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Table of Contents

Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 2
Check Previous MySQL Files .................................................................................................................... 2
Enabling Oracle Public YUM Repository .................................................................................................. 2
EPEL Repository Setup............................................................................................................................. 2
MySQL-Workbench 6.2.5 Installation ..................................................................................................... 4
MySQL-Workbench Packages .................................................................................................................. 4
MySQL Startup......................................................................................................................................... 7
MySQL Configuration .............................................................................................................................. 8
MySQL-Workbench Configuration .......................................................................................................... 9
Oracle Linux 6 Installation Link .............................................................................................................. 12

Step by step installation process to install MySQL 5.1 (fresh installation) on Oracle Linux (6.4)
Virtual Machine using YUM method
Note : MySQL 5.1 Version default installation that comes with Oracle Linux (OL 6.4)
The OS/VM connects to the internet
Bare minimum screenshots are used that means just the required part to keep going

Check Previous MySQL Files

You can check whether there are previous files already residing
First the RPMs got to be deleted followed by the below command
There will be MySQL related files under the path " \selinux\...\ ". That do not harm

Enabling Oracle Public YUM Repository

Starting from Oracle Linux 6 you already get a Oracle public YUM repository already
You just got to enable it. Below are the steps to do it if you have not done
I have Oracle Linux 6.4 so I enable for "public_ol6_u4_base" and also the latest one is

EPEL Repository Setup

EPEL repository download for MySQL-Workbench (must needed)
At the bottom of this link you see the instructions to get EPEL repository RPM package

The EPEL repository is downloaded and you can install it using the same instruction on the
link or using 'YUM'
EPEL Repository Installation :

Verify using YUM which repositories are enabled

Verify the default MySQL that comes with Oracle Linux (OL 6.4)

This is how I verified the relevant packages by a '*' mark. See the difference with '*' and
without a '*' for yourself
The 'MySQL-Bench' exists, but it is not MySQL-Workbench that we check in later steps
Agree with a 'y' for the installation and EPEL key

The 'whereis' and 'which' commands are useful for a quick check
Below you see neither MySQL-Workbench, nor MySQL-Bench got installed although we
The next step shows how to get MySQL-Workbench, install, configure and running it

MySQL-Workbench 6.2.5 Installation

Download MySQL-Workbench 6.2.5
On the above link click on ' looking for previous GA Versions ', below screens show you the

MySQL-Workbench Packages
The below packages are needed to get MySQL-Workbench working
The steps below guide you to verify them
You can have a check first and install them. All these 'i.686, devel ' are to be installed

You can have a check first and install them. All these 'i.686, devel ' are to be installed

The above one is needed too else you get error

Example for a simple install :

Install MySQL-Workbench

Verify the installation

The below steps show the errors for any missing packages when you start MySQLWorkbench. Because we installed them already the MySQL-Workbench works fine

The next error

MySQL-Workbench starts now without any problem, but you got to enter the MySQL root
password every time you start it

Note 1 : Another error for gtk2-devel package. If you get this you can resolve it with the
below package

If you get an error as the above one, then install the package 'gtk2-devel'

Note 2 : If you get any error related to " Proj " Package, you can resolve it with the below
You can have a check first and install them. All these 'i.686, devel ' are to be installed

MySQL Startup
Run the below command for securing the MySQL installation

Set a password

Remove or accept, it's your choice

MySQL Configuration
The first and foremost basic configurations for MySQL Server
Assuming the firewall is enabled, the default port 3306 is not enabled. So, this is a basic step
to make it enabled and save it
MySQL-Workbench does need it

Open the file "vi /etc/my.cnf" and add the following lines, in bind-address you should enter
the Server IP there (Static IP in my case if you have IP coming from DHCP then you ignore
this line and verify for yourself)

MySQL-Workbench Configuration
The default connection is present already, but we got to change it, right click on this

The default path for MySQL socket file is /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

Change the connection method and enter the socket file path as shown below

Change the connection mode and enter the socket file path as shown below

The below setting is the default for Linux, you select the Oracle Linux in 'System Type' for
the right settings (Note : for default Linux system type you see it is /etc/init.d/mysql start
which does allow you to start and stop on Oracle Linux )

Enter "root" password, simultaneously Click on "test connection"

That's all ! you get a working MySQL-Workbench too to play around

Oracle Linux 6 Installation Link

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