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Pot au feu
Boiled beef, pork and chicken with vegetables
What is Pot au feu?
It is a traditional family recipe which is usually served in autumn or winter. It is also a
simple, provincial dish made from boiling beef, marrow bone, and vegetables together
in a pot.
To prepare this dish you need the following ingredients:
4 lb beef
4 lb pork
4lb chicken
Vegetable garnish: 10 carrots, 2 onions, 6 turnips, 6 leeks
Vegetable stock: 3 carrots, 3 onions, 2 celery stalks, herb bouquet with parsley
sprigs, thyme, bay leaf, garlic cloves, peppercorns.
3 cans of beef stock and water
Method of preparation:
1. Firstly, you have to pierce the onions of the vegetable stock with cloves. Then
you have to put the beef in a kettle with the vegetable stock, the herb bouquet.
After that cover with beef stock and water and cook over moderate heat, bring to
the simmer and skim. Cover 2/3 of the kettle and simmer slowly for 1 hour.
2. Then add the pork and chicken and bring back to the simmer and skim. After
having done that, simmer for 1 hour and a half over moderate heat.
3. Prepare vegetable garnish: peel a quarter carrots and turnips. Then peel some
4. Finally, add vegetable garnish. Bring back to the simmer again. Then add
seasoning if necessary. Simmer over moderate heat for 2 hours more.
How to serve
Reheat before serving.
You can serve Pot au feu with potatoes.

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