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Weld design


A cast bencfit of usiog partial penetration welds arises nol ooly from
avoiding the nee<! to back gouge the root but also in many cases bccause tbe
joiots can be self-jiggiog siocc 00 rool gap has lO be maintained duriog
weldiog. However, a significanl drawback: of this type of weld is thal the
opportunity lO assure weld quality by non-destructive exa.m.ioatioo by
ultrasonic or radiography is effectively denied. A decision to use a partial
penelration weld, as with a fillet weld, is thercforc a recognitioo that quality
assurance will be achieved entircly by proccss control, or an acceptance that
the level of lUSurance rcquircd is lower than would be offcrcd by a fuJl
pcnetratioo weld. The minimal scope for non-dcsttuctive testiog of a partial
peoelration weld is also a souree of cost saving. It is nol unlmown for
fabricalors lO propose the use of partial peoetration welds in place of the
dcsigoed fuJl penetration welds to reduce costs: tbe costs incuned oot ooly
in settiog up, welding and inspcction but aJso tbe costs incurrcd in weld
repairs which migbt be consequent 00 the use of full non-desttuctive
The radiograph, ICe Fig. S.32, will not show the difTereoce betwcen a
souod partial penetration weld and a partial peoetration butt weld with a
centre fine crack in weld meLaI. The ultrasonic cxamination, sec Fig. S.33,
probably will not either.


~lograpnv of

partial penetratJon bun weld.

5.33 Ultrasonk: examlnation of panlaJ penetratlon but1 weld.

It has to be recogoised that the structural performance of a parcial

penetration weld will in sorne fespeets be inferior to that ofa fulI penetration
weld. This is particularly tbe case where fatigue fe js a design cntenoo.
Where low stress (britLle) fracture is of concern, steps should be taken to
assess the capabjlity of tbe weld metal, heat afTecled zone and parent metal
of tolerating the prcsence of lhe unfused land. The assumed width of the
land should allow for the possibiljty of lack of root fusiono Under any


Welded joint design


5.34 Inadmissible loading ot joinu.

loading condition the single sided partial pcnetration butl weld, as with the
single sided fillet weld, should nol be used in circumstances where the load
puts the weld root in tension, sec Fig. 5.34. The asweldcd root is an arca of
crack-like features which may not tolerate strains which the sound parent
material and weld metal will normally survive.

The edge weld

For a few special applications the cdgc weld is uscd.


Fig. 5.35.



mis is foond in sheet metal work


tlJbe 10 tube plate ioints in heat


typical welding - gas. TIa. microplasma

5.35 fdge welds.

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