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extremities warm; cold extremities weaken the trunk organs, including the urinary tract.

Birth control pills and spermaticides may cause cystitis.

See "Cystitis2."
ENCOURAGEMENTChrist was lifted upon the cross of Calvary, to draw all men unto Himself.
What shall we do then with Jesus? Shall we accept Him or reject Him? But more: How shall we treat
His purchased possessions, those around us? Will we do all we can to help them?

CYSTITIS2; and Irritable Bladder (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)

INFLAMMATIONCopious water drinking; Revulsive Sitz Bath, twice a day; Hot Leg Packs
followed by dry heat (Radiant Heat bath) to legs; Neutral Bath for 20-40 minutes, 2-3 times a week;
prolonged Neutral Sitz Bath; Cold Mitten Friction; Cold Towel Rub; Fomentation over bladder; Hot
Enema; Hot Pelvic Pack; Aseptic Dietary.
IRRITABLE BLADDERWith inflammation not present: Very Hot Sitz Bath for 5 minutes, followed
by Neutral Sitz Bath for 10-20 minutes. Hot Pack to pelvis, Heating Compress over perineum and
genitals, Revulsive Sitz, Hot Colonic.
CONTRAINDICATIONSDo not apply Cold Sitz Bath, Cold Full Bath, Cold Douche, or Cold
See "Cystitis1."

EDEMA (Dropsy)

SYMPTOMSSwelling of the hands, ankles, feet, face, abdomen, or other areas of the body. Swelling
is most often seen in the hands, in the feet, or around the eyes. The bloating or swelling causes muscle
aches and pains.
CAUSESEdema is a fluid accumulation in the body. It can be caused by poor kidney function,

chronic kidney disease, congestive heart disease, varicose veins, phlebitis, protein or thiamine
deficiency, sodium retention, or cancer.
Other causal factors include pregnancy, standing for long periods of time; premenstrual tension; the use
of oral contraceptives; a confining injury, such as a sprain, allergic reactions, or a bee sting.
When the skin indents, forming little pits, when the skin of the feet or ankles is pressed by a finger, the
situation is worsening. Contact a physician.
Fluid retention is sometimes caused by a food allergy. Hypothyroidism, anemia, adrenal malfunction,
constipation, and lack of exercise can be causal factors, along with deficiencies of potassium, vitamin B
complex, or vitamins B1, B3, or B6.
As soon as edema is found to exist, it is well to obtain a clear diagnosis. Once congestive heart disease,
kidney disease, or liver disease are ruled out, more subtle causes can be dealt with more easily.
If edema is caused by heart disease, then turn to that section. If it is caused by kidney
failure or other causes, then read the following.
If it is the result of protein or thiamine deficiency, the intake of either or both should be
increased. Fluid can be retained in the belly cavity because the protein content of the
blood is so low that fluid cannot be kept in the blood vessels.
If excess salt in the diet is the problem, then a very restricted salt diet should be adhered
to. (Too much salt retained by the body requires additional water to keep the salt diluted,
so it will not damage living tissue.)
Carry out a regular daily exercise program, out-of-doors. Poor circulation because of
liver or heart disease is a common cause of edema. When at rest, elevate the legs. Avoid
tight clothing, and do not cross the legs. Take hot baths twice a week. Avoid stress. Stop
eating meat. Eat more fruits and vegetables, emphasizing the raw foods.
Avoid processed and junk foods.
Increasing the vitamin B6 intake will reduce the amount of fluid retention.
Take the pulse test, to determine certain foods which do not agree with you. Then avoid
those foods.

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