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The Indian Constitution and the PANGOLIN* "Social Engineering" of the Indian Sta

te is achieving dramatic results: Caste, creed and religion are cast in the ston
e of India's grotesque Constitution. Seventy years of "Social Engineering" with
inequality under law and exceptions to the rule of law have ensured that they ar
e the very soul of the India Republic. India is country that has been at war wit
h itself ever since its grotesque constitution enshrined, castes, tribes, religi
ons, inequality under law, exceptions to the rule of law, and many nations to co
ndemn India to a perpetual state of civil war. When the Politician-Bureaucrat- J
udge-Journalist-Crony Kleptocracy are guilty of high treason on a daily basis si
nce 1947 and with impunity, a defector seems almost honest.
*Note: PANGOLIN: An enemy of India who believes in inequality under law, excepti
ons to the rule of law and persecution of some for the benefit of others. At pre
sent, the sole purpose of the Indian Republic, Constitutional or otherwise, is t
o pamper and provide for certain constitutionally preferred sections of society
who the British found useful to hold and exploit India at the cost of those who
the British hated and persecuted. The Pangolin is a creature that is unique to I
ndia and feeds on ants that are known in nature to be industrious and hard worki
ng if not quite as fruitful as bees who flee to better climes. (PANGOLIN is an a
cronym for the Periyar-Ambedkar-Nehru-Gandhi-Other (alien) Religions-Communist C
onsensus that usurped the British Mantle and has worn it with elan to loot, plun
der, and rape India since 1921 and re write History and laws to their exclusive
benefit since 1947)
The most enduring and unendearing quality of all "Democracies" like India, Germa
ny, Britain, Sweden, US etc is to never give up on failed policies. Any "learnin
g" from facts antithetical to established "four legs good, two legs bad" rhetori
c is anathema in a democracy.
The idea of reservations was implemented by the British since 1921 as part of a
comprehensive "Divide to rule" Policy. Ambedkar enlarged it to loot the resource
s of the Nation and apply them to exclusive benefit of his own community. Nehru
blessed it just as he did so many other divisive policies such as partition beca
use it helped him to capture and retain power to abuse and misuse as per his per
versions. No ideal state can be achieved when founded on trash. Rose trees do no
t bloom from Parthanium roots. Mysore is a classic example of what can happen wh
en founded on ideals and what happens when those same ideals are destroyed. Myso
re had universal primary and secondary education with health care and nutrition
and NO reservations. Gandhi called it "Rama Rajya" though His Highness Krishna R
aja Wadeyar preferred to call it "Camelot". When the British pushed "reservation
s" as part o their divide and rule policy into Mysore through the Maharaja, the
Diwan, Sir M. Vishweshwaraya who has done more for ALL the people of Mysore than
any man save Sir Mark Cubbon, resigned. The words in his resignation letter wer
e as prophetic in its way as Sir Winston's prognosis for India. "Only the very b
est competence and integrity can help raise the wretched of the earth to the sta
tus of human beings. There is no short cut. You cannot elevate the wretched and
expect them to do the work that the most talented and competent find arduous" To
day Mysore has been more thoroughly trashed than any other state of the Indian U
nion because there was so much more to trash. The proof of what he said is simpl
e. India fell to 135 out of 172 countries (and below Sub-Saharan Africa) in the
Global Human and Social Development Index (UNDP: 2015) and 143 rd out of 172 cou
ntries in internal Peace and Stability over the last 67 years. This is an India
where, in 1947, before the Kleptocracy entrenched itself, the Princely States of
Mysore, Travancore and Baroda had universal primary education, health and nutri
tion and, in 1957, the Indian Army swaggered into Korea to enforce the truce bet
ween the US and China and, as a Great Power, was offered a permanent membership
of the UN Security Council that Nehru declined in favour of China. The descendan
ts of those who were "the People of Dharma" before 1921 were turned into Third C
lass citizens by the Indian Constitution that was plagiarized from the "Divide t
o Rule" and "Keep the Indians subservient" Government of India Act (1935) and Ge

orge Orwell's "Animal Farm".

India does not have the fundamental infrastructure of equality under law and rul
e of law. India is neither a democracy nor secular except that it praises itself
so. It persecutes some, by Four legs good, two legs bad mythology based law, on t
he basis of religion, caste, tribe and so on for the benefit of others.The desce
ndants of those who were People of Dharma prior to the British turning them into
a minority faction within "Hindus" in 1921 were turned into Constitutionally Th
ird Class citizens by the Indian Republic in 1949 which confiscated their temple
s, treasures, lands, educational institutions and other commonwealth together wi
th their religious freedoms in 1959. India must first get itself a Constitution
that creates a level playing field that permits competence and integrity to deve
lop in an atmosphere of constantly rising standards and accountability. Without
this, India will remain a nation of modal mediocrity seeking that elusive chimer
a of backwardness as the sole passport to education, employment. promotion and i
So, why don't you get yourself sworn in as a "Justice" in some Indian Court or o

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