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Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder Time Management Skills

Information on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:
It is the most difficult to understand of any psychiatric illness
Find themselves repeating the behaviour over and over again, it is unable for them
to stop this behaviour.
Common forms are; checking locks, stoves, and lights, or recurrent intrusive
thoughts of hurting oneself or ones children.
They have this type of anxiety that there can not control.
It is the most difficult problem to have OCD because it will get into family
members to understand this.
Genetic: OCD can result of changes in your own body, it is a natural chemistry or
Environment: environmental factors have such an infections that are suggested
as triggers for OCD.
Complications of people who live with OCD:
Hard to work, school, or social activities
Troubled relationships
Overall poor life
Anxiety disorder
Eating disorders
Suicidal thoughts and behaviour
Alcohol or other substance abuse
Hand washing or not wanting to touch anything thinking its contaminated or dirty
irregular sleeping habits due to worry
two person behaviours
constant washing of clothes and brushing teeth
they believe they have bad thoughts
having low self-esteem makes their OCD worse
may begin to drink alcohol to cope
may start smoking
know their OCD is illogical but dont know how to stop their compulsive


To undo someone perceived wrong action.

Two techniques are systematic desensitization involves exposing the client to
ever increasing anxiety provoking stimuli and Flooding allows the patient to face
the most anxiety-provoking situation
Exposing the client to this either techniques without increased coping skills that
can lead to a result in relapse and possible harm to the client.
Relaxation techniques; imagery, breathing skills, and muscle relaxation.
Saturation and Thought- Stopping.
Through this clients is directed to do nothing but to think of one obsessional
thought (eg. 10-15 minutes). Over numbers of days (eg. 3-5 days).
Thought- Stopping, individual learns how to halt obsessive thoughts through
proper identification.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is used to teach how to change perceptions of the
person with OCD on what they are doing and correct their irregular behaviour.

Fear of contamination or dirt

Having things in orderly and symmetrical
Aggressive or horrific thoughts about harming yourself
Unwanted thoughts of aggression, or sexual or religious subjects
Examples of obsession signs;
Fear of shaking hands or being touched by anyone
Doubts about turning off the lights and stove
Intense stress when object arent in orderly
Images of hurting yourself or someone else
Thoughts about shouting
Triggers obsessions
Distress about unpleasant sexual images

Compulsion Symptoms:

Washing and cleaning

Demanding reassurances
Following a strict routine
Examples of compulsion signs;
Hand washing until your skin becomes raw
Checking doors repeatedly to make sure theyre locked, plus the
Silently repeating a prayer, word or phrase
Arranging you canned goods are faced the same way
This worsen when you experience more stress throughout your life

1st; Tricyclic Antidepressant Clomipramine (Anafranil)

SSRI class that act selectively on the reuptake of serotonin, a neurotransmitter
Neuroimaging studies have begun to disclose the underlying pathophysiology of
The area of the brain functions abnormally is directly to the next area that relate to
tic disorders such as Tourettes Syndrome and Attention Deficit Disorder.
Most children will have Rheumatic Fever and develop Sydinhams Chorea
Antibiotics early infectious illness
Most medicine will take 50- 80% or more
Causes in Risk Factors:
Family History: Having parents or other family members with the disorder that
can increase the risk of your OCD.
Stressful life events: Experienced traumatic or stressful events or tends to react
too strongly to stress, can increase.
Boys: Young males are more likely than females to start experiencing OCD as
Youth: 65% of people with OCD develop it before the age of 25. Only 15% of
people develop it after the age of 35.
Youth with OCD:

May fear germs, AIDS, or contaminated food

Coping with his/her feelings
Develop rituals behavior gets repeated
Adolescents will soon be feelings shame and embarrassment about their OCD
naw or bite things around them

Client Research Female

Genogram/ Family Tree Any family members

Find out her patterns/ routines on each day
Minimize amount of time for each task
Find out coping skills to deal with every task that is complete

Identify triggers (that it helps them realizing that it is coping strategies

for other stresses)
Group Factors:
Gender Females
Age Youth 18 years old
Group size 3 to 5 ( small group)
Client Group Our client group has obsessive compulsive disorder. Clients
characteristics and needs is to help overcoming the compulsive thoughts in her
mind that make her do undesirable rituals.
Rationale/Vision for Life Skill Chosen (how it will benefit them during the future)
Time Management Skill They learn how to minimize their impulse
control so they have better understanding how to complete each tasks with a
small amount of time.
Session length Each session will be one or two weeks long depending on each
session. it will go on for two hours long on tuesday and thursday for each group
session. They will have time to understand and participate in each session.
Frequency of sessions:
Session 1 Tuesday and Thursday (Make a genogram) Two classes for one week
long, the length of this session will be 2 hours long each day.
Session 2 Tuesday and Thursday ( Identify Triggers) Two classes for one week long,
the length of this session will be 2 hours long each day.
Session 3 Tuesday and Thursday ( Diagram) Two classes for one week, the length
of this session will be 2 hours long each day.
Session 4 Tuesday and Thursday (CYW Help) Two classes for two weeks, the length
of this session will be 2 hours long each day.
Session5 Tuesday and Thursday ( Coping Skills) Two classes for two weeks, the
length of the session will be 2 hours long each day.

Information on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder also known as OCD is an obsession that is unwanted
and unpleasant thought, image or urge that repeatedly enters a person's mind,
causing feelings of anxiety, disgust or unease. The compulsion is a behaviour or
mental act that someone feels they need to carry out to temporarily unpleasant
feelings brought on by the obsessive thought.

For example, someone with a fear of their house being burgled may feel they need
to check all the windows and doors are locked several times before they can leave
the house.
OCD symptoms can range from mild to severe. Some people with OCD may spend
an hour or so a day engaged in obsessive-compulsive thinking and behaviour, but
for others the condition can completely take over their life.

Introduction within the Program

Two truths and a Lie

Rainstorm Game
This is a good calm down game that gets everybody ready to listen to a talk. It is
good for all ages and lasts about 10-15 minutes. Have everyone sit in a large circle
facing inward. Then have one of the leaders explain that they should do whatever
he/she does when he/she passes them. Then they should keep on doing this action
until the leader passes them again with a different action. Emphasis this activity
must be done quietly. The leader starts off by going around the circle snapping
his/her fingers. Then she rubs her hands together. Then he/she claps her hands.
Then he/she stomps her feet. After that, it goes back to clapping hands, then to
rubbing of hands, to snapping, and finally to silence. That was a rainstorm, which
has helped everyone to be quiet.
Fruit Game
This is a fun icebreaker for all ages and lasts about 10-15 minutes. Have the large
group form a circle with their chairs facing inward. Have everyone go around and
state a fruit. Tell them to remember their fruit name and that nobody can choose
the same fruit. Then choose one volunteer from the audience and remove his chair.
Hand a towel or rag to the volunteer. He is the person who is it. He must tag any
person that is standing up before he/she sits back down in his/her chair. The way
the game works is the person who is it calls out a fruit. Then the person who chose
that fruit stands up and states his fruit and another fruit before sitting back down in
their seat. Then the new fruit stands up and states her fruit name and another fruit
name and so on. These people must say their fruit name, another fruit name, and
sit down before the person who is it tags them with the towel. If the person gets
tagged before he/she sits down then they are the new person that is it. The one
rule is that the person who is it cannot attempt to hurt anybody or throw the towel.
If people start memorizing the people with the fruit names then it is time to stop the


Program and Session Goals

Program Intro Goal Enable patients with OCD to be able to use time
management skills taught in program on how to decrease OCD symptoms so they
are able to live the healthier and normal lives they desire.

Long Term Goal: Decrease amount of time it takes to do different tasks.

Short Term Goal: They will identify family patterns, traces of OCD and
reason of OCD
Session 1: Make a genogram with them to see if there are any patterns in
their family and to help them learn more about themselves and how their
family can impact their life.
Questions And answered
Conclusion with clients

Short Term Goal: Identifying triggers?

Session 2: To identify triggers, the client will write down the things that
drive them to their impulsive tendencies that causes an elongation of time
to do a task. (eg. -my OCD is triggered to clean after I have an argument
with my mother.)

Short Term Goal: They will be able to identify them by trying to figure out
how their routines looks for everyday.
Session 3: Use a diagram to show the different areas of how long it takes
them to do a task, overall day.

Short Term Goals: Trying to reduce the amount of time they take in a task.
Session 4: With the accountability of a CYW or staff, work on minimizing
amount of time it takes to complete a task each time it is being done.
For example; 4 hours to shower, the next time we take off ten minutes and
continue on from there.

Short Term Goal: Finding coping skills to deal with every task that is
complete within the routine.
Session 5: Use safe talk in positive and encouraging language; set mental
limits to achieve when triggered to decrease impulsive reaction.
Program Closure Goal: At end of sessions patients should feel they are able to take
the learned life skill and use it to decrease their OCD triggers and rituals so they are
able to live a happy and normal life.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a disorder that affects their daily tasks and
changes how they believe they need to do them. It is the most difficult to understand of

any psychiatric illness. They tend to get compulsions that make them wash their hands and
personal items constantly, causes irrational anxiety, and makes it difficult for them to build
healthy relationships, and their brain tells them their OCD rituals and behaviours are illogical but
are unable to stop their compulsions. OCD can be either genetics- is passed down through your
family in a natural chemistry or in the brain; or environmental that causes triggers of OCD to
occur. The treatment for OCD is

Ice breakers: Fun larger group icebreakers

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