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America is self-destructing...

and we are responsible

America has been on this path for several generations and WE are the generation that has to put
our foot down and stop it. WE have limited time America... WE have waited until the ninth
For historians, you can see that we are following a similar if not exact path as Nazi Germany
You have to understand that this is a Propaganda War as much as anything... A war for the hearts
and minds of the American people that have been so totally brainwashed that they are not able to
discern truth from fiction. That is why we need to be patient and learn enough ourselves in order
to teach others... We have to wake up ourselves first!!! Then others but if we cannot wake up
enough people, if we cannot open the hearts and minds of our fellow Americans regardless of
creed, or race, or religion or belief then we as a nation, the greatest nation that is now under
attack and is on the precipice of utter destruction we will indeed be no more. We will no
longer be that shining light we will have fallen. So far we have been going down without any
effort by the elitists and the Lawyer-Guild criminals it is that that we took on the responsibility
We can no longer live in a bubble of denial, we can no longer claim to be number one, we can no
longer claim to be the best because we are not. Our fathers and Mothers sat complacent while
this evil and criminal activity slowly and with their awareness took over the government.
What do I speak of? The criminal group called the Lawyers Guild!!! The ABA, the IBA each and
every State operated Lawyers Guild all under the BAR: British Accreditation Registry.
It is the attorneys that run your cities, they run your counties, they run your states and they run
youre Federal Government They protect the bankers and financial institutions when they steal
your labor, your land and your house.
They are the ones that lie and falsify information to support their wholesale murder of ranchers,
our black brothers (in order to create a race war); their Statutory Judges abuse the people and
throw them in the lawyers guild owned for profit their profit; they control the media and
protect the media from having to put out the truth; they are the only group that you have to pay
even when they are incompetent and they betray you to the courts in fact they turned the so
called independent Grand Jury into nothing more than another tool against the people,,, a
Puppet Grand Jury that is no longer independent and does not shield the people from the overreach of the corrupt governments from city to Federal.
A common law peoples Grand Jury as given to us by the Magna Carta, the Fifth Amendment and
states that the Peoples Common Law Grand Jury is an independent fourth branch of government.
One that protects the people, one that is not controlled by the other branches, and one that is
totally independent and is not controlled as is by the Statutory Judges and the Lawyers. A true
Common Law Grand Jury must have Sovereign people that are not 14th amendment corporate

citizens. This is what we are working for to bring back the true Peoples Common Law Grand
Juries, to take responsibility for what is happening and take action to correct it.
For to long the people of America have been silent as the Lawyers Guild created statutes and
codes that steal the wealth of our nation, that steals the labor and land of the people, that enslaves
by contract. The BLM and the FBI and the DHS and CIA are all unconstitutional entities to the
Original Organic Constitution for the United States of America a union of sovereign Nation
States. Each State has been hijacked as well and turned into a quasi-operational corporation.
Statutes and codes that have no backing of law have been imposed upon us because we let
them do it. So it is time that we take action and turn of the TV and put away the X-box Stop
your subscription with any media paper that does not tell the truth or supports the destruction of
your state or county. Start your own local newspaper if you have to.
Take your children out of the brainwashing and propaganda Government schools
and teach them real civics and real math, etc Join together with other families in
order to home school refuse to be isolated, join together as a family and as a

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