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(G VI)



Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim ..
Alhamdulillahhirobbil'alamiin. Praise the author turning to the presence of Almighty God who has bestowed His grace and guidance
to the author, so I can complete the task this paper.

This paper the authors collated after searching for relevant data from various sources. This paper was made to fulfill the task
of Lecturers course Educational Management Theory basis, Mr Dr. H. Djoehana Setyamidjaja, M.Pd also to inform new insights to
our coworkers.

There is no ivory that is not cracked, so did the authors were just ordinary people who try to give the best thing a writer can. Criticism
and constructive suggestions very authors expect that the authors can be better in the future.

Highest appreciation authors convey to all those who assisted in the preparation of this paper assignment, may be good deeds and get
the reward from God Almighty. Aamiin.

This paper is basically a summary of results from various sources were adequate regarding Execution Comparison KBK, SBC and
Curriculum 2013. Hopefully this paper can be useful for the reader.


January 2014



word Pengantar........................................................................................................................ .ii

List Isi....................................................................................................................... .iii

1.1 Background Masalah....................................................................................................................................... .1
1.2 Problem Formulation ............................................... ......................... 2
1.3 Objective Discussion ............................................... ......................... 2


2.1 Definition of curriculum............................................... ................... 3

2.2 Basic Concepts KBK................................................................................................................................... .3
2.3 Basic Concepts of SBC .............................................. ...................... 4
2.4 Basic Concepts of Curriculum 2013............................................. ....... 5


3.1 Competency-Based Curriculum.............................................. ... 7
3.2 Curriculum unitPendidikan................................................................................................................................... .8
3.3 Implementation of the CBC, SBC and Curriculum 2013 .......................... 8
3.4 Comparative Analysis of Curriculum.............................................. . 9


4.1 Conclusion................................................ .................................. 12
4.2 Saran................................................................................................................................. .13

List Pustaka ..................................................................................................................................... 14


1.1. Background
The education process in learning activities or in the classroom, will be running smoothly, enabling, interactive, and so forth, if based
on the basic curriculum is good and right.Education can be run properly when the curriculum becomes the main support in the
learning process. The curriculum contains many constructive elements that performing optimal learning.Some experts curriculum
found in the heart of education is the curriculum. Good and poor educational outcomes are determined by the curriculum.
In the history of education in Indonesia has several times been modified and improved curriculum goal is of course to adapt them to
the development and progress of time. The closest that a change of kurukulum based (KBK) into educational unit level curriculum

(SBC), then switch again to curriculum 2013. Apart from whatever cause whether it was due to political issues, changes in
leadership / minister or because it is deemed to be a definite change its contents have changed. Well, as a minimum academic us
analyze the nature of the curriculum.So we know what and how the CBC, Kpts and the 2013 curriculum.
By knowing the nature of both the comparative analysis we can do. Comparative Analysis of CBC, SBC and Curriculum 2013 views
of shared viewpoints. At least with the comparative analysis, we can know the what the cause that must be held true change in the
curriculum is relevant or not, right or not such changes. With appropriate curriculum and appropriate, it can be expected educational
goals and objectives will be achieved to the fullest

1.2. Problem Formulation

Based on the background that has been described, the formulation of the problem is:
a. How is the basic concept of the CBC?
b. How is the basic concept of the SBC?
c. How is the basic concept of Curriculum 2013?
d. How do you compare CBC, SBC and Curriculum 2013?

1.3. Objective Discussion

The purpose of the discussion of this paper are:
1. To know the basic concepts of the CBC;
2. To know the basic concepts of SBC;
3. To know the basic concepts of Curriculum 2013;
4. To compare the CBC, the curriculum and the curriculum in 2013.


2.1. understanding Curriculum

Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA [1] says that the curriculum is at the core of an education. While Ronald C. Doll [2] explains that the
curriculum is the overall experience offered to children of students under the direction and guidance of the school.
Law No. 2 Year 1989 on National Education System in chapter 1 Item 9 UUSPN states that the curriculum is a set of plans and
arrangements regarding the content and learning materials as well as the means used to guide teaching and learning activities. The

formulation of this curriculum mengandungmakna that includes curriculum plan, content, and materials and ways of teaching and
learning activities. [3]

2.2. Basic Concepts of Competency-Based Curriculum

Competency-based education emphasizes the ability to be possessed by graduates of a given education level. Competence is often
called a competency standard is the general ability of graduates to be mastered. Competence according to Hall and Jones are
"statements that describe the appearance of a certain ability unanimously which is a blend of knowledge and capabilities that can be
observed and measured."
Competence (ability) graduate is the main capital to compete on a global level, because of the competition that occurs is the human
resource capacity. Therefore. the implementation of competency-based education is expected to produce graduates who are able to
compete at a global level. Implications of competency-based education is the development of syllabi and competency-based
assessment system.
The paradigm of competency-based education that includes curriculum, learning and assessment, emphasizing the achievement of
learning outcomes in accordance with the standards of competence. The curriculum contains teaching materials provided to students /
students through the learning process. The learning process is implemented using the principles of learning development that includes
material selection, strategy, media, assessment, and source or learning materials. The success rate of learning achieved by students /

students can be seen in the ability of the student / students in completing the tasks that must be controlled in accordance with the
standards of a particular procedure.
In the era of autonomy, as now the curriculum in force in national, not a "fixed price" that must be accepted and implemented as is,
but can still be developed in accordance with the circumstances and conditions in the field, as long as not to deviate from the
principal that has been outlined in, national. In this case the teacher / lecturer is curriculum developers who are, in a decisive and
strategic position.
Standards of competence is defined as roundness knowledge, keterampilari, attitudes, and achieved the expected level of mastery in
studying a subject. Scope of the standard of competence standard content (content standards) and appearance standards (performance
standards). [4]

2.3. Basic Concepts Unit Level Curriculum

Educational unit level curriculum (SBC) is the curriculum in Indonesia which enhance competency-based curriculum (KBK). In the
National Education Standards (SNP chapter 1, verse 15) explained that the SBC is operational curriculum formulated and
implemented by each educational unit. [5]
Preparation of SBC conducted by educational units by watching and by the standards of competence and basic competence developed
by the National Competency Standards and basic competence (BSNP). [6]

SBC is one form of realization of the decentralization policy in the field of education to the curriculum really fit with the needs of the
development potential of learners at the school in question in the present and the future taking into account the interests of local,
national and global demand with the spirit of school-based management (SBM ).

2.4. Basic Concepts of Curriculum 2013

In the new academic year 2013/2014 the government sets the enactment of a new curriculum that Curriculum 2013 replaces
SBC. Curriculum 2013 is part of the continuing development of the CBC which were initiated in 2004 to include competency
attitudes, knowledge, and skills in an integrated manner, as mandated by Law 20 of 2003 on National Education System in the
explanation of Article 35, where the competence of graduates qualified in the ability of graduates includes attitudes, knowledge, and
skills in accordance with agreed national standards (Education, 2012).
2013 curriculum also focuses on simplification, thematic-integrative refers to the curriculum in 2006 (SBC). where there are some
problems among them;

curriculum content is still too dense, this is indicated by the number of subjects and a lot of material that the extent and level

of distress beyond the level of development of the child's age;


competency-based are not yet fully in accordance with the demands of the functions and objectives of national education;


competency domains holistically not describe attitudes, skills, and knowledge; some competencies required in accordance

with the development needs (eg character education, active learning methodology, the balance of soft skills and hard skills,
entrepreneurship) have not been accommodated in the curriculum;

yet sensitive and responsive to social change at the local, national, or global;


standard not describe the learning process of learning the detailed sequence of opening up the possibility that diverse

interpretations and culminate in a teacher-centered learning;


assessment standards yet to lead to a competency-based assessment (process and results) and not explicitly demand a

remediation periodically; and


SBC requires more detailed curriculum documents so as not to cause multiple interpretations. In these reasons there is a factor

the competence of the future, where the graduate should be able to communicate, to think clearly and critically, is able to consider the
moral aspects of a problem.
Here we can see that the graduates were born of this character-based curriculum implementation can be a great graduates and able to
compete internationally if the curriculum is well run and right by all parties concerned.


3.1. Competency-Based Curriculum

The curriculum is the ideal curriculum relevant to the needs of society, effectively meaning it produces graduates as planned, efficient
in the sense of achieving the objectives that have been planned with the use of human resources, time, thought, and small amounts of
funds, as well as flexible in the sense of easily customizable to follow the changing needs of society.
Competency-based curriculum (KBK) was born as the implications of Law No. 22 of 1999 concerning Local Government and
Government Regulation No. 25 of 2000 regarding Government Authority and Provincial Authority as Autonomous Region. With the
Act, the policy changes of the educational management is centralized to decentralized. The policy change of course has implications
for curriculum improvement. Through the curriculum in 2004, the area was given the freedom to develop education in the region
based on the characteristics of the area.
CBC also born as a response to the problems facing the world of education in Indonesia. CBC took effect gradually 2004-2005
school year; at the basic education level, and secondary. [7] The development of the CBC as a guide and educational tool is based on
three basic principles, namely, the principle of philosophical (with respect to the value system applicable), the principle of the
psychological (related to psychological aspects and the development of learners), principle sociological and technological.

3.2. Curriculum Education Unit

SBC consists of educational objectives educational unit level, structure and content of education level curriculum, educational
calendar and syllabus. Syllabus is a lesson plan on a and / or groups of subjects / specific theme which include standards of
competence, basic competence, subject matter / learning, learning activities, indicators, assessment, allocation of time and resources /
materials / learning tool.
SBC has some foundation, the foundation is:
a. Law No.20 of 2003 on National Education System
b. PP No. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards
c. Permendiknas 22/2006 on the Content Standards
d. Permendiknas 23/2006 on Graduates Competency Standards
e. Permendiknas 24/2006 on the implementation Permendiknas 22 and 23 of 2006

Generally the purpose of implementation of the curriculum is to empower education unit's independence and through the granting of
authority (autonomy) to educational institutions.SBC provides the opportunity for schools to participate actively in the development
of the curriculum.

3.3. Implementation of the CBC, SBC and Curriculum 2013

In 2004 the government began to implement the new curriculum, namely the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) replaces the
1994 curriculum are evaluated as not relevant to the development and the demands of the times. Within two years, the CBC and
socialization penilainnya system is not enough.Confusion and uncertainty still felt by the teachers looked on CBC and Assessment
System. This situation is getting "worse" with the enactment of the Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) by the government
through the Ministerial Regulation No. 22 and 23 of 2006.
Thus the actual SBC CBC has been established by the 2004 curriculum, just has undergone improvements with the aim of
weaknesses and deficiencies contained in the CBC can be overcome, both in its planning, implementation, and evaluasi.KTSP
simpler and gives teachers the flexibility to improvise in practice teaching and learning. Vision SBC still emphasizes students'
competencies tailored to the needs of a particular area or school.
In 2013 curriculum changes back into the Curriculum 2013, which has now been applied to several schools. The author himself is a
third grade teacher elementary school and have not received training on this curriculum.
The strategy consists of Implementation of Curriculum 2013.

1. The implementation of the curriculum in all schools and levels of education, namely:

July 2013: Class I, IV, VII, and X

July 2014: Class I, II, IV, V, VII, VIII, X, and XI

July 2015: class I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, and XII

2. Training of Teachers and Education Personnel, from the year 2013-2015

3. Development of student books and teacher handbooks of the year 2012-2014
4. Development of management, leadership, administrative systems, and the development of school culture (culture of teachers),
especially for high school and vocational school, starting from January - December 2013
5. Assistance in the form of Monitoring and Evaluation to find the difficulties and problems of implementation and prevention efforts:
Juli 2013-2016

3.4. Comparative Analysis Curriculum

In the history of education in Indonesia, the implementation of the curriculum and the process of change is very rapid. It was as
if, all of them have to follow what is desired authorities. When it is not desired then discarded and replaced with new ones. This of

course adds to the complexity of the implementation of education. Finally, the victims are the people and children who are being
Substitution ongoing curriculum, 2004 curriculum called Competency Based Curriculum (KBK) still whole corn suddenly turned
into the so-called 2006 Curriculum Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC). The author himself has not been so long engaged in
education, new almost stepped on the fourth year, therefore it is not a lot of experience are qualified to write CBC comparison, SBC
and Curriculum 2013.
I never experienced a period of learning on CBC, but from some of the experiences of their colleagues writer, the writer can draw
a little understanding, that the CBC focuses on mastery of learners will be the subject matter. Teachers will continue to strive to make
the entire participant students understand the material that he gave, so the weakness that shows up is the completion of all of the
material that should be given. Thus the teacher will have a material debt, because he had to wait until all children understand. While
learning in the curriculum is focused on the delivery completeness teaching materials, so they can make some students who struggle
to digest the lessons left behind.
Then other differences are on the subject, when the CBC and SBC, subjects such as stand-alone, while the latest curriculum
already terintegratif and tied to core competencies.For more details can be seen from the table below:

curriculum 2013



Competency standards derived

from Content Standards

Competency standards derived

from the needs


Content Standards are formulated


Content Standards of Competency

based on course objectives

Standards Graduates derived through

(competency standards subjects) are

the core competencies that are free of

broken down into Competence


Standard and Basic Competence


The separation between subjects

forming attitudes, shaper skills and


knowledge shaper

the formation of attitudes, skills and


Competence derived from subjects


Subjects separated from one

All subjects should contribute to


another, such as a collection of separate




Subjects derived from the

All subjects are bound by core

competencies (each class)

Table 3.2.

Comparison of Essential Curriculum


curriculum 2013


SKL (Graduate Competency Standards) is determined in

Content Standards determined in advance through

advance, through Permendikbud No. 54 of 2013. After that

Permendiknas No. 22 of 2006. Once it was

determined the Content Standards, which bebentuk

determined SKL (Graduate Competency Standards)

Curriculum Framework, as outlined in Permendikbud No

through Ministerial Regulation No. 23 of 2006

67, 68, 69, and 70 in 2013


Aspects of graduate competence there is a balance of soft

more emphasis on the knowledge

skills and hard skills, covering the aspects of competence

attitudes, skills and knowledge

in Integrated Thematic elementary class I-VI

in Integrated Thematic elementary class I-III

The number of teaching hours per week more and the

Total hours of lessons a little more and the number of

number of subjects less than SBC

subjects more than the Curriculum 2013

The process of learning each theme in elementary and all

Standards in the learning process consists of

subjects in SMP / SMA / SMK done with a scientific

exploration, elaboration, and Confirmation

approach (saintific approach), which is the standard in the

learning process consists of watching, ask, Rework,
Presenting, Summed, and Creating.

ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is not

ICT as a subject

as subjects, but as a medium of learning


Standard assessment using authentic assessment, which

Assessment is more dominant in the aspect of

measures the attitudes of all competencies, skills and


knowledge based on the process and results.


Scouting became mandatory ekstrakuler

Scouting is not mandatory extracurricular

Pemintan (majors) start class X for SMA / MA

Majors start class XI


BK more emphasis on developing students' potential

BK more on solving problems of students


4.1. Conclusion
From the explanation in this paper, it can be concluded:

Competency-Based Curriculum is a concept of a curriculum that emphasizes the development of the ability to perform tasks

with the competence of a particular performance, so the results can be felt by students, such as mastery of a particular set of

competencies.Competence is essentially a blend of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes are reflected in the habit of thinking and

SBC is one form of realization of the decentralization policy in the field of education to the curriculum really fit with the needs

of the development potential of learners at the school in question in the present and the future taking into account the interests of
local, national and global demand with the spirit of school-based management (SBM ).

Curriculum 2013 is part of the continuing development of the CBC which were initiated in 2004 to include competency

attitudes, knowledge, and skills in an integrated manner, as mandated by Law 20 of 2003 on National Education System in the
explanation of Article 35, where the competence of graduates qualified in the ability of graduates includes attitudes, knowledge, and
skills in accordance with national standards that have been agreed.
The curriculum now is a refinement of the previous curriculum, therefore Based on the author's experience is still green, every
curriculum certainly has advantages and disadvantages of each, of course, there will never be perfect, because the government
continues its efforts to improve education in Indonesia through innovation -inovasi, curriculum changes along with the change of
education minister.

4.2. Suggestion
Basically, all the curriculum is the same, the government's efforts in improving the quality of education is precisely to cause
confusion, difficult and complicated because of the lack of socialization and training of teachers.Competency-Based Curriculum has
not been entirely successful already changed into the curriculum Education Unit, curriculum is not a long walk has been replaced
with the curriculum in 2013.
Nothing is perfect, although the curriculum is constantly changing, the author can draw the conclusion that the achievement of
the objectives of education is not only the task of the government, but it is the duty of all of us, teachers, students, community. The
curriculum now we should learn and execute well.


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Doll, Ronald C. Curriculum Improvement, Decision Making and Process (Boston:
Alyyn and bacon, 1964)
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(Bandung: Rosda work, 2006)
Rosyada, Dede. Paradigm Democratic Education, A Model of Engagement
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[1] Dede Rosyada, Democratic Education Paradigm, An Engagement Model masyaraat

the Delivery of Education (Jakarta: Prenada Media, 2004), hlmn. 26
[2] Ronald C. Doll, Curriculum Improvement, Decision Making and Process (Boston: Alyyn
and bacon, 1964), hlmn. 15
[3] Lise Chamistijatin, et al, SD Curriculum Development(Directorate General Education
High, MOE, 2009), hlmn. 1-6

[5] Dian Sukmara, Implementation of life skills in thecurriculum. (Bandung: Mugni prosperous 2007),
hlmn. 21

[6] Vienna Sanjaya, curriculum and learning. (Jakarta:Kencana, 2010), hlmn. 128

[7] E. Mulyasa. Implementation of the 2004 curriculum learning guides CBC. (Bandung: Rosda
works 2006), hlmn. 3

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