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What is Object oriented

is a programming paradigm
that focuses on using objects to
design and build application.
What is a class?
it is a template of an object.
For example, a class called animal
would give a blueprint for what an
animal looks like and what an animal
can do.
What is an object?
It is an entity that has state and
behaviour. A state is the data of an
object. The behaviour is the
functionality of the object
A simple example of an object
would be a Person. A person has a
name, colour or breed. And their
behaviour is walking.
What is a method?
a method is a set of statements
to perform a task.
What is Method Overloading?
it is a class that have multiple
method that has the same name but
different arguments.
What is a constructor?
a special method that is used
to initialized an object.
If we dont declare a
constructor in java, the compiler
builds a default constructors for that
It doesnt have a return type,
and it must have the same name as
the class with or without parameter.

What is Method Overriding?

it provides implementation of a
method that is already provided in
super class.

What is super keyword?

refers to the immediate parent
class object.
What is final keyword?
it is used to restrict the user. It
can be applied in variables and also
methods but you cannot override it.

What is polymorphism?
it is the ability of an object than
can take many forms. There are 2
types of polymorphism
Run time is done using
inheritance and interfaces
Compile time is done using
method overloading
What is abstraction?
process of hiding the
zimplementation details and showing
only the functionality to the user.
In other words user will have
the information on what the object
does instead of how it does it.
What is encapsulation?
process of wrapping
code and data in a single unit.
Use setters and getters
method to modify and view the

What is static keyword?

it can call a method or a
variable even though you didnt
instantiate In main method.

What is an interface?
it is a blueprint of class that
have static constants and abstract

What is this keyword?

it works as a reference to the
current object whose method is being

What is a package?
it is a namespace that
organizes a set of related classes or

What is inheritance?
process of obtaining data
members and methods of one class
to another class.
It represents IS-A relationship,
also known as parent-child.
In java, the class that is
inherited is called the super class.
And the new class is called subclass
What is aggregation?
it contains to have ownership
of that class.
It represents HAS-A


You declare a class by specifying class
keyword followed the class name
that you want.
You can create an object using
new keyword.
For example, Person p1 = new
Person(); , the person is the name of
the class and the p1 is the variable
name of the object.
A method needs to define
within the class.
Using the public keyword and
the return type of the method and
the method name

Does constructor return any value?

yes, that is current instance (You
cannot use return type yet it returns
a value)
Is constructor inherited?
No, constructor is not inherited.
Can you make a constructor final?
No, constructor can't be final.
What is static variable?
static variable is used to refer the
common property of all objects
What is static method?
A static method belongs to the class
rather than object of a class.
Difference between method
Overloading and Overriding.
method overloading is occurs within
the class.
Method overriding occurs in two
classes that have IS-A relationship.

Difference between abstraction and

Abstraction focuses on the outside
view of object (i.e. interface) whereas
encapsulation prevents client seeing
its inside view.
What is abstract class?
A class that is declared as abstract is
known as abstract class. It needs to
be extended and its method
implemented. It cannot be
What is difference between abstract
class and interface?
You can extends one abstract class.
You can implement interfaces.
What is exception handling?
Is to handle runtime errors.


abstract void eat()
Abstract methods are those
who need to implemented in
subclass. They are only defined in
super class but with no body.

Solution to general problems that
software developers faced during software

Factory Design Pattern

It allows you to create objects
without specifying the exact class of
object that will be created.
For example you need to
create an interface
second is create a class that
will implement the interface
third Is to create a factory to
generate object of concrete class.
Lastly, use the factory to get
the object of concrete class


MVC stands for model view
controller pattern.
Model represents the POJO. And also
it contains the business logic.
View represents the visualization of
the data
Controller controls the data flow of
model and updates the view
whenever the data changes.


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