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CDF Student Name: Sarah Callihan, Wright State University

Client Name: Matt*

Client Age: 26
Source: Friend
Session #1- Intake Session with Client
Background Data
The client is a 26- year old single Caucasian male. He received an Associates degree in
Informational Systems Engineering and also has certificates in Desktop Support Technician and
Technical Support Assistant from National College in 2012. Prior to this he was homeschooled
by his mom from 3rd grade through high school. The client has worked in many different areas of
customer service and tech support since graduating. While working in these areas, the client
realized that he does not want to have a career in either one of these but does not know what he
would be successful as a profession. Currently he works at an office conducting customer service
and clerical work in the area where he has been for 6 months as a temporary employee and a
month as a full time employee.
The client was raised in a two-parent household in the Dayton area. Both parents have
blue-collar jobs working at a hospital. He is also an only child.
The client works full-time five days a week in which he calls clients and answers phone
calls about the various programs that his office offers. Our first session took place in a study area
on Wright States main campus. During this first meeting, the CDF student explained the process

of what each session was going to entail and an approximate length of time for these meetings.
The CDF student also had the client read over and sign the release form per the instructors
request as well. The client was relaxed, jovial and interested in the aspects of each assessment
that was outlined. He seemed a little stressed which he said was due to the fact that he was going
to be assessed at work in order to transition from a temporary employee to being full-time. He
said that while he does not want to work in customer service, it is a job and will help pay his bills
while he job searches for something that he is has an interest and experience in doing so. When
asked what triggered his wanting a change in career paths, he said that he had many ideas for
things he wanted to be doing for example, starting a business or family counseling and wanted to
see what was needed in order to get into these programs. The client was worried that he was not
going to be able to find anything that he would be successful in and would be stuck in
customer service forever. He was forthcoming with explaining that he had worked in areas of
customer service from amusement parks to temp work to working in a factory.
Narrative Summary of Session #1
The client was fairly quiet and reserved during this session which could be attributed to
his not knowing what to expect from these meetings. Although the first meeting was to gather
background information on the client, he felt the need to discuss all of his previous employment
experiences. This proved to be useful so that the CDF student could ascertain where the clients
skillset could be based on the employment opportunities that they gravitated towards through
their professional life. It also seemed to explain how the clients mind worked because as we
were talking he kept mentioning different business ideas that he had that if he could find an
opportunity to create them he would be all set and would never have to talk to another annoyed

client again. He was adamant that he had to get away from being in customer service and that
any help given would be greatly appreciated.
The problem that the client was facing was that despite his desire to have more creative
pursuits for careers, he gravitated towards customer service because that is what his educational
experience had prepared him for. He was tired of not being able to be creative and do my own
thing in regards of his career. The CDF discussed with the client how all of his experiences and
being trained as a leader at several companies shows his leadership skills and his ability to step
up and be someone that his fellow coworkers could look at to explain procedures and policies.
All of the clients professional experiences were in customer experience except for a brief
stint working at a factory. During this time, he was trained to be a team lead for period of time
until he decided that it had placed too much stress on him. His professional experience also
included telemarketing and he only described that experience as horrible. His other experience
showed that he had attention to detail, while working as a banquet set-up employee. The client
mentioned that he what he wants to do above anything else is to either entertain or help people
which he does in his free time.
He is highly skilled in customer service and tech support while also being skilled in
helping others in any way he could possibly help. He talked about how much he needed help and
wanted to know how I was going to be able to help. I told him that I am not a counselor but as a
CDF student I can help him by giving him assessments, explaining the results and making
recommendations based on these results.
Overall impressions

My impression of the client is the he is intelligent, well-mannered, jovial and candid. He

presents himself in a relaxed but formal way. Despite his despising of customer service, he takes
pride in his work as well as the charitable work that he does on the side. The client was very
interested and relatively excited about taking the assessments because as I explained what they
measure he found it fascinating. He believed that these could really help him with his job search
and any future plans he makes.

Session #2-Administration of Assessments

On October 16, 2015, the CDF student met with the client to administer the following
assessments: Hollands Self-Directed Search and Supers Work Values Inventory. Separately the
client also took the TypeFocus assessment in order to obtain his Jungian type. The client was told
that the assessments would take no longer than an hour to go through. It was also discussed that
the CDF student would be scoring the assessments and that the results would be discussed in the
next session. The client agreed to have the TypeFocus assessment completed by the next session
and finished the Self-Directed Search and Work Values Inventory within the hour-long session.
Instruments Assessed
The following assessments were conducted with the client.
John Holland Self-Directed Search.
The John Holland Self-Directed Search is an eleven page booklet. This instrument
assesses fit and which careers match the code. The full booklet was provided to the client. At the
end of the booklet, one receives their Holland Code which consists of at least three letters, but
there can be a tie. The letters are Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and

Conventional. The client as told about the four different areas that the Holland Search would be
divided into: Activities, Competencies, Occupations and Self-Estimates. He was directed to
choose like or dislike that he liked or disliked doing, yes or no for the items that he was
interested in and to choose a number from 1 to 7 in the self-estimates based on where he saw his
skill level.
Type Focus is a web-based program that Wright State utilizes in order to find a persons
Jungian type. The client was instructed on how to access the instrument and what it measured.
He was also shown what he could do with his results if he wanted to prior to our last session.
Work-Values Inventory
Supers work-values inventory is an instrument of forty-five items that assesses which
values people consider the most or least important for their work. It was explained to the client
that he was to complete the first two pages and that for each question, they were to choose from
5 being most important to 1 being less important on a Likert scale. They were told that they
needed to return this assessment for scoring and that the results would be discussed at our final

Session #3- Interpretation of Assessment Results

On October 18, 2015, the CDF student met with the client to discuss the results of the
three assessments that they took as a part of these sessions. The CDF student explained the
results in the following order: TypeFocus, Holland Self-Directed Search and Work-Values
Inventory. The client was given a brief overview of what their results were. Next, his TypeFocus

indicator results were discussed, then this segued into what their Holland Code indicated and
what occupations matched this code. Finally their work-values were discussed and how they
coincided with what the other two assessments showed.
Summary of Assessment Results
The results confirmed the clients interests in creativity, helping others, and that he is best
at work that makes a difference. They also showed that the client is artistic but also conventional
in that he has to have a routine and a method to his creativity. The results also showed that he has
dissatisfaction in entrepreneur type characteristics. Table 1 shows a summary of the assessment
Table 1-Assessment results


Holland Self-directed

Supers Work-Values


Artistic (25), Social

Top Values


(24), Conventional

1. Surroundings (13)


(21), Enterprising

2. Way of Life (13)

Feeling and

(16), Investigative

3. Independence (13)


(10), Realistic (6)

Bottom values
(Artistic, Social,

1. Intellectual


stimulation (4)
2. Management (6)
3. Achievement;
Variety (7)

Typefocus results
The first assessment that the client conducted was the Typefocus indicator which is an
online instrument provided by Wright State. The Typefocus indicated a code of INFP which
means Introverted, Intuition, Feeling and Perceptive. Due to the clients professional background
and personal interests, this code fits with his personality. INFPs are creative individuals who
need their work to mean something. Along with this indicator, his interests were conventional,
social and artistic. This further proves what was observed and discussed in prior sessions as that
he enjoys working with data and a routine but also is in contrast with his indicator because he is
introverted but also enjoys being around people. This just shows that he is a true introvert in that
he needs to recharge after being around people.
John Holland Self-Directed Search
This assessment indicated that the client had a Holland Code of ASC: artistic, social and
conventional. Since the client discussed his creative pursuits outside of his professional life, he
scored high on the artistic level (25) and because he enjoys being around other people he scored
high on the social level (24). His customer service and office skills presented in a high
conventional score (21). The client felt that these sufficiently indicated how he presents himself
to the outside world but also shows that his interests do not coincide with the type of
employment he gravitated towards. When the client was shown the Occupations Finder, he did
not agree with what ASC stated were his ideal careers: Police Artist, Instrumental musician and
singing messenger. The optional codes of SCA and SAC indicated that his occupations were

going to be anything under the Social category. Based on the occupations explored, I directed the
client towards the O*Net database for further research.
Work-values inventory
The assessment results in the inventory that the client took further validated his typefocus
and Holland code results. His top three work-values were his surroundings, way of life and
independence all with a score of 13. This is in congruence with what was discussed with the
client about their interests and what the other assessment instruments reported. His bottom values
were Intellectual Stimulation (4), management (6) and achievement and variety (7). This does
not line up with his Holland Code or Typefocus because those indicated that he enjoyed a variety
of different tasks and being creative. However they did agree with how he described his ideal job
during our first session with it being worthwhile, not having to answer to anybody and allowing
him to be comfortable with whatever he is doing.
Client Strengths and Barriers/ Long-term and Short-term goals.
The clients intellect, motivation to do better and make a difference, office skills and
creativity are all characteristics that going forward from his assessment results are going to ideal
for his job search. There are a couple barriers that could potentially come to fruition. These are
that he would like to do something completely different than he is currently doing but is not
willing to consider more education. Another barrier is that he is concerned that if he did want to
pursue a 4-year degree that his credits from National College would not transfer as they are
accredited differently than many of the institutions in the area.
The clients short-term goals are to continue job searching using the experience that he
does have, which is another potential barrier since the only professional experience he has is in

customer service, and to continue his creative endeavors in the hopes that he is able to obtain
worthwhile experiences in those areas. His long-term goals are to create a list of pros and cons in
order to ascertain whether furthering his education is in his best interest. Also he is going to look
into gaining professional experience using his creativity and business ideas. In order to overcome
these barriers and succeed at his goals, the client needs to learn how to ask for help, when help is
given; pay attention to what they are shown and use his creativity to network with professionals
in the field that he wants to gain access in to.
Client reactions to results
Before explaining his results, the client was asked about any progress that they may have
had in their job search. The client indicated that at the moment it was on the back burner as they
were made a full-time employee and wanted to focus on that for now.
While discussing the results, the client was excited about learning what his type indicator
and Holland code meant. When the CDF student broke down what each letter of INFP meant in
terms of personality and professional life, the client expressed surprise and agreed with
everything. He was surprised in the introversion because he self-identified as social and
outgoing. However when explained what introversion meant, he indicated the he understood
more about why he was higher on that score than on the extraversion side. His Holland Code of
ASC was not a surprise to him however he had a little difficulty comprehending how he could be
Artistic and likes to bend the rules but also be Conventional and has to have a routine and a
guide to how things need to be accomplished. By discussing his work-values, the client said that
they made sense because in order for him to accomplish anything work wise he has to be
comfortable in his surroundings, and has to be left alone or allowed some leeway in working on
his own on projects. He also indicated that his lower work-values were consistent because he

does not like to have to think about why something is the way it is in order to get anything done
and he does not like to be in charge. This is because he does not like conflict so he would not like
to be in management. The CDF student concluded the final session by showing the client how by
utilizing his type indicator and Holland Code he could find more occupational ideas through
O*Net. The client was very motivated to begin conducting research on his own into what could
come next for him and his career.
1. Since the client was very open and interested in the process of taking assessments and
discussing career options, the first recommendation would be to review the findings presented to
them and to formulate any ideas about what they could pursue to be successful.
2. The client is highly creative and has business ideas for potential pursuits. A recommendation
could be for him to find a way to combine these characteristics into a business plan and then
research what would be necessary in terms of experience or education in order to follow through
with the plan.
3. The client has an Associates Degree in a field that he does not want to pursue any future
career in so a recommendation is that he make a list of those careers that he finds most
interesting. With this list, he should pay attention to those that require more education and make
a list of pros and cons in order to decide if he should pursue a certificate program or a 4-year
The client is highly motivated and intelligent. He is completely capable of accomplishing
all of his goals. The client knows what is effective and what does not work in terms of his career
plans and knows what his strengths and weaknesses are; in order for him to be successful he

needs to improve on all of these concerns. The assessments and results were given to him as a
way to encourage him on his job search.
Student reaction
The client and I are very similar in personality and demeanor so I can sympathize with
his frustrations in terms of what to do about his career. Because of these commonalities, I feel
that I was effective in providing assistance to him. While we were similar in personality, I feel as
if I am more motivated to make the changes necessary to be successful in my fiend whereas the
client remained adamant about not wanting to change his lifestyle. At times, I felt as if he was
wanting me to counsel him on his choices and I was aware of this and did not cross the line
between counseling him and assisting him with these assessment and providing guidance on
where his career path could lead.
My biggest contribution was the ability to empathize with the client on his frustrations in
not being able to find a job or career based on his interests. I was also able to provide assistance
with his search in that he is now aware of places that he could go to locate jobs or occupations.
When the final session was finished, the client seemed more relaxed and less frustrated after
learning about how he could use the O*net and other job sites based on his characteristics. I was
happy to help and proud of the work that the client completed with these assessments. I am glad
that I was able to be a part of his career plans and future endeavors.

Class Consultation Handout


Client: A 26 year old Caucasian male. He lives with his parents in the area. The client also has an
Associates degree in Information Systems Engineering. Currently he works at a large office
conducting customer service inquiries and clerical work.
The dilemma: The client has decided after working at a variety of customer service and tech
support offices that he does not want to work in this career field. He is stressed and concerned
that he would not be able to find an occupation in which he would be successful. He has applied
at many different positions focused on his interests and experiences. The client was just made
full-time from being a temporary assignment.
Table 1-Assessment results


Holland Self-directed

Supers Work-Values


Artistic (25), Social

Top Values


(24), Conventional

1. Surroundings (13)


(21), Enterprising

2. Way of Life (13)

Feeling and

(16), Investigative

3. Independence (13)


(10), Realistic (6)

Bottom values
1. Intellectual

(Artistic, Social,

stimulation (4)


2. Management (6)
3. Achievement;
Variety (7)


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