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CARDIAC COMPLICATIONS, SYNCOPEHot Enema; Alternate Compress to spine.


Trunk Pack; Hot Full Bath or Hot Blanket Pack, with Heating Compress during the interval between.
CONTRAINDICATIONSAvoid cold baths of any kind, and avoid immersion of affected parts in
cold water.
- Also see preceding and next sections.
GENERAL MEASURESUse the general measures given in the two sections, just above.
INCREASE CIRCULATION in affected parts by hot Fomentations, followed by Dry cotton Pack or
Heating Compress; massage, at first derivative only (applied elsewhere to draw blood away from
afflicted part) and later to the joint itself.
CONSTIPATIONRelaxing diet; Hot Abdominal Pack; cold water drinking; abdominal massage.
HEPATIC CONGESTIONRevulsive Compress over the liver every 3 hours; Heating Compress to it
during the interval between.
GRAVELCopious water drinking and large Enema daily. (Also see "Lithema, Uric Acid Diathesis.")
MELANCHOLYVigorous Sweating Baths, followed by short Cold Douche given with percussion to
ASTHMARevulsive Douche to legs; large Enema; Prolonged Neutral Bath; Fomentation to chest
followed by the Chest Pack.
ANGINA PECTORISFomentation over heart for 1 minute followed by Cool Compress for 10
minutes, repeat; Hot Footbath or Hot Leg Pack; Ice Bag to spine; rest in bed; keep extremities very
GENERAL METHODSThe general methods to be pursued in this disease are essentially the same as
those applicable in the Uric Acid Diathesis or Lithemia section.
- If any of the following related problems exist, look them up under their respective headings:
Bronchitis, Epilepsy.

Also see "Gout1."


SYMPTOMSSwelling, tenderness, and possible redness. A dull persistent ache that increases with
movement. Immense pain in the affected area, which frequently limits motion.
It most often occurs in shoulder joint and less often in the hip joint, in the elbows, or feet.
CAUSESBursitis is the inflammation of the liquid-filled sac, called a bursa, found within joints,
muscles, tendons, and bones. These sacs normally help muscular movement occur.
Overstimulation of the bursa causes the synovial membrane to produce excess fluid. This distends the
bursa, which causes the discomfort.
Injury to the area is a common cause, but chilling of the area during the day, especially at night can also
lead to it. Bursitis can also be caused by chronic overuse, calcium deposits in the bursa wall, reactions to
certain foods or airborne allergies. In some instances, suddenly working tight muscles can do it; it is
called a stretched muscle.
According to where it is centered, bursitis has many names: housemaid's knee, tennis elbow, policeman's
heel, frozen shoulder, or beat knee.
The lowly bunion (caused by friction in tight shoes) is also a form of bursitis. A bursa sac on the joint of
the big toe becomes inflamed.
Athletes and older people are most likely to get bursitis, but it can happen to anyone at any age.
What is the difference between bursitis and tendonitis (which see)? Both produce pain in the shoulder,
Bursitis generally exhibits a dull persistent ache that increases with movement. Tendonitis causes a
sharp pain during movement, and is most likely to be caused to over-reaching for something. But it can
also be caused by calcium deposits pressing against a tendon. There is no swelling and fluid
accumulation, as with bursitis. See "Tendonitis" for more on that problem.

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