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The Post- W W I I Wo rld :

Modern Times Research Project

Working in groups* you and your partner will be responsible for researching and presenting your topic to the
class in a presentation that will consist of: 1) Posted Wiki notes with visuals, and 2) Some form of visuals
(either through PPT or poster) highlighting one area in your reading to focus on (i.e. Vietnam War or the
Palestinian and Israeli Crisis).

You MUS T cover the pertinent information (as it is all AP Test material), in order to do this be sure to check
the AP Course packet that you received at the beginning of term 1!

Chap te r 38 Bip ola r Wo rld ( 1063- 1090)

1 - T h e F o r m a tio n o f t h e Bipolar W o rld (1 0 63-1 0 7 7 )
The Cold War in Europe, The Berlin Airlift, The Korean War, Cuba - The Bay of Pigs and The Cuban Missile
Crisis, Domestic Containment and Female Liberation, Black Nationalism and Civil Rights, Cold War
Consumerism, The Space Race, Peaceful Coexistence.
2 - C h allenges to t h e S up erp o we r Heg e m o n y (1 0 7 7 -1 0 8 4 )
France under de Gaulle, Yugoslavia, De-Stalinization, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Prague, China, An Era of
Cooperation and The Demise of Dtente, The Vietnam Conflict, Soviets in Afghanistan, Counterculture
Protests, Watergate.
3 - T h e E nd o f t h e C old War (10 8 4-1 0 9 0 )
Revolutions in Eastern and Central Europe, Moscows Legacies and Gorbachevs Impact, Collapse of the USSR
Gorbachevs Reforms and Perestroika and Glasnost, A Future Without Divisions.

Chap te r 39 T he End of Em pire ( 1095- 112 6)

4 - I ndepend enc e in Asia (10 9 5 -1 1 0 6 )
The Coming of Self-Rule, Conflict Between India and Pakistan, Struggles in Vietnam, The Geneva Conference
and Partial Independence, Arab Independence, Palestine and Israel, Egypt and Arab Nationalism and the Suez
5 - Decolo niz atio n in A frica (1 1 0 7 -1 1 13)
France in Africa, Algeria, Growth of African Nationalism, African Independence, Ghana, Anticolonial
Rebellion in Kenya, Communism and Democracy in Asia.
6 - After I nd epend enc e: Lo ng-T e r m S t r uggles in t h e Po s tc olo nial E r a (1 1 13-1 1 1 2 7 )
Maos China The Cultural Revolution, Dengs Revolution, Tiananmen (tank man), Indian Democracy, Islamic
Resurgence in Southwest Asia and North Africa The Iranian Revolution, the Iran-Iraq War, Mexico,
Argentina, Juan Peron and Evita, Guatemala and Nicaragua, Economic Dependency, War and Peace in SubSaharan Africa South Africa and Apartheid, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Developing Economies.

Chap te r 40 A Wo rld Witho ut Bo rd e r s ( 11 3 1- 1 165)

7 - T h e Global Ec o n o my (1 131-1 138 )
Free Trade, GATT and WTO, Global Corporations, Economic Growth in Asia Japan, The Little Tigers, The Rise
of China, Perils of the New Economy, The European Union, OPEC, ASEAN, NAFTA, Globalization and Its
8 - C r o s s-C ult u r al Exc h ang es and Global C o m m u nicatio n s (1 138-1 1 4 2)
Global Barbie Sara vs Barbie, Barbie in Japan, Pan-American Culture, Preeminence of the English Language,
Adaptations of Technology.
9 - Global Pr oblems (1 1 4 2-1 1 5 6 )
Population Pressures and Environmental Degradation - The Planets Carrying Capacity, Environmental Impact,
Population Control, Economic Inequities The Causes of Poverty, Labor Servitude, Trafficking, Global Diseases
HIV/AIDS, Aids in Africa, Global Terrorism 9/11, War in Afghanistan and Iraq, Nongovernmental
Organizations, The United Nations, Human Rights.
1 0 - C r o s sing Bo u nd aries (1 1 5 6 -1 1 6 5 )
Feminism and Equal Rights, Gender Equality in China, Domesticity and Abuse, Women Leaders, Migration
Internal Migration, Urbanization, External Migration, Migrant Communities, Mass Tourism and its Effects.

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