part of Yogyakarta city and Yogyakarta city area by using the single microtremor
measurements and some boreholes sites. It is significantly noted that they
developed the predominant periods map, the amplification map and the resonant
frequency map at that area.
Thant (2009) performed his PhD dissertation to delineate the strong
ground motion which can be expected from the future earthquake potentials in
Yogyakarta depression area by using the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis
(PSHA). He conducted for the value of PSHA based on fault specific sources and
areal sources. Moreover, he established the (probabilistic) peak ground

acceleration maps for the recurrence interval for Yogyakarta depression area. He
determined 750-800 gals for fault sources and 600 gals for areal sources of the
peak ground acceleration maps for 500 years recurrence interval. Besides, for the
Source Model 1 which included the areal sources and fault sources, the highest
PGA value was expected 750 gals for 500 year recurrence interval for both
cases of calculating with and without taking into account the soil. For Source
Model 2 which also included the areal sources and fault sources, both the seismic
hazard zones distribution pattern and the highest probabilistic PGA values are
different. The highest PGA value was predicted without soil condition is about
750 gals in Yogyakarta depression area.
Naing (2010) mainly focused the site specific seismic analysis on
amplification and ground motion characteristics based on geological information
derived from several bore-holes and wide-spread exploration of microtremors
survey conducted in the southern Yogyakarta depression area. He also contributed
his PhD research dissertation by PGA map, PGD map, amplification map and map
of predominant period derived from synthetic waves of 2006 Yogyakarta
earthquake, through equivalent linear analysis. The PGA values derived from
selected earthquake motion shows 180 gals to 520 gals and derived from synthetic
motion displays 140 gals to 420 gals.
Djumarma et al. (2010) studied the seismic microzonation using
microtremor concerning the safeguard from the earthquake hazards to the world
heritage of Prambanan Temple. They contributed the unconsolidated sediments
which is about 40 m thick overlain at the upper part of consolidated sediments.
Their results of H/V amplification are 3 to 6. Moreover, they explained the


paleomorphology as the boundary of the unconsolidated and consolidated

sediment controlled by the structural geology pattern of that area.
Saadi et al. (2013) applied the microtremor HVSR method for seismic
microzonation procedure to analysis the site effect around Prambanan Temple,
Yogyakarta. They showed the distribution of frequencies ranging from 1 to 18 Hz
where the predominant frequencies are relatively uniform. They presented the
amplification factor of HVSR spectrum in investigation sites varying from 1 to 7.
Besides, they calculated the distribution of seismic vulnerability index ranging
from 0 to 75.
Gunawan (2013) descripted the spatial analysis to predict conservation
heritages damage of Imogiri Graves by using microtremor measurements. He
calculated Peak Ground Acceleration analysis (PGA) and seismic susceptibility
index (Kg) at the sites based on the HVSR ratio. PGA values at sites which based
on data modeling vary from 129 to 174 gals. Based on the analysis of seismic
vulnerability index (Kg), condition of the area in general of Imogiri Tomb
complex is at low risk for severely affected directly due to earthquake disaster
(less than 20).
The present research prime focuses on the strong ground motion based on
H/V spectral ratio from the single microtremor characteristics, geological
information derived from the twelve secondary boring sites and the synthetic
ground motion addressed from Empirical Greens Function (EGF) technique
based on the Mw 6.3 of the Yogyakarta earthquake and the Opak River Fault. The
analysis of subsurface soil structure (sediment thickness, depth of the engineering
bedrock, S-wave velocity structure) from the boreholes data to the single


microtremor results based on observed H/V ratios especially short and long
predominant periods in the study area. The short predominant period map, the
long predominant period map, the amplification map, the frequency map, the
seismic vulnerability index, the effective shear strain derived from H/V spectral
ratio of the single microtremor observation, the PGA map from empirical
prediction of peak ground acceleration and the synthetic wave-form for
acceleration (cm/s2) from the Empirical Greens Function (EGF) technique are
significant contributions of this research.
1.6 Research Limitations
In this research, there are some limitations. The studied area limitation
where both of the western part of Yogyakarta city and the southern part of
Yogyakarta city, especially Bantul area, are already analyzed by using the
microtremor observations. The Yogyakarta international airport is also blocked
from the eastern side of research area. Therefore, the single microtremor
observations were carried out the eastern part of Yogyakarta city along trending
north-south and east-west of the study area. In here, the BIDO software was used
to run HVSR ratio to confirm and valid for the results. This HVSR method is now
widely used for microtremor observation although it lacks a clear theoretical
Moreover, the twelve boreholes are belonged to the Geological
Engineering Department and Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Gadjah
Mada, Indonesia. The number of boring sites and their distribution is not adequate
to cover the whole of Yogyakarta city. The distribution of the boreholes is
uneven. There are no boreholes in the east and southeast of the studied area. They


were drilled about 30-40 m only which did not reach the actual bedrock. It is
found that some boreholes are a little bit difficult to get the estimated bedrock
because there are only soft soils. Besides, there is no the deep drilling stations in
studied area to estimate the real basement. Therefore, it was taken the estimation
bedrock to calculate the S-wave velocity by the existing drilling sites.
1.7 Research Outcomes
The following results are outcomes and major contribution of this research
restricted in the studied area:
1. The Fourier spectrum of the H/V spectral ratio (HVSR) of the single
microtremor observations,
2. The maps of the short and long predominant periods or seismic
3. The map of the sediment thickness based on the long predominant
periods and S-wave velocity,
4. The maps of the amplification factors and fundamental frequency,
5. The maps of the peak ground acceleration (PGA), the peak ground
velocity (PGV), the seismic vulnerability index and the effective shear
6. The maps of the shear wave velocity and seismic intensity,
7. The synthetic acceleration, velocity, displacement time histories
derived from EGF technique based on the Opak River Fault and the
Mw 6.3 of Yogyakarta earthquake for the future ground motion.


1.8 Dissertation Structure

There are six chapters in this dissertation structure. Chapter 1,
introduction, contains background, location of the study area, problem statements,
purpose of the study and expected outcomes. The literature reviews and
theoretical background are described in Chapter 2 which includes general geology
of the research area, past earthquake events around Yogyakarta area, Greens
Function technique and hypothesis. The research methodology is continued in
Chapter 3 which contains research materials, research variables, research devices,
method of study, site investigation and Empirical Greens Function methods.
Chapter 4 will put forward all results data and Chapter 5 will includes about
mainly the analysis and discussion of this research. This dissertation will be ended
in conclusion and suggestion as Chapter 6. Finally, both of the references and the
appendices are holding the last part of this dissertation.


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