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12th International Conference on Internet, Law & Politics


Barcelona, 7-8 July 2016

NOTE: Presentations will be either in English or Spanish, as the title appears in this programme. On Thursday 7thJuly,
simultaneous translations will be provided for all presentations held in Auditorium-Sala gora.

Thursday, 7 July
9:00 - Accreditations
9:30 - Inauguration
Josep A. Planell Estany. President of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).
Ana Mara Delgado Garca. Dean of the Faculty of Law & Political Science, Universitat Oberta de
Catalunya (UOC).
Ferran Tarradellas. Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Barcelona.
10:00 - Keynote speech. The future of European Contract Law in the light of the European
Commissions proposals for Directives on digital content and on-line sales.
Prof. Hugh Beale. QC FBA, Professor of Law, University of Warwick; Visiting Professor and Senior Research
Fellow at Harris Manchester College, Oxford. (Modera: Miquel Peguera)
11:00 - Coffee break
11:20 - Communications on Digital Single Market and e-Commerce (Modera: Blanca Torrubia)

The role of geoblocking in the internet legal landscape. Marketa Trimble, Samuel S. Lionel Professor of
Intellectual Property Law at William S. Boyd School of Law, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Hardwiring Privacy in the European Digital Space. Lee Bygrave, Professor, Norwegian Research
Center for Computers and Law.
El derecho exclusivo de autor a controlar la publicidad y las ofertas de venta de sus obras.
Impacto en la construccin del mercado nico digital. Antoni Rub Puig, Profesor de Derecho Civil
de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Las propuestas de la Comisin sobre reglas contractuales en el suministro de contenidos
digitales y ventas en lnea: conformidad, remedios y ejercicio de los remedios. Rosa Mil Rafel,
Investigadora Juan de la Cierva-Incorporacin de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Centro de Estudios de Consumo.

12:30 - Keynote speech. Copyright law for a digital single market: how far are we from achieving it?
Prof. Raquel Xalabarder. Professor of Intellectual Property, Law and Political Science Department,
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). (Modera: Maria Juli)
13:30 Lunch break

15:00 Parallel sessions

Auditorium (gora)
Communications on Intellectual Property
(Modera: Raquel Xalabarder)
The Transfer of Computer-Aided Design Files in the Era of
3D Printing: Trademark Infringement under the Current
European Framework. Viola Elam, LL.M. Researcher at the
European University Institute, Florence.
Digital do-it-yourself fabrication practices and legal
challenges. Elena Falletti, Lecturer in Private Comparative
Law at Carlo Cattaneo-LIUC University, Italy; Wouter
Tebbens, Researcher in commons-based technologies and
president at the Free Knowledge Institute, Amsterdam.
When copyright hurts innovation: comparing Google
Books cases in the U.S. and France. Kasper Drewski,
Ph.D. Researcher at the European University Institute,

Beta Room (No translation provided in this room)

Communications on E-government
(Modera: Agust Cerrillo)
Gestin de la innovacin en organizaciones pblicas: el
open data en el frontispicio del open government. Adrin
Vicente Paos, Diputaci de Valncia; Servicio de
Transparencia y Gobierno Abierto.
La asimtrica regulacin de los derechos de terceros en los
procedimientos de acceso y de reutilizacin de la
informacin pblica. Leonor Rams Ramos, Profesora
Contratada - Doctora de Derecho Administrativo
(acreditada a Titular de Universidad) en la Universidad Rey
Juan Carlos.
La colaboracin del sector privado en los servicios
pblicos digitales europeas de identificacin electrnica.
Ignacio Alamillo Domingo, Abogado y auditor. Colaborador
docente de la UOC.

Judge-made copyright digital exhaustion: the mysteries of

the doctrine. Marta Joanna Czeladzka (LL.M) Ph.D.
Candidate, Faculty of Law and Administration, University
of Warsaw.
Mediacin, propiedad intelectual y piratera digital.
Carmen Corral, Grado en Derecho y Postgrado en
Mediacin (UOC).

16:15 Coffee break

16:45 - Keynote speech (videoconference). GDPR: Un modelo europeo de privacidad
Ricard Martnez. Responsable del Servicio de Transparencia en la Diputaci de Valncia. Experto en
privacidad. (Modera: Mnica Vilasau)
17:45 Parallel sessions
Auditorium (gora)
Communications on Privacy & Data Protection
(Modera: Mnica Vilasau)
Evaluating and addressing the impact of big data on legal
frameworks. Hans Lammerant, PhD researcher, Vrije
Universiteit Brussel, LSTS.
El derecho de portabilidad de datos personales (DPD).
Algunas cuestiones pendientes de definicin. Agustn
Pedro Allende Larreta, Abogado. Profesor, Universidad de
Buenos Aires (UBA) y Universidad Argentina de la
Empresa (UADE), Argentina.
Mandating portability as a strategy to achieve
interoperability between on-line platforms: pros & cons.
Begoa Gonzalez Otero, Academic Dean EU Business
School Munich; Affiliated Researcher Instituto de Derecho
Industrial (IDIUS).
The tale and the vision for a Data Transparency Lab.
Nikolaos Laoutaris, Senior Researcher Telefnica / Data
Transparency Lab.
De la muestra biolgica al dato gentico y viceversa.
Natalia Wilson Aponte, Becaria predoctoral de la
Universitat de Girona; Albert Ruda Gonzlez, Profesor
agregado de Derecho Civil de la Universitat de Girona.

18:45 End of the first day

Beta Room (No translation provided in this room)

Communications on Cybercrime
(Modera: Josep M. Tamarit)
The European Commission and security governance: the
role of a policy shaper in the fight against cybercrime. Ana
Paula Brando, Assistant Professor of International
Relations, University of Minho, Portugal; Researcher of the
Political Science Research Centre (CICP).
Use of big data and the prediction of organized crime.
Javier Valls-Prieto, Senior lecture in Criminal Law of the
University of Granada Juan Gmez-Romero, Research Fellow
in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence of the
University of Granada.
Nuevas tecnologas aplicadas a la investigacin penal: el
registro de equipos informticos. Inmaculada LpezBarajas Perea, Profesora Titular Acreditada de Derecho
Procesal, Universidad Nacional de Educacin a Distancia.
Difamacin en 140 caracteres (o menos): la
responsabilidad civil por las lesiones al derecho al honor
Profesor agregado de Derecho civil de la Universitat de

Friday, 8 July
(No translation provided)
9:00 Accreditations
9:30 - Communications on New Political Parties & Cyber-activism (Modera : Rosa Borge)

Structural Conditions for Citizen Deliberation: A Conceptual Scheme for the Assessment of
New Parties. Maria Haberer, Doctoral Student, IN3, UOC; Ismael Pea-Lopez, Lecturer at the School of
Law and Political Science, UOC.

What is technopolitics? A conceptual scheme for understanding politics in the digital age. Can
Kurban, Doctoral Student, New School for Social Research, New York; Ismael Pea-Lopez, Lecturer at the
School of Law and Political Science, UOC; Maria Haberer, Doctoral Student, IN3, UOC.

Online primaries and intra-party democracy: candidate selection processes in Podemos and
the Five Star movement. Blint Mikola, PhD Candidate, Doctoral School of Political Science, Public
Policy and International Relations, Central European University (CEU), Budapest.

Europeanization and left-wing populism in southern Europe: the case of Podemos. Juan Roch
Gonzlez, Phd Candidate in Political Science at Freie Universitt Berlin.

10:30 - Keynote speech. The Democratic Interface: Communication and Organizational Change in
Movements and Parties (Modera : Rosa Borge)
Prof. Lance Bennett. Professor of Political Science and Ruddick C. Lawrence Professor of Communication,
University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
11:30 - Coffee break
12:00 - Parallel sessions
Auditorium (gora)
Communications on New Media, Citizens & Public
Opinion (Modera: Joan Balcells)
Fragmented audiences, fragmented voters? Carolina
Galais Gonzlez, Postdoctoral researcher, UOC; Ana Sofia
Cardenal Izquierdo, Full professor, UOC.
Trust in political institutions: Stability of measurement
model in Europe. Lluis Coromina, University of Girona;
Edurne Bartolom Peral, University of Deusto.
Audience brokers and news discoverers: the role of new
media in the digital news domain. Slvia Maj-Vzquez,
Ana S. Cardenal, UOCIN3; Oleguer Sagarra, Pol Colomer,
Facultat de Fsica, Universitat de Barcelona.
Digital skills and gender gaps in Europe. Jos Luis
Martnez-Cantos, Postdoctoral Researcher, Internet
Interdisciplinary Institute, Universitat Oberta de

Beta Room
Communications on Privacy & Data Protection
(Modera: David Martnez)
La lista de deudores en la reforma de la ley general
tributaria. una cuestin de transparencia? Unai
Aberasturi Gorrio, Profesor de Derecho Administrativo
de la Universidad del Pas Vasco-Euskal Herriko
El control de las comunicaciones electrnicas de los
trabajadores: dilogos entre la jurisdiccin social y la
penal. Arnzazu Roldn Martnez Profesora de Derecho
del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social, Universidad Europea
de Madrid.
Privacidad desde el diseo y deber de informacin.
Mara Arias Pou, Doctora en Derecho. Profesora en la
Universidad Europea Directora de ARIAS POU Abogados
Seudonimizacin de datos en el entorno sanitario. Abel
Lozoya de Diego, Investigador del Departamento de
Informtica; Dra. Mara Teresa Villalba de Benito,
Profesora titular de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informticos;
Dra. Mara Arias Pou, Profesora del Departamento de
Derecho, Universidad Europea de Madrid.

13:00 - Keynote speech. Towards a future proof legal framework for digital privacy in Europe
Cline Deswarte. Policy Officer, European Commission. Directorate General for Communication,
Networks, Content and Technology.
(Modera: Pere Fabra )
14:00 - Closing speech
Pastora Martnez. Vice-President of Globalization and Cooperation, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
14:15 - End of the Conference

Organized by:

Estudis de Dret i Cincia Poltica

With the collaboration of:

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