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Action Alert #3, 2016

The National YWCA of Palestine invites you to:

Commemorate and Celebrate

Qalandia Checkpoint during Ramadan 2015

Photo Credit: Ramy Abdeljabbar

Palestinians remember two dates which symbolize the tearing apart of

Palestinian society and the exile of hundreds of thousands of people.
Al Naksa, day of setback also known as the second Nakba catastrophe, is
commemorated on June 6th and refers to the expulsion of Palestinians from the
West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza during 1967. Thus, it also marks the
beginning of the Israeli military occupation. This year the occupation turns 50.
On June 5th, Israel commemorates the taking of the Old City in the aftermath of
this same six-day war.
National YWCA of Palestine

Action Alert #3, 2016

It is celebrated by both religious Zionists and ultranationalist Jews who are known
for their racist and violent attacks against Arabs. This year the Jerusalem
Municipality has tripled the budget for the March of the Flags that proudly
marches through the Muslim Quarter.
The Holy City of Jerusalem is a city of two people and three faiths. This yearly
march celebrating the unification of the city actually highlights the divisions.
This year Ramadan may start on June 6th which would make June 5th the
beginning of prayers and fasting. This means that many Muslims who desire to
come to Al Aqsa will either be restricted from coming or possibly suffer violence
on their way to prayer. Ramadan is a time which brings families together. The
Illegal Annexation Wall and restricted movement make it impossible or very
challenging for families to celebrate together.
After months of violence in the streets and a sharp increase in home demolitions
and evictions and now air strikes against Gaza again, Palestinians remember what
they lost in 1967 when 95% of the population fled to Jordan as refugees or were
pushed out of their homes to become internally displaced. They remember what
they lost and how long this occupation has continued.
We ask you this year to offer your blessings to our Muslim sisters and brothers
for a joyous Ramadan, Ramadan Kareem. We ask that you pray for Jerusalem
that all may be safe. We ask you to affirm with us the Right of Return for all
refugees including those from 1967. We ask that you work with us in breaking
down this illegal Wall. We ask that you join us in working to end this 50 year old
occupation and work for a just peace where all have security, dignity, and
One way you can join us is by supporting our various advocacy campaigns and
projects under our Peace and Justice work. We have created tools to help you tell
the story of what you have seen or what is happening to the Palestinian people
especially the women and children.

National YWCA of Palestine

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