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Complete parts A-D before the presentation/event, and then parts E

implementation. Use this outline as a guide for developing all programs and
presentations. The questions in each section are designed to help you in the
development process. You must answer all of the questions listed, but if you
feel there is other important information please include that as well.
Event:MC2- Teen Presentation

Topic: Presentation 1- Sleep &

Event Date: May 12th 9:00- 10:00 a.m.

Location: MC2
149 Emerald Street Keene

Intern Name(s): Stephanie Macleay and Andrea Cropley
Team Leader:

Stephanie Macleay

Preceptor: Whitney

Person responsible for writing the COP: Stephanie MacLeay

1. Identify site contact: Chris OReily 603-283-0844,
2. Identify population
a) Gender: Mixed
b) Age: 14-18 years
c) Education level: High School
d) Number of participants: 40 participants
3. How was topic determined (Did you speak with anyone about the group? Did
you get to observe the setting and participants beforehand? If so, describe the
participants and any other pertinent information (i.e. if in a classroom, observe
classroom management techniques).
Two weeks prior to the presentation I met with Chris at MC2. After
speaking with him we decided the first class would be more of a
general nutrition overview also touching upon sleep and hydration. The
second class will be more focused on mindfulness/self care/nutrition.
Many of the students are kinesthetic learners so the more hands on
and interactive the better. He said they do well working in small

groups. I briefly observed a class while viewing the presentation space

and for the most part all the students seemed very well behaved
although the room is a little tight on space. There is however movable
section dividers in the middle of the classroom to expand the room to a
larger area if need be. He also requested a description blurb for each
class so the students can read it before hand as well as potentially
having their regular teacher address the topic before hand in class.
a) Other programs recently presented:
b) What the audience knows: Every Tuesday & Thursday for those
students who do not have an internship they have guest speakers come
in and talk from a variety of different fields & topics. They have had
some nutrition/ wellness classes although it is unclear how indepth the
knowledge is.
c) What the audience wants to know - what is relevant: They are interested
in learning about nutrition and how it relates to their overall health in
conjunction with sleep, hydration and mindfulness/stress reduction.
d) Evaluate health literacy - and other cultural issues: All students have a
basic reading, science and math comprehension. When looking on the
school's website they also have a wellness policy that requires every
student to develop a wellness portfolio that must include components
of nutrition & education, food choices that maximize health and wellbeing, physical activity and the ability to assess health problems &
manage chronic medical conditions.
4. Setting - tour of facility
a) Room size and set up (diagram)

Entry Way

Presentation Screen

Entry Way

20-30 chairs
20 students sitting on floor

Movable White Boards



Tables with Chairs


b) Presentation resources

Availability of food prep area: Some tables

in the back for food prep. No kitchen facility. Some plugs
available but would need extension cords.

AV resources - space available for visual

teaching aids:
Powerpoint available as long as it is on
google docs so that it is apple friendly. No access for PC.
5. Day of week/ time of day for presentation: May 12th & 19ths from 9:00
a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
6. Duration:
a) Attention span: 10 minutes
b) Conflict with other activities for population: School allows students to
use cell phones and technology in class and you cannot ask them to put
it away as the school is trying to empower them to make their own
7. Marketing potential - whose responsibility: MC2
8. Budget
a) Will there be a charge: No
b) Funds to cover supplies: $20.00 from KSC Available (None used for
this presentation)
c) Cost of marketing: None
9. Best way/time to reach site contact for future plans: Chris OReily 603-2830844,
10. Write a community group focused PES statement based on your assessment.
Food and nutrition-related knowledge deficit related to lack of prior
nutrition- related education as evidence by the audience's topic request
general nutrition overview class with sleep & hydration and mindfully
eating/ self care nutrition classes.
C. RESEARCH AND PLANNING (how, who, and when the process of your
1. Meeting Dates

Dates scheduled for planning and who will attend.
4/21- Stephanie & Chris initial introduction/ overview
4/26- Andrea & Stephanie Initial Planning Meeting
5/2- Check in Meeting
5/3 - Send 7-Day Materials
5/5- 7-Day with Whitney

Evaluation meeting scheduled for: Directly after

presentations 4/12
(Usually held directly after presentation but may be scheduled for
2. Based on the results of the needs assessment, what did you do
to prepare?
After my initial meeting with Chris, Andrea and I met to figure out a rough
outline for both presentations. We then divided up the work and
researched each of our own sections as necessary.
3. How did you go about the development process? Who was
Andrea & I were equally involved in the development process. We started
our developing with a phone conference. During our phone conversation,
we developed an outline and equally distributed sections of the outline to
research. As the team leader I wrote the COP and Andrea developed the
handout. We reviewed each other's work and made final adjustments
before sending it in for our 7-day meeting.
4. What resources did you use? Why did you choose them and how
did you find them? Relate back to your assessment section.
We used basic nutrition textbooks from our undergraduate as well as
other online resources.
1. Mahan, L. (2012). Krause's food & the nutrition care process (13th ed., pp.
1131-1164). St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Saunders.
D. DEVELOPMENT (what the outcome of your planning and
1. Measurable Learning Objectives:
a. Participants will be able to create a personal goal for staying hydrated.
b. Participants will be able to create a personal goal for getting enough

Outline of presentation:
Describe all components of the program or material, and the team member
responsible for them. Include descriptions of the content, learning activities,
food activities, visuals, education materials and evaluation
methods/materials. (May attach as separate document.)
Please See Attached Document
2. Describe how your presentation addresses different learning styles:
Auditory: Verbal Presentation
Visual: Google Docs. Presentation, Handout , Goal
Setting, Osmosis Video, 90-Minute Rule Video, Screens & Sleep
Kinesthetic: Sleep Log Activity, Water tasting
List ways that you included multiple intelligences in your
Linguistic Intelligence through our presentation following along with
lecturers spoken words. Handout provides visual pictures with
written text.
Interpersonal Intelligence through our goal setting for sleep &
hydration as well as the small group discussions for challenges &
3. Explain how your planned evaluation method will show whether your learning
objectives were met.
The first objective will be met through the hydration goal setting activity.
The second objective will be met through the sleep goal setting activity.
4. What problems did you encounter in the development process?
No problems so far.
Complete sections E after the presentation/event is complete.
1. For a program or presentation, describe objectively what happened the day of the
presentation, using examples. Include any last minute changes to the planned
setting, audience, number of participants.
On the day of the presentation we arrived a half hour before hand to
set up. Chris O'Reilly allowed us to use his computer for our google
presentation and set it up to display on the monitor in the community
room. The setting was as expected however, there were over 40
participants and many of them were sitting on the floor. Halfway through

the presentation had to make extra copies of the handouts and

2. Did the presentation go as planned? Reflect on what went well?
Overall the presentation went as expected however we had too
much content and because of this we went way over on our time limit of
an hour. For this presentation our first group discussion and icebreaker
went really well. The content was visually appealing and we got lots of
questions as the presentation went on. Having the pee-bottles was a great
way to demonstrate dehydration. I also liked our sleep questionnaire as
this was a good way for the students to objectively recognize if they were
or were not getting enough sleep.
3. How did the audience react to the presentation? Summarize and comment on
preceptor feedback.
Overall I think the audience reacted well to the presentation and they
were all able to learn and take away new information. However since our
presentation was so long it was clear that we started to lose the attention
span of some participants. The activities were also cut short and because
of this I do not feel that our objectives were met as well as they could
have been. I also feel like it is important to mention that many of the
students are already working in their internship/ jobs and some are even
starting college the following semester. Because of this I think it is really
important to watch your tone of voice and make sure that you are
speaking to them as adults. The school is very big on self empowerment
and having them make their own choices and decisions. Therefore the
more you can get them problem solve and make their own choices the
better your presentation will go.
4. How well did the audience grasp your objectives? What would you do
differently/the same the next time - or what would you change if you had more
time? How effective do you feel your program/material was for the target audience?
Differently: Since we were short on time many of our activities were
shorter than what we wanted so it was unclear if our objectives were met.
However based on the responses and questions from the participants, I
feel that many students were able to take away new information about the
importance of sleep and hydration. If we could do it differently we would
take the osmosis video out as this was too detailed and ate up a lot of
time. We would also take out some of the content and make sure to have
a window of 5 minutes for each small group discussion and activity. When
initially planning the presentation it was difficult to gauge how much time
to leave for the discussion and activities which is a large part of why we
were so over on time. I think our activities were awesome except for the

fact we didnt have enough time. Next time I would especially make sure
to prioritize the activities over the content. I also feel that one topic
would have been enough material for one presentation.
5. Recommendations for future Interns:
Bring a watch or a timer with you to make sure that you are staying on
task. Also if you are running short on time cut content versus activities
because majority of the students are kinesthetic learners therefore this
type of learning should be prioritized. Many students were also their cell
phones however you cannot ask them put them away. This is just
something you have to deal with so make sure your presentation is fun
and engaging so they are not tempted to get distracted by technology.
6. Financial Report:

Cost of Development: (Includes: labor for preparing the

project, food cost for testing the food activity; please note that labor costs
include hours worked by ALL team members)
Labor ($25/hour):
Stephanie: 17 hours
Andrea: 26 hours
Total Hours= 43 * 25/hour = $1,075

Cost of Presenting: (Includes: labor, food, flip charts ($28),

see following link for cost of copies, and other supplies)
Labor ($25/hour): 2 Interns for 1.5 hour = 75 Dollars
Copies: 2 Handouts * 55 Copies = 110 copies * $0.04/copy = $ 4.40
Food: n/a
Other supplies and costs: n/a

Overall costs:


Within one week of the presentation, provide internship preceptor with a completed
COP, Presentation Evaluation form, Handout(s), a Team Leader Report, and PDE if
completed by an outside supervisor. (PDE required for sites with 2 presentations or
>32 hours). Attach a copy of the materials, PowerPoint, and any handouts/resources
used for the presentation.

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