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On the afternoon of 30th June 2016, Maxwell White and Zachary Stevens were

accosted in Elizabeth Shopping Centre by Susan Bodger and Anna Garner.

The incident started when White and Stevens sat in front of a Japanese food
stall in the food court of the mall. Bodger and Garner encountered them there
and recognized Stevens as Bodger's ex-boyfriend. Stevens told White that
Bodger was his ex, and both left the area while Bodger called out for them to
come back. White and Stevens went to a different part of the mall to buy food
before returning to the food court.
Bodger and Garner encountered White and Stevens at the food court and
began to make a scene, loudly accusing Stevens of raping Bodger and
impregnating her. Bodger and Garner claimed Stevens had beat Bodger on
several occasions, at least one of which were apparently caught on tape.
Stevens said that the incident 'caught on tape' was simply him accidentally
pushing Bodger, but neither Bodger nor Garner would listen. Bodger and
Garner then turned their attentions to White in an attempt to drive a wedge
between White and Stevens, mistaking the former for the latter's girlfriend.
White explained that he was male and a platonic friend of Stevens', but Bodger
and Garner continued pressing the issue. Garner attempted to create a feeling
of camaraderie between herself and White by claiming they were both
outsiders in this conversation, but quickly returned to siding with Bodger.
Bodger and Garner spent several minutes in the food court yelling at Stevens
for being an apparent rapist, pedophile, and physical abuser, none of which
were backed by any evidence.
After White and Stevens left the food court, Bodger and Garner continued to
follow them around and outside the mall. Bodger and Garner began to verbally
attack both, targeting them for being disabled (including laughing that
Bodger's child would inherit Stevens' 'aspie' and 'retarded' genes) and for
Stevens' sexual orientation and White's transsexualism. Specifically, Bodger
and Garner spent several minutes ridiculing White's gender, accusing him of
transitioning as a way of dealing with being an 'ugly' girl with 'small tits' and
being a 'Tumblr girl' who 'thinks she's an animal'. This continued until White
and Stevens reached the Elizabeth Interchange.
At the interchange, Bodger and Garner claimed they were going to make a
phone call to the police. They claimed Stevens was 'known' to the police and
'on file', and that by calling them they could get him arrested. Bodger then
acted as if she were making a call, though neither White nor Stevens believe a
call was actually made. Bodger and Garner made a scene out of Bodger's
apparent call, following White and Stevens onto the train as it arrived and
talking at a loud volume about Stevens being an abusive rapist. White and
Stevens went to the furthest end of the train to avoid Bodger and Garner.
While on the train, Stevens suggested that White call one of his parents to pick
them up when they got to the Salisbury Interchange. White attempted to call
his mother several times before the phone was picked up, but she was far from
home and couldn't detour to the interchange. White eventually succeeded in
calling his father and asking him to pick him up while the train embarked at
Salisbury Interchange. As all four people left the train, Bodger continued
making a scene in an apparent call to the police about being raped and

White had to call his father several times due to poor call quality as all four
people involved arrived at the interchange. During the time they were waiting
for White's father, Bodger and Garner continued yelling about how Stevens was
an abusive rapist and White was a girl in love with him. White eventually asked
Bodger and Garner if they thought he and Stevens were 'stupid', to which they
responded in the affirmative. Aside from that, White and Stevens mostly
ignored Bodger and Garner.
In the knowledge that White's father was coming to pick him and Stevens up,
Bodger and Garner claimed they were going to take down the license plate and
inform the police that White and Stevens were living together. White and
Stevens talked to themselves about how neither believed that was actually how
calling the police worked, and came to the conclusion Bodger never contacted
the police. White continued calling his father when his car never arrived at the
car park and realized he was in a different car park.
While White and Stevens walked across the interchange to find the correct car
park, Bodger and Garner followed. As neither knew White's name, they referred
to him as 'Miss Green Day' in reference to the Green Day shirt he was wearing
while yelling at him that he was associating with a rapist. White was distressed
by this and said to Stevens that he was considering burning the Green Day
shirt as a symbol of the stress he was getting from Bodger and Garner's verbal
attacks. Bodger and Garner continued claiming that they were going to record
the license plate of White's father's car and laughing that White was leading
them directly to it, even though they were following him.
White and Stevens eventually arrived at the correct car. In response, Bodger
and Garner claimed they were recording the plate, though there is no evidence
to suggest they actually did so. Both spotted a police car in the general vicinity,
a common sight at Salisbury Interchange, and chased after it in what they
claimed was an attempt to report Stevens' presence as he and White left the

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