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nij cultivation was the process of growing indigo in which the british forced India to grow it.

a)In this system of cultivation the planters produced indigo in the lands that he controlled directly.
b)He either bought the land or rented it from the zamindars.
c)Under nij cultivation the cultivator grew indigo by employing hired laborers.

http://wiki. Because it is highly addictive, opium production is

restricted and cultivation of the plants from which it is obtained is
prohibited by most nations under an international
Cornwallis is remembered by the Indians primarily for the significant
reforms affected by him in the field of land and land- revenue.
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None of the systems introduced by Warren Hastings was found suitable.

Further, under the prevalent system peasants were ill- treated and
oppressed, also the cultivation suffered most.
Cornwallis with a view to doing away with the evils of the prevalent
system introduced his famous Permanent Settlement. Under the new
system the revenue collector of an estate became its owner as well.
'Zamindar' as he was called also gained hereditary rights over the land
and could sell it if necessary. But the zamindar was required to pay a
fixed amount of money to the government on a stipulated date before the
Failure to pay the money would deprive the zamindar of his rights on
land which would be put to fresh auction. The Permanent Settlement
was first introduced in Bengal and Bihar in 1793.
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xzz22gbGIaJ3In order to get a stable revenue income, most of
the East India Companys officials believed that investment in
land had to be encouraged and agriculture had to be improved.
Debates on how this was to be done led to the introduction of
the Permanent Settlement in 1793. The aim of this settlement
was to ensure a regular flow of revenue for the Company. As
per the settlement, rajas and taluqdars were recognised

as zamindars . They were asked to collect rent from the

peasants and pay revenue to the Company. The amount to be
paid was fixed permanently and it was not to be increased ever
in the future. The Company believed that as the revenue
amount was fixed, the zamindars would benefit by investing in
land improvement, which would in turn lead to increased
production. If the zamindars failed to pay the revenue, which
they usually did as the fixed revenue was very high, they lost
their zamindari . What was the Ryotwari Settlement ? What was the Mahalwari Settlement ?
What was the impact of the new revenue policy introduced by the British ?

a. Ryotwari Settlement:
Realizing the disadvantages of the
Permanent Settlement was also due to
administrative difficulties the East India
Company introduced settlement in other
parts of India which were quite different
from the line adopted in Bengal, Bihar and
In the Deccan, for example, new land
settlement was introduced which came to
be known as the Ryotwari Settlement.
In this system settlement of land was
directly made between the government
and the ryot, i.e., the cultivators or

Moreover, in the ryotwari settlement the

revenue was fixed for a period of thirty
years, and not on a permanent basis as
was in the case of the Permanent
b. Mahalwari Settlement:
In some parts of northern India yet
another type of settlement called
Mahahvari system was introduced by the
Under the system settlement was made
with a group of villages called mahals.
That is to say, instead of individual ryot or
zamindar the government entered into
settlement with mahals, under the
subordination of the landlords called
c.The Impact:
The new revenue system introduced by
the English affected the socio-economic
structure of the Indian society in various

First, recognition of the individual

ownership on land created two types of
land-owning classes, namely, the
zamindars and the peasant-proprietors.
Second, the inequality of wealth between
these two classes resulted in growing
poverty in the society.
Third, under all the new settlements, be it
ryotwari or mahahvari, it was the peasants
who were the worst sufferers.
Fourth, since land had become a saleable
property land-holders were often
compelled to dispose of their property to
meet the revenue demand of the
Fifth, it may be mentioned that the new
revenue policy gave rise to new landowners who became the collaborators of
the British administration in India

Posted by arpit.tt1999...(student), 1 week, 3 days ago

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