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Some think that these environmental problems are too big for

individuals to be solved, while others think that individuals cannot

solve these environmental problems unless governments make
some action. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
CONSIDER IT AS WRONG . SEE Discuss both views >> you must
discuss the BENEFITS of each view first before arriving at your

Some people have the view that environmental problems need more
responsibility than individuals can take. Others see that individuals cannot
tackle these dilemmas without governments help. While I think that both
have their arguments for and against, it is true that many entities SINGLE
INDIVIDUALS/ CITIZENS/RESIDENTS WILL have the ability to mitigate these
issues if governments are involved. >> I like the way you give opinion,
really nice because it shows you are really thoughtful , but not this
Firstly, it is crucial that AS CITIZENS OF THE GLOBE, we recognise the
problems that are present; deforestation, mass extinction, ozone depletion
and much MANY more. These issues are serious, and it is no doubt that no
individuals can deal with these ISSUES/THREATS/MENACES quandaries. If
many are involved, they can be (ENTIRELY = totally) eradicated using doing
small things such as avoiding disposable products, using green products and
so on. In other words, one cannot solve these concerns alone; it needs many
to completely finish= CARRY THROUGH the task.
Secondly, proper cooperation between people and authorities can
result in excellent consequences. Authorities can take important steps ;for
instance banning hunting of vulnerable and endangered animals, logging
activities, encouraging the use of green products and more. Also, the laws
should be made understood for illiterate people. It should be abided by
INDIVIDUALS = people everywhere. Solar energy must be used, and biogasoline must be launched in order to promote awareness. (This idea is not
appropriate, why solar power & biogasoline must be used? And Is it rational
to release an article of law to enhance people wareness toward

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environmental issues?) >> I SEE THIS IDEA IS OK, AS IT IS THE ACTIONS THE
In conclusion, I believe that the idea = CONCEPT/PROPOSAL/ SCHEME/
INITIATIVE that the people and the authorities should cooperate to take note
of oncoming and present issues of the environment is a reasonable and good
idea that has many arguments for and against.
Task response: 4 (inappropriate format)
Coherence and cohesion: 5
Lexical resource: 7
Grammatical range and accuracy: 7

People have different views about how to tackle environmental problems. While
some people disagree with the idea of individuals helping to solve environmental
problems, I believe that resolving environmental issues should be the responsibility
not only of governments and organizations, but also of individuals.
Some global issues such as global warming, air and water pollution and the loss of
biodiversity definitely require government intervention. These issues are so
enormous that there is simply no way to adequately address these problems
without strong commitments from the governments of different countries. The
Kyoto protocol, which was adopted in 1997 with the participation of 84 different
countries to put a restriction on greenhouse-gas emissions, is an excellent example
of how important international cooperation is in dealing with environmental issues.
Nowadays, this protocol continues to have a world-wide effect on protecting
On the other hand, I believe that there are many actions an individual can take to
help reduce environmental problems. Firstly, instead of driving a car, a person can

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take the public transport, ride his bicycle, or walk to help reduce carbon emissions,
which would reduce air pollution and global warming. Secondly, turning lights off
before leaving a room can save a lot of energy produced by burning fossil fuels like
coal and oil. For instance, Earth Hour is such a great global event that millions of
people all over the world join in annually with the hope that their action of turning
lights off for one hour can make a great impact on the planet. Finally, sorting out
and recycling paper can decrease the rate of deforestation, protecting foreststhe
lungs of Mother Earth.
In conclusion, there are good reasons why major environmental problems should
mainly rely on governmental and international efforts, but in my opinion the
combination of individual and governmental actions would make a greater impact
on the environment.

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