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The 7 ways of training and developing individuals in the organization,
according to M.L. Jucutan are as follows:
1. Management must have clear vision, mission, objectives, and
strategies for the individuals to follow I order to attain success.
Without clarity, there is confusion and disorderliness. It is very important to
be focused on the goals you want to achieve. Determine the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and treats (SWOT) that are within and outside of
your business firm.
Plans can be initiated short-term to capitalize on the strengths and
immediate utilization of people and skills. Plans can be subsequently
implemented to achieve long-term goals by maximizing strengths, improving on
weaknesses, expanding opportunities through further research, and adapting
new processes.
2. Management must initiate tactical plans and processes that
can be easily understood by individuals in the organization. There
should be step by step guidelines and processes to follow for the
achievement of clear-cut goals. Tactical plans include the allocation of
resources, time, money, equipment and location, as well as setting up
schedules for continuous training and development of individuals in the
3. There are personal factors that can contribute to gaining
power from individuals. These are simple things such as liking you
for your wit, friendliness, good looks, and being well-dressed. This
should not be confused with respect. Respect comes from credibility.
Its an important personal base of power. If individuals look at you as a
person with integrity, competence and skills and with an open mind and
genuine concern for them, they will follow you without any condition.
Competence and skills can be reflected in the knowledge that you bring to
the group. If you consistently provide mentorship, show that you are up-todate with current learning credentials, individuals will look up to you the
respect for your perseverance and commitment to higher learning. They
would aspire to be like you, to learn from you and to follow you. There is
always room for continuous improvement and development.
4. When you are truthful and honest with your personnel, even
with regards criticism that is given in an openly caring manner, your
subordinates will respect your desire for telling the truth, even if
involves a painful process. Some managers may choose to avoid
confrontation and avoid certain issues, but this does not help the personnel

face the problem. They must face and learn from it and improve themselves.
5. Managers should sincerely want their personnel to succeed
and grow. It would help to monitor their growth and development, and share
feedback that they can work on to improve themselves. Encourage them to
attend training and development programs. Be considerate and provide
enough time and space for their adoption to a new learning curve and the
development of new skills. Allow room for mistakes, and keep reprisals in
private. Communicate with personnel regularly. Thank them for a job well
done. Motivated individuals who are happy to come to work will not hesitate
to do the best work they can for someone they like and respect.
6. Make it clear to everyone that you have an open-door policy as
far as your office is concerned. They are always welcome to bring out
ideas with you, ask questions, solicit help, and seek advice. Show them that
you are always available to extend such assistance, and get them the best
help whenever needed. If individuals are constantly engaged with how best to
perform their work, effective teamwork, cooperation, loyalty and dedication
will result.
7. Managers may become mentors. As an alternative, managers may
organize a cross-training and development programs to be handled by junior
staff with senior personnel to train and develop individuals in the

(Salvador & Geronimo, Essentials of Human Behavior and Organization, 2010)

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