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Creative Movement Activity: Science

Title of Lesson: Molecule Madness

Grade Level: Third grade
Time Required: 10-15 minutes
Citation: Teaching the Three Rs Through Creative Movement Experiences
by Anne Green Gilbert Page 200-201 # 4
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills:
Core Subject TEKS: 112.14. Science, Grade 3.
(5) Matter and energy. The student knows that matter has measurable
physical properties and those properties determine how matter is classified,
changed, and used. The student is expected to:
(B) Describe and classify samples of matter as solids, liquids, and gases and
demonstrate that solids have a definite shape and that liquids and gases
take the shape of their container
P.E. TEKS: 116.5. Physical Education, Grade 3.
(7) Social development. The student develops positive self-management and
social skills needed to work independently and with others in physical
activity settings. The student is expected to:
(A) Follow rules, procedures, and etiquette

Identify a location with enough space for a class of 25 students to

separate into 4 groups of 5 students, each with at least arms-length
space in between each group. The students should have enough room
to move around within their groups, without interfering with the other
groups (examples: middle of classroom, gym, auditorium, or hallway).
A set of cards with pictures of objects that identify as either a solid,
liquid, or gas for the students to create the formations of the molecules
within the objects in their relative shapes.

Learning Objectives:
Objective 1: The student will be able to define the states of matter (solid,
liquid, and gas).

Objective 2: The student will classify the pictured objects into the categories
of the states of matter.
Objective 3: The student will create the formation of molecules in the
different states of matter based on their understanding of the definitions.
Objective 4: The student will implement the rules the teacher explained
before beginning the activity.
Elements of Creative Movement:

Space: The student will be able to use general space to make the
formations of molecules within their groups.
Movement: The student will be utilizing the locomotor movement of
walking to change the formation of their bodies with their other group
Body: The student will use their bodies to make different shapes to
match the pictured objects.
Space: The student will use different levels to match that of the objects
on the cards.

Instructions/ Procedures:

The teacher will ask the students to form a group of 5 students,

without talking, within 10 seconds of the teacher counting.
o The student will find 4 other students to create a group of 5
without talking, in a timely manner.
The teacher will introduce the Science-based activity as Molecule
Madness involving the states of matter. The teacher will then ask the
students to identify the three states of matter.
o The students will respond with the answers: solid, liquid and gas.
The teacher will either define each of the states of matter for the
students if this material has not yet been covered or ask the students
for the definitions if the teacher believes the students have that prior
o The students will either listen to the teachers definitions of the
states of matter or respond with their own definitions based on
their personal understanding.
The teacher will then explain that each student will transform into a
molecule and be required to use their knowledge and understanding of
the definitions of the states of matter in order to create the formation
of the molecules inside a solid, liquid, and gas with their group

members. The teacher will remind the students that throughout the
activity, they should respect their other group members by not using
any parts of their body to harm others.
o The students will listen to the expectations of the activity and
ask any questions for clarification.
The teacher will ask the students to first create the formation of the
molecules within a solid with their group.
o The students will create a formation they believe matches the
definition of the molecules within solids.
The teacher will ensure the students formations generally match the
definition of the formation of molecules within solids. The teacher will
provide encouragement and suggestions for the groups that may not
have fully understood the definitions.
o The students will make any necessary changes to their
formations in order to better fit the definition of the formation of
molecules within solids.
The teacher will then ask the students to create the formation of the
molecules within a liquid and then a gas to ensure the students have a
firm understanding of these states of matter before continuing.
o The students will create the formations of molecules with their
other group members based on their understanding of the
definitions of liquid and gas.
The teacher will then ask the students to create the formation of the
molecules within the objects pictured.
o The students will decide which state of matter the object is
embodying and then create the formation of the molecules that
would match the state and the shape of the object.
The teacher will continue to show pictures of different objects for the
students to identify the state of until the students seem to have a solid
understanding of the states of matter.
o The students will continue to identify the correct state of matter
each of the objects classify with and accordingly create the
formation of the molecules within the shape of the objects.
The teacher will end the activity by reviewing the three states of
matter and their definitions to ensure the students understand the
learning objectives of the activity.
o The students will respond to the teacher by identifying the three
states of matter and their corresponding definitions, which will
reveal if they truly attained the objectives of the activity.
The teacher will complement the students for respecting their other
group members by not using any parts of their body to harm others.

The teacher will then ask the students to return to their seats to
continue with the next part of the schedule.
o The students will return to their seats quickly and quietly to
begin the next activity in their daily schedule.

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