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IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering | Volume 2 | Issue 10 | April 2016

ISSN (online): 2349-784X

Secured Data Transmission Method for Van

Ayana santhosh
UG Scholar
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Christian College of Engineering & Technology
Oddanchatram, Dindigul, Tamilnadu-624619, India

Bini babu
UG Scholar
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Christian College of Engineering & Technology
Oddanchatram, Dindigul, Tamilnadu-624619, India

Jain maria
UG Scholar
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Christian College of Engineering & Technology
Oddanchatram, Dindigul, Tamilnadu-624619, India

Sherin maria sabu

UG Scholar
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Christian College of Engineering & Technology
Oddanchatram, Dindigul, Tamilnadu-624619, India

Ashly Angel
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Christian College of Engineering & Technology, Oddanchatram, Dindigul, Tamilnadu-624619, India

VANET,vehicular ad-hoc network provides a wireless communication between vehicles. It will helps the people to travel in a
safe way. In the existing system, VANET having some threats like non repudiation,access control,data trust,data verification. So
to provide data trust and node trust a new scheme is introduced called as ART, Attack Resistant Trust Management scheme .This
scheme will calculate the trustworthiness of data, also finds the malicious attacks from other devices. In our proposed work we
are extending the idea of ART,by introducing a method to provide data verification. Data verification is the process in which
different types of data are checked for accuracy and inconsistencies after data migration is done. It helps to determine whether
data was accurately translated when data is transferred from one source to another,is complete,and supports processes in the new
system. This can be implemented by using an algorithm namely, advanced encryption standard.
Keywords: VANET, ART, security, RSU


In recent years the needs for safe and efficient road transportation is increased. Vehicular ad-hoc networks providing. A safe
interoperable wireless communication among vehicles. HoweverVANET are vulnerable to some security threats like data
verification, datatrust, nodetrust, access the existing system it does not provide data verification .so this, proposed
work is an extension of ART, attack resistant trust management scheme by providing data implement this on
VANET advanced encryption standard is used. VANET provides both vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure
communication to enable more the need of data verification is an important one .data verification is a process in which
it checks different types of datas for accuracy and helps to determine whether data was accurately translated
when data is transferred from one source to another iscomplete, and supports processes in the new system. During verification,
there may be a need for a parallel run of both systems to identify areas of disparity and forestall erroneous data loss. Current trust
management are not focused on data verification. This can be applied to VANET to comprehensively improve the security of
VANET. Here AES,Advanced encryption standard used as an assumption. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section
2 includes the related works. Section 3 includes our proposed method. First we discuss about the general architecture of VANET.
The communication may be 3 types, 1.Inter-vehicle communication i.e. vehicle to vehicle communication 2.Vehicle to
roadside communication i.e. communication between roadside unit(RSU) and vehicles 3.Inter-roadside communication i.e.
communication between roadside unit and the base station.

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Secured Data Transmission Method for Van Networks

(IJSTE/ Volume 2 / Issue 10 / 026)

Fig. 1: Figure showing the three types of communications.


Wenjila Li and Houbing Song (Members of IEEE) has introduced The ART: An Attack Resistant Trust Management Scheme [5]
for securing vehicular Ad-hoc network by providing both data trust and node trust .The objective of this scheme is VANET, have
the potential to transform the way people travel through the creation of a selfinteroperable wireless communication network that
includes class, buses, traffic signals, cell phones and other devices The unique security and privacy challenges posted by
VANETs include integrity (data trust), confidentiality, non-repudiation, access control.
M. Raya, Panos Papadimitratos and, Jean-Pierre habaux describes about special issues on inter-vehicular communications [2].
They analyse about the vehicular communications which exhibits unique security challenges induced by the high speed and
sporadic connectivity of the vehicles. And the main drawbacks are secure positioning is an open problem and VC exhibits ShortLived Certification (CRLs).
M. Raya and J.P Habaux modelled about the securing vehicular networks[3]. The main bjectives that they proposed a model
that identifies the most relevant communication aspects. And they proposed another objective as a security architecture along
with the related protocols. And the Digital signatures showed to be the most suitable approach despite their seems only high
overhead and the drawbacks are existing network security solutions cannot be readily applied to VANET (due to radically
different nature of this new type of Networks).
PhilippeGolle Dan Greene, Jerrica Staddon ACM in VANET international workshop on Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (New
York, NY, USA) presented new technique for detecting and correcting malicious data in VANET [4]. This objectives are sensor
driver technique that allows nodes to detect incorrect informations and identify the nodes (or) nodes that are the sources of this
incorrect information with high probability. And the drawback is it can consist of filters based on physical laws.
Ankitha Agarwal, AditiGarg, Niharika Chaudhiri, Shivanshu Gupta, Devesh Pandey, Tumpa Roy GLNA Institute of
Technology, Mathura introduced a method for providing security on vehicular ad-hoc network [1]. In this paper, they compared
various research papers on VANET to analyse the current drawbacks and objectives in the VANET research
h with the wireless technology becoming pervasive and cheap, VANET is going to turn out to be the networking platform that
would support the future vehicular applications. And there are several drawbacks including security and performance and
several efforts are being undertaken to make a VANET reality. In future they would like to propose an algorithm that would
enhance the performance with the maintenance of the security using a light weight mechanism.
In proposed work VANETproviding data verification. Dataverification is a process in which different type of data are checked
for accuracy and inconsistencies after data migration is helps to determine whether data was accurately translated when
data is transferred from one source to another, iscomplete, and supports processes in the new system

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Secured Data Transmission Method for Van Networks

(IJSTE/ Volume 2 / Issue 10 / 026)

Fig. 2: Data verification with AES algorithm

A type of data verification is double entry and proofreading data. Proofreading data involves someone checking the data
entered against the original document. This is also time consuming and cost.
Advanced Encryption Standard
AES is a cipher approved by National Security Agency(NSA) [6].This can be used for encryption of AES it describes a
symmetric key algorithm i.esame key is used for encryption and decryption. Key size used in AES are 128,192,256.AESC is
included in ISO/IEC 18033-3 is also available in different encryption package.
Dempster-Shafer Theory
The theory of belief functions, also referred to as evidence theory or Dempter-shafer theory(DST), is a general framework for
reasoning with uncertainty, with understood connections to other frameworks such as probability, possibility and imprecise
probability theories [7].
User can connect to the server by accessing a common IP address, for ensuring this, enable the Tom cat server and Wi-Fi using a common IP address it is possible to access the application in the android mobile. Then enter the source and
destination as the inputs.Admin will check the authentication of the client and reveal the information that requested by the
client.advanced encryption standard is used to check the authentication.if the person is not authenticated then the person cant
access the AES a key is used for encryption and decryption.client can get the informations with in a range of 300 meter.
VANET is the connection between more vehicles through the wireless has some problems like non-repudiation,
access control, data trust etc. The Attack resistant trust management scheme(ART) is used to avoid this kind of problems and
also detect the malicious attack. The data trust can be avoid by the data collected and sensor from the multiple vehicles. ART is
used to check the datas are true or false. There are two types, data trust and node trust. Data trust means, traffic data trust worthy
or not. And the node trust means trust among the node.
Proposed work is an extension of ART, Attack resistant trust management schemes by providing data verification. To implement
this on VANET advanced encryption standard is used.VANET provides both vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure
communication to enable more safety. So the need of data verification is an important one. Data verification is a process in
which it checks different types of datas for accuracy and in consistencies.

Ankita Agrawal1, Aditi Garg2, Niharika Chaudhiri3, Shivanshu Gupta4, Devesh Pandey5, Tumpa Roy6 GLNA Institute of Technology, Mathura,Volume
3, Issue 1, January 2013.
M. Raya, P. Papadimitratos, I. Aad, D.jungels, and J.P. Habaux), Eviction of misbehaving and faulty nodes in vehicular networks, in IEEE Journal on
Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Vehicular Networks, vol. 25, num. 8, p. 1557-1568.
M. Raya, and J.P Habaux,Securing Vehicular ad hoc networks.
P. Golle, D. Greene, and J. Staddon, Detecting and correcting malicious data in VANET, in VANET 04: Proceedings of the 1st ACM international
workshop on Vehicular Ad hoc networks, (New York, NY, USA), pp. 2937, ACM, 2004..

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Secured Data Transmission Method for Van Networks

(IJSTE/ Volume 2 / Issue 10 / 026)

Wenjia Li, Member, IEEE, and Houbing Song, Senior Member, IEEE, ART: An Attack-Resistant Trust Management Scheme for Securing Vehicular Ad
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